The Pirate Hunting Gourmet

Chapter 310 Preparation

Chapter 310 Preparation
Louis, who had dealt with Eustace Kidd, didn't know about the episode on Kidd's boat. He was looking at Hawkins in front of him and said:

"Your card is quite good, why don't you give it to me to play with. Or if you win the game of Fighting the Landlord with me, I won't do anything to you."

Hawkins looked very calm when he heard the words, looked at the flipped cards and said: "Winning rate o, escape o, resist, o."

Louis heard the words, looked at Hawkins and said, "Since you know that you can't resist or escape, then tell the truth honestly. Otherwise, I'm going to get rough."

"Although I believe in fate, it is impossible for me to obey fate just like that." Hawkins said, his whole body began to swell and turned into a scarecrow.

When Louis saw this, there was a flash of lightning in his hand, and the scarecrow, which was exuding a terrifying aura just now, immediately lay on the ground emitting black smoke. The scarecrow's body gradually weakened until it returned to Hawkins' appearance.

Louis grabbed the smoking Hawkins and said, "I appreciate your courage. But obviously your strength cannot match your courage, so I will not be polite about your fruit ability."

After the words fell, Louis' hand was covered with black light and stuck to Hawkins' head.

Hawkins' men saw the boss with his mouth open, but they didn't run away.Because their legs were so frightened that they couldn't move at all.

They just watched as Louis finished drawing his own captain's ability, then threw away his own captain like trash and left.

But they didn't even have the courage to step forward.

"Three, and a few more will be completely settled."

After tidying up Hawkins, Louis counted the number of untied ones, cheered himself up, and continued to work.

Soon, the news that the Pirate Supernova's abilities were taken away spread throughout the sea, and just a few days after the news passed, the news that Ace was arrested directly overshadowed the news.

Inside the Navy Headquarters, Sengoku looked at Garp with an expression of hesitation and reluctance.

"You can say whatever you want, there's no need to hide it." Garp sat on the seat and said, his face was calm and terrifying.

"I don't know what to say about you, Garp."

"Why are you so confused? You are a naval hero?"

"What does the old man do? It's the old man's business. You don't have to worry about the old man. Since Ace has chosen his path, he must be responsible for himself."

Garp said, got up and left the seat directly.

After seeing this, the Warring States sighed, and followed Wu Laoxing's order.

A few days later, Hawkeye and others gathered at Marin Fando.Compared with the last time, there were fewer Crocodile and Jinbe this time, and more Marshall D. Teach and Edward Weible.

Crane looked at Hawkeye and the others who had arrived and said:

"The purpose of asking everyone to come this time is clear to everyone. Then from now on, you can stay at the headquarters and wait for the battle to begin."

"Crocodile rejected the summoning of the headquarters and has lost his identity as the king's Qiwuhai. Jinbei has too close contacts with the Whitebeard Pirates, so he cannot be allowed to participate in this operation."

"These two are the two new kings Shichibukai Marshall D. Teach and Edward Weibull. Let's get to know each other, after all, we will fight together next time."

Boa Hancock said with disgust when he heard the words: "There is no need to know each other. I have never thought of getting acquainted with a stinky man. If the meeting is over, then I will leave."

Hearing this, He nodded and said, "Okay, Boa Hancock, you can do whatever you want, as long as you don't leave the headquarters as agreed."

"Thank you."

Boa Hancock said, got up and left the conference room to go outside.

Hawkeye saw it and walked out calmly.

On the other side, Kuzan looked at Garp and Luffy and said:

"Sorry, Mr. Garp. In order to ensure the safety of the headquarters, and to ensure the safety of Luffy, he must be locked up."

Karp nodded and said, "Well, lock him up."

"Okay, thanks a lot, Mr. Karp."

Kuzan said when he heard the words, and then walked towards Lu Fei with Hailoushi handcuffs.

When Lu Fei saw this, he immediately ran away. He was going to rescue Ace, but he couldn't be caught.

But with his strength, how could he be able to run, and he was caught by Kuzan in two or three strokes.

"Lieutenant General Garp, is there really no problem with this? Luffy is your grandson." Nuo Qigao worried.

Garp said seriously: "Luffy is the grandson of the old man, but he is also a navy. Since he has become a navy, he must abide by the rules of the navy."

After speaking, Garp walked away.

Enter O'Hara, Louis looks at the newspaper in his hand.After looking at Sachi who was jumping up and down anxiously, he said:

"Don't be so excited, I will save people naturally, but I just need to prepare something, you just stay here honestly, don't follow me, or you will make trouble for me with your strength .”

Saatchi was very happy to hear that Louis would make a move, and then continued to ask: "Okay, Louis. Then when do you plan to set off?"

"It's not too late, I'm going to prepare now, remember not to come out, don't cause trouble for me." Louis said, and got up from his seat.

He waited for a long time, and finally waited for this opportunity.

He has to make a big one. After all, this opportunity is once in a thousand years. Akainu will definitely be defeated by Whitebeard, and the Whitebeard Pirates will cause many casualties. At that time, they can start from Whitebeard. Earn devil fruit here.

He will be the biggest winner of this war, and, taking advantage of this opportunity, the pirates can continue to make trouble for the Tianlongren. Isn't that good?
Thinking so, Louis went to the sea to choose a suitable pirate group.After all, the pirates selected last time were too weak and did not cause any obvious damage to the Tianlongren. They just destroyed the Holy Land Mary Joa. Only serious.

He first hypnotized a group of miscellaneous fish pirates to act as gunners, and then found a group of pirates who had passed the strength to form a huge pirate group and marched towards the new holy land of Mary Joa.

Then, in order to prevent the Navy Headquarters from being able to spare time to support the Holy Land Marie Gioia, he not only sent Chigui and others to help the Whitebeard Pirates, but also arrived at the large submarine prison to control a group of pirates, planning to wait for the battle. As soon as it starts, let them come out to contain it.

Of course, these pirates must not be able to last for too long, so he has to come out as bait.

(End of this chapter)

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