The Pirate Hunting Gourmet

Chapter 283 Another 1

Chapter 283 Another one

Sauron thought for a while and said, "Okay, I will try my best."

"Then let's go now."

Louis said, and then controlled the ship to set sail.

In the infinite hell on the sixth floor of Jincheng City, Katerina Depen looked at the old place she returned to again, and said angrily: "Damn get out, you actually lied to me, don't let me go out. Otherwise, I must peel off that bastard's skin!" leather."

"Come on, you can't beat him at all. I heard that you were beaten by him without any fight back, and you were finally thrown into the Marin Vanduo Square, and you were directly caught by the Navy headquarters."

"That's right, Katerina Depon, you useless thing. You haven't escaped with such a good chance, it seems that you will just stay in prison for the rest of your life."

"That's right, if it was my uncle who went out, he must have gone out to have a good time by now. What are you talking about that guy coming back to prison? I know there is news about a devil fruit. As long as he takes me out, I can I found it for him." The prisoner sighed, as long as he was smarter, he believed that he would definitely get out.

Caterina Depon, the idiot, failed because she had no brains.

As soon as the prisoner finished speaking, Louis' voice appeared: "Really? Do you actually know the location of the devil fruit? Can you tell me about it? I like collecting devil fruits the most."

"Oh, you must have the ability to hear other people's voices. As I just said, it's great that you showed up." The prisoner said with a smile, never expecting happiness to come so quickly .

Louis was stunned when he heard the words, then smiled and said, "That's natural, can you tell me about the location of that devil fruit now?"

Although he came this time to attack the prisoners on the first few floors of the city, he was still very excited when he heard the news that the prisoners on the sixth floor said that they knew there were devil fruits. When I came here, I was so arrogant, I naively thought that I could easily bring all the devil fruits with me.

As a result, he suffered a big loss, so he came this time to make up for his mistakes.

"Of course there is no problem at all, but let me tell you, after the location of this devil fruit, can you guarantee that you won't cheat me like that idiot Katerina Depen?" ·De Peng is an idiot, but he was tricked badly by the other party, and he will not be fooled by the same thing again.

"Of course there is no problem at all. I am a person who keeps my promise." Louis said with a smile when he heard this, and looked at the guys whose mouths were gagged with his ability and gave them a smile.

The prisoner listened and continued:

"Then, you wouldn't throw me in front of Marin Fando, or in front of some admiral, would you?"

"Of course, since you said so, I will definitely do it. By the way, do you need to make a deal with me now, or wait a while?" Louis nodded and said, then looked at Looking at the entrance of the sixth floor, he sensed that not only Magellan was coming, but also Peach Rabbit and Tea Dolphin were on their way.

The prisoner laughed and said, "Of course it's now. I'm not stupid. How could I continue to wait?"

"Okay, let's go."

Louis said with a smile, and then the two disappeared into the cell.

After the two disappeared, Magellan and Momotu Chafu rushed here immediately.They looked at the original position of the prisoner who was taken away and said, "This guy is as slippery as a loach. I don't know how many devil fruit abilities he has. If this continues, we have no way to guard against him."

"Do you have any good suggestions and methods?"

Momotu looked at Magellan and the tea dolphin and wanted to hear their opinions.

The tea dolphin scratched his head with a headache when he heard the words, and then said:

"In this case, young lady, I'm afraid you are asking the wrong person. I think we should ask Marshal Warring States."

Although he also wanted to express himself in front of Taotu, but for now, he really didn't think of any good way.

Magellan patted his stomach and said, "Regarding this, the scientific research department of the Navy Headquarters is already developing sea floor stone powder. Next time this hunter comes again, he only needs to spray sea floor stone powder on him. There is no way to use the ability."

"Really? But I think that with the other party's knowledge and arrogance, I'm afraid it won't be so easy to get tricked."

As for the stupid method Magellan said, as long as the other party is not particularly stupid, he must not be fooled at all. After all, the other party must be very careful to be able to enter and exit the large submarine prison so many times.

Magellan nodded when he heard the words and said: "Yes, so now we need to use trapping methods. And the person who executes this role is the most important thing."

Tea Dolphin heard the words and said: "Then who is the headquarters planning to let to carry out this task? This person must not only be superior in strength, but must also be retained."

"Master Marshal intends to use General Kuzan as a bait in the future. After all, General Kuzan's ability is very suitable for keeping people. Moreover, General Kuzan only needs to cover his whole body with a thin layer of ice, which cannot be well isolated from the interference of Hailou Stone. "Magellan heard the words and said.

"Really? The question is how do you plan to trap?" Taotu said with a smile when he heard the words. He admitted that this method is indeed good, but the question is how can Kuzan get close to the other party?
Magellan scratched his head and said with a smile, "This plan is still being perfected, and it won't be long before we know it."

He didn't know how to get close to the other party, but since the Marshal of the Warring States had already said it, he definitely didn't need to worry about the next thing.

When the three on Taotu's side were chatting, Louis had already taken out the devil fruit that the prisoner said.

"Now according to the agreement, I have given you the devil fruit. Then should you also fulfill your promise and send me away safely?" The prisoner looked at Louis and said, after watching how Louis easily passed any place on the sea. After traveling between places, he had already given up the idea of ​​going against the other party.

After all, the opponent is very slippery and powerful. He may not be able to kill him, but the opponent may have 1 ways to kill him.

He didn't want to worry about the future life, and he was always on guard against people who appeared suddenly.


Louis put down the devil fruit in his hand when he heard this, looked at the prisoner's nervous expression, and said with a smile:

(End of this chapter)

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