Chapter 42 Edge OB
Bruce snapped his fingers, nearly crippling his arm.

Thanos' ship bombards the Avengers base.

Bruce, who was temporarily disabled, Rhode who was actually disabled after getting out of the damaged mech, and Rocket Raccoon were crushed under the collapsed building.

Barton, wearing a glove containing six gems, chased after Thanos' pursuers.

Thanos walked out of the spaceship's transmission light beam, took off his helmet and put it on the double-edged knife inserted in the ground, sat down in the ruins, and waited for his subordinates to bring him the Cosmic Stone.

Chris exiled himself into a different space with space descent, and watched everything happen through the gap between the two worlds.

In his hands he toyed with the coming of time.I don't know if it's an illusion, but the clock on the time card has become somewhat transparent.

On the heights of the wreckage of the Avengers headquarters, Thor put his hands in the pockets of his clothes, looking at Thanos in the distance.Tony and Steve step out behind him.

"What's he doing?" Steve tightened the straps on his shield.

"It doesn't seem to be doing anything." Thor shook his head, clenched his hands into fists from his pockets, and he felt that his hands seemed to be sweating a lot.

Steve put on the helmet: "Where is the rough stone? Where is the rough stone?"

The corners of Tony's eyes were bleeding. "Somewhere down here. Anyway, I know he hasn't got them yet."

"So, we have to keep him here." Steve stepped out first.

"You know it's a trap, don't you?" Thor followed.

"Obviously." Tony's suit automatically unfolded the helmet, "but I don't care about that."

"Very good, as long as we work together." Thor's eyes lit up with a thunderous blue, and a large group of dark clouds came to cover the sky.

The thunder sounded in the clouds, and Thor stretched out his hands, and Muniur and the Storm Ax responded to his call and flew into his hands.

Bathed in the light of thunder, Thor changed out of his sloppy casual clothes and put on Thor's battle suit.Although his figure is not as fit as he was five years ago, his appearance is not enough for special effects. With the background thunder and lightning, he still looks majestic.

"This time we're going to finish him off completely." Leiden not only helped Thor braid his beard and put on his battle suit, but also completely sobered up from the previous wine.

The three of them had already walked down the ruins, and they were only a short distance away from Thanos.

Thanos, who was waiting for his subordinates to bring the universe stone to him, was playing with a handful of gravel in boredom.Hearing the sound of thunder, he noticed the three people walking towards him slowly.

"Unwilling to accept failure like this, where did you bring it?"

The three did not speak, but approached Thanos step by step.

Thanos shook his head helplessly: "Bring it back to me."

"I thought that killing half of the lives would make the other half prosperous." He turned his head and glanced at the three people surrounding him in three directions, "But you guys proved to me that it's impossible."

"Even if only one person still cares about his past, the future will never be recognized and accepted. Those stubborn resistance is inevitable."

"I can't help it. People often say that I'm a stubborn die-hard." Tony scanned Thanos inside the mask, while trying to find the whereabouts of other people through the satellite.

"Ah, Tony Stark, right. I'm very grateful to you all now." Thanos stood up and discarded the stones he was playing with before.

He put his helmet on and raised his glaive: "Because now, I know what to do."

"I want to turn the entire universe into atomic dust, and then use the rough stones you found for me to create a brand new universe."

"The life there has no resentment for loss, but only gratitude for giving."

Tony opened the nano-component construction weapon behind him, Thor's hammer ax was filled with lightning, and Steve raised his shield.

"A new universe of gratitude."

"A new universe with blood."

Thanos shook his head and disagreed with Steve: "They won't know all this. Because you won't live to tell them."

The battle of the four is imminent.

The fastest attack was Tony.He had already fought against Thanos once on Titan five years ago. Although he has never dealt with Thanos's double blades, he still understands that even the Hulk can hardly compete against Thanos.

Therefore, he chose to use the long-range attack method, the classic and easy-to-use anti-gravity blaster fired instantly, and the floating cannon behind him began to aim and charge.

Thanos used the wide blade as a tennis racket, blocked Tony's blaster and shot at the rushing Steve.Steve picked up the shield for a block, and the sound-absorbing steel took the impact perfectly.

Afterwards, Steve threw the shield that had just absorbed a large amount of energy at Thanos, and the accumulated impact was about to explode. Thanos used his rich combat experience to block the shield with the other end of the double-edged knife, and was caught. Take a step back.

Thor seized the unsteady opening under Thanos's feet, and swung his hammer to approach.Thanos blocked the hammer attack with his hand, stabilized his body with his strength, avoided the ax sideways, kicked Thor to the ground, and was about to pursue the victory.

Tony's floating cannon was fully charged, and fired at Thanos in conjunction with the heat cut.Thanos had to use the blade as a shield again to block the attack.Under Tony's cover, Thor climbed up from the ground and resumed his posture.

Taking advantage of Thanos' opportunity to block Tony's attack, Steve held the shield he had just received, and used the solid side of the shield as a weapon to smash Thanos' inner knee armor.The flexible and easy-to-bend armor is the weak point of Thanos' armor. Although it can withstand slashing blows, it cannot defend against blunt blows.Under this attack, Thanos couldn't help kneeling on one knee.

The fight was only for a moment, and with the tacit cooperation of the three of them, Thanos almost only had to defend, and the opportunity seemed to be very good.

But soon, Thanos caught a flaw in Tony, grabbed the iron bug that had been harassing him from afar, used Tony as a hammer to swing Thor's flying hammer, and swung it at Steve, forcing Steve Tiff had to follow Tony, who was knocked unconscious.

Losing his cooperation and restraint, Thor, who no longer wanted to be as brave as before, faced the younger Thanos alone, and was quickly beaten back again and again, even the hammer fell to the ground. Odin's magic also fell into the hands of Thanos, and he used it against Thor instead.

At this time, Steve picked up the Migneur, which only the recognized can pick up, combined with the shield and hammer, and successfully suppressed Thanos for a period of time.

It is a pity that Thanos is a Titan after all, after adapting to a period of Steve's attack style, he quickly grasped his flaws, controlled his hand holding the hammer, and cleverly used the loophole in Odin's magic to throw the hammer away. fly.

Although I can't hold the hammer, I can control the hammer indirectly by controlling the person who holds the hammer.

Steve had only one shield left, and Thanos also retrieved the double-edged knife that had fallen before.The front of the sound-absorbing steel shield can block almost any attack, but Thanos was smart enough not to head-on with the front of the shield, but instead kept chopping at a position on the side of the shield in a targeted manner.Even sound-absorbing steel, the hardest substance on earth, couldn't stand it anymore, and slowly, a crack was split in the side of the shield.

Thanos naturally tried harder.Soon, the sound-absorbing steel shield, which had never been destroyed, was split until only half of it remained in Steve's hands, and all the rest were sent flying.

Steve was just a regular guy injected with a super soldier serum.Although the serum is very strong, it can't widen the gap between Steve and Thanos after all.Under Thanos' continuous slashing like a river, Steve couldn't bear the huge force and fell to the ground.

Thanos killed them all, and the knife rubbed against the ground and cut Steve's head.Steve only had time to block it with the remaining half of his shield, and was swept away viciously.After a while, he recovered from the dizziness, got up and knelt on one knee, panting heavily.

"In my countless years of fighting, killing and conquering have never felt joyful." Thanos took off the shattered helmet fragments in the battle from his head, and looked at the subordinates who came out of the beam of light lowered by the spaceship, "but now, I I have to say, I would enjoy destroying your planet."

As if endless soldiers of the Vanguard Legion stepped down from the huge obelisk-like transport spaceship, Thanos' capable subordinate General Obsidian led the army, and countless Leviathan battleships hovered in the air.The cheap and easy-to-use replicant Saka soldiers and the Chitauri Legion combined with biotechnology are also among them, and even Thanos sent a levitation tank and a giant ape that the Avengers had never encountered before.

In addition to the high-hanging and fierce-firing Templar II spacecraft, this is all the troops Thanos can mobilize.He wants to use this force to destroy the earth.

Just at this moment, the communication channel in Steve's helmet was picked up.

"Hey Captain, can you hear me?"

 Today, people can't code in the hospital, they can only write on their mobile phones, and it is estimated that there will only be two chapters.

  It is impossible to write a book without making money, but I am not confident that my quality is worthy of a VIP chapter, so I can only think about writing more to improve my level

  Speaking of which, the responsible editor has not passed my friend so far.

(End of this chapter)

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