Great Song Pirate

Chapter 714 The Alliance Under the City

Chapter 714 The Alliance Under the City
After Li Gang heard this, he immediately blew his beard and stared angrily, and asked Zhao Xu not to agree to Xu Yi's request. In his opinion, no matter how powerful Xu Yi's generals are, after all, their main force is still confined to the north of Jinghai Kingdom If the Kingdom of Jin is not destroyed for a day, Xu Yi of Jinghai Kingdom would not dare to launch a war on both sides of the north and south at the same time. After all, their Jinghai Kingdom has not long been established, and its national power is still relatively empty. The soldiers of the country may not be able to defeat them.

As soon as he heard what Li Gang said, Zhao Xu became angry. If he followed what he said, then Zhao Xu knew better than anyone else what would happen next. It was Zhao Xu who pulled off the horse, not Li Gang!

So Zhao Xu immediately scolded Li Gang, drove him home and thought about it behind closed doors, all the officials saw that Li Gang was like this, so they didn't dare to let another fart go.

Next, they carefully discussed the conditions proposed by Xu Yi in detail, and finally gathered the wisdom of everyone, and came to such a conclusion. Although the conditions proposed by Xu Yi this time were harsh, overall, he was still different from Jinren. Yes, at least in terms of garrisoning troops on the border between the two countries, Xu Yi did not unilaterally ask Song Dynasty not to garrison troops, and also expressed the signing of an alliance treaty of common advance and retreat, and agreed to the outside world. This shows that Xu Yi still prefers the two countries in general The willingness to strike down and repair forever.

As for the opening of the border city and the establishment of the city, it seems to be beneficial to both countries, and it is not necessarily a matter for Jinghai to take advantage of it. There is also the issue of opening coastal ports, which is also a relatively reciprocal relationship. trade.

There are only a few things that make them more difficult. One is that the amount of compensation is too much, and Da Song can't afford that much money at once. The other is that Qiongzhou has cut a port for use by the Jinghai Kingdom. It feels a bit humiliating and humiliating to the country.

After several discussions at the end, Zhao Xu came up with some countermeasures, and made an acceptable plan for this peace negotiation.

After receiving the bottom line sent by Zhao Xu, Wu Min finally had a bottom line in his heart, so he immediately went to the palace to meet Xu Yi, and the two sides began to negotiate on the conditions proposed by Jinghai Kingdom.

In fact, when Xu Yi proposed these conditions at the beginning, he never thought of asking Zhao Xu to accept them all. After all, negotiations can be negotiated. The reason why he did not make concessions with Wu Min at the beginning was because he wanted to force Wu Min. Send this negotiation draft back to Da Song to reduce Da Song's room for bargaining.

But now that Wu Min came to him for a final discussion, it was actually the final plan that Zhao Xu could accept, so after a lot of back and forth discussions, the two parties finally reached an agreement on the last day before the new year.

The specific agreement is as follows:

Da Song expressed his gratitude to Jinghai Kingdom for rescuing Da Song, fighting against the Jin army, and expelling Hulu from the border of Da Song. He specially rewarded Jinghai Kingdom with 1000 million taels of silver, 50 taels of gold, and 200 million bolts of silk. Because of the huge amount, these The reward will be partially compensated in kind.

The Great Song Dynasty and the Jinghai State formed a brotherly state, established an alliance relationship, and had a good relationship forever. They agreed not to deploy regular troops within a hundred miles of the border between the two countries, and only allowed a small number of garrison troops to maintain law and order in various places. They were used exclusively to arrest bandits and did not threaten each other. Safety.

The two sides used the old land of the Liao Kingdom as the boundary to divide the border between the two countries. The Jinghai army withdrew from the land currently occupied by the Song Dynasty and withdrew to the area north of Yanshan Mansion.

The Great Song Dynasty opened no less than five ports on the front line of the border between the two countries, and opened a city. The two sides sent officials to jointly manage the city, and the mutual exchanges between civilians of the two countries should not be restricted.

The Song Dynasty and the Jinghai State each opened their ports for the merchant ships and merchants of the other party to trade, and exchanged officials to set up agency offices in each other's ports to deal with problems arising in the business exchanges between the two countries.

The Song Dynasty rewarded Jinghai State with 30 taels of silver and 30 bolts of silk every year for the use of Jinghai State.

Following the example of Annan's Port of Toulon, the Jinghai Kingdom leased a bay in Qiongzhou at the price of 1000 taels of silver per year, enjoying a permanent lease right and being able to station the Jinghai National Navy.

The two countries protect the legitimacy of each other's business travelers to freely do business and live in each other's country.

According to the needs of the Jinghai Kingdom, Song Dynasty selected ten thousand craftsmen to move north to the Jinghai Kingdom within half a year to assist in the post-war reconstruction of the Jinghai Kingdom, and made these craftsmen permanently reside in the Jinghai Kingdom.

After the two countries form an alliance, no matter which country is invaded by other countries, the other country has the obligation to help the allies to deal with the enemy, and has the right to choose to ask the allies to send reinforcements to the battlefield to fight against the enemy.


Both parties must abide by the covenant and must not violate...

After Da Song completed the above agreement, the Jinghai Kingdom withdrew its troops and returned to Jinghai.

This covenant was later called the ZTE Alliance, and it established the alliance relationship between Jinghai Kingdom and Song Dynasty. The wording said that Song Dynasty took a lot of advantage. It seems that Song Dynasty is the leading country. Jinghai Kingdom seems to be a little bit in terms of wording. It is lower than Da Song Bange.

But Xu Yi doesn't care about these word games. Da Song has done so much blood, and it's better to let him, Zhao Xu, take a little verbal advantage to fool the people of Da Song. It's better than he can't explain to the people of Da Song. The Jinghai Kingdom has gained enough benefits, so it doesn't matter who takes advantage of it.

So Wu Min and Ma Zhe were the lead writers, happily drafted the contract, and signed it on behalf of the two countries, and finally returned the contract to each other. Both parties were very happy, and this matter was finalized.

In order to celebrate, Xu Yi gave a special banquet to Wu Min and his party, and warmly invited them to celebrate the New Year here in Jinghai Kingdom, but Wu Min and the others had long since returned home, so they bid farewell to Xu Yi on the first day of the new year and left Jinghai Kingdom on their way Return to the Great Song Dynasty and go back to Bianliang, Tokyo!
After dealing with this matter, Xu Yi can rest assured about the southern border. The fulfillment of this contract will take some time, but at least he doesn't have to worry about the affairs of Song Dynasty anymore, and his energy has once again turned to the relationship with Jin Guo In terms of decisive battle.

After a period of thinking, Xu Yi still decided to use troops from two aspects. The main attack direction is naturally the Zonghan Army in Longhua Prefecture in the north, and the Wushu Army in the direction of Datong cannot be handed over to Song Dynasty. After all, There is also an issue involving the entire territory of the old Liaoxi Jingdao. He has actually made a preliminary agreement with Song Dynasty to inherit the old Liao territory.

After accepting the congratulations from all the officials in the new year, he immediately summoned all the generals in the army to discuss this matter in Dading Mansion, and all the generals of the army participated in the meeting.

In front of a huge map newly drawn by the artist, Xu Yi first notified his generals of the details of signing the contract with Da Song, and expressed his attitude. In any case, Jinghai Kingdom and Da Song are of the same root and same root. Yuan, he didn't want the troops to point to the Song Dynasty and slaughter his compatriots. He had to let all the generals under his command know this.

Although these people somewhat did not understand Xu Yi's purpose in doing so, they were quite satisfied with the benefits they had obtained from Song Dynasty this time, so they did not raise any objections. After all, now that the Kingdom of Jin is not destroyed, they need to fight There are still many, and I am not in a hurry to find Da Song as an opponent.

Seeing that all the generals obeyed his arrangement, Xu Yi pointed to the map and said to them: "From the contract with Song Dynasty this time, everyone may have realized that our Jinghai Kingdom will inherit the legacy of the old Liao Kingdom. Heritage, take over the territory of the old Liao. Although we have occupied the Zhongjing Road, Nanjing Road and Liaodong area, this is only less than one-tenth of the territory of the Daliao. In the next step, we will gradually annex the Kingdom of Jin , taking over these regions.

In principle, the plan to attack Longhua Prefecture in the early spring that was decided some time ago can remain unchanged, but after thinking about it, I still decided that after the spring, we will completely use troops against the remaining Wushu army in the direction of Datong Mansion on Xijing Road. Get rid of them and take over the entire Xijing Road.

In this way, we have to use our troops on both sides, so the pressure on you will be even greater. How to fight, you may wish to discuss it! "

So the generals immediately became excited, and now they dare not hear about the war, and when they heard about the war, they became overly excited, talking and expressing their opinions.

As the commander of the army, Yang Zaixing touched his chin and listened to them for a while, then said: "Since the Lord's holy will has been decided, then we will naturally obey the Lord's arrangement. From my point of view, the Wushu Army on Xijing Road It shouldn't be a problem, we don't need to send too many soldiers to solve them.

Now that the Song Dynasty has signed a peace agreement with us, then our Black Tiger Army on the southern front can be activated, and the elite Black Tiger Army will be mobilized, together with the troops of the Third Corps staying in Yanshan Prefecture, to form a 2-strong Western Expedition The army, starting from Fengsheng Prefecture, as long as Fengsheng Prefecture is captured, then the Xijing Road will open the door. With our army's ability to attack fortified areas, it should not be a big problem to capture Fengsheng Prefecture.

In addition, the Zhongshi Dao Army of the Song Dynasty was also fighting with the Wushu Army. After learning the lesson from the last time, I thought that the officials of the Song Dynasty would not make stupid moves this time, which made the Song Army stop. In this way, Under the attack of the soldiers and horses of the two countries, there is no reason for the Wushu army to be invincible, so we should not need to worry too much about the westward expedition to Xijing Road.

On the contrary, the Kingdom of Jin in the north already knows their predicament, so they will gather a large number of soldiers and horses to counterattack us again in the first spring of the year.After all, the Jin Army still has a lot of troops, even if they are all mobs, they still have an advantage in numbers.

Therefore, Wei Chen thinks that our main focus should be on the northern front. The Second Corps is currently restraining Wanyan Xieye's army in Yikun Prefecture, and cannot move well. After the beginning of spring, they may face crazy counterattacks from Xieye's army. will be larger.

The First Corps is now gathering in Tangzhou and Chengzhou, threatening the Zongying Army in Tongzhou to the northeast, and monitoring the Zonghan Army in Longhua Prefecture in the northwest. The pressure is not small, so the Second Corps is now in our hands. The reserve team will be responsible for the main attack. As long as Zong Han's army is defeated as the lord said at the beginning, then the Kingdom of Jin is basically exhausted. Once Longhua Prefecture is broken, Zongying's army in Tongzhou will definitely fall into a trap. In our siege, the Xieye army will also be restrained, and they will no longer be able to counterattack Yikun Prefecture!

Therefore, we must act quickly after the beginning of the spring. After defeating Longhua Prefecture, we must immediately eat up Yan Zongying's soldiers and horses. In this way, there will only be one Wanyan Xieye left, and he will be helpless, and Jin Guo will also know his chest thoroughly. The belly is wide open, let us slaughter it!
But now there is a problem. Several of our important generals are on the northern front. After the spring, the western front lacks a commander. Although Xie Bin has good ability after years of experience, but to command such a big battle, I'm afraid I'm still powerless. The choice of the leader of the West Route Army is a question that has to be considered! "

After listening to Yang Zaixing's words, everyone nodded, and Xu Yi smiled and clapped his hands and applauded: "Wonderful! Zaixing's analysis this time is really wonderful, and he analyzed the situation thoroughly. This is indeed the case. Our main attack direction does not move. Added the West Route Army's expedition to Xijing Road, which can be implemented according to Zaixing's plan.

As for the southern front, Xie Bin wanted to guard Hejian and other places, and he couldn't leave there until the Song Dynasty completed the agreement. The commander of the West Route Army, I thought it was better for Yugu to take the Longwei Army to go there himself! "

"How can this be done? My lord is now the lord of a country, how can I go to the imperial conquest every time? No, no! This time I'll go!" Li Bo quit after hearing this, and felt that Xu Yi's doing so was a bit risky After all, Xie Bin's soldiers and horses are not as elite as the three corps. Xu Yi's westward expedition is equivalent to only the three thousand Longwei army of Daniel being called elite, and Wushu's golden army is not weak enough to resist. They are all gone, for fear that Xu Yi will be in danger.

"No! After the beginning of spring, all of you must focus on the northern front. You must cooperate with Zaixing to fight this battle well. Although I am the king now, I can't lead troops. What's more, I will send troops this time. There are other plans, you don’t need to talk about it, the matter is settled like this, I will preside over the Western Expedition, and you just need to fight the battle on the northern front!” Xu Yi shook his head and said.

Everyone saw that Xu Yi's attitude was still resolute, knowing his temper, and persuading him would not be enough, so they nodded and said nothing more. After all, compared with them, Xu Yi was only weaker in terms of army control and overall situation. Weak, commanding the West Route Army to march west, there shouldn't be any mistakes!
It's ridiculous to say that Xu Yi still doesn't have the self-consciousness of being a king. He always wants to lead the army in person. He really feels like an emperor on the verge of an emperor. The generals of the Song Dynasty were very happy. If they were to go to the Song Dynasty to lead the army now, it is estimated that just being depressed would be enough to make them depressed to death!

After the matter was settled, all the generals left Dading Mansion one after another, rushed back to their respective armies and began to prepare. After this winter, all the armies are carrying out rectification drills, and according to Yang Zaixing's arrangement, they are fine-tuning. The number of soldiers has decreased, but the combat effectiveness has become much stronger after the refinement.

All the armies have launched winter training activities. A large group of strong soldiers practiced non-stop all day long after they had eaten their fill, which made the coordination among the army much more perfect. Come here, so that we can go to battle and fight with Jin Jun again.

Although it was cold in the north throughout the winter, it couldn't stop the reconstruction and war preparations that were in full swing here. After the Song Dynasty signed the contract with the Jinghai Kingdom, Zhao Xu could be said to have overcome all difficulties and tried every means possible. Complete this agreement.

Regarding the country, he announced to the world that the Song Dynasty and the Jinghai Kingdom are brothers. Now that the Jinghai Kingdom is newly established, it is in trouble, and it has contributed a lot to the Song Dynasty's resistance to the Jin Dynasty. At this time, the Song Dynasty naturally needs to take care of this brotherhood. The state is now, so they will be given some property to show the generosity of the Song Dynasty.

This kind of excuse has reduced the dissatisfaction of Song Dynasty to a considerable extent. Although people with a discerning eye can see that Song Dynasty does not dare to turn against Jinghai now, and wants to get back the lost land through money diplomacy, but most people are still very happy. It's easy to be deceived, after all, for ordinary people, spending money is better than fighting dead people!
Therefore, Zhao Xu tried his best to transfer a lot of money and goods from various places in the south, and began to continuously transport them to the north, entering the territory of Jinghai Kingdom, and Xu Yi made a special trip to transfer Du Fuyuan, who is familiar with financial management, from Liuqiu Island. , A temporary reception office was set up in Yanshan Mansion, which was responsible for receiving all kinds of money and goods transported by the Song Dynasty. After counting and sorting, they were transferred to Dading Mansion and Liuqiu Island.

During the two months, Song Dynasty imported about 600 million taels of silver and 30 taels of gold to Jinghai Kingdom, which greatly enriched the treasury of Jinghai Kingdom. According to the agreed agreement, a large amount of raw materials needed by the Jinghai Kingdom will be directly transported from various places in the south to Guangzhou, Fuzhou, Wenzhou, Mingzhou, Hangzhou, Yangzhou and other places, where they will be shipped and delivered to Jinghai country, and then transferred from Jinghai country to Liuqiu Island or Dulong Island.

These materials are mainly metals, including copper, iron, tin, lead, and mercury. They are basically important military materials. In this way, the shortage of Liuqiu Island and Dulong Island's reserves has been greatly alleviated. The strategic reserve of Jinghai State has been greatly enhanced, and the production of various firearms has also increased.

In addition, Liuqiu Island's non-self-sufficient saltpeter, sulfur, and medicines also account for a large proportion, so that Jinghai Kingdom will not be short of such materials in the short term.

There is also the issue of [-] craftsmen, which gave Zhao Xu quite a headache, so he mobilized the local governments to search for all kinds of craftsmen listed by Jinghai Kingdom. Anyway, [-] craftsmen are not too much for Song Dynasty. Difficult to solve, the Northern War caused many people in the northern part of the Great Song Dynasty to flee south in large numbers, and many of them were craftsmen.

In order to make these craftsmen willing to go north to settle in Jinghai State, the government deceived them, saying that they would go to Jinghai State to aid in the construction, each of them would be given a certain settling allowance, and allowed to bring their families. For these craftsmen who fled to the south, this kind of promise is quite tempting. After they fled to the south, they caused a serious surplus of labor in many places. For the local officials of the Song Dynasty, they have become a factor of instability. It took away a large number of jobs for the local residents, but put the local area under a relatively large resettlement pressure. The northerners were not acclimatized, and there were many sick people. It also caused prices to skyrocket. Many northerners fled to the south. She was unable to support her family at all.

After learning of the court's decree, the government is of course willing to send a group of these northerners back to Jinghai Kingdom to reduce their pressure, so they recruited these craftsmen among the refugees and began to send them to Jinghai Kingdom go.

It was said that there were [-] craftsmen, but when it was really done, Jinghai Kingdom found that the number of craftsmen it received had greatly exceeded their expected number in just two months, and in order to prevent Da Song from randomly sending For some people without professional skills, Du Fuyuan specially set up an engineering examination in Yanshan Mansion. All craftsmen sent by the Song Dynasty must assign professionals to take the examination based on the major they reported, and then decide their whereabouts. For those who make up for it in order to get two meals a day, they will be wiped out on the spot, and only those craftsmen who have passed the test and their family members will be accepted into the country.

This opened a new precedent for Jinghai State's engineering examinations. For ordinary people who cannot study and take the imperial examinations, there is another alternative way out, which is to learn various craftsman skills from an early age, and then take the engineering examinations. Then you can enter the state-owned workshops of Jinghai State to work, and the salary is quite considerable. To a certain extent, Jinghai State began to take the initial shape of engineering.

Xu Yi gave considerable affirmation to such an engineering test, and decided that in the future, Jinghai State will hold an engineering test every year. Those with excellent grades can be hired as personnel of the Ministry of Industry of Jinghai State to engage in professional technical work, just like scholars. It gave ordinary craftsmen who had no chance to be an official at all a chance to be promoted, so they got a lot of support from the craftsmen, and it can be said that Jinghai State won the hearts of craftsmen all over the world.

But the engineering exam brought a big negative impact, that is, among the so many people sent by the Song Dynasty, a large number of people who failed the pass were brushed off and were not allowed to be included in the number of craftsmen sent by the Song Dynasty. In the southern area of ​​Jinghai Kingdom, a large number of Song people who were wiped out were stranded. These Song people who were wiped out immediately lost their support. The Song Dynasty no longer provided them with food and supplies, which immediately made these people want to go to Jinghai. The country seeks life, and the Song people who have no special skills cut off their way of life.

Immediately, a wave of refugees formed in the area controlled by the Jinghai Kingdom. These Song people who were wiped out gathered in various cities all day long, begging along the streets, and mourning.

After Xu Yi learned of this, he was overjoyed, and immediately ordered Du Fuyuan to negotiate with Wu Min, who was in charge of Da Song, to put pressure on Da Song. Just open the door of convenience for these refugees, let them enter Jinghai country to settle down and make a living.

(End of this chapter)

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