Chapter 14 Saving Private Bucky
February 1943, 12

"How many of you want to help me punch Hitler in the jaw?" Steve speaks into a microphone on a makeshift stage, in tights.

But today the audience is not the gentlemen and children he faced in the past, but the soldiers who want to relax because of the pressure of the war.They know the details of Steve "Captain America", and it is fake to save the army and beat up Hitler.

They don't buy into Steve's account, they just come for the long legs of girls in short skirts.

"Okay. Well, I need a volunteer." Steve was embarrassed by the silence of the scene, but no matter how he mobilized the atmosphere, the scene was like a pool of stagnant water.

Oh, it's not a pool of stagnant water--

"I've already volunteered!" "Why do you think I'm here?"

Someone in the audience taunted, and the soldiers sitting in the group laughed.

"Let the dancing beauties take the stage!"

"I think they can only sing that one song," Steve said in a daze, "but I can help you ask ask."

"Go ahead, honey."

"Nice shoes, Tinker!"

Steve, embarrassed to death, tried to silence the audience's teasing: "Cooperate, guys, we're on the same team."

The soldiers looked at the beauties without long legs, and found it very interesting to tease the "Captain America" ​​who had never fought a single battle.

"Hey, captain, sign here!" The soldier who spoke stood up and turned around, pulling down his pants to reveal his muddy buttocks.

What's more, he didn't see the beautiful dancer he was looking forward to for a long time, so he picked up wild fruits and clods of dirt on the ground and threw them at Steve's face.

"Let the dancing beauties take the stage!"

Steve raised the prop shield and blocked it left and right.He looked at the chaotic scene, but there was nothing he could do, so he retreated to the back of the stage in desperation, and let the beautiful girls in short skirts come on stage.

Just now, the crowd was excited and wanted to give Steve two slaps. Seeing the beautiful women, these old perverts were all very happy, waving their hands in welcome, and blowing whistles from time to time.

However, the LSPs were not happy for too long. The weather was terrible today. The girls had only been on stage for about 5 minutes before it began to rain.

But they are barely satisfied.On the chaotic battlefield, no one knew whether he would be able to return to the camp at this time tomorrow. Looking at the long legs of a beautiful woman was a more effective way to relieve stress than praying to God.

It rained heavily after a while.

Chris came up behind Steve.He was sitting on a low stool, scribbling and drawing in a notebook.

"A monkey dancing in a circus?"

Steve puts down his pencil and laughs at himself: "My self-portrait. How are you doing, Chris?"

"It's a war, what else can I do." Chris shrugged, "The pain index ranges from 1 to 10. If you win the battle today, it's 1; if you lose, it's 10."

"Tell me about you Steve, how does it feel to 'serve your country on the most important battlefield'?"

"Probably pi, not too much pain, but never ending."

Chris sits next to Steve: "It's not bad."

"Yes, um." Steve was rather embarrassed when he recalled, "The stage crew was improvised by me. In the past, there were usually more than, uh, twelve people."

"I heard that Brandt asked you to do it?"

"At least it's better than the mice in the lab, and it doesn't have to be drawn every day."

A female voice came from behind the two: "No matter how much serum there is, there is no hope if Professor Erskine is not around."

Steve turned his head and saw Carter who had been away for a long time.

"Peggy? What are you doing here?" Steve was surprised to see Carter here.

"Officially, I'm not here at this moment."

Carter sat down on a side table with a military jacket in his hand.

"Steve, you know you're worth more than that."

Steve's face was full of melancholy: "You know, I have always dreamed of crossing the ocean, going to the front line, and fighting for my country."

"In the end I got everything I wanted. And a tights."

Carter seemed about to say something.Just at this moment, the sound of a car horn not far away attracted the attention of the three of them.

It was a field medical ambulance that had just driven into the camp. A group of medical personnel stood guard by the door and lifted a stretcher from above.

"They look like they just got out of hell." Steve, with the super soldier serum on his body, can still carefully observe the condition of the wounded even though he is separated by a long distance, the crowd, and the interference of rainy weather.

"They've been through more than most people." Carter thought for a moment, hesitating whether to tell Steve about the battle.This is not information he can know.

"They encountered Schmidt's troops in Azzano." Chris knew what happened afterwards, "The number of the troops is 107."

"Isn't it 107107!" Steve thought for a while.

Chris had already said it, and Carter didn't seem to care too much: "The 107 people from the 200th Division fought against Schmidt's troops, and there are less than 50 people left."

Chris nodded: "Your audience before included the remnants of the 107th Division. Most of the others were killed in battle, and some of them were suspected of being captured and missing. I didn't come back from the battlefield for a long time, and I didn't see Bucky among the living. "

Steve, who got the news, couldn't sit still. He quickly stood up and dragged Carter to the command tent. Carter only had time to put his coat on his head.Chris quickly followed.

In the command tent.

"Colonel Phillips." As soon as Steve entered the camp, he saw the colonel who was processing the report.

"Wow, isn't this the man with a bright star and a well-thought-out plan?" Phillips said in a teasing tone. "Starlight" and "Confidence" are the lyrics of the "Captain America" ​​song, "What are the performance plans for today?"

"Phillips, help me make a list of Azano's casualties." Chris, the highest rank among the three, spoke out.

"Hey boy, we are at the same level, so don't order me." Phillips pointed at Chris with a pen cap, "Why do you suddenly care about Division 107?"

"Colonel, I'm looking for Sergeant James Barnes of the 107th Division." Steve interjected.

Phillips looked a little ugly, and pointed to Chris and Carter: "It seems that we are going to have an unpleasant conversation later."

Carter didn't dare to speak, but Chris shrugged indifferently.

"I have signed too many condolence letters today, and I can't even count them." Phillips squinted his eyes, straightened up from the backrest, stood up and took a few steps, "However, I probably didn't hear the name Barnes. Yes, sorry."

This at least means that either Bucky came back alive, or he was captured.And being captured by Hydra, sometimes it is better to die.

Chris said that none of the people who came back had seen Bucky, and Steve hadn't seen Bucky in the previous performance.In all likelihood, Bucky was captured.

"And what about the rest of the soldiers? Have you arranged for a rescue mission?" Steve was lucky, what if Phillips had already arranged for someone to rescue the prisoners?

"Of course, Colonel Phillips is wily," Chris nodded. "The name of the rescue plan is, 'Win the War.'"

"Since you know where they are, why don't you?" Steve was interrupted by Colonel Phillips.

"Their position is 30 miles behind enemy lines."

"There are still several enemy heavy fortifications on the way," Chris walked to the edge of the map, and pointed at a point, which was the location of the current camp.

Then, starting from this point, his fingers drew a long route.

"There is a guard tower here"

"Here is the anti-aircraft gun"

"There are no enemy troops here, but this is a cliff."

Phillips turned his back on Steve: "If there is a rescue operation, there will be more victims in the operation than rescued people. I can't sacrifice hundreds of people for dozens of people."

Steve couldn't argue with Phillips.Although he is indeed a stubborn old man, with a vicious tongue and a tsundere, what he did at the moment made him feel cold, but he was right.

The leader of the war cannot be impulsive. The responsibility he bears is not only his own gains and losses, but the countless lives of his subordinates.

"I don't expect you to understand, go back and sing and dance and sell the national debt, cheerleader girl."

"I think I can understand." Steve raised his head that had been drooping since a while ago.Instead, at this time, Phillips showed a little smile: "Very well, let's understand slowly in another place. The poster said that you will perform again in half an hour."

As he spoke, he passed Steve's side.

Steve stared at the faint marks Chris had made with his fingernails on the map.After that, he didn't say much, just coped: "Yes, sir."

With that said, he walked to the tent of the performance troupe.

Carter also bid farewell to the colonel and chased into the camp.Steve is sorting things out.

"What are you going to do, walk to Austria?"

"If it is necessary." As he spoke, Steve picked up the steel helmet used by the skirt girl.Even the dancer's hats were of better quality than his theatrical hats.

"You heard it too, the colonel is already planning a route, maybe wait a little longer"

Steve was anxious about his important brother Bucky, how could he listen to Carter's advice: "It will be too late by then!" After saying that, he put on a thick leather jacket and was about to go out.Even if it is a little bit, it is somewhat more protective than tights.

Carter squeezed his hand: "Steve!"

"You told me once that I wasn't destined to live an ordinary life. Are you serious?" Steve looked Carter firmly in the eyes.

"Every word is true." Carter's words at this time are almost the same as confession.

"Then you should let me go." Steve glanced at Carter's face one last time, as if to keep her in mind.Just go outside.

"Steve." Carter tried to keep Steve.

"Ahem." The door curtain was pulled up, revealing Chris's face. "It seems that someone wanted to break into the enemy camp alone?"

"Chris, you can't stop me."

"You misunderstood, captain." Chris showed his big white teeth, "In fact, a colonel seemed to have a broken leg just now, and he wanted to go to Germany to see an orthopedic surgeon, and a special plane sent it."

"So, does anyone want a lift?"

 In fact, at the beginning, I considered whether to start with Iron Man or Spider-Man.
  However, these two village chiefs seem to be too much at the beginning, although it is indeed better to write

  Finally wrote the US team

(End of this chapter)

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