The Pirate Hunting Gourmet

Chapter 322 Appearance

Chapter 322 Appearance
"If you ask that, then you might be in for a surprise."

Marco said with a smile, trying to control his emotions.

"What's wrong?" Sach asked curiously.

"Father beat Akainu alone, and the three of them couldn't lift their heads."

"Really?" Sage asked in surprise.

"Of course. Joz, tell Sarge what happened."


Joz on the side nodded and replied when he heard the words, and then began to tell Sachs about his father's demeanor of the battle yesterday.

After Saqi finished listening, his whole body couldn't help but feel excited, wanting to do something?So he went back to the kitchen to cook.

Enter O'Hara, after Robin collected the information, he went to find Louis.It turned out that there was no trace of Louis on O'Hara, so he had to knock on the door of Louis:
"The boss is up, I found the information you want for you."

"Really? Wait for a while. I'll come out soon." Louis said with a yawn, got up from the bed, put on a black robe, put on a mask, and opened the door.

Robin looked at Louis who appeared, and handed over two pieces of information: "This is the news of where Tina is, and this is the news of the location of naval instructor Zefa. Boss."

After hearing the words, Louis took a look and nodded with satisfaction: "Really? Thank you for your hard work, Robin."

"Then I'm leaving, you can rest here slowly."

After speaking, Louis disappeared again without giving Robin a chance to speak.

Seeing this, Robin kicked the open door, causing a loud noise to be heard throughout the room, before walking away slowly.

After Louis disappeared in O'Hara, he reappeared in Chambord Islands not long after.He looked at the vibrant Chambord Islands and nodded:

"The situation in the Chambord Islands seems to be recovering well. Let's look for Tina's warship first."

After speaking, Louis began to look for Tina's warship along the coast.

It didn't take long for him to be attracted by someone.A guy "Smog" standing on the deck of a warship, although I don't know why Smoker appeared here?But he knew that Smoker and Tina were good friends, so Tina should be on this warship.

After all, the information he got from Robin showed that only Tina's warship docked in the Chambord Islands.

"It's been a long time, Smoker. It seems that your strength has improved a lot now." Louis suddenly appeared on the deck and greeted Smoker like a familiar old friend.

Smoker turned his head and looked around. When he saw Louis's outfit, he immediately put on a fighting posture, and shouted behind him:
"Hina, run, that bastard is here."

Tina in the cabin heard the words and said angrily:

"Huh? Who's here? Smoker. And this is Hina's warship. Where did Hina go?"

"The ability user hunter is here, he must be coming for you. Hurry up." Smoker shouted, taking out his ten hands.

Upon hearing this, Tina immediately jumped to Smoker's side and stared at Louis nervously.

"Why don't you leave? Rina." Smoker said angrily when he saw this.

"There's no escape, Smoker."

"Do you know? General Sakasky was drained by him last night. Do you think you can escape with Hina's ability?"

Smoker was taken aback when he heard the words, and then said with a smile: "Really? Then this is really bad news. Then you may want me to become ordinary again in the future."

"Yes, Smoker." Tina nodded and smiled upon hearing this.

Louis looked at the two of them, kicked the deck angrily and said, "Hey! Don't you two take me a little seriously? Can you two be more serious in front of me? Flirting Can you go to bed and play later if you are cursing?"

Smoker said angrily, "What are you talking about? Hina and I are good friends."

"Don't mess with my relationship with Hina."

"You idiot, you don't even know if your friend likes you or not? I think you've spent so many years in vain." Louis scolded angrily, Smoker is a stupid guy.This emotional intelligence is really comparable to that of Luffy.

"What? Hina, you like me?" Smoker was shocked when he heard this, and asked Tina without thinking.

Tina couldn't help but blushed when she heard this, Smoker seemed to understand something when she saw it?Can't help lowering his head.And Louis took advantage of this time to suddenly appear next to Smoker and directly KO him with a knife in his hand.

"What are you doing? Put Smoker down quickly." Seeing this, Tina yelled loudly, stretching out fence-like iron branches from her arms, and surrounded Louis in front of her.

"Don't be so angry, I let you two lovers get married, you should thank me." Louis laughed, throwing Smoker away, Tina immediately ran to catch it.

And Louis repeated his tricks again and succeeded again.

Tina was successfully knocked out by him, as for the navy soldiers?He only managed to solve the domineering look and arrogance a little bit.

After extracting Tina's devil fruit, Louis disappeared on the deck, ready to find Zefa.But before going to Zefa, he had some preparations to do.

As long as he is ready for this, he can easily take down the two devil fruits beside Zefa.

In the waters near the Kingdom of Alabasta in the front section of the great route, the NEO naval force formed by Zefa is guarding the pirates who entered the great route from all over the world.

"Teacher, the result of yesterday's battle has come out. The headquarters did not defeat the Whitebeard Pirates, so they all ran away." Binz said, looking at Zefa at the side.

"Really? The old man had already guessed that the result would be like this. A group of navies who are not pure enough are still working hand in hand with pirates. It is impossible to succeed." Zefa sneered.

Binz nodded and continued: "There is one more thing. General Sakasky was deprived of his ability last night. Teacher."

"Really? You have to keep in mind one thing. The fruit ability is an external force after all. Only the strength that you have cultivated through hard work is worth relying on." Zefa taught.

"Yes, Teacher Zefa."

Binz Ain couldn't help but nodded when he heard that.

"Good education, it seems that you are indeed a person worthy of praise. Z." Louis said with a smile. He heard Zefa's words just after he came here, and it seems that Zefa is still very good at teaching.

"who are you?"

Seeing Louis who suddenly appeared with a bad tone, Zefa protected Ain and Binz behind him.

"You were still talking about me just now, why have you forgotten who I am now?" Louis asked with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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