Chapter 26 Departure
"Drinking with this person?" Chris walked into the ruins wearing a hospital gown.The only complete thing in the ruins is a wine table in the center.

At this point, Steve sat alone at the table, pouring himself.

"The super soldier serum made my metabolism more than four times stronger than that of ordinary people, and my ability to digest alcohol is beyond ordinary people." Steve articulated very clearly, if it weren't for the scattered wine bottles on the table, it would be impossible to tell that he was drinking how much wine.

"This means that you won't get drunk, even if you have any troubles, you can't numb your brain with alcohol." Chris picked up a chair that lost its back from the ruins, dragged it to the table and sat down.

This ruin is the bar where the Roaring Commandos were founded.In the years of battles, the front line naturally retreats as it advances.During an air raid, the bar was reduced to what it is today.

Steve was about to pour wine for Chris, saw the bandage on Chris's chest, and was about to say something, but Chris interrupted: "Don't care so much, just pour me a glass and we'll talk."

Steve poured Chris a half glass, Chris rolled his eyes back, and drank the wine in one gulp.Then, because the movement of the hand was too big and the wound on the chest was pulled, he grinned.

"Chris, Bucky" Steve put his hand on his shoulder before he could finish his sentence.

"I narrowly escaped death, not because of the enemy's bullets, but because of the sneak attack of my own people. I can't forgive Bucky, can you understand?"

Steve nodded, "But."

"Listen to me first, Rogers." Chris looked into Steve's eyes, "I know Bucky was brainwashed, so I'm going to seek revenge on Schmidt."

"Bucky is an attempt this time, but he must be locked up." Seeing what Steve wanted to say, Chris asked a question.

"Suppose one day, Bucky was controlled again and killed the parents of a child. That child wanted revenge on Bucky, what would you do, Steve?"

Steve was questioned, brooding over an empty wine glass.After a long time, I looked at Chris: "I still can't accept Bucky being locked up in prison for the rest of his life."

Chris is a little disappointed in Steve.Is this the Captain America whom Coulson admires the most?It's funny enough.Thinking about it, I have to stand up.

"So, I'm going to beat Schmidt." Chris looked Steve in the eye again.The previous confusion and anxiety disappeared, and Steve's eyes could see the former self-confidence again.

"It looks like you're planning to leave the ruins?"

"Yeah, I really stayed in the ruins for too long. The wine is over, we should go and kill Schmidt."

Steve's decadence is for nothing but Bucky.He's cheered up for nothing but Bucky.If it wasn't for the fact that Steve really liked Carter, Chris would really doubt Steve's sexuality at times.

The morning of March 1945, 3

"John Schmidt deserves to be locked up in a lunatic asylum." Phillips stood in front of the world map, looking at the markings on it, "He believed he was the incarnation of God and was willing to blow up half the world to prove his power. "

Starting from the Alps, countless routes lead to major cities in major countries around the world.It even includes Berlin.

Schmidt wanted to declare war on the whole world, and no one could restrain his ambition, including Hitler.

"Once he breaks through the Atlantic Ocean, any obstruction will be ineffective. It won't take a moment for Schmidt to wipe the East Coast off the map." Howard put down the weapon assessment report with a serious face.

"I don't think it will even take a moment. And according to our new friend Dr. Zola's confession, Schmidt has a super craft called the 'Valkyrie Wing', and that's Schmidt's trump card. Once it's in the air, we Any attack on him will be intercepted." Phillips picked up a hand-drawn "Valkyrie Wings" sketch and showed it to everyone present.

Carter bit the cap of the pen: "How long do we have?"

"Ideally, no more than 24 hours."

Everyone was lost in thought.If there is more time, troops can be mobilized to fight Schmidt to the death.But 24 hours is too short.

"Can you blow up that 'Valkyrie Wing' before it hits the air?" Chris asked.

"Hydra's last base is here, in the Alps, 500 feet underground." Phillips turned and pointed to the map, "Our bombs can't escape the ground yet, even if they can be blown underground, it's not as exaggerated as 500 feet. "

"Schmidt is like a mole, hiding the base so deep." Howard complained.

"The high depth also means that the defense of the base is extremely strong. In addition, this is his last base. Schmidt will definitely have all his troops stationed here. We cannot know the number of enemies. The only thing we can be sure of is that compared to Below we will be the disadvantaged party." Carter analyzed the situation.

"Do we have a strategy?"

"That's why we're here. We haven't come up with a good solution yet." Phillips leaned back in his chair and took a deep breath.

"Then what can we do, we can only knock on Schmidt's door and let him open the door." Chris put down the paper roll made of materials.

"Boy, now is not the time to joke." Phillips was very dissatisfied.

"I'm not kidding. Since the Valkyrie can't be intercepted after it goes into the air, the only way is to kill it before he goes into the air." Chris stood up and put his hands on the table.

"If the air force is ineffective, then break through on the ground. If there is no army, arrange a sharp knife squad. Some things must be done to make it possible."

"That's the only way."

After Chris finished speaking, Carter, Howard, Phillips and others could not refute at all.

"Chris was right," Steve said. "It's the only way, it's the only way we can do it."

Evening, March 1945, 3
On the small road in the forest, two motorcycles galloped to the distance.

"You don't need to come, your injury hasn't healed yet." Steve's voice came from the headset.

"I said, I'm going to seek revenge on Schmidt, you don't want to monopolize your reputation alone."

"I have defeated Hitler more than 200 times."

Phillips' voice cuts in between the two: "Hey lads, do I remember bringing you lunch boxes?"

"It might be the last outing in my life without a picnic. Howard stuffed me with a big box of snacks." Chris Motor's trunk is more than one model larger than Steve's, and it's obvious that there are a lot of them in it. thing.

"Gentlemen, you are approaching Schmidt's base." Carter also connected to the communication.

"I believe Schmidt must be very hospitable and will definitely arrange welcome personnel for you. I swear by the reconnaissance plane that was just shot down." Phillips used his way to remind the two of them to pay attention to the ambush.

Steve heard the sound of a motorcycle engine behind him: "It is indeed very hospitable, we are already close to the guard of honor."

Chris didn't have Steve's superhuman sense of hearing, and couldn't tell an approaching motorcycle from the noise.However, after Steve reminded him, he also knew that the enemy was coming: "We have come from a long way, and Schmidt should arrange for some people to welcome us."

"However, we are ashamed to come empty-handed."

 Damn, sure enough, I am not suitable for writing emotional dramas. I feel that the changes in the relationship with Roger are written so bluntly.
(End of this chapter)

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