It's just the two stinging apes passing by Marvel

Chapter 16 About why the system always gives fate related things

Chapter 16 About why the system always gives fate related things

Motorbikes drove past, followed by a large number of trucks, with a canopy on the carriages, and it was impossible to see what was inside.

Chris and Steve waited until there was only the last car left, rushed out of the woods, pulled behind the car, turned over and got into the car.

Unexpectedly, there were two heavily armed German soldiers in the carriage. Hearing the movement, he turned his head and looked at Chris and Steve who had just rolled into the carriage.

Chris and Steve looked at each other and nodded.

There was a fierce fight in the car.Soon, two German soldiers were thrown out of the car one after another.

——I hope that the German army can learn a lesson in the future and use closed trucks.

The convoy quickly entered the base.With the convoy as cover, the two sneaked in perfectly.

The truck appeared to be near its destination, and the driver made a U-turn and backed up in front, as if preparing to unload.

The curtain of the car was lifted, and a German soldier with a gun poked his head in to see why the people in the car hadn't unloaded.

Chris covered his mouth and hugged his head.Steve took hold of his struggling hands and snatched the gun away.Together, the two dragged the unlucky ghost into the carriage.

At this time, Chris received a system prompt: [Achievement rewards to be collected]

However, I'm too busy sneaking in now, so I don't have time to watch it, so let's wait.

Chris poked his head out carefully, and after confirming that no one was around, he quickly jumped out of the car and beckoned Steve to follow quickly.

The two found that the current location was next to a warehouse-style building, and there was still a long way to go from the main building of the base.

Fortunately, it was not an open space. The enemy parked countless vehicles on this road, ranging from armored vehicles, tanks, trucks, and motorcycles. It also gave Chris and the others enough shelter to pass this road.

Turning left and right along the way to avoid the patrol, the two sneaked into the entrance of the building without any risk.

Inside the entrance gate, there was a soldier with his back facing the gate. Chris signaled Steve to knock him out, then he walked to the edge of the door and pulled the door handle hard, and the door made a "bang bang" sound.Chris said: "Verdammt, Pech gehabt."

The doorman heard the noise, and after hearing what Chris said, he walked to the door and opened it unprepared.Steve had been prepared for a long time, and the moment the guard opened the door and poked his head out, he covered the guard's mouth and hugged his head.This time it was Chris' turn to take control of the gun with both hands.

The two were born acquainted with each other once, and they dragged the guard behind the door to settle the matter.

"What did you just say?" Steve whispered.

"German, 'Damn, that's unlucky'." Chris opened the door, no one noticed, fine.So he called Steve to follow, and entered the depths of the building.

As the two walked, they passed by a place where no one was loading and unloading. Unpacked goods were randomly placed on the table.

Curious, Steve picked up a battery and examined it.Even though he didn't have much contact with the energy field, when he picked up the battery, his biological instinct gave him a "dangerous" feeling.

A small battery block poses such a threat. Several batteries are arranged side by side to form a group, and six battery packs are combined to form more than half of the battery modules, and then about 18 yuan of battery modules are assembled into a round of large battery trays.When Steve sneaked in just now, he saw that the German army put six battery trays side by side and loaded them into the missiles.And those missiles are standing beside the two of them at this moment.

Chris slipped a few batteries into his pocket, and Steve took a few, too.They plan to take it back to study for Stark, and learn about the mysterious technology that the German army has never been cracked.

The two passed through the loading and unloading area with a lot of people, and finally reached the bottom and deepest part of the building-the prison area where the prisoners were held.

There seemed to be only one patrolling soldier in the prison area, and the prisoners were all held by the Germans in large cages at the feet of the patrolling soldier. The distance between them was at least two meters, so there was no need to worry about being attacked by prisoners.Coupled with the many checkpoints outside, not to mention the most important factories and research areas, it is understandable that the guards here are lax.

Chris took out a note from his pocket that he found from the doorman before, and only one hand shook the coin from the door: "Wer hat das Geld verloren?"

"ich." The patrolling soldier was attracted, and immediately uttered his voice and walked towards the door.

Chris's other hand activated the electric shock device that Stark said, and the moment the soldier showed his face, his free hand carried an electric current and pressed it on the only exposed chin of the soldier.

Stark's electric shock device was very effective, and the soldier was shocked straight up in an instant, like a "zombie fall" in a theatrical performance, and he fell straight on top of the iron cage.

The German conversation just now didn't attract the attention of too many prisoners, but after the fall, they couldn't sit still, and they got up from the ground one after another, looking up.

"I asked him who dropped the money, and he said mine." Chris explained before Steve, leaning over and groping on the fallen soldier.

Steve watched at the door: "It looks like Stark's new invention is a success?"

"Actually, it was a big failure. He said it was a prop to subdue the enemy and capture prisoners." Chris pressed his finger on the charred chin of the German soldier, "It's all brittle."

"Colonel Chris? And who is this?" one of the prisoners below asked.Judging by the clothes, he was probably one of the captured soldiers.

"Let me introduce myself, I'm actually a mermaid warrior, and he's an American butt." Chris patted Steve's butt.

Steve patted Chris' hand away: "Fuck you, I'm Captain America."

The people below listened, "Captain America" ​​doesn't feel as good as "American buttocks", what is that, a new drama?
But there is one thing to say, pure passers-by, to be fair, it is really good.

Steve went down the stairs to the lower floor, took a bunch of keys, and released the prisoners.Chris replaced him as a lookout, turned on the system by the way, and looked at the rewards that he hadn't had time to look at just now.

Open the [Achievements] interface in [Tasks], the top task stands out among the gray achievements:

[The final big Trojan horse: complete an infiltration and destruction by "mixing into it"]

Reward: Divine Enchantment Aegis (distributed to [Warehouse] after receiving)
Another familiar name, Chris blindly guessed it was "fate".

as predicted.

"Divine Enchantment", a defensive weapon created by the gods of Olympus - Aegis.

In some rumors, Aegis is armor, but in other rumors, Aegis is a shield.However, its exact name is "Divine Enchantment".As the name suggests, it is: like a "divine body", a defensive enchantment that resists infringement.

The work from is Odysseus, the Greek military strategist with the highest rarity of five stars in the mobile game called "Fate/Grand Order", and a professional Rider.

Its most famous trick is the "Trojan horse trick" that bypasses the solid walls of Troy and destroys it from the inside.Also because of this, later people also dubbed the title of "Trojan horse virus" for the sneaky virus that destroys computer programs from the inside.

Although in the Xingyue mythology, Odysseus' Trojan Horse is actually a "Gangda Trojan" horse, which is a deformable giant Gundam.

The ghost knows if there are some federal mobile suit drivers on the Troy side who can fight for so many years.

But if you think about it this way, it would be reasonable to reward the ability of the user of the Trojan Horse after completing the Trojan Horse Meter.

Chris sighed, and closed the system's interface helplessly.

On Odysseus's body, the "Divine Body Barrier Aegis" is presented in the form of armor, which is constantly activated. It is an invincible armor made of Kobelco material with conceptual defense.Simply put, Odysseus is a Kamen Rider who transforms at any time.

But the problem is that Aegis was originally in the form of an enchantment, and Odysseus wore it as a physical armor as an exception because of the favor of the goddess Athena.

Therefore, if you want to continue to use Aegis in the form of armor, you need to have the blood of the "Greek gods" on your body or get the love of Athena through the skill "Favour of the Gods".

And Chris has neither.Therefore, the Aegis, which was normally activated, became a time-limited item that needs to be consumed by oneself. However, it seems that it comes with the treasure, and there is still enough magic power to support the 15-minute activity.

Thinking of the Red Skull whose body is almost the same as Steve's and even has a slight advantage, Chris was just an ordinary person who could avoid bullets and hold a shield.Now it can be regarded as having a hole card more or less.

 Everyone who can see here, thank you very much
  The reason, probably is that the main character finally gets to play more roles.

  (Sometimes I feel that what I write is a bit like a text version of a movie remake)

(End of this chapter)

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