Chapter 321 Return
"Yes, you should have a good sleep tonight. I still have something to say to Robin, so I won't chat with you any further."

"Okay, Louis, go get busy." Sach smiled, and then happily went to study his own recipes.

"Is Robin asleep? I'm asleep, then I'll come see you tomorrow." In front of Robin's room, Louis knocked on Robin's door and asked.

But only got Robin's words Wait, Louis waited for a while, and found that the door was still not opened, Louis was about to knock again, and the door opened.

Louis watched Robin put down his hand, and greeted nonchalantly:

"Good evening, my Miss Robin. You don't mind if I venture to call so late."

"You think I mind being useful? My boss." Robin rolled his eyes and said.

She was going to rest, but her boss knocked on the door, can she get up?

"It's useful, but I won't accept it." Louis said earnestly. Although he also knew that it was not polite to interrupt Robin's rest, he hasn't been back for a long time, and he needs to understand the current situation in the sea.

"That's right. Boss, where did you come back wearing perfume?" Robin said with bright eyes, like a beast protecting food.

Louis said honestly after hearing the words: "I went to Daughter Island, what's the matter? Do you have such a good nose? You are a dog."

"Why are you going to Daughter's Island? Where are the islanders beautiful?" Robin asked.

"I didn't look at the women there in the past. I used to collect devil fruits. Boa Sandersonia and Boa Marigold know? Boa Hancock's two younger sisters. Their long That's a strange shape." Louis shook his head and said, if he hadn't bought a plastic surgery package for the two sisters, they would look like the two of them.

It is estimated that in this life, I have put an end to the word "beauty".

"Really? So what are you going to do next?" Robin asked curiously.

"Continue to look for devil fruits and taste the delicious food by the way." Louis replied truthfully.

"Really? Then you are really leisurely."

"Yes, so you can help me find out where are Captain Tina and Zeda, the naval instructor? Whether I can be relaxed depends on your work efficiency." Louis shrugged. Leisure is built on efficiency. And on a practical basis, if there is no accurate source of information, then he will not be able to relax.

"I can check it for you, but what are you going to pay me for?" Robin asked with a smile.

"Um, I'll resurrect your family and friends. I think this salary should be enough for you to work for many years." Louis said with a lift.

Robin stared at Louis and said with a smile: "But I have provided you with a lot of information for so long, are you so stingy? You are not a good boss like this. You will lose me as a gentle and considerate person." Secretary."

"Okay, okay. The conditions of eternal life and eternal youth are fine. Don't be too greedy, this is a deal worth several devil fruits." Louis didn't bother to argue with Robin, anyway, he was able to treat himself It's not a rare commodity.

"Okay, then I want to choose my own age to live forever?" Robin said with a smile.

"No problem, you can find me at any time. Remember to help me investigate the news that I asked you."

"I'm leaving now, you sleep well." Louis said, leaving Robin's room and walking outside.

Robin is a bit weird today, he feels a little greedy for his body, he has to leave soon, Robin is almost 30 years old, he understands the needs in that regard.

But he is not a casual person, he is a child and cannot be harmed.

Robin looked at Louis in a hurry, and couldn't help covering his mouth and letting out a silver bell-like laugh.

The next day, Louis was woken up by Sage.Saatchi watched Louis wake up, smiled and said:

"I'm really sorry that I woke you up early in the morning, but I really want to know how Dad is doing, and I hope you won't be offended."

Louis said with a dark face when he heard the words: "Come here, go and bring over the boat I sent you."


Although Sage didn't understand what Louis meant, he still honestly followed what Louis said.

After a while, Sage dragged the boat over and asked, "Okay, what should I do next?"

"Go up and help it up."


After Saatchi continued to follow what Louis said, he asked again: "And then?"

"Then? Then let's go. When the boat stops, you will be there." Louis said, kicking the reinforced boat and sending it flying out with Sage.


The unsuspecting Sach couldn't help yelling in panic on the boat, like a person who has done a roller coaster for the first time.

"Why do you want to go back, then go back slowly, I finally slept late, and you dare to bother me." Louis cursed angrily, then closed the door and continued to lie down.

In the sky, the ship was like a sharp arrow that suddenly pierced into the air, leading Sachs to run wildly all the way.

Half a day later, Saatchi got his wish and returned to the Moby Dick, but the way he came back was a bit ugly.

"What's wrong with you, Sachi? Have you encountered a robber? Why are you dressed like this?" Marco looked at the tattered Sachi and asked with concern.

Saqi shook his head and said in a daze: "No, the wind in the sky is really too strong. I never thought that this suit would be unbearable."

"Really? How is your situation now? Is it convenient for Fang to sit down and let me take a look?" Marco continued to ask.

"Of course there is no problem at all, please help me to see."

"That's good."

Marco pulled Sage to sit down on a chair, and then began to check Sage's body.

"How did you get this way? Louis didn't send you back?"

"I thought I might have disturbed his sleep, so instead of sending me back, he just sent me back by boat."

"Really? Where have you been these days?"

"I went to O'Hara in the sky with Louis."

"O'Hara? Impossible, wasn't it destroyed by the Demon Slaughter Order long ago? How could it appear in the sky." Marco said with a smile.

"It's true. I heard from Robin that Louis restored O'Hara. He also resurrected the dead residents of O'Hara."

"Really? Then Louis' ability is really amazing." Marco said with emotion.

"By the way, what happened to the Navy Headquarters this time?" Sach asked curiously. He knew that the Whitebeard Pirates had retreated unscathed, but he didn't know what happened to them in Marin Fand.

(End of this chapter)

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