The Pirate Hunting Gourmet

Chapter 323 Peaceful Conversation

Chapter 323 Peaceful Conversation
Hearing this, Binz looked at Louis's outfit and couldn't help but change his expression. He moved closer to Zefa and said, "Mr. Zefa, he is the ability hunter."

Hearing Binz's voice, Louis said generously, "Yes, I am a hunter of abilities. I came this time to want your disciple's two devil fruits."

"You can rest assured that I have absolutely no malice, and as a meeting gift, I think you will like this gift."

Louis smiled and clapped his hands, causing ripples in the air.Then two figures could not help but slowly emerge.

Seeing this, Zefa, who was protecting Binz and Ain, couldn't help shrinking his pupils, and his whole body was trembling.

Louis nodded in satisfaction when he saw this, and said to the woman holding the child: "Sister-in-law, take a look, this is Instructor Zefa, I did not lie to you. I know Instructor Zefa, you take your son Let's go."

"Okay, thank you benefactor."

The woman holding the child expressed gratitude, and then walked towards Zefa.

Seeing this, Zefa couldn't help but tremble a little, but he was more at a loss.

Seeing this, Louis said, "Ain Binz still not going to help your teacher's wife? I have something to say to your instructor."

Binz and Ain, who were protected behind Zefa, reacted quickly, and immediately greeted the woman:
"Master, this way, please."

After the two left with the woman, Zefa finally stopped his trembling body, looked at Louis and said:

"What's your purpose?"

"I just said my purpose, all I want is a devil fruit. And your son and wife have been resurrected, you should be very happy."

"As long as you are willing to let Ain and Binz cooperate with me, your arms and your body will be restored to when you were 30 years old. Your students who were killed can also be resurrected."

"And, as long as you want to continue to fight pirates. I can help you fulfill this wish. I have a group of good guys who can act as pioneers."

"As long as you are willing, all the above conditions are not a problem." Louis said with a smile.

Zefa's face was full of confusion when he heard the words, and he really wanted to say no to Louis.But thinking about those dead students?He couldn't speak again.

But asking him to sacrifice the abilities of Binz and Ain for these conditions is not what he should do as a teacher.

Seeing this, Louis looked at Binz and Ain who were standing in the cabin and said loudly: "Okay, since you are in such a difficult situation, then you just need to choose not to intervene. You two, Ain Binz, think about it carefully. I know you two heard it."

"At this time tomorrow, I will come back again. I hope you can give me a satisfactory answer."

After Louis finished speaking, his body blurred and disappeared on the deck.Ain and Binz immediately came out of the cabin, ran to the deck and said to Zefa in unison:
"Teacher Zefa, we are willing to agree to his request."

"Have you really thought about it? Binz, Ain."

Zefa heard the words and said: "If you are for the old man and those classmates, there is no need for this."

Ai En shook his head and said: "No, this is our own decision, teacher. Didn't you say it too? Don't rely too much on the fruit ability, so we have long wanted to get rid of the fruit ability."

"Yes, teacher. We have such a good opportunity in front of us now, and we don't want to miss it." Binz echoed.

"Really? Since this is your own true thought, then do what you think." Zefa said with a smile.


Binz Ain and the two nodded and smiled when they heard this.

The next day, when Louis came to Zefa's warship again, he looked at Ain and Binz who greeted him.You know they've figured it out.

"Since you've all figured it out, who's going to come first?" Louis asked, looking back and forth between Binz and Ain.

Ai En took a step forward and said, "I'll come first, but after you take away my ability, you have to resurrect your classmates."

Louis nodded and said, "No problem, it's just a trivial matter, come here, I'm going to do it."

"Okay." Ain sat on the deck honestly and waited for Louis to draw his ability.

When Louis saw this, he stretched out his blackened hand and put it close to Ain's forehead. In order to prevent Ain from crying out in pain later, he specially used his ability.

After a while, Louis withdrew his hand after drawing the ability, and revived their classmates in the same period as agreed.

After extracting Binz's ability, he also healed Zefa's arm as agreed to restore his youth.

After cleaning up Zefa's hidden disease, Louis said: "Do you want a manpower? If you want it, I'll get it for you. If you don't, I'll just leave. We're done."

After hearing the words, Zefa thought for a while and said, "How many manpower can you provide?"

"Then let's see how much you want?"

"Do you have [-] people?" Zefa asked tentatively.

"Fifty thousand? It's just a trifle, do you want more?" Louis asked with a smile.

Zefa was a little surprised when he heard the words: "Then how much are you going to give me?"

Louis pointed to the Kingdom of Alabasta and pointed upwards: "You see that this place is all over the world, I can get you as many pirates as there are on this route, and you can rest assured of their loyalty. , I will brainwash them, don't worry."

"Really? If that's the case. It's good news. Why did you help me like this?" Zefa nodded upon hearing this, and then wondered why the other party helped him so much.

"You are a qualified navy, and I believe you can defend the peace of the sea. That's why I will help you."

"You can wait here for a few days. If there are no accidents, those pirates will report to you one after another within half a month. You only need to be responsible for accepting them."

"In addition, you only need to patrol here in the front part of the Alabasta Kingdom, don't go any further," Louis explained.

"Why?" Zefa asked curiously.

"Because, I'm going to take action. There are too many miscellaneous things in this world. Especially the Tianlong people, it's time for them to perish."

Louis said with a smile, the murderous aura emanating from his body couldn't help but make Binz, Ain and others tremble a little.

Zefa heard the words and said, "Do you need help?"

Louis smiled and shook his head and said, "No need, as long as I need subordinates in this sea, if I use my abilities casually, countless people will follow me."

"Really? You were also responsible for the pirates who attacked the holy land of Mariejoa, right?" Zefa said.

(End of this chapter)

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