Great Song Pirate

Chapter 713 National Bank

Chapter 713 National Bank
Anyway, Xu Yi was not in a hurry now, it was still early in the spring, so it dragged on for another two days, making Wu Min and his party extremely anxious, unable to figure out what exactly Xu Yi wanted to return to Hejian and other places.

It wasn't until Xu Yi saw that they couldn't stand it any longer, did Xu Yi ask Ma Zhe to take out a copy that had already been drawn up and hand it to Wu Min.

After Wu Min took over the peace agreement, he opened it up and saw that his head was a little dizzy. The conditions proposed by Xu Yi were really too much. The lion opened his mouth and made a lot of conditions, some of which were important. The condition is that, first, Da Song must compensate Jinghai Kingdom with 100 million taels of gold, 1000 million taels of silver, and 300 million bolts of silk before Da Song takes back Hejian Mansion and other places!

Second, after the Song Dynasty takes back Hejian and other places, it is not allowed to station troops in these places, and Hejian Mansion and Zhending Mansion are opened to establish a city for free trade between merchants of the two countries, and the two countries will jointly send personnel to manage them.

The third is that the Great Song Dynasty should open at least ten ports along the coast, and the location will be selected by the Jinghai Kingdom, where the ships of the Jinghai Kingdom can dock and open commercial transactions.

Fourth, the Song Dynasty should set aside a port in Qiongzhou (Hainan Island) for the use of Jinghai Kingdom.

Fifth, Da Song should provide [-] artisans of various kinds to the Jinghai Kingdom, and the quota will be selected by the Jinghai Kingdom.

Sixth, the two countries have formed an alliance. Regardless of any friction between any country and other countries, they must regard other countries as enemies and jointly attack them.

Seventh, the Song Dynasty should transfer the old coins previously given to the Liao and Jin countries to the Jinghai Kingdom, and the Jinghai Kingdom will inherit this fact.


After reading the request made by Jinghai Kingdom, Wu Min almost fainted. Xu Yi's conditions, even in the most powerful period of the Song Dynasty, were basically impossible to spend so much money at once. It is possible, not to mention that after more than two years of war in the Song Dynasty, almost all the economies in the north have been destroyed. If they want to recover, they need a lot of investment. How can they have the strength to take out so much money to compensate Jinghai Kingdom? ah!

Moreover, he also proposed that the Song Dynasty is not allowed to garrison troops in Hejian Zhending and other places. A country cannot garrison troops on its own territory. What does that mean?

As for other conditions, there is also the allocation of a port in Qiongzhou for the use of the Jinghai Kingdom. Isn't this the same as ceding land?
In short, after they finished reading the peace agreement, Wu Min immediately went numb, not knowing how to answer Xu Yi, so he begged to see Xu Yi and bargained with him at first, but Xu Yi refused to let go, and Zhang Jun was angry. After returning to the post house, he lost his gentleness and couldn't help but cursed loudly, so scared that Wu Min and others ran up to stop him, for fear of being overheard and passed on to Xu Yi's ears, which would cause them great disaster.

Seeing that the Spring Festival was approaching, they couldn't negotiate these conditions with Xu Yi, so Wu Min didn't dare to delay any longer, and immediately copied a copy of the conditions proposed by Xu Yi, and sent a messenger to Bianliang non-stop, and handed it to Zhao Xu review.

And Xu Yi also knew that Wu Min didn't dare to make decisions without authorization, so he didn't bother to argue with him, and directly handed over this matter to Ma Zhe to fight with them, waiting for Zhao Xu to reply.

This year's Spring Festival is much more lively than last year's in Liaodong. Since the Fubo army captured Yanshan Mansion and other places, expelled the forces of Jin Wushu, and firmly controlled the coast of Bohai Bay, a large number of merchants left spontaneously. The sea routes flooded into the Jinghai Kingdom, and they all noticed that the Jinghai Kingdom has now established a firm foothold, and the next step is to develop, and this time is the best time for them to grab the beach. Therefore, the terminals of Suzhou Port and Jinzhou Port, which have been renamed Dalian, are also busy.

With the arrival of these merchants with a keen sense of smell, it also injected a bit of vitality into the economy that had been destroyed by the Jin army, and revived some vitality in the cities of various states and counties that were originally somewhat bleak, and small merchants appeared on the streets again. With the cries of hawkers, some shops that had been closed were reopened.

However, in Hejian and other places occupied by the Jinghai Kingdom, the people left behind were struggling due to lack of food, and many of them were almost starving to death in the ice and snow. Xu Yi had already seized this point When he was in these places, he had already seen that after returning to Dading Mansion, he ordered a large number of grains to be drawn from the reserves, set up supply points in various places, and summoned the common people in the Song Dynasty to follow the supply points. Moved to the territory of Jinghai State.

This move can be regarded as a ruthless move. Anyway, he has no intention of going to war with Song Dynasty. In his opinion, as long as these places are not returned to Song Dynasty, it will be a hidden danger of the two countries' war sooner or later, so the land can be returned to Song Dynasty, but He can't leave the population to Da Song. What Jinghai Kingdom lacks most now is not money, but people. Years of wars have caused the population here to decline significantly. After the consolidation of Jinghai Kingdom's current territory, a large number of open spaces have been vacated. It is useless to leave it idle, so it can accommodate a large number of people who moved north. Therefore, Xu Yi invested a lot of money to attract people from the Song Dynasty to settle in Jinghai. Anyway, most of these people are Han people. There will be differences between Song and Liao, but he believes that the power of Han nationality's national integration will soon integrate them into one.

In order to attract people from the Song Dynasty to settle in Jinghai Kingdom, Xu Yi ordered many preferential measures, not only investing a large amount of food, but also investing a large amount of money. They strictly ordered the local officials in the territory to properly arrange them to ensure that they can survive the winter smoothly, and temporarily leased a large number of unowned official land to them at a very low rent, and ordered the iron workshops on Liuqiu Island He invested a lot of manpower and material resources in the newly established ironworks in Liaoyang Prefecture, and rushed to make farm tools. Taking advantage of this time, they were transferred to various places for storage. They will be distributed to the newly moved people in the spring of the next year for spring plowing.

If the Jinghai Kingdom wants to recover its economy from the disaster of war as soon as possible and gain a firm foothold, the first thing to ensure is self-sufficiency in food, and then continue to develop other industries. Xu Yi still has a clear understanding of this, so In this winter, he put a lot of energy into the resettlement of immigrants and the distribution of land.

The result of the war often resulted in a large number of orphans. For the orphans in the north, Xu Yi also invested a lot of energy, ordering the local government to take in these orphans with all their strength, ensure their food and clothing, and then send them to Jinzhou in batches, where they boarded the ship , transferred to Liuqiu Island and Dulong Island for training. These people will be the real backbone of Jinghai Kingdom in the future. Once they grow up, they will be sent to the grassroots as officials or lead troops in the army. With the experience accumulated over the years, the people cultivated in this way can truly be united with themselves, ensuring that the foundation of Jinghai Kingdom will not be shaken.

But when the plan started to be put into practice, Xu Yi realized that there was something wrong. The number of orphans had exceeded his expectations. Some women who lost their husbands, after hearing the news that the government took in orphans and wanted to send them to government schools, they also followed suit one after another. Sending their children to the government will greatly increase the number of orphans. After all, a woman with several children alone cannot survive. After learning about this situation, Xu Yi went down The government in various places was ordered to contain them as much as possible, which resulted in an excessive number.

As a result, not only the government expenditures in various places are increasing day by day, but also the transportation capacity required to transfer so many children is also a problem. The bigger problem is that so many children are transferred to Liuqiu Island, and some of the original facilities there cannot accommodate them. , so after Xu Yi thought about it, he simply handed over this matter to Yiqing and Yuehong. Anyway, the girls of his old Xu family are not used to staying in the palace to enjoy the blessings, so it would be nice to let them do something .

After the two of them got Xu Yi's order, they immediately transferred some experienced teachers from Liuqiu Island, and sent them to the north to directly establish a school in the north, and put some houses of rich and noble families who had escaped or were killed Using it, in this way, this problem is basically solved.

After the Jinghai Kingdom entered winter, people from all over the country did not stay at home like in previous years. Under the mobilization of the government, they started all kinds of reconstruction work in full swing.

The whole north was full of excitement. Before Xu Yi could be happy for a few days, Cuiyu, who was the chief financial officer of his internal affairs, laid his pillow on his arm one night after having a good time with him, and told him in a soft voice. If the Jinghai Kingdom continues like this, I am afraid that the country will be declared bankrupt before the beginning of spring!
"No way! We have made a lot of money during the war in the past two years. I remember that Liuqiu Island has saved a lot of money in these years. How could it go bankrupt? Where is the money?" Xu Yi hugged Cuiyu's soft body asked with a look of surprise.

"Your Highness! You are busy fighting wars and arranging all kinds of things all day long, but you never care about financial matters. Can your concubine still lie to you? These concubines with money will not fill their pockets!
What you just said is indeed true. Although we have accumulated a lot of money in the past few years, you have never thought about how much money it takes to feed such a large number of soldiers and horses!Although the military pay of our Jinghai country is far less than that of the Song army, it is still a huge expense!

Besides, the governments of various places need money to operate!Resettlement still needs a lot of money!The shelter of orphans also needs money, the repair of the city also needs money, and the reconstruction of the government also needs money...

But now we basically put all our energy into war and reconstruction, and the only places that can produce money for us are Liuqiu Island and Dulong Island, and Annan Qiangui can also provide some. , other than that, on the north side, there is basically only input and no output.

Calculated in this way, although we have a little foundation, we can't stand your tossing around like this!The concubine doesn't feel bad about spending money, but if it goes on like this, I'm afraid that one day, if there is no money in the treasury, it will be too late for His Highness to worry! Cuiyu put her arms around Xu Yi's body and snapped her fingers to settle the score for him.

After listening to Cuiyu's words, Xu Yi's head got a little big. To be honest, he really didn't pay much attention to this matter in the past two years. He always felt that it was easy to get money when he was raiding everywhere. The solid foundation should be enough for him to spend a lot of time, so during this period of time he only thought about how to speed up the reconstruction, but ignored this issue. Now that Cuiyu reminded him, he immediately became worried.

A country cannot be without money for a day, otherwise the state machinery will stop immediately. After pondering for a while, he nodded and said: "It seems that this is indeed a trouble, and we must find a way to solve it! If you sum it up, what are the problems? If you can save some money, try to save as much as possible. In addition, we are mainly on the offensive now. The construction of the city can be temporarily delayed. As for the reconstruction of the government, I will immediately stop work, so that officials from all over the country can make full use of the original buildings. Extravagance and waste!
If it still doesn't work, let me give you an idea, you just ask the Ministry of Accounts to issue treasury bonds!Are we not rebuilding the North now?There is only investment but no output. I think that after two years, this situation will change, and our current investment will start to generate benefits for us continuously.

And now we can say that looking at the world, no one can do anything to us!This is our capital, as long as anyone with insight can see that we will have no opponents for a long time in the future, we will use our national reputation to borrow money from them, presumably they will be happy to buy us of national debt!As for the interest, we might as well be more generous. We eat meat, so we always give people some soup!
In addition to issuing national bonds, we can also set up a Jinghai National Bank. Instead of making money for the bank, we can collect funds restricted by society in the name of the country. I think private individuals will be happy to deposit money based on the country's reputation. We can also pay them some interest according to the time they deposit their money.

And when the country invests in the construction of some state-owned workshops, it does not need to ask the country to pay for it, go to the state-owned bank to borrow money, and then return the principal with interest to the state-owned bank, so that we can better alleviate the financial difficulties of our Jinghai country.

What do you think of my methods? "Xu Yi said triumphantly to Cuiyu.

After hearing this, Cuiyu felt like fainting. Originally, she was worried about money every day these days, and she was afraid of breaking Xu Yi's heart, so she chose this time to tell Xu Yi. In her opinion, this matter The fact is that it is difficult to handle. She originally wanted to urge Xu Yi to reach an agreement with Da Song as soon as possible, and get some money from Da Song to come to the emergency, but she didn't expect Xu Yi to solve these problems for her casually. What kind of national debt, what kind of bank? , A large number of new terms popped up, and the shocking Cuiyu felt a little dizzy, and it was a bit overwhelming for a while!

However, after such a long period of training for Xu Yi to take care of financial affairs, Cuiyu has long been regarded as an expert, and she quickly sorted out the truth, and then began to lie in Xu Yi's arms to discuss the details with him. aspects of the problem.

Xu Yi collected as much knowledge as possible about the financial aspects of future generations in his mind, and explained them to Cuiyu one by one. In particular, he told Cuiyu that treasury bonds and deposit certificates issued by banks must have relatively high anti-counterfeiting measures to prevent fakes from appearing and impacting the country. economy.

After Cuiyu figured it out thoroughly, she turned over and sat up immediately, put on her clothes, and wanted to get out of bed to write down all these things.

"Hey! Cuiyu! What are you going to do? It's already midnight, aren't you going to sleep?" Xu Yi hurriedly called her.

"Your Highness, feel wronged! I can't sleep now, I need to quickly record these methods of Your Highness, and I will hurry to gather people to do these things at dawn! Please forgive me for not being able to continue to do this. Your Highness is going to bed, hee hee! Your Highness, hurry up and go to bed! The concubine will leave first!" Cuiyu put on her clothes quickly, and then said to Xu Yi with a happy smile, and after accusing him of a crime, she immediately trotted out After leaving Xu Yi's bedroom, greeted her personal maid, and immediately ran to her exclusive study to get busy!
Looking at Cuiyu's leaving figure, Xu Yi sighed. He wanted to take a good rest and enjoy the tenderness with his lover, but unexpectedly after he said something, Cuiyu ran away, leaving him alone. It's really bad enough!

"It's hard to sleep alone!" Xu Yi muttered, turned over and pulled up the quilt, but a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. These wives can really share things for him. Compared with those emperors in the past, he can be regarded as a blessed person up!

While Wu Min and the others were still anxiously waiting for Zhao Xu's reply, they suddenly heard that Jinghai Kingdom was going to establish some kind of national bank. The recruiting notice, recruiting people who can read and write accounts to work in the Jinghai State Bank, this news did not attract much attention from them, and it is not clear what this bank is and what it does.

But soon they heard some gossip, saying that Jinghai Kingdom is now going to issue long-term treasury bonds, guaranteed by the country's reputation, and sell treasury bonds. Anyone who buys treasury bonds can go to Jinghai with a certificate in five years' time. If you exchange cash in the state-owned banks of the country, you can also get [-]% interest.

As soon as the news spread, the wealthy people in Jinghai Kingdom became happy. They were still worrying about the little wealth they had saved, and kept hiding it all day long for fear of being stolen. Now Jinghai Kingdom issued National debt, they can exchange all the money into national debt and put it at home, which is much more convenient for safekeeping. What's even better is that their money can also be preserved, and they can exchange it back after five years, and they can get half more.

So a large number of people began to dig out the money they had buried from the ground, holding the coins and waiting for the issuance of Jinghai's national debt. They didn't even want to think about whether there was any risk. Who can afford to provoke Jinghai now!The Dajin Kingdom is so powerful, they were all beaten up by the Jinghai Kingdom, so there is no need to worry about Jinghai Kingdom not being able to pay back the money after five years.

After hearing the news, Wu Min, Zhang Jun and others couldn't help sighing, this Xu Yi is simply a genius!Actually using the country's reputation to borrow money from civilians, it seems that Jinghai Kingdom will not be short of money after doing this!

However, this kind of thing is easy to say, but it takes some time to do it. The establishment of the National Bank of Jinghai State, the training of personnel, the establishment of accounts, and the printing of national debts all take time, and it is impossible to open and issue them all at once.

However, Wu Min also made some calculations in private, so he secretly ordered his personal servant to return to Song Dynasty, and transport the money saved by his family to Jinghai State as soon as possible. With regard to the national debt of Jinghai Kingdom, now he doesn't have to worry about having nowhere to put his family's wealth.

After counting the time, Xu Yi saw that the Spring Festival was approaching, so he sent Ma Zhe again to ask Da Song if he agreed with their request. If not, he asked Wu Min and others to go back. Don't think about going back to Hejian and other places.

Wu Min became nervous all of a sudden. He also knew that the deadline set by Xu Yi was approaching. If the peace negotiation failed, Xu Yi would close the door to the peace negotiation. Now Xu Yi is about to issue national debt, and it is estimated that it will be resolved soon. They are troubled by the shortage of funds in Jinghai Kingdom, and if Xu Yi solves this trouble and the treasury becomes abundant, how can he return Hejian and other places to Song Dynasty again!

So he hurriedly talked and asked Xu Yi for a few more days. His memorial has already been sent back to Bianliang City, and the officials of the Song Dynasty should give a reply soon, for fear that his group will be driven out of Jinghai Kingdom. Big trouble!
And at this time, the messenger that Wu Min had hoped for finally arrived at the territory of Jinghai Kingdom, braved the snowflakes that were flying again, and rushed all the way towards Dading Mansion.

A few days ago, when the courier sent the request from Jinghai State transcribed by Wu Min back to Bianliang, Tokyo, and handed it over to Zhao Xu, Zhao Xu was almost mad when he saw it. The conditions Xu Yi listed were simply a kind of blackmail. , 1000 million taels of silver, 100 million taels of gold, these are simply astronomical figures, not counting other conditions. The Song Dynasty was relatively short of silver, so copper coins were used as the main currency in circulation

In the past two years, Da Song has fought endlessly with the Jin army. In addition, his father Zhao Ji was so profligate that the national treasury was already very empty. Zhao Xu often had headaches because of this matter. The amount of money he has is countless, and he has already done his best to support it.

But Xu Yi asked for 1000 million taels of silver. If he agreed, he would probably declare bankruptcy!So after watching it, Zhao Xu became furious, scolding Xu Yi for being cruel and merciless, for making such an unreasonable request, clamoring that he could not agree to Xu Yi's request.

But he was angry, and after he calmed down after shouting and cursing, he shuddered again when he thought of the two people Xu Yi was holding in his hands. The throne or the Song Dynasty was split into two courts, and it seemed a bit insignificant again.

So he summoned the Minister of the Household Department and the ministers in charge of money in the DPRK to discuss this matter together, how to answer Wu Min, let Wu Min reach an agreement with Jinghai Kingdom, and it seems that the time is not far from the deadline proposed by Xu Yi He didn't dare to delay any longer.

(End of this chapter)

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