The Pirate Hunting Gourmet

Chapter 309 Handling

Chapter 309 Handling
"Of course, otherwise, do you think I can't solve you with your strength?" Louis said with a smile.

"Okay, you can extract my ability. I won't resist." Luo said, closing his eyes.

"Okay, you won't regret it. Fortunately, I'm rarely so magnanimous." Louis smiled, and pressed Trafalgar Law with a black light in his hand.

Luo immediately felt the pain coming from his whole body, but he didn't make a sound, just clenched his teeth.

After a while, Louis disappeared into Trafalgar Law's room. Besides Trafalgar Law, there was only Rossindi who was also lying on the ground.

On Eustace Kidd's ship, Louis appeared on the sails, looked at Eustace Kidd and Kira and said:
"I'm here to get a reward, you two shouldn't have any objections."

When Kidekira and a group of pirates on the boat heard it, their expressions changed instantly, and they looked in the direction of Louis.

Seeing this, Louis came down from the sails, looked at the terrified pirates and said:

"What's the matter? Are you welcome?"

As he said that, he looked at the bubble that wrapped the entire pirate ship.

Seeing this, the pirates immediately smiled stiffly: "Where is it? You are our benefactor. How could we not welcome you?"

Louis looked at the sunken Eustace Kidd and said, "Really? Then why does your captain look so ugly?"

The pirates felt chills running down their spines when they heard the words, and quickly explained: "Our captain usually looks like this, sir, please don't get me wrong."

"Yes, yes. We can all testify."

Lewis nodded to Eustace Kidd and asked, "Really, Kidd."


Kidd nodded and said, although he was very reluctant, but for the sake of his own life.He still has to bow his head.

"Okay, then I won't argue with you. The purpose of my visit this time is also very simple, you just need to cooperate with me to take out the devil fruit."

"As long as you cooperate, I won't make things difficult for you. If you don't cooperate, I can only let you cooperate."

Louis laughed, and the pirates on the entire pirate ship immediately shivered and shrank into a ball, not daring to interrupt at all.

Kidd's face was also very ugly when he heard that. He wanted to resist, but with his strength, he could hit a stone with an egg.

So, after clenching and releasing, after releasing and clenching the fist.He still chose to surrender.

Seeing this, Louis nodded in satisfaction and said, "That's right, those who know the current affairs are outstanding. If you can be so knowledgeable, you must have unlimited achievements in the future."

Kidd's face darkened instantly when he heard this: "If you want to do it, hurry up. Otherwise, I might regret it later."

There is no limit to the future, his ability has been taken away by someone at the moment, so how can there be no limit?If it wasn't that he couldn't beat the opponent, he would have swung his backhand with a big mouth.

Louis immediately smiled and said, "Okay, okay. I'll do it now. It may hurt a little, so please bear with it."

After speaking, Louis disappeared in place and appeared beside Kidd, putting his hand on Eustace Kidd's head and directly activated the ability.

Kidd felt the coldness on his head, resisted the resistance, and began to calm down.

But it didn't take long before he started howling.

Listening to Eustace Kidd's wailing, Louis knocked him unconscious with a hand knife: "Don't scream so miserably, you will frighten them like this."

"I'll be a good person to the end, and help you get physically paralyzed."

Kira: ...

Pirates on the pirate ship: ...

"Do you have any doubts about my handling?" Louis asked while packing Eustace Kidd.

The pirates quickly explained: "No, no. Sir, please continue, we didn't see anything."

"If you have any questions, you can ask them. I am the latest person who likes to accept other people's suggestions." Louis said with a smile.

The pirates immediately shook their heads when they heard the words, and they didn't dare to bet on whether Louis would accept the possibility of the proposal.

Seeing that none of them spoke, Louis just shook his head like a rattle, and could only continue to draw Eustace Kidd's ability.

After a while, Louis withdrew his hand from Eustace Kidd, and Eustace Kidd fell directly on the deck as Louis let go, spraying foam all over his face.

Seeing this, Kira and the others couldn't help closing their eyes. They knew that it must be painful for their captain's head to land firmly on the ground at this moment, but without the permission of the adult in front of them, they didn't dare to help them. Stay where you are.

Louis looked at the expressions of the pirates on the deck, swallowed the devil fruit of the energy body, looked at Eustace Kidd and said to the pirates:
"You guys wash his face later, since I got the things, I'll go first."

The pirates hurriedly waved their hands and said, "Okay, my lord. Go slowly."

"Well, if I'm free, maybe I'll come over to play more often, you guys remember to clean up the deck, you know?"

Louis said with a smile, and then disappeared on the deck.

Kira watched Louis disappear, and kicked each of his subordinates reflexively: "You guys know how to be human, don't you? Why don't you see him when you're full and have nothing to do? You really think we're a resting place, don't you?"

"Next time he comes again, I'll see if the captain wants to skin you."

"You can't blame us, Mr. Kira. If we don't show more enthusiasm, if he doesn't like us, wouldn't he kill us all?" the subordinate said aggrievedly.

"Yes, Master Kira. We have to do a good job at the surface anyway, so that he thinks we are obedient, so he won't embarrass us."

The other pirates also echoed.

When Kira heard the words, he turned back and gave everyone a big ear: "Then you wait for the captain to come and explain it to the captain."

After speaking, Kira dragged Eustace Kidd to the room.

Seeing this, the pirates couldn't help muttering in their hearts.

Pirate A:

Master Kira said it nicely, the captain fainted, and he didn't carry the captain back, let alone carry the captain back.

Just dragging Captain Kidd back like this, the captain won't catch a cold?
Pirate B:

That's right, it seems that we care more about the captain.Kira-sama is just talking about it.

Kira: How can he hug Kidd like this?It's disgusting for a man to hug a man. If he carries it, the foam from Kidd's mouth will definitely stain his hair, so dragging it is the safest way.

(End of this chapter)

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