Chapter 23 Ambush
High-altitude zip line is a very exciting entertainment, the air flow passes by, one's body swings with the center of gravity, and sometimes there is even an illusion that one is flying.

But Steve didn't like it at all when he landed a zipline rappel without any protection and would be smashed to pieces if he wasn't careful.

The three people descending downhill quickly came to the top of the train, and the high speed brought by the downhill gradually reached a relatively stationary position with the speeding train under their feet.But this balance is only momentary.If they don't land quickly, they have only one option to shoot on the mountain wall.

All three of them had experienced many battles. Steve rolled over after the shield landed, Chris bent down and landed like a Japanese ninja, and Bucky landed last, trotting forward two steps.

Steve led the way and soon found a ladder going up and down.Chris followed Steve into the car.The two of them were responsible for attracting firepower head-on, allowing Zola and the others to focus on the two of them, giving Bucky a chance to behead him.

Steve stepped into the car and looked around warily.Unlike the previous vigilance in the various bases of Hydra, the carriage where the two were located only contained some goods, and there were no guards patrolling.

Chris closed the compartment door.The noise from the wind and snow outside is too loud. If you leave it on all the time, you won't even be able to hear someone sneaking up behind you.

With a shield in one hand and a small and flexible pistol suitable for street fighting in the other, Steve opened the way.Chris is fully armed with a divine body enchantment, holding two submachine guns.

Until the two reached the end of the carriage and could see the end of the other carriage through an arched door, they still failed to find any trace of the enemy.

Steve looked back at Chris slightly puzzled.Even if the defense is loose, this is too stretched, right?
Chris shook his head, telling Steve not to relax too much.

Steve continued to move forward, while Chris lowered his head and released the safety of both submachine guns.

The moment Steve walked through the arch and entered another car, the arch was instantly closed by two thick metal doors, and Chris and Steve were separated on both sides.

Steve didn't realize that it was a trap, and looked anxiously in Chris' direction.Another door that was originally closed at their entrance was opened, and seven or eight soldiers with energy sticks ran out.At first glance, it is a special force arranged for the almost ineffective characteristics of Steve and Chris's long-range weapons.

The two submachine guns in Chris's hand fired at them fiercely: "Try my 'destroy the sky' and 'destroy the earth'."

At this moment, the other door of Steve's compartment made a sound and was about to open.Steve also realized that he was not safe, and quickly turned around to be vigilant.

Two Hydra soldiers in heavy armor walked out from the back of the carriage. One of them was holding a super-large energy weapon, while the other held the equipment in his hand, which was a flamethrower.

Whether it is Chris or Steve, entity and energy ammunition are not very effective on them, but the all-pervasive flamethrower, Steve's shield cannot be fully reached, and Chris also has a chest weakness.

Steve only managed to fire a few shots from his pistol, and the two soldiers in heavy armor, almost robotic, ignored the shots.The flamethrower soldier pulled the trigger of the flame launcher, and the energy cannon of the energy cannon soldier also began to charge.

Steve quickly rolled and hid behind the obstacle, avoiding the energy shells.But the flames continued, impacting on the obstacles.Flames started to burn around the barrier, forcing Steve to leave the barrier.

And the energy cannon had already fully charged again, and fired again, aiming at Steve who had just left the obstacle.The cooperation between the two soldiers can be described as a textbook-like tacit understanding.

Steve held his shield tightly to block the path of the shells.Thanks to the abnormal properties of the sound-absorbing steel, the terrifying impact was perfectly offset by diffusion.

But the muzzle of the flamethrower began to move, and Steve had to dodge left and right in the small compartment, looking for an opportunity to win.

"Stop him, keep firing." Zola's voice came from the horn above the carriage.

On Chris' side, Hydra also seems to have good quantifiable bulletproof measures. The two submachine guns "Destroy the Sky" and "Destroy the Earth" barely killed three of them until the ammunition was empty.Chris had to step forward to kill the enemy by fighting.

It's worth mentioning that Chris didn't learn anything else during this year, and he has a lot of experience in using the divine body barrier as a weapon to fight.

Those sharp edges and corners on the sturdy armor are not just for aesthetic purposes.

Turning sideways to avoid the sneak attack, squatting down to avoid a sweep straight to the chest, Chris punched a rising dragon fist, and hit the chin of a person in front with the metal gauntlet that came with the armor.

The jaw is arguably the most important part of a fight, and there is a rich vagus nerve near here that can render a person unconscious after a hard blow.

If the jaw is hit from an angle of 45 degrees, it will cause concussion paralysis of the opponent, and even an uncontrollable fall, sometimes causing the opponent to fall asleep. If the jaw breaks, dislocates, bleeds, and hurts the back of the head during the fall, it may cause death. .

The reason why I say this in detail is because Chris is really good at this trick.

"Oyster sauce root!" This is the seventh Hydra soldier who was hit on the jaw by him, and was even sent flying into the air. Hearing the crisp bone cracking sound when the jaw was hit, it was probably hopeless.

Chris turned and looked at the last remaining soldier.He held the energy stick tightly, facing an armored man who killed seven companions in a row with the same move, even the Hydra soldier who believed that Schmidt would become a god felt a little fear.

However, there should still be a chance, and I can still live.The soldier recalled what Dr. Zola had said when setting up the mission.

With one hand guarded near the chin, the soldier grips his weapon tightly and is about to charge.

Chris flicked his toes, picked up the energy stick in the hand of the unconscious soldier on the ground, and didn't need to figure out how to turn on the switch. He swung it horizontally and hit the soldier's helmet.

Looking at the deformed helmet of the fallen soldier, Chris flipped the unopened energy stick in his hand: "I didn't expect Zola to be so awesome. He has a set of weapons."

After simply groping around where the soldiers were holding, Chris quickly figured out how to use this thing.With a swing of the stick that lit up blue energy, Chris slammed into the thick door.

The thick door was broken by Chris in a few clicks.He opened the door and came to another compartment. Steve had just picked up the shield from the ground, his face was scorched and he was out of breath.But when he took off the helmet, the upper half of his face was still clean, only the area around the eyeballs was a little dark, like a panda.

"Eat a fall, gain a wisdom." Steve squeezed out a smile, and said to Chris.

The door of the compartment that originally walked out of the two Hydra heavy armor soldiers was opened again, and Zola came out.Bucky walked behind Zola, pointed the gun diagonally in Zola's direction, lowered his head and did not speak.

Seeing that it was Bucky and Zola who came, Chris knew that the enemies had been dealt with, so he lifted the barrier of the gods, closed the energy stick and slung it in the backpack behind his back.

Zora muttered something in a low voice, but Chris couldn't catch it after a while.Steve could hear him, but didn't understand what he was raving about.

"Why are you so bored today and vomited again?" Chris was a little puzzled by Bucky's strange silence, but didn't think much about it, "I'll escort Zora."

Chris walked in the direction of Zola, and Bucky also stepped out from behind Zola, stepping in the direction of Steve.

The two passed by.Chris walked forward.

"Bucky! Chris!" he heard Steve yell.

Chris only had time to turn around, and Bucky raised the muzzle of the gun to himself.He tried to awaken the divine body barrier that had just dissipated.

But the bullet pierced Chris' body.

Chris fell into a pool of blood, he could only feel the heat loss from his body, his brain became heavy, he couldn't think, and he lost consciousness.

 I have endured it for several days, and every time I open the background and see the message
  Then there are sand sculptures who have been posting advertisements on @我, like an orphan.

  Responding to customer service is like trash. There are only stereotypes. Ordinary users don’t have the money to reward millions and don’t need to be treated as human beings.

  Wanting to scold back, he deleted the post again

  There is no shielding function, and I don’t care about this kind of robot swiping the screen (it’s better to say I’m happy to see it, tsk)

  It's boring, I want to switch to the website

(End of this chapter)

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