Chapter 285

Louis spread his hands when he heard the words: "Really? I am very sympathetic to what happened to him, but our transaction is a one-time transaction. Since he was arrested because of his own accident, I will not conduct a second after-sales service." .”

"By the way, some of you are still planning to make a deal with me? I think this unlucky guy is just an exception. You don't want to be imprisoned here forever." Louis said with a smile, bewitching those who were rushed by the temptation of freedom Poor demented prisoners.

In a cage, Aokiji with disheveled hair looked at Louis and said, "Can you come over here? I want to talk to you about the conditions."

Upon hearing this, Louis followed the voice and saw the disguised Aokiji and said, "Oh, this old man is very face-to-face. When did you come in?"

"Just a few weeks ago, what's the matter? Are you still asking for my name?" Aokiji said when he heard the words, he was about to be a real prisoner in the cage, if it wasn't because he hadn't waited for the other party , he left early.

"That's not necessary. After all, heroes don't ask where they come from. I'm just a businessman, not a household register investigator." Louis laughed.

"Then come here quickly, I want to talk to you about the devil fruit in detail." Aokiji said impatiently, he is not pretending, he is really impatient.After all, after staying in the cage for so long, he was about to go berserk.

"Okay, okay, don't be so anxious. Although I know you really want to come out, you can't eat hot tofu in a hurry. Don't forget the location of the devil fruit on the spur of the moment." Louis persuaded with a smile , and then walked to the opponent's cage.

Seeing Louis coming, Qingzhi said hoarsely: "How are you going to take me away? You don't want to cheat me like you cheated that guy. I know how you cheat people."

"What you said is very ambiguous. I have never cheated anyone. Those guys are just because they are not smart enough. I have already let them go. They were caught and came back with me. What does it matter?" Louis spread his hands, saying that the matter has nothing to do with him.He doesn't know anything.

"Really? Just to be on the safe side. I want to take a small precaution, you won't have any objection." Aokiji said and took out a pair of handcuffs from his pocket.

Louis was very curious when he saw this: "How did you put the handcuffs in? Obviously your pocket is so small, but the handcuffs are so big."

Hearing Louis's strange focus, Aokiji said coldly: "This is beyond the scope of our discussion, I just want to know if you are willing to put on these gloves to make a deal with me, otherwise if you wait for me After finishing speaking, throw me directly into the Navy headquarters, so I have no place to cry? This handcuff is as hard as the material of the black knife, I think you should have no way to break it in a short time."

"That's not a problem, but you won't surprise me while I'm in handcuffs." Louis said suddenly, although he was not afraid of being attacked.But if the other party has this idea, this is a good opportunity to hold him hostage.

After all, his hands were handcuffed, and the other party would definitely have a chance to fight him close in a short time.

Hearing this, Qingzhi couldn't help but think that his identity had been noticed by the other party, but he looked at the confident smile on the other party's face and said, "Yes, so are you going to trade with me?"

"Of course I have to make a deal with you. I'm still somewhat confident in my strength." Louis said with a smile, and was directly handcuffed to the other party through the cage.

Anyway, he is so strong now, there is no one he is afraid of in the city.Even if he was attacked by the opponent in close quarters, he is not a vegetarian.He is still confident that he can deal with the opponent.

Aokiji looked at Louis and said across a fence, "You are very confident, so you can take me out of the cage, I want to go to the phone bug to do something."

"Of course there is no problem at all, but I advise you that if you say something so arrogant, you will be wanted by the navy."

Isn't it just to give the navy a middle finger and say that they can't do it and come out by themselves?If it were him, he would do the same.

However, considering that he has cheated so many people, and there are still people who dare to be so arrogant, this is the first time he has seen it.

After all, the other party will be captured.He even thought about sending the other party to that place to cheat the other party.

Qingzhi heard the words and said coldly: "You don't need to worry about this, you just need to do as I said, if you still want devil fruit."

"Okay, okay, you're amazing, I'll let you out." Louis said, using his ability to let the opponent out of the cage.

Anyway, the other party has already been arranged by him.Just let him be happy.

After all, he is notoriously generous.

After Qingzhi found out that he had come out, he looked at the location of the phone bug and said, "Come with me."

After saying that, he dragged Louis towards the surveillance phone bug.

"Okay, I can walk by myself, you don't need to drag me, although I know you are tall and strong, but you don't need to behave in this way." Louis said straight up, he knew that the other party was three meters tall How tall and physically strong, but this is not a reason why the other party dragged him away when he was full and had nothing to do.

Qingzhi heard the words and said coldly: "It will be there soon, so don't be too long-winded."

After saying that, Aokiji continued to drag Louis towards the surveillance phone bug.

After a while, the two walked to the surveillance phone bug.

After arriving at the monitoring phone bug, Louis urged: "Okay, okay, the place has arrived, you can make contemptuous gestures or dance if you want, anyway, just solve it as soon as possible, I don't have much time to wait for you, After all, I also want to save face, and I can't do those actions like a fool like you."

"I see, please cooperate with me." Aokiji said, and immediately grabbed Louis and performed a few moves.

Louis was a little flustered at first, and then found that the other party didn't use any force.Slightly relaxed his vigilance and said helplessly: "I knew I should have put on handcuffs before you came to monitor the phone bug. I said you can't just make a hand gesture? Why do you still want to dance such a strange dance? You can't be Some kind of special dancer."

"Of course not." Aokiji replied, ready to make the next move.

Louis couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief when he heard the words: "That's right, that's good."

(End of this chapter)

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