Chapter 43 Avengers, Assemble!

"Captain, this is Sam, please call back."

Steve barely steadied himself and was about to speak back.Behind him, there was the sound of the fuse of the fireworks being ignited, and the voice in the headset said, "It's on your left."

Steve turned his head and looked to the left side of his back. The iconic portal of the mages of Doctor Strange was opening. The King of Wakanda, T'Challa the Black Panther came out with his captain of the guard and his sister. Nods to Steve.

Falcon Sam Wilson hovers in the air like a hawk with a jet pack.Along with his circling trajectory, one portal after another was opened, connecting all parts of the world to this battlefield.

Bruce's snapping of his fingers succeeded, and the people who died five years ago are back!

Wakanda, Karma Taj, Titan, Asgard... Countless people sent support to the Avengers.

Doctor Strange, Guardians of the Galaxy, Spiderman, Winter Soldier, Valkyrie, Scarlet Witch, Wasp.One by one, the people who died because of Thanos snapped their fingers came back to take revenge.

With the help of Thanos who did not launch an attack for a while because he was afraid of the sudden appearance of the support troops, Thor recalled the Storm Axe, and Tony also woke up from a coma, looking at the little pepper in the steel battle suit in front of him.

"I thought you didn't like it." "I keep every present you give me."

The ruins piled up on Bruce Rhodes and the Rockets in the distance were easily overturned by Scott incarnate like a branch in the grass by the roadside. Bruce and Rhodes who put on spare battle suits carried them. The rocket flew out of Scott's hand.

Everyone gathered behind Steve, confronting the tide-like army behind Thanos.

"Avengers!" Steve tightened the bandages holding the shield on his hands, using pain to wake himself up, "Assembly!"

When Steve gave an order, the people behind him followed him and charged towards the enemy army whose number was ten times or even a hundred times more than ours.

Now their morale is high, and all their firepower is fully fired, as if they are invincible and unstoppable.

"Kill them all for me." Thanos pointed the double-edged knife in his hand, and the army behind him flooded towards the Avengers as if the dam had been opened to limit the flow.

War is imminent.

The temple mages either release barriers to protect their allies, or pull out various weapons to engage in close combat. They are qualified mages at first glance.

The Black Panther led Wakanda's army and turned it into a sharp knife to divide Thanos' formation.Although the weapons look as primitive as Clash of Clans, they are indeed high-tech.Especially the Black Panther, who protects his whole body with a vibrating gold battle suit, ignores the energy bombs fired by the weapons in the hands of the Zeta Swiss soldiers, and seems to shuttle and kill among the enemy troops without interference, is it releasing the accumulated shock waves to clean up Wide range of enemies.

A few Leviathans seemed to want to support the Zeta Swiss soldiers below, and a blue light lit up below them, and they were about to swim to the top of the battlefield and start bombing.

Taking advantage of a long time before his gigantic form, Scott knocked a Leviathan back with a standard uppercut.Then he grabbed its neck, swung it around twice as if throwing a weapon, and threw it to the belly of the two Leviathans next to it, just blocking the fired shells, and the three Leviathans died together in the explosion .

Relying on their large numbers, the Saka soldiers and vanguards used crowd tactics to encircle the Avengers and defeat them one by one.Relying on air superiority and heavy firepower in their hands, War Machine and Rocket Raccoon barely suppressed the enemy's attack.

Of course, the commander of the enemy army is not a fool. Of course he has noticed such a big target in the sky that is constantly pouring firepower to promote his presence.A giant ape, wearing a heavy armor that looked very defensive, rushed towards Rhodes under the guidance of Saka's soldiers.

The rocket sitting on Rhodes' shoulders responsible for defending Rhodes' rear noticed the approach of the big man, and the howitzer in his hand hit several shots one after another, but the giant ape rushed out of the explosion smoke unabated.

"Hey, Rhodes, you come to deal with this big guy." Rocket knocked on the side of War Machine's helmet.

"Don't you look down on Saka's soldiers the most?" Rocket has repeatedly expressed his disdain for most armies in the universe, including Saka, Chitauri, and Vanguard.

"Keep hitting you, I'll solve it." Falcon's voice sounded on Rhodes' communication channel.

In the sky, the falcon closed its open iron wings, wrapped itself like a bullet and dived, and when it was not far from the giant ape, it opened its wings suddenly, using the sharp front ends of the wings as two bayonets He plunged into the great ape's chest, killing him with one blow.The impact brought by the dive even stopped the great ape's charge, and the corpse fell back, crushing a group of vanguards to death.

Thanos faced the Big Three Iron Shield Hammer again.The difference from the last time is that Pepper and Tony staggered to fly and attack. Spiderman Peter Parker also likes to paste Thanos' face with spider silk. While Steve is defending, Bucky is holding Wakanda's gun Interfering on the side, Thor's thunder and lightning often followed closely, no one helped Thor.

In short, the gang of Avengers besieging Thanos alone is quite disrespectful of martial arts.

The situation seemed to be going well.However, it just looks.

After all, Thanos' army has been fighting in the universe for nearly a thousand years, and it cannot beat Asgard led by the invincible Odin and Hela.

The Wakanda army is extremely restrained by the Zeta Swiss soldiers, so replace them with vanguards and overwhelm them.

The Templars surrounded them with Saka soldiers, and Leviathan continued to bombard them.

That robot and dog in the sky, let the Zeta Swiss shoot them.

During the rocket's "I'm not a dog" protest, the army commander precisely dispatched the attack methods of the troops, and the Avengers were turned on the offensive and gradually fell into decline.

The Obsidian four sons did not paddle like Doctor Strange, and soon after joining the battlefield, the Avengers were forced not to help their troops, which accelerated their defeat.

Tony was distracted and noticed through the satellite monitoring that the situation of the battle was becoming more and more unfavorable to his own side. He stayed away from the battle with Thanos and shouted in the communication channel:
"Who's got the gloves!"

"I'm here, but the vanguard is chasing me, I'd better get someone to help me!" Barton's voice sounded, and the vanguard's beast-like panting could be faintly heard in the background. It sounds like Barton's condition is not quite right. wonderful.

"We have to destroy the stone quickly!" Natasha said after electrocuting an approaching vanguard with the widow pincers.

Bruce grabbed a vanguard that was attacking Natasha with one hand, and strung its head on the steel bar beside him: "No, we have to send the stone back to the original time and space."

"No, Thanos' spaceship has already blown up the portal, and we don't have a spare."

"No, I think we have a spare."

Scott's gigantic time also came, and he had to shrink his body back into Ant-Man.If he continues to grow bigger, he will pass out directly.He seemed to think of something, and took out a car key from his pocket.

The Valkyrie looked for the car that played music because Scott honked the horn, "Here! However, it seems that I heard it in the wrong place."

If it’s okay to say elsewhere, it’s a coincidence that Scott’s car was parked in the middle of Thanos’ troops, and the car’s music even attracted a few curious vanguards.

"Scott, how long will it take you to activate the portal?"

The Wasp appeared next to Scott, and Scott replied: "Ten minutes is enough."

"Very good, the stone will be here soon." The Avengers who had room to leave the battlefield moved one after another to support Barton.

The goal of Thanos' army was the Cosmic Stone from the very beginning, so they naturally noticed Barton running around wearing gloves.After several simple persecutions, Barton was about to be surrounded.

At this moment, the black panther descended from the sky carrying a shock wave, repelled a large group of vanguards and several giant apes, and stretched out his hand to Barton: "Clint, leave it to me."

When the two first met, they stood on different opposite sides. Barton introduced himself but was ignored by the black panther, who was an ordinary person in his eyes.The world is impermanent, and now the Black Panther has recognized Patton's "Eagle Eye" name.

Compared to Barton, the Panther escort gloves, whose physical fitness is far beyond human level, and which are protected by vibrating gold battle suits, are more suitable.

Sure enough, the ordinary shots that troubled Patton and forced him to move were completely ignored by the panther. Zhenjin's sharp claws were sharper than Patton's long knife, and the panther easily broke through the siege.

Suddenly, a swirling sword flew over, and the panther, which was jumping in the air, couldn't dodge it.Although he was unharmed under the protection of the Zhenjin battle suit, he was also knocked down from the air, and his gloves fell to the ground.

The big knife flew back to the master's hand, and it was Thanos who broke through and came to snatch the glove.The panther did not go up against the alien monster beyond its limits, so it could only run to pick up the glove and escape for its life.

Just as Thanos took a step to catch up, the crimson light was blocked between Thanos and the Panther, and the "Scarlet Witch" Wanda landed between the two with red eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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