Chapter 25 Awakening
Perhaps it was Christopher's fate.Perhaps the people behind the system didn't want the show to end hastily.

Perhaps it is the magical protection of the divine body enchantment.Perhaps the muzzle shook. On December 1944, 12, Bucky's bullet missed Chris's heart, narrowly missing an artery.And the ice and snow kept Chris from losing too much blood to death.

In the Bible, the heavy rain fell for forty days before the flood, the flood flooded the earth for forty days, and Moses waited for the Ten Commandments on the mountain for forty days.

1945, April 2.

A total of forty days in a coma, Chris woke up from the hospital bed.

[Achievement: Pursuing Soul in Netherland, completed]

"'No smoking and drinking, avoid activities, and rest more'. I feel that I am in good health." Chris sat on the hospital bed with no clothes on his upper body, showing the bandages on his half body.The nurse on the side was giving him an infusion.

"That's right, your pulse was as healthy when you were first sent in as a good guy with a frag grenade." Colonel Phillips stood aside, "I'm starting to wonder whether Steve is a super soldier or you It's a super soldier."

"If I were a super soldier, why would I sleep for so long? After sleeping for 70 years, I would be able to wake up."

The nurse put Chris on a drop bottle and walked out of the ward with the tray.Only Phillips and Chris were left in the room.

"So, what about Bucky?"

Phillips sighed: "Hydra does have two tricks. We can only confirm that Sergeant Barnes has been brainwashed. Anyone who knows specific conditions can make him an emotionless machine."

Phillips walked to the hospital bed, picked up an apple next to the bed and began to peel: "To ensure safety, and this is also his own request, we put him in permanent imprisonment."

Chris nodded.When watching a movie, Chris was touched by the "kid" relationship between Bucky and Steve, but when the person attacked was replaced by himself, Chris found that he could not simply forgive Bucky.

Some things are just like this. If it doesn’t happen to you, it’s not easy to understand others.Chris somewhat understands Tony's entanglement with Bucky more than 70 years later.

To Tony, Bucky is the murderer of his father and mother, and the best friend of his best friend Steve.As for Chris, Bucky also had a close relationship with him, but he was also the one who almost killed himself.

Even if it is known that all the faults come from Hydra and Schmidt, if hatred is so easy to transfer, human beings will not have endless disputes.

Although he won't intercede for Bucky, Chris won't keep his face and get along with Bucky as before.

"How does Steve feel?"

"Captain Steve cared about his good friend very much, and tried his best to recover Barnes' crimes in the court-martial." Phillips accidentally cut off the skin, and simply stuck the fruit knife in the apple and left it unused. "The result is obvious."

"Does Steve still want to excuse Bucky even though Bucky himself has the intention of repenting?" Chris twitched his lips, "Steve will never be rational when it comes to Bucky."

On the life of "Captain America" ​​Steve Rogers, there are almost no stains.Coupled with its high reputation and a heroic ending, the US government naturally did not hesitate to portray him as an iconic heroic image.Most of all, he's a dead man.

And the 70-year slumber ended, and Steve was miraculously revived from the ice with the super soldier serum. The 70 years of publicity has even made Steve's people look up to an unbelievable level. If Steve runs for president, he may be able to skip the vote directly. Even if someone keeps interrupting the speech, it will not affect the result.

However, the government's concerns were not used, and Steve soon made the most irrational behavior of his life.

After 70 years of slumber, Steve has spent almost his entire life serving his country.And the reason why he stayed in S.H.I.E.L.D. was simply because his favorite Carter founded the organization.

The love of family and country and the people he loves are all over. The biggest regret in his heart is Bucky who fell into the ice peak in 1944.

So when Bucky came back, almost all his feelings were tilted towards Bucky, even though Bucky at the moment was not Sergeant James Barnes, but a Hydra killer named "Winter Soldier".

Tony's parents almost died tragically at the hands of Bucky. Such a deep hatred, Tony is a person who is emotional and even surpasses his rationality as a scientist, how can he bear it?So, Tony was destined to face off with Steve.In the process of confronting Tony, Steve changed his image from Captain America to a dangerous person.

Phillips left the ward to give Chris, who had just woken up, a rest.

Probably no one will visit again.

Chris turned on the system, giving himself something to do.

The first thing is to go to the [mission] to get the previous rewards.This gun can't be taken in vain.

[Opportunity: Steve and Bucky return safely, complete]

Reward: Emblem of the Ice Ward

If you guessed right, "Ice Barrier" seems to be a card series in the famous board game "Yu-Gi-Oh", and the coat of arms of Ice Barrier seems to be a magic card. Opening the warehouse, it turned out to be true.

"The Emblem of the Ice Barrier" empowers the power of the Ice Barrier.Chris took out the coat of arms of the ice barrier from the warehouse, and the moment it was taken out, it turned into a small blue hexagonal snow pattern engraved on the back of Chris' left hand, and then disappeared.A memory instilled in Chris's mind.

The Lingfeng where the Ice Boundary Clan is located released the sealed Light Dragon again in order to fight against the Zerg, but the Light Dragon did not agree to their request but began to wreak havoc, destroying the sealed Ice Boundary Mirror, the three Ice Boundary Mirrors Dragons escaped from the seal.And the "Preacher of the Ice Barrier" who sealed them many years ago has long disappeared.The guardian clan of the ice barrier had no choice but to gather the strength of all the warriors of the clan to support the three dragons, and use all the abilities of the mages to seal the three dragons of the ice barrier into the coat of arms of the ice barrier.In order to avoid future troubles, they used the remaining magic power to open the crack in the dimension and exile the three dragons in the void.

The coat of arms of the ice barrier that Chris obtained is exactly the coat of arms that hosts the power of the three dragons.But the hospital is not suitable for experimenting with this stuff, let's look at the next reward first,

[Achievement: Pursuing Souls in Netherland——A near-death experience]

Reward: Joe Family
Seeing the ability of "Joe's family", Chris's first reaction was to think of "Jojo's Wonderful Pose", which was murdered because of Yun Xiaogui's reputation.With such a name, at least it needs to be a substitute, the last time is Ripple, Whirlpool and the like.

The warehouse can be opened, and Chris has mixed feelings.

 These chapters are considered too much, after that, the final battle of the Red Skull will end the plot of the US team

  About ten chapters or so within three days

  If it exceeds ten chapters, it means that I am very wet (kimbo)
(End of this chapter)

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