Chapter 22 Fate rewritten?

February 1944, 12

Howling Commandos has been around for over a year now.Over the past year, under the leadership of Steve, the Roaring Commando was like a sharp knife, dissecting Schmidt's forces and destroying his bases one after another.On the large map of the headquarters, every time the Howling Commando returns, a Hydra flag will be pulled from the map.

Whether it's jungle or snow, mountain peaks or deep valleys, the terrain is irresistible to this special force, mobile, efficient and unstoppable.

Every time Schmidt dispatched his troops to the next target of the Roaring Commandos, he often only saw the burning wreckage of the building, and he flushed with anger—even though his head was red.

As factories continue to be destroyed, members of the Howling Commandos often return with a full load.Especially Chris, every time he comes back from the factory, he often brings a lot of bags.

Aegis has a lot of energy supply to spare. Although it has not been able to achieve the breakthrough evolution of the spirit base, the divine body enchantment can now be worn 24 hours a day.Howard also tried to ask Chris for research, but Chris was reluctant to give this to Howard.

The comrades of the Roaring Commando were not too surprised by Chris's sci-fi style armor, but just lamented that Stark was awesome.Although Bucky and Steve know that Howard has nothing to do with this armor, Chris has shown magic many times.

Not to mention that Steve had used a shield with a sonar function before, it was Chris who gave it to Steve. Before putting on the armor, Chris had shown his magical superpower that bullets could not hit him.

Compared to that, a suit of powerful looking armor is barely acceptable.

With the seizure of a large number of Cosmic Rubik's Cube batteries, although the mystery of the Cosmic Rubik's Cube energy has not been thoroughly studied, it is easy for Howard to use this power.Although the number is not very large, basically every member of the Roaring Commando has an energy gun improved by Howard.

After all, Zola is actually just a geneticist, and of course he can use his excellent brain to develop weapons.But he is also a genius, and the weapons studied by Howard with different specializations are definitely much more advanced than Zola.Not only have energy grenades, energy pistols and rifles, but even improved energy sniper rifles and energy daggers.

The special ammunition converters required for the energy sniper rifle were too expensive to manufacture, and Stark only made a few and stopped producing them.Among the Roaring Commandos, only Bucky is good at sniping, so he is the only one who carries an energy sniper rifle.

Steve ended up opting for a sound-absorbing steel shield.Howard didn't waste Chris's Perseus shield in vain. He melted it back into a liquid state and recast it into the inner layer of the sound-absorbing steel shield.There is no excessive increase in the weight of the shield and no waste of the shock-absorbing properties of sound-absorbing steel.

At the same time, the shield even managed to retain the strange perception ability of the Perseus shield that combines radar and sonar.Steve can now even perform the magic trick of knocking down enemies hiding around corners with shields that bounce off the sides of walls.

"You failed!" Glaring at Zola in front of him, Schmidt vented his dissatisfaction.

Schmidt no longer wears his own human skin mask.After fully revealing his ambition, he showed his true face after injection of serum—the skin was no longer red with blood, and the muscles tightened on the face like a skeleton.Today, he is just like his nickname "Red Skull".

"We could shake up the whole planet in no time, but the timing is always delayed because you can't deal with a theater actor with a shield and a medieval fool!"

"This is indeed not my field of expertise." Zola followed Schmidt who was walking on the ruins, and argued, "I can only develop weapons, but not fire them. And I didn't send the troops. .”

The implication is: I, a geneticist, can help you develop weapons. It’s amazing. After the army loses a battle, you, a commander, want to blame me if you don’t take responsibility?
"Complete your mission, doctor." Red Skull said viciously, matching that hellish devil-like appearance, can scare a child to cry at night, "Complete their mission with those guys who are more disgusting than rat shit in the toilet Before."

"Sir!" Not far behind Red Skull and Zola, two heavily armed Hydra soldiers pointed their guns at a ragged soldier, pushing him from time to time to urge him to move faster.

It looked like it had just been dug out of the ruins.

Zola glanced at him, if he didn't remember that the other gun on his waist was a new type of pistol that was distributed just last week, the wear and tear made one wonder if it belonged to Shang Zhou.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Schmidt." The soldier limped not far in front of Schmidt, and there seemed to be a little fear in his words, "We fought until the last man."

Schmidt didn't say anything, and silently took out a brand new energy pistol from his waist: "Open your eyes and talk nonsense."

Zora turned her head away without looking again.The unique buzzing sound of the energy gun being activated sounded.

February 1944, 12

"Do you remember that parachute jump in Italy?" "The time you went to save Bucky? I remember you hanging from a tree." Chris, Bucky, and Steve stood side by side on the edge of a high cliff.

Behind the three of them were the rest of the Howling Commandos, Dumbomb Duggan helping to adjust the gun, Jim Morita and Gabe Jones monitoring the communications, and Jacques Denier securing the zipline.And Montgomery Fallsworth scouted COSCO with a telescope.

Looking along the zipline, there is a railway track among the mountains. Under the cover of white snow, the black track is still so conspicuous.

"So you're taking revenge on me? In this way?"

"It wasn't my idea, it was Bucky." Chris pointed to Bucky, "He said he would never forget what happened to Coney Island last time."

"Damn it, isn't it just throwing up?" Steve said as the three took the handle of the zipline from Jacques Denier.

"We're not mistaken, Dr. Zola is on that train." Gabe Jones took off his earphones, "Hydra's dispatcher just gave him permission to open the throttle."

Jim Morita added: "No matter where he goes, they will definitely need him."

Steve puts the helmet on, Bucky pulls the goggles off his forehead, and Chris puts the helmet on.

"Action, their speed is like ghosts." Montgomery Fallsworth put down the binoculars and reminded everyone.He noticed that the train had passed the bridge in the distance and was approaching the track where they had ambushed.

"It's only about ten seconds, barely enough for three people to join. Steve, you take the lead, and Bucky, you stay at the end." Chris is the commander in the Howling Commando, Steve is the captain, and Bucky is the leader. sniper.

According to the original plot, the mission to capture Zola was both a success and a failure.Zola was taken to prison, where under interrogation she accepted cooperation in betraying Schmidt.

The price is that Bucky "died" in this mission.Indirectly contributed to Steve's final battle with Schmidt.

Chris had tried to keep Bucky from the mission, but he couldn't answer Bucky's question: "Who else could go with me?"

There are only three places, and Steve and Chris have already decided.Among the remaining people, Bucky is the one with the highest overall quality.

"Miss the chance, we'll probably be slapping the windshield like a bug." Steve stood at the front, clasping his hands on the zipline.

"Be careful of the gap." Chris stood a short distance behind Steve, also clasping his hands on the zipline.

"Bugs, we must move fast." Bucky was at the end, and the three of them lined up, waiting for Steve to take the lead.

"Come on!" Montgomery Fallsworth waved his hand, Steve kicked his feet down, followed by Chris and Bucky.

The arrangement for this mission is that two people attack from the inside of the train, and the other directly raids Zola's compartment from the roof.Chris took Bucky's place and entered the car with Steve, letting Bucky take the safest route.

It was all he could do.

The long-lost system tasks are also online again.

[Opportunity: Guarantee the return of Steve and Bucky, the countdown to the mission: 10s]

(End of this chapter)

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