It's just the two stinging apes passing by Marvel

Chapter 15 The Righteousness From Heaven

Chapter 15 The Righteousness From Heaven
It's getting late, and it's getting dark.The performance was about to begin, but Steve was nowhere to be found in the barracks.

A small plane with the "Stark Industries" logo on it was flying low in the night sky.

"Hydra's base is in Cosbeck, which is located between these two peaks. It's a factory." Carter sat opposite Steve, holding a map in his hand to help Steve remember as much as possible.

Steve changed into relatively better clothes and was putting on his parachute bag.

The driver's seat is Howard Stark, pulled by Chris.The co-pilot is Chris, and his appearance is not too different from Steve's, but there are some more odds and ends.

"Test it for me if you have a chance," said Howard, who was professionally dressed with a helmet on, and glanced at Chris who was fiddling with it from the corner of his eye.

"There are simple electric shock devices on the gloves, I'm not sure if the body armor is effective, and I added retractable spikes and daggers to the boots, and the switch is on the heel."

Steve was a little puzzled: "But why did Howard bring us here?"

Chris turned around: "Stark is the best civilian pilot I know, with top-notch driving skills, and he has enough madness and courage to break into this airspace. What's more, the plane we are flying now is also Stark. gram."

"Chris is a colonel and only a colonel. You don't think he can really order a military plane to fly away." Carter gave Steve a white look.

"I think I should be able to let you just land at the door, if there is no accident." Howard adjusted the instrument and concentrated on driving.

"The closer the better, of course, but there will be a lot of trouble when you two go back." Steve picked up the shield provided by Chris.Compared with the prop shield, the Perseus shield is much easier to use, not to mention that the bronze shield is not as conspicuous as the prop shield painted with the American flag.

Carter was very worried about Steve: "Aren't you the same?"

"Where I'm going, if anyone dares to yell at me, just shoot him down." Steve's attitude is very good, and he can make jokes.

"They'll definitely fight back, too."

"The place we're going to isn't a studio, Steve. At that time, we will focus on self-protection." Chris moved from the co-pilot's seat to the rear seat.

"Can only hope it's all right." Steve tightened his hat and pulled on his windshield goggles.

"By the way, Miss Paige, if we hurry up, we will land in Lucerne. Would you like to enjoy a midnight cheese together then?" Howard failed to maintain his professional temperament for too long, and his playboy essence was exposed again.

"Well, you two, are you going to go?" Steve was a little incoherent, "Eat cheese?"

Steve is jealous.

Carter turned his head helplessly, skipped this topic, and picked up a signal transmitter: "This signal transmitter is yours. Turn it on when you are ready. The signal will guide us to find you."

"Hey, why don't I have this?" Chris said to Stark.

"I have prepared a small signal jammer on your equipment, in order to prevent someone from finding you and calling others, and give you time to deal with him. However, the effect has not passed the test, and occasionally it will not work." Stark did not turn his head. Said back.

"Then are you sure this thing works?" Steve felt that none of the things Stark took out were good, and they were all experimental products.Take the signal transmitter and ask.

"Chris mainly volunteered to help me test some gadgets. Your equipment has passed the test and is more proven than yours." Before Stark finished speaking, a white light passed by the glass window of the plane.

You startled the Germans.

The position of the anti-aircraft gun was activated. Although it was in the night sky, the barrage fired by the anti-aircraft gun was a little away from the plane, but the German gunners were not easy to eat. They quickly adjusted the trajectory, and the barrage gradually approached the plane.

"There is no time, Carter, you guys leave quickly, Steve, let's leave quickly!" Chris walked to the edge of the hatch.This is a small aircraft, and there is no professional skydiving position like a military aircraft to choose from.Chris could only resist the wind pressure, sitting by the door, waiting for Steve to take his place, so that the distance between the two would not be too far after skydiving.

While Steve was physically fit, he didn't have much skydiving experience, and Chris let him watch himself imitate.

"But we are still far from the entrance!" Carter tried to dissuade Chris and Steve.In fact, it was mainly Steve. After all, it was too far away from the scheduled landing point, and the two of them had to find a way to mix into the base after skydiving.And along the way, there are many dangers.

"It's dangerous for you to go back, as soon as we jump down, you turn around and leave this ghost place!" The high-speed airflow by the door forced Steve to speak loudly for Carter to hear.

"Don't even try to order me!" Carter leaned against the door.

"I am the captain!"

"Then I give an order, Howard, quickly take Carter back!" Chris jumped off first after finishing speaking.Steve followed closely behind.

Carter overlooked the night scene below, and two gray parachutes opened, blooming inconspicuously in the black night scene and the dazzling artillery fire.

Chris and Steve had already parachuted, even if Howard was so bold, he didn't dare to stay under the fire at this moment. The rudder deflected to the right, and the plane turned around flexibly and quickly left the airspace.

And Chris here.It was very dangerous to parachute in the situation just now. The first is that there are flying shells all around.

Despite the "protection of avoiding arrows", theoretically the shells cannot hit themselves.But the problem is that this can only protect oneself from being directly hit, and the explosion cannot be offset so simply.

The second is that under the night sky, you can't even see what is near the landing point.

No, Steve was lucky enough to land on an open space without any obstacles from the enemy, and quickly took off the parachute bag.

Chris was a little unlucky. He encountered a strong wind in the mountains halfway, and the parachute was hung on the tree. He had to take off the parachute and jump from the tree.

The two soon joined together, and using the jungle as a cover, they marched one after the other towards the bright German army.

Soon, the two saw the heavily guarded base not far away from the exit of the forest. Two searchlights swept back and forth at the gate of the base, and there was almost no chance of sneaking in.There were two guards with guns standing on both sides of the gate, and about seven or eight patrolling soldiers just passed by not far behind the iron gate.

This is just the gate, there are still large tanks parked behind the gate, several machine guns are erected, and there are walking figures on the tall sentry tower.

Not to mention two big living people, even a mouse would have difficulty sneaking into it.

Steve is quite distressed, what should we do in this situation?

Chris grabbed his shoulder and let him squat down, pointing to the back not far away.There were two beams of light coming from a distance, which seemed to be two car lights.

 In the early stage of "Captain America", I felt that it was really difficult to insert characters, almost all of which were Steve's personal drama, or only the plot development of the Red Skull side

  I don't like Naci (this word is blocked again)
  For the captain, there is only room for fishing in the early stage

(End of this chapter)

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