Chapter 308 End
Since he is unhappy, let everyone be unhappy with him. He is not a good person anyway, so let's make this sea more chaotic.

Momotu asked Aokiji while resisting the invisible shock wave: "Kuzan, can you freeze him, this guy is crazy."

Qingzhi shook his head and said: "The distance is not enough. As soon as my ability is close to him, it is blocked by the yellow sand under his feet. Unless I can activate the ability close to my body, there is no way for us to stop him."

This situation was beyond their expectation, and they never expected that the other party would have such ability to threaten the entire Chambord Islands.

If they had known this would happen, they would never have fought here.

Taotu heard the words and looked at the yellow ape beside him and asked, "What about you, the yellow ape? Can you interrupt his ability? If this continues, the entire Chambord Islands will disappear."

"This is a bit difficult. Unless we can keep him away from the ground, otherwise there is no way to interrupt the ability." Polusalino shook his head when he heard this. The ability can be activated once it touches the ground. Unless they knock the opponent into the air, there is no way to stop them.

"Then let's go together, pay attention to cover each other. We can't let him go on like this." Aokiji said, and rushed towards Louis, and Polusalino and the three immediately followed after seeing this.

"Want to get close to me? I'm afraid you guys want to eat farts."

Louis laughed, his body turned into a cloud of sand and merged into the entire sea of ​​sand, throwing sand balls at the four of them from time to time.

Seeing this, Kuzan could only freeze the entire battlefield to prevent the continuous loss of moisture in the entire battlefield, and stabilize the Chambord Islands by the way.

"It's useless, it's a waste of what you're doing, Aokiji."

Louis laughed, and the lightning that controlled the sky blasted towards the ice layer. After the ice layer was hit by the lightning, it was immediately melted by the high temperature.

Seeing this, Aokiji had to freeze the ground again.

"It's useless, you have no way to stop me." Louis said wildly, controlling the thunder and lightning to continue attacking the ground.

Rayleigh, who rushed over, saw the situation on the battlefield, and separated Louis, Huang Yuan and the others with a slash: "Although, old man, I don't know why you are fighting, but if you don't stop, old man, I will join Fighting."

When Louis heard that the thunder flashed in his hand, he said with a smile, "Isn't this Pluto Rayleigh? You also want to play together? Then it looks like I have to assign you an opponent."

Lei Li shook his head and said, "Old man, I didn't come here to fight, I just came here to persuade. After all, if the fight continues, the entire Chambord Islands will sink."

"If it sinks, it will sink. Anyway, it has nothing to do with me." Louis shrugged and said, his words were full of indifference.

Raleigh pointed to Louis and said, "This is not only related to you, but also has a lot to do with it."

"Really? So you plan to come and catch me with them?"

"If that's the case, then you should go too. I want to see how much the deputy of One Piece is capable of now?" Louis said, beckoning to Rayleigh.It didn't look like Rayleigh was intimidated by his presence.

Lei Li said helplessly after hearing the words: "I told you, old man, I'm not here to deal with you. I'm just here to stop the fight."

"Really? It's easy for you to stop the battle. Help me clean up the four of them together, and the battle will stop, and I will stop my ability." Louis said, pointing to the four Aokiji.

It's very simple to stop the battle, as long as one side is completely down.

Taotu heard the words and said: "He is only one person, Lei Li, you better think about who to help? You are also living in seclusion now, the navy did not disturb you, you should also know not to embarrass us."

Lei Li couldn't help showing a bitter look on his face when he heard the words: "Old man, I didn't intend to embarrass you, I just came to quell the disaster. I hope you can give the old man a face, so stop here."

"The Chambord Islands can't afford to be destroyed. Even if you don't think about yourself, you have to think about the residents of the entire Chambord Islands."

Qingzhi nodded and said: "Okay, our navy will stop here. Let's see what he has to say now."

After Aokiji finished speaking, Polusalino and the others stopped attacking, and all their eyes focused on Louis.

Seeing this, Louis stopped the fruit ability, and said: "This time, I will not argue with you because of the relationship with so many people, but if there is another time, don't blame me for being rude."

After saying those words, Louis slowly disappeared in front of Polusalino and the others.

After Louis disappeared, the collapse of the entire Chambord Islands also slowed down.

Tao Tutu watched Louis leave, and said with an ugly face: "This time things have turned out like this, I think we may not be able to explain it."

"It's hard to explain, and there is nothing we can do. The current appearance of the Chambord Islands is caused by our lack of consideration. We must solve this hidden danger." Aokiji said with an ugly face, and then continued to say to the three:

"What we have to do now is to completely transfer the residents in the unsafe mangrove area. I hope this place can recover as soon as possible."

"Then let's do it now and transfer them to the warship." Momotu suggested.

"Okay, everyone split up."

Qingzhi nodded and said, and then several people started to act.

Inside Trafalgar Law's submarine, Louis appeared here. He looked at the terrified Trafalgar Law with a smile and said, "What's the matter? Seeing the savior appear in front of you, Aren't you happy? You are facing me like this?"

"Don't forget, if it wasn't for me, you would have already gone to the Navy headquarters to eat in prison."

Luo Wenyan couldn't help but a trace of cold sweat dripped from his forehead, and said with a stiff face:

"No, I welcome you, what would you like to drink?"

"I don't need anything to drink, I just came to get something." Louis smiled, staring at Trafalgar Law.

Luo Wenyan's face was very ugly, and his body couldn't help shaking.

Seeing this, Louis smiled and said, "Don't look so ugly, you just need to give me your abilities. I won't take your things for nothing, I will resurrect Don Quixote Rossindi as a reward, how? Do you want to trade? Woolen cloth?"

"Rosinanti?" Luo Wenyan couldn't help showing a trace of nostalgia on his face, and then said vigilantly: "What you said is true? As long as I cooperate with you to take out the ability, you will revive Tang Jiluoxindi."

(End of this chapter)

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