Chapter 284 Again
"Yes, you did not deceive me. This devil fruit is indeed here, so I will send you to another place as a reward."

"Don't worry, I won't send you to places like Marine Vandor, Advance City, and the Admiral of the Navy."

"Then can you send me to the world?"

Hearing this, the prisoner said, he didn't dare to stay in the ghostly place of the Great Route, who knows when he will meet the admiral, so it's safer and more suitable for him.

Louis smiled and said, "Of course there's nothing wrong with that, so how about I take you to a safe island in the East China Sea? I'm sure you'll like it."

"Really? That would be wonderful."

The prisoner said happily when he heard the words, he thought it was safe and there was nothing wrong with it.

Then he was sent directly by Louis to Frost Moon Village, Sauron's hometown. As soon as the prisoner arrived in Frost Moon Village, he felt that there was no one on such a small island as his opponent, so he began to prepare for the robbery.

After all, he came out wearing a prison uniform. If he didn't change his clothes, how could he act on the sea.

So he planned to grab clothes, and his eyes were so high that he didn't like ordinary people.So he found the only Yixin gymnasium in Shuangyue Village that looked like a rich family.

When Koshiro saw the prisoner in front of him, he was a little dazed. After all, he had lived for so many years, and it was the first time he encountered a prisoner who ran to a place like him to rob him.

The prisoner looked at Koshiro, who was so weak and always smiling, and felt that he was safe.

Then, Koshiro taught the prisoner a truth.That is, there are far more powerful people living in seclusion in this sea than you know.

Therefore, the poor prisoner was stunned again and sent to the large submarine prison before he had time to stay outside for half a day.

The teenagers in front of the gymnasium watched the navy warship leave Shuangyue Village, and asked Koshiro beside him: "Teacher Koshiro, why do you say that this guy fainted in front of our Yixin gymnasium? Teacher, knock me out."

"Yes, Teacher Koshiro. You are so strong, why do you hide yourself? As long as you tell the truth about this time, Teacher Koshiro, our Yixin Gym will become the strongest gym in the East China Sea immediately."

Koshiro shook his head when he heard the boy's words and said with a smile:
"You are still young, so it is of course normal to have such thoughts."

"But in many cases, keeping the other party from knowing your true strength is the strongest guarantee for your own safety. After all, once your strength is exposed, the other party will have a way to plot against you."

"So if you want to know people, you must keep a low profile?"

"Yes, Koshiro-sensei."

The teenagers nodded repeatedly when they heard the words, and wanted to become a strong man like Mr. Koshiro.

Louis looked at the prisoner who was sent to Rogue Town and shook his head and said, "I will send you wherever you want to go according to your requirements. But you sent yourself back to the prison, but you don't care about it." my business."

After the words fell, Louis' figure disappeared with a "swoosh".

A few weeks later, the poor prisoner also returned to the prison.

The kind and lovely prisoners on the sixth floor looked at the little clever ghost who came back and greeted kindly:
"Oh, who is this? Let's take a look, isn't this our little clever ghost? I thought he would be able to roam free for a long time, but I didn't expect him to be caught in such a short time."

"That's right, I think he must be very happy on this trip."

"Hey, buddy. Aren't you going to tell us how you got back? We'd all like to hear about your heroism, after all."

"That's right, that's right. You can't be so selfish. Good things have to be shared with everyone. You see you're back, and we've greeted you so warmly."

"That's right, look at your virtue, it's the same as a dead mother. Don't be so depressed, come and laugh at me."

"You guys don't understand what's going on outside? It's really scary outside, and there are such scary guys hidden in the little East China Sea. I shouldn't go to any ghost hall."

"Because I'm already free, but I..." the prisoner said here, tears streaming down his face.

He was already free and could go on happily, but why couldn't he control himself?Obviously the villager's house next to him looks so nice.

And when he passed by, there were also clothes hanging out to dry. Obviously, he was dressed so well, and he just had to put on his clothes and leave. Why was he so stupid at that time?

Thinking of this, the prisoner couldn't help but slap himself wildly.And yelled at himself for being stupid.

The onlookers immediately stopped their taunting when they saw this, returned to their positions a little bored, and cursed: "Well, it looks like this guy is already crazy."

"Yes, we don't play with lunatics. This guy is so stupid that he is so crazy."

"That's right, the poor guy has gone crazy like this."

On the civet cat head boat, Louis shook his neck, then went to lie down on the deck chair, and said leisurely:

"It's really a comfortable day. Although the cultivation is very tiring, it is really strong to be able to control one's own strength."

"If I knew I should add 10 or 20 points every day, I wouldn't have to adapt so hard."

Louis clenched his fist, and then the figure disappeared again.After so many days of practice, he felt that he was almost ready to beat Magellan completely, and it was time for him to go to the big prison under the sea again, so he set off.

In the large submarine prison, after a long time, the air once again stirred up ripples, and then the figure of Louis appeared.

Louis looked at the prisoners who heard the movement and greeted them with a smile:
"Hello, I haven't shown up for so long, do you miss me? I miss you too, so I came to see you this time. If you have devil fruits, you can tell me."

"I will trade with you according to the agreement with that old man last time. That old man may be living happily in some corner now. Don't you want to be like them?"

The prisoners couldn't help but sneered and said, "The poor guy you mentioned has been captured and gone crazy."

"Yeah, if that's what you said, then we don't want to be like him."

(End of this chapter)

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