Chapter 24 Torture
February 1944, 12

The Howling Commandos brought back Dr. Zora, and a comatose Chris.

December 1944, 12, Christmas.

Dr. Zola was thrown into prison.

On January 1945, 1, the new year came, and a new face ushered in the long-unused interrogation room of the prison.

As an important figure in the Hydra force, Zora deserved to die.But he had enough use value left on him, which allowed him to save his life for the time being.

He is the person on earth who has the deepest research on the Rubik's Cube in the universe, and is also Schmidt's most capable assistant.

The prison guard who escorted Dr. Zola handed him the checked glasses, then left the interrogation room and locked the iron door.

Only Dr. Zola remained.He took the glasses and put them on, and only after his vision became clear did he have the opportunity to observe the surrounding environment.

The first thing that catches the eye is a faucet that is still dripping water even after the switch is turned on, and there is nothing to catch the water. The water stains on the ground are mixed with mud, which is quite muddy.

Zola turned around and saw the iconic one-way glass window of the interrogation room.People on the other side of the interrogation room can clearly see the situation on this side, but this side is just a piece of black glass.

The interrogation room didn't have much decoration, and Zola quickly saw an operating table in the corner. Not only were the legs of the table stained with rust, but there was also a lot of dust on the table.Taking a closer look, Zola even saw a half-wiped bloodstain.

In the claustrophobic room, Zola suddenly heard a sound from behind. He turned around quickly and saw the iron door being opened. The guard came in with Colonel Phillips, who was still holding a dinner plate.

The doorman exited the room, and the room returned to the previous silence, except that there was an extra Colonel Phillips holding a dinner plate.

The colonel walked to a table in the center of the interrogation room, put down the plate in his hand, and said calmly, "Sit down."

Zora sat casually across from Phillips, looking at what was on the dinner plate.Phillips straightened the dinner plate toward Zora and removed a piece of paper from under the plate.

A cup of coffee with milk, a knife and fork, and a rib-eye steak served on a central plate, served with slices of boiled potatoes and cauliflower.The dishes on the dinner plate are barely considered rich.

"What's this?" Zora asked.

"Excellent steak." Phillips sat across from Zola, putting the paper by his hand.

"what is inside?"

Phillips was a little confused by Zola's question.Could it be that Schmidt was born as a farmer or his beliefs are biased towards India, and he is not allowed to eat beef?

Or is this a new interrogation technique, perfectly coping with the old-fashioned "pork chop rice" interrogation method, and taking the initiative in your own hands?

"Cow." The colonel squeezed out a forced smile, "Doctor, do you know how difficult it is to get such a top steak here?"

Zola looked uninterested in food: "I don't eat meat."

"why not?"

"It's not to my liking." Phillips was a little surprised.Although I heard that some people started to promote "vegetarianism" recently, I didn't expect Zola to be one of them.I just heard about it before, but this is the first time I actually saw a live vegetarian.

No wonder it's so short.thought Phillips.

"And what about cyanide? Does that make your stomach growl?"

Although the big man above valued Zola's talent very much, he demanded that Phillips must not have a bad attitude and treat him kindly.But Phillips was able to maintain the warmth for 30 seconds because the sun came out from the west, and he quickly exposed his bad mouth nature.

Since Zola didn't want to eat, and Phillips didn't waste the food, he turned the tray towards him, picked up the knife and fork and started cutting the steak.

"Whenever we tried to capture a Hydra man alive, they always chewed that little pill in their mouth before we could stop them."

"Nothing but you."

Phillips cut a piece of beef and held it in his mouth to test whether Zola really didn't eat meat.Zora's eyes didn't change.

"So, my conclusion is that you want to live."

Zora shook her head. "Are you trying to threaten me, Colonel?"

"I bought you a big meal." Phillips ate with relish. With his left hand, he picked up a piece of potato and dipped some black pepper on the steak. With his right hand, he moved the paper next to his hand to Zola.

Zola pushed her glasses and read the words on the paper:
"In view of the precious information he provided, in exchange for his full cooperation, Dr. Zola will be sent back to Switzerland?" Zola's originally calm tone gradually became a little bit as he read the information on the paper word by word. Get flustered.

"I sent this message to Washington this morning. Of course, it's encrypted." As if the smell wasn't enough, Phillips picked up a small bottle of black pepper and sprinkled some on it.

"You can't decipher this, right? That must be very tricky." Phillips' implication: I believe that at this time, Schmidt's intelligence agent has deciphered this message and told Schmidt that Zola has betrayed him.

"Shi, Schmidt will know it's fake." Zola was lucky.

"He'll kill you anyway, Doctor. You're a nuisance after all, and you know him better than anyone."

Zola's delusion was ruthlessly pierced by Phillips, and her expression changed.The smile on the corner of his mouth could no longer hold back.

"Also, you almost killed Captain Rogers' good friend. Therefore, I cannot guarantee that you will receive the most comprehensive protection."

Zola thought of Hydra's spies in ambush in the United States, and understood that Phillips was a naked threat.

"So, yourself or Schmidt? It depends on which side you're on."

Zora thought for a moment.

Phillips forked the last piece of steak into his mouth and chewed.At this time, Zola said: "Schmidt believes that he is following in the footsteps of God."

"Hmm." Phillips took a sip of his coffee, "Sounds like a devout believer."

"He will be satisfied only when the whole world is his."

"It seems that you are also aware of his madness, don't you?"

"What?" Zora smiled with some fear. "Whether the plan is wise or not, it doesn't matter."


"Because he can do it!" replied Zola, half excited, half frightened.

Phillips put down the things in his hand and wiped his mouth with a tissue: "What is his goal?"

"His targets," Zola said, narrowing her eyes and resting her hands on the table, "are everywhere."

Phillips' expression froze immediately.He realized that what Zora had said earlier was not an exaggeration.If Zola hadn't lied, Schmidt was a lot crazier than he could have imagined.

 Is it too late to update at six in the evening?

  In short, try to update this time for a week.
(End of this chapter)

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