Chapter 45 I am Iron Man
At the moment of the explosion, Scott shrunk himself and improved his mass with superhuman reflexes, minimizing the impact of the air wave.Because of this, he came under the glove first, lifting the glove over his head like an ant carrying food.

Thanos hid behind the wreckage of the building to avoid the air wave, and found that the glove was being moved by Scott at a not slow speed. He stepped forward, stepped on the glove on the sole of his foot, and was about to possess it to pick it up.

Thor took Milimure from Steve, threw his storm ax full of lightning, and hammered Thanos with Milimure.Thanos only had time to dodge the ax blade sideways, and was hit right by Thorna Munimir who was following behind the Storm Axe.

Thor's eyes lit up with blue light, and the electric current from Minemill paralyzed Thanos for a moment.With one free hand, he made a move towards the Storm Axe, and the Tomahawk attacked Thanos from behind.

Thanos did the same trick again, enduring the electric shock to catch the storm axe, and smashed Thor with the blunt end of the axe, getting rid of the pain of the electric current.

He had just grasped the glove on the ground, and Carol had recovered from the air wave with Thor's help. His hands were wrapped in materialized energy visible to the naked eye, and he punched Thanos continuously.

The two characters who are both at the peak of strength punch each other, and Carol even has the advantage.Thanos deliberately sold a loophole to expose the glove within Carol's reach. Before she got it, he grabbed the Storm Tomahawk on the ground, and it was Carol who almost got the glove and flew away with a hammer.

Thanos threw the storm battle ax that surrendered to the enemy for the third time mercilessly on the ground, and Thanos finally put on his gloves without being disturbed.

Half of the shield flew crookedly, but finally hit Thanos' face accurately.Half of Steve's face was covered in blood, and he barely stood up and maintained his standing posture.Thanos' attention was attracted for a moment.

And at this very moment, Carol flew back again, firmly grasping the thumb and middle finger of Thanos' gloved hand with both hands.Invoking the power of the glove requires clenching a fist, and Thanos cannot use the power of the glove after controlling these two fingers.

On the one hand, Thanos had to endure the pain caused by the six gems, and on the other hand, no matter how hard he made a fist, he couldn't make a fist because of Carol's obstruction.

He hit Carroll again and again with his spare legs, his left hand and even his head.This time Carol learned how to not show off her flying ability, her feet were firmly planted on the ground, and Thanos' attack couldn't even shake her hair.

Seeing that his gloved hand was about to have his fingers snapped off by Carol, Thanos was half-kneeled under Carol's pressure. He raised his head and saw the power gem on the glove at the position of his index finger.Regardless of the damage to his body caused by direct use of the gem, Thanos snapped off the power gem from his glove and held it in the palm of his left hand, punching Carol with a fist.

Facing the invincible power of the original cosmic stone in the movie universe, Carol could no longer contend this time, and before he even had time to react, he was blown away by the power of the purple power gem.

After solving the most difficult Carol, Thanos put the power gem back on the glove, and the six gems gathered together again, and the energy current raged, even destroying the armor on his shoulders.

At this moment, Tony grabbed Thanos' hand tightly, and his fingers were separated again.When one person falls, two stand up.At times like this, the willpower of the Avengers is so close to Steve's old friend Hydra.

Thanos was so annoyed by the continuous obstacles, he struggled twice and failed to pull his hand out of Tony's hand, so he simply raised his left hand that was still in pain after using the power gem and punched Tony.

After Tony received this punch, he felt as if he was being hit, but also seemed to use his strength to distance himself, and flew a long way.

"Time and time again, I've had enough of you guys. But it's finally over." Thanos tightened his loose gloves and looked at his palm, "I am destiny."

He snapped his fingers.

There was a crisp metal collision sound.But unlike the previous snapping of fingers, this time, nothing seemed to happen?
Thanos looked at the back of his hand in amazement, unexpectedly, the six gems were no longer there!He raised his head suddenly and looked at Tony who had just been beaten into the air.

The glove was made by Tony, and the moment it was lifted the glove transferred the gem to Tony's suit at Friday's command.At this moment, under the operation of nanomachines, six gems "climbed" onto the back of Tony's right hand.

Tony endured the energy impact of the gemstone, and the metal steel armor turned into coke: "I, yes"

Tony's painful expression gradually stabilized, as if he had decided on something, or gave up on something, and snapped his fingers: "...Iron Man."

The moment when the power of the six gems was fully exerted, it sounded like thunder. The mighty power of the original universe stone spread from the wreckage of the Avengers headquarters on the earth to the end of the universe, and even to the other side of time and space.

Five years ago, Thanos snapped his fingers in 2018, and half of the world's life died unnaturally.

In the world five years later, unnatural death occurred again.The difference is that this time it is the turn of the 2014 guests.

The rocket, which no army looked down upon, was about to be swallowed by a Leviathan. The moment it landed, the Leviathan was smashed into a cloud of fly ash, and the rocket survived.

The Wakanda army watched the troops fighting with them gradually fly into ashes, knowing that the battle was over.

A piece of the wreckage of Temple Two that Steve was holding was reduced to fly ash.Not only Thanos' troops, everything that Thanos brought is gradually disappearing.

Among the four Obsidians, only Ebony Maw survived the battle and was staggering towards Thanos. Before he could speak, he stretched out his hand and disappeared from Thanos' gaze.

Thanos was speechless for a long time, walked silently to his throne in the wreckage of Temple No. [-], and sat down slowly like an old man.Looking at his army alone and devastated, he silently turned into ashes.

Tony supported Steve's shoulders, coughed and sat down on the ground, leaning against the "A" plaque of the Avengers, his face pale.Half of his body where he snapped his fingers has been destroyed by the power of the universe stone.

Rhodes, Pepper Pepper, and Peter landed in front of Tony one after another.

Rhodes knew what would happen to ordinary people snapping their fingers with gems, so he didn't say anything, just bent down and looked at Tony, and smiled.Tony returned a forced smile.

This is the tacit understanding between their friends.Sometimes, words don't have to be spoken in order for the other party to understand.

"Mr. Stark?" The helmet of the battle suit was opened, and Peter ran to Stark's body, holding his weakly bowed head, "Hey Mr. Stark, can you hear me? I'm Peter."

Tony was almost unable to speak, and his eyes slowly looked at Peter.

"We won, Mr. Stark. We won, we won." Peter also realized something, and as he spoke, the corners of his eyes were a little wet, and his voice was trembling, "We won, sir, I'm sorry you did it."

Rhodes patted Peter on the shoulder to help him up.Tony's eyes fixed on Pepper.

"Hey, Pepper." The adrenaline in the suit hung on Tony's last breath, and Tony squeezed out a word almost between his teeth.

Pepper bit her lip, shook her head, and put her hands on Tony's chest.

Tony also raised his hand and put it on Pepper's.

"Friday?" Pepper called to the assistant inside the suit.

"Adrenaline has been injected, vital signs are extremely weak." Friday's voice came from inside the suit.

Tony didn't care, just smiled at Pepper.

"I once said that persuading you to let go is the thing I regret the most," Pepper stroked the wound on one side of Tony's face, "but now I regret your leaving. Am I being too fickle?"

Tony's breathing became weaker and weaker, and he was about to die.

"I love you, Tony. Like Morgan, three thousand times over."

Tony's head was tilted to the side, the energy lamp on his chest went out, and the hand on Pepper's hand couldn't slip off.

 Today I still code with one-handed mobile phone, so there are only two chapters, please forgive me

  This is the end of Women's Federation 4, let's go back to my own world
  next update at night

(End of this chapter)

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