The Pirate Hunting Gourmet

Chapter 311 Explosion

Chapter 311 Explosion
After making all the preparations, Louis waited quietly for the arrival of the top war.

Time passed quickly, and the top war didn't take long to arrive.Whitebeard and his gang continued to come up from the water, and Louis let the prisoners come out to fight without a word.

The sudden appearance of the prisoners startled the navy, but they didn't panic. Sengoku couldn't help but darken when he saw the sudden appearance of the prisoners.

He knew that this was the hunter's revenge for their ambush in the Chambord Islands, but he couldn't do anything about it, because now the Whitebeard Pirates were the danger they had to face now.

When the situation in Marlin Vandor became very tense, Teach was advancing to the city, and above him, Louis was also following Teach.

Of course, Louis didn't intend to sneak up on Tiki to steal his abilities. After all, in terms of his strength, he can deal with Tiki casually. Kaido suddenly appeared next to him when he was alone, Tiki's appearance will definitely be very exciting.

Tiqi, who was going to the city on the boat, couldn't help but sneezed, and then his back felt cold. After looking around to make sure there was nothing wrong, he continued to go to the city by boat.

After Louis in the sky noticed this scene, he couldn't help showing a smile on his face.

Then, the figure disappeared.In order to make the expressions of Tiqi and others look better, he was going to clear the scene for them first.

After a while, Tiqi and others boarded the city of advancement.But when they looked at the quiet surroundings, where there were no guards, they couldn't help feeling a little apprehensive.

"Captain, are you sure this is a heavily guarded and heavily guarded advancing city? Why do I feel something is wrong." Lafitte said in a low voice, afraid that this was a trap.

He has walked the sea for so many years, but he has never heard of a prison like this.

Tiki blinked his eyes non-stop when he heard the words, but in order to get powerful subordinates.He still pretended to be relaxed: "Hahaha, God must be helping us. Let's go in quickly."

After finishing speaking, Tiqi walked towards the city with restless legs, and Laffitte and others followed their captain in after seeing this.

There are no guards on the first floor, there are still no guards on the second floor, and there are no guards on the third floor.There are no guards for photography on the fourth and fifth floors.

After seeing Tiqi and his group, they were tense and careful about the surrounding situation. Not only were there no guards on the first few floors, but there were not even half a prisoner. If so, then they will be in a difficult situation.

They are now on the fifth floor, and the position is not easy to escape, so they have to be careful all the time.

When Tiqi and others were careful, the prisoners who appeared on the entire Marin Vanduo at this time had completely darkened Sengoku's face. There are more and more prisoners. According to Magellan's confirmation, it can already be known that these prisoners are advancing. All the prisoners above the fifth floor of the city are gone. Although they are not strong, there are indeed a lot of them.

In addition, they have been imprisoned for so long, and when they saw the navy confronting the Whitebeard Pirates, they immediately joined the Whitebeard Pirates.

Sengoku looked at the Whitebeard Pirates, which had doubled in size, and regretted a bit: "This is troublesome, Xiaohe. I hope Kaido won't be put on Marin Fando. If I knew it, I wouldn't go there." Get off that lunatic, or nothing will happen."

Hearing this, He glanced at Zhan Guo and said:

"You blame me for saying that? Warring States."

Upon hearing the words, Zhan Guo quickly explained: "No, no, I didn't mean that, Xiaohe, you must not misunderstand."

"It would be best if there were none. It doesn't matter if there are. After this battle is over, I will apply for retirement."

"This time it happened because I didn't think carefully."

Things have come to such a point that no matter what happens after the battle, she is responsible for the failure of a major decision.

Warring States' face immediately changed when he heard the words, and he began to persuade: "Don't say that, Xiaohe. I approved the task, and you are just a suggestion."

"This responsibility should be borne by me."

"It's none of your business, it's mine." He shook his head and said, if it wasn't her suggestion, how could Zhan Guo agree?And if the Warring States had not agreed, this situation would not have happened.

"Marshal, Staff Crane. Although it's impolite to interrupt the chat between you two, the Whitebeard Pirates have already launched an attack." The orderly on the side reminded.

"Cough cough, huh?"

Warring States immediately stopped arguing with the crane, looked at the battlefield, and said:

"Then send an order to stop them and prevent them from approaching the execution platform."

"Yes, Marshal."

The messenger nodded and replied, he gave the Marshal's order, and soon the soldiers rushed towards the Whitebeard pirate ship.

And at this time, Tiqi finally reached the sixth floor. When he saw that there were people in each cage, Tiqi couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief, and then he spoke passionately.

Then, he began to tremble.Because Kaido was standing beside him.

Although Tichi didn't know that Kaido would come out of the cage without a sound, he knew that at this time, he should be counseled or counseled.

"You're the kid on Whitebeard's boat, right? Did you actually betray him? It looks like you're not a good guy." Kaido said coldly.

Tiki could not help but sweat on his forehead when he heard the words, for fear that Kaido would punch him suddenly, but after Kaido finished speaking, he did not take any other actions, and just started to untie the cage of the three disasters, leaving Tiki alone.

Seeing this, Tiqi couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, and then began to let his subordinates escape in desperation.

He was afraid that if he was arrogant again, Kaido would suddenly come out to deal with him.

Louis, who was hiding in the corner, was a little disappointed seeing this scene. He thought Kaido would clean up Tiki, but he didn't make it as he wished.

But his goal has been achieved, after all, Tiqi's expression of being so scared that he was about to urinate just now is still very exciting.

Just when Louis was about to leave, Kaido’s voice rang throughout the sixth floor: “Come out, you who are hiding, I know you released me just now. What’s wrong? You dare to release me, but you dare not show up?"

"Of course I dare, why don't I just come out now? Kaido." Louis smiled, slowly revealing his figure.

After Kaido stared at Louis for a while, he said suspiciously: "Who are you? I have never seen a person like you before."

(End of this chapter)

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