Chapter 21

Today's newspaper headline: "Over [-] Prisoners Rescued"

Inside the Institute of Strategic Sciences renovated after Howard contracted.

"The launch signal is abnormal." Stark lay in front of the huge glass, holding the joysticks of the two mechanical arms.

On the other side of the strengthened glass, a very small blue sphere was clamped by a precise mechanical arm, emitting a deep light.The diameter of that small sphere is not much different from that of a grain of rice, and it is the battery dismantled from the gun of the Hydra army.

"The alpha and beta ray signals are neutral." Chris observed the data on the instrument beside him, "Seriously, Howard, you really don't think about stepping back, or wearing some protective equipment?"

"Even if you say that, it looks pretty harmless." Howard persisted.Although someone has demonstrated the terrifying power of Hydra's energy gun, it can destroy almost any substance with just one shot, leaving not even a speck of dust behind.

Chris knows that this is not a destructive force, but the essence is actually the manifestation of the power of the space gem inside the Rubik's Cube. It does not annihilate the hit material but transfers it to a random position in the universe.Planets occupy only a very small portion of the universe, and planets suitable for life do not account for a high proportion of the total number of planets.So it's not a big problem to use it as a murder weapon.

"I really don't see what's so amazing about it." Howard didn't like to listen to people talking, and operated the robotic arm on his own. "Maybe you can give it an electric shock?"

Chris tactfully ducked to the side.

Sure enough, the next moment of the electric shock was an explosion, the reinforced glass was shattered, and Stark, who was almost pressing his face on the glass, was also thrown away, flying back a long way before gliding on the ground.

He is also blessed with great destiny, nothing serious, and sat up from the ground.Showing the hair that was blown into a bird's nest and only half of the mustache: "Write it down."

"Hahahaha." Chris took a notebook to record the information, with an expression like the famous curator Jin, wantonly mocking Howard's dignity at the moment.

At this time, Steve knocked on the door of the laboratory: "Can I come in?"

After receiving Stark's answer, Steve pushed the door open.He just looked a little unhappy.When asked, he told what happened today.

Just now, Steve was "kissed" by a female soldier at the front desk - anyway, he himself said it was a forced kiss, a super soldier is not as strong as a female soldier in the office, Chris doesn't believe it ——And by coincidence, Carter witnessed the scene where Steve and the female soldier kissed.

Although Steve leaned back and parted the female soldier's lips in the next moment—similarly, Steve said he would have done that even if Carter hadn't come—but Carter was just angry, and no matter how Steve explained it, it didn't help.

Under Chris's questioning, Steve faltered and said that he had asked Carter about her relationship with Stark, whether it was honey.

Carter scolded him "you still don't understand women at all".

Chris patted his forehead, covered his eyes and felt unable to see.

"You still don't understand women at all."

Stark heard that this melon was still related to him, so he didn't care. Instead, he excitedly analyzed his rich emotional experience with Steve: "Honey is just honey, my friend."

"Really? I don't think so" Steve was somewhat distrustful of Howard, a potential "rival in love".

"Of course you can't understand, otherwise you wouldn't be able to ask such a stupid question, brother." Howard and Chris walked in front of the lead, turned around and patted Steve's chest, "You have to trust a playboy's experience in picking up girls .”

"Every time you think you understand women's thoughts, that's when you're going to be in bad luck." Chris said with a little emotion in his tone, "One day I'm going to invent a 'female foreign language translator', and then every man sends one."

"Remember, I want one too, no, two." Howard patted Chris on the shoulder, "I always feel that I will have a son, and I have to leave one for him."

"Let's not talk about this, let's take a look at these." The three of them had already walked to a display area, where all kinds of powerful props were listed, and Steve was dazzled, "I have been Focusing on work, the current task is to ensure that you and your people can come back alive."

Chris recalled the overheated glove: "Steve and I are fine, don't give the Howling Commandos a bunch of experiments."

"I can't tell the difference." Howard gave Chris a blank look, and held up a large piece of fabric on the table beside him, "Carbon polymer, the finished product of the body armor last time, should be able to block the puncture of ordinary German sabers. However, the Hydra army will not use this small knife against you."

With that said, Howard put down the cloth and walked away. Before leaving, he patted the handle of the shield that Chris lent him.

Chris has no experience with shields, and he thinks guns are better than shields.In terms of defense, I don't need to face things like Migneur, Aegis is probably enough.

Because of this, Chris handed the shield to Howard for him to study.After studying for a few days, Howard actually found something out of the shield.

As a price, the shield was completely restored to raw materials, leaving only one handle for Chris as a souvenir.Chris didn't want everything like a trash collector, so he left his hand on Howard's.

"I heard that you have a special way of fighting?"

"Shields are more useful than you and I imagine."

"Very well, I have designed some new equipment for you according to your fighting style."

Walking to an independent table, it is full of beautiful things, all kinds of shields.As Howard walked, he pointed at the shield on it and introduced: "This is a bit interesting. I added a one-time explosive filling position, which can hit standard flash bombs or grenades."

Howard was walking along while introducing, and Steve wasn't paying attention to the table.He noticed that there seemed to be an archetypal shield on the lower level of the table.

"There is a relay on this one, the glove is the same as last time, it's ok."

"What about this? What's this?" Steve bent down and took out the shield.

Howard quickly shook his hand trying to stop him: "No, no, that's just a prototype."

"What's so special about it?"

"Its material. A new alloy synthesized from Wakanda's vibrating gold." Steve put the shield on his hand, and it felt just right.

"The weight is one-third of that of ordinary steel, and its strength is higher than that of vibrating gold. We can't test it out." Stark talked eloquently, "Its most important feature is that it can perfectly absorb vibrations. I named it sound-absorbing steel."

"Sounds awesome. Why don't you make more of them and make them into helmets and body armor?"

Howard pointed at the shield: "It is probably the most expensive alloy on earth, and it is an accidental product. I can't even restore its birth process. What you have is all our reserves."

Steve seemed to like the shield, and Chris walked over to Howard and whispered something.Howard nodded and agreed with Chris's suggestion.

"Have you finished speaking? Mr. Stark? I think the captain still has some things to do." Carter walked in very quickly, his tone a bit stiff.It was obvious that she was still angry.

Steve seemed to be a fool, but he happily put the shield on his chest and showed it to Carter: "What do you think of this?"

Carter bit her lower lip. Before the few people present could react, she picked up a pistol beside her and pointed it in Steve's direction.Steve was so frightened that he quickly raised his shield to protect himself.

"Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!" "Crack~" Carter fired six shots in a row until the pistol was empty.

Howard and Chris cleverly hid behind the table when Carter picked up the gun, and took the shield on the table by the way.

The sound-absorbing steel is indeed powerful. The bullet that hit the shield collapsed into a ball, and then the reaction force did not bounce off, and it naturally fell to the ground.Steve, who was standing behind, would have wondered if Carter had fired if he hadn't heard the pistol actually firing.

When Carter's gunfire stopped, Steve cautiously popped his head and looked at Carter.There are only a few black marks on the shield, and the shield is undamaged after being wiped with your hand.

The staff present who were taken aback by the sudden shooting did not recover for a long time.

Carter still didn't seem to let go of his hatred, and said through gritted teeth, "Well, I think it's plausible!" Throwing the pistol on the table, his anger was suppressed, he walked past Steve, and gave him a deep gouging look, with no head on his face. back to leave the laboratory.

Chris and Howard poked their heads out cautiously, and they stood up when they saw they were leaving.Chris flipped the shield up and felt that it was really easy to use, but it didn't suit him.

Howard walked up to Steve and stared blankly at the direction Carter left, as if he was feeling something.

Steve also looked there, and took out a piece of paper from his trouser pocket: "I have some ideas about the uniform."

"As you wish, brother."

(End of this chapter)

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