Great Song Pirate

Chapter 715 Zong Han's Destruction

Chapter 715 Zong Han's Destruction

Wu Min sits in the Xingzhou Special Division and is responsible for handling the implementation of the agreement with Jinghai State. In this matter, he adopted an ostrich policy. In order to reduce the burden on Song Dynasty to take over these refugees, he agreed to Jinghai State’s proposal. Among the Song people, those who did not meet the requirements of Jinghai Kingdom can choose to stay in Jinghai Kingdom to make a living or return to Song Dynasty.

At the same time, according to Xu Yi's instructions, Du Fuyuan allocated a considerable amount of funds and food to attract these refugees to resettle in Jinghai Kingdom. The Song people who were wiped out also flooded into the northern Jinghai Kingdom.

In this way, Jinghai Kingdom obtained a large number of abundant labor force, which laid a solid manpower foundation for their future expansion to the north.

The influx of various craftsmen has also greatly promoted the speed of construction in the north. The industrialization process with Liaoyang Prefecture as the industrial center has begun. The original mining and metallurgy industry also began to speed up, and a large number of prisoners of war were put into the mining work.

In order to appease the craftsmen who came from the Song Dynasty, Jinghai State provided them with quite comfortable housing, and gave them higher salaries according to their types of work and skills. He settled down amidst the uneasiness, and was soon assigned to work in various factories.

Together with those Song immigrants who were accepted, they were gradually resettled in various places, and the land was allocated for them to cultivate. These things are simple to say, but when they are put into practice, they are a huge project. Jinghai Kingdom invested a lot in both manpower and material resources. Xu Yi could barely breathe because of these things. He was so tired that he was about to vomit blood and die!But compared to the future development of Jinghai Kingdom, these are very worthwhile investments.

In this way, although Jinghai Kingdom has been under great pressure from a large number of Song people in a short period of time, it has greatly improved the situation in the north where the land is sparsely populated. For this reason, Xu Yi formally established various administrative affairs departments, Improving the system of the Jinghai Kingdom and promoting a large number of original subordinates on Liuqiu Island to serve as the first chief executives of these departments is also a reward for these people, allowing them to assist him in managing the affairs of the Jinghai Kingdom.

First of all, in order to deal with this large-scale immigration wave, he set up the Ministry of Civil Affairs to manage civil affairs. This department is similar to the Ministry of Households in the Song Dynasty, but it is different from the functions of the Ministry of Households. All his energy was devoted to civil affairs. Shen Wanhe was the first Minister of the Household Department, so that he could complete the resettlement of immigrants and the distribution of land as quickly as possible, and establish the household registration system in the north of Jinghai Kingdom.
The establishment of the Ministry of Industry has inherited most of the functions of the Ministry of Industry of this era, and is responsible for managing various projects, craftsmen, farming, water conservancy, transportation, mining and metallurgy in Jinghai State, and also in charge of a large number of newly established Jinghai State The operation of the state-owned workshops basically covers the industrial affairs of Jinghai State, and at the same time supervises the commercial affairs. There is no special Ministry of Commerce, but the commercial affairs are temporarily merged into the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Industry. The first Ministry of Industry His old friend Li Mingshan from the Li family in Hangzhou served as the minister, and Qin Huzi, the former head of ironwork, was in charge of the affairs related to weapons in the Ministry of Industry. This is the first time, but Xu Yi doesn't care about it. After all, Li Mingshan is a very experienced businessman who has established a huge business group. If it is replaced by other people, it must not be as good as his old businessman. .

The Ministry of Finance was established to manage the country's financial affairs, and at the same time be responsible for the country's taxation and other affairs. The National Bank, which is under preparation, is also under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Finance. The first minister is Du Fuyuan, but the first executive officer of the National Bank is Princess Cuiyu concurrently.

The Ministry of Education was set up to manage various schools to train and deliver various talents for the Jinghai Kingdom. For the time being, no general schools were placed under the management of the military. The main direction of training talents was administrative management talents, military talents, and navigation talents. Craftsman talents are supplemented. In the future, the training of craftsman talents will be gradually expanded, and majors such as business management and diplomacy will be gradually established, and various majors will be gradually refined to establish a relatively complete education system. Only in this way can Jinghai Kingdom always maintain the advanced nature of science and technology and military, and stand on the top of the world for a long time. The first Minister of Education is Qiu Xiancheng, who was the first to manage the orphan school in Dulong Island, but Princess Yiqing is responsible for supervising this affairs.

The Ministry of Officials was set up to manage officials across the country, responsible for the selection, recruitment, dispatch, promotion, assessment, and punishment of officials in administrative management. Responsible, the duty is to supervise all officials. The original inspector team was reorganized and not controlled by anyone. Gao Xu served as the first chief inspector, equal to Jia Qian.

The Ministry of Punishment was established to specialize in criminal and prison affairs in Jinghai State, and to improve the establishment of various laws in Jinghai State. However, under the Ministry of Punishment, three departments like public security, inspection, and courts were set up to cooperate with each other and restrict each other to unify Jinghai. The country's criminal law affairs, forming a set of national coercive system similar to the later generations, the first minister was Yao Tiansheng, who was known as the Iron Bread Lord.

The Ministry of National Defense was established to replace the Ministry of War in the old system, and also replaced the Privy Council system in the Song and Jin Dynasties, and centralized the military and state affairs of the Jinghai Kingdom under the unified management of the Ministry of Defense. The highest officer was Xu Yi, followed by Yang Zaixing, Gao Jun, and Li Bo Waiting for the generals to have a staff officer, and specifically formally determined the establishment of the Jinghai State Navy. The specific establishment will have to be compiled after the war. For the time being, the army will maintain the existing three major main corps, supplemented by the local garrison. situation.

In this way, the situation of seven ministries coexisting initially formed, which is very different from the six ministries in the old system. Among the six ministries, the Ministry of Rites was abolished, and the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Education were added, which made the operation of the state machine more convenient. The status of national education and the status of the Ministry of Industry have been enhanced.

Although the establishment of this kind of department is a bit eager for quick success and instant benefits, and there are many coordination problems, but judging from the current situation of Jinghai Kingdom, this is also Xu Yi's first step. In the future, he will gradually adjust according to the actual situation and continue To refine the responsibilities of various functional departments, after all, the establishment of a country is not something that can be accomplished overnight, and there are many things that need to be gradually improved, so Xu Yi can't be too anxious.

After the initial completion of the establishment of these departments, there was a large-scale transfer of personnel in Jinghai Kingdom. Those who had meritorious service were assigned to various positions according to their strengths. In this way, the enthusiasm of these personnel was greatly mobilized , It was just a bit messy at the beginning, but in Xu Yi's opinion, after using it for a while, this chaotic situation will always be straightened out gradually, so it's nothing to worry about.

One winter, just like this ended under the busyness of everyone in Jinghai. With the warm wind blowing from the south, the ice and snow covering the land in the north began to melt, and the young shoots of weeds began to emerge from under the snow, growing tenaciously Looking up, Jinghai Kingdom is becoming stronger and stronger like these weeds.

At this time, the West Road conquest army also completed its assembly in Yanshan Mansion. The Black Tiger Army mobilized a large number of elites to reorganize in Yanshan Mansion and the rest of the Three Corps here. A total of [-] elite soldiers were assembled and training was completed.

The three corps in the north also made full preparations. Under the leadership of the commanders of the various armies, they all entered the predetermined position on time and began to sharpen their swords. They were about to attack the Kingdom of Jin in the north.

At this time, in the north of the Jinghai Kingdom, the Dajin Kingdom has fallen into complete panic. The Jurchen nobles headed by the Emperor Wu Qimai of the Dajin Kingdom have now become frightened birds. They have already realized that Jinghai The country has become a huge force that they cannot destroy, and its strength is greatly catching up with the country of Dajin.

In particular, the various news collected from the Jinghai Kingdom all show that after the spring of the Jinghai Kingdom, a large-scale Northern Expedition will definitely be carried out. It was so powerful a few years ago. After successive battles, the army of the Kingdom of Jin lost all its elite. Ma, the original Zongwang Department, is now under the jurisdiction of Wushu, and it has also completely failed in the south. It can be said that the elite of the Jurchen has been exhausted. Just a matter of time.

Although the whole Kingdom of Jin still managed to cobble together more than [-] soldiers and horses, the quality could no longer be compared with before. What made them even more alarmed was that many tribes in Mongolia in the west, after the fall of the Liao Kingdom, expressed Surrendered to the Great Jin Kingdom, but at this time, they also began to no longer obey their dispatches. Many tribes refused to send young and strong members of the clan to join the Jin Kingdom to send troops to fight against the Jinghai Kingdom.

Even in the area of ​​Yikun Prefecture, Mongolian tribes took refuge in the Jinghai Kingdom, and sent young and strong members of the tribe to join the army of the Jinghai Kingdom to conquer the Kingdom of Jin with the army. This made the Kingdom of Jin even worse. Now their army It seems that there are a lot of them, but they don't have much combat power at all. Everyone is not optimistic that they can stop the army of Jinghai this time.

Therefore, the entire Kingdom of Jin fell into panic. Now the only thing they can rely on is the [-] troops led by Zong Han. It can be said that Zong Han's army is left in the entire Kingdom of Jin, and they still maintain a certain fighting capacity. Therefore, Wu Qimai repeatedly ordered Zong Han to reorganize his army in Longhua Prefecture and make all preparations to repel the northern criminals of Jinghai State at any time.

Wu Qimai couldn't sleep well all day long. It took only a dozen years for the huge Jin Kingdom to come to him from Liguo. It was a glorious time to completely subvert a huge Liao Kingdom, and almost wiped out the Song Dynasty, but it was only a short period of two or three years. Since the appearance of the Fubo Army, the great The situation in the Kingdom of Jin was quickly reversed. No matter who the invincible Jin army was, as long as they led troops into this Fubo army, they would end up in a mess. Either the whole army was wiped out, or they lost their helmets. The unarmored one ran back.

And the Fubo army, which looked like an ant from the beginning, could be crushed to death with a little force, rose up in the place where they once rose in a short time, and quickly drove them out of the land they had just ruled , Such a situation caught them by surprise. When they paid full attention to this Fubo army, they found sadly that they could no longer control the development of the matter.

They are also newly rising countries, but Jinghai Kingdom possesses a large number of advanced weapons that they have never seen before, making their fine riding and iron armor look like nothing in front of them. Everyone in the Kingdom of Jin can see that this is the last decisive battle between the two countries. The loser will be expelled from this land forever, and the winner will take over all the northern territories.

Wu Qimai was unwilling to fail like this, but after one winter, he didn't think of any way to deal with it, he could only watch helplessly as the time of destruction approached step by step, when the first spring thunder exploded over the Huining Mansion At that time, Wu Qimai couldn't afford to be ill, and the sound of spring thunder fell in his ears, but it was like a death knell. Dajin Kingdom might really be doomed like this!

The tremendous pressure he has endured for a long time has finally crushed the backbone of this veteran who once roamed the battlefield. Wu Qimai can no longer hold on. Started to act, divided into several armies, and started the Northern Expedition to the Dajin Kingdom at the same time.

Wu Qimai forcefully opened his swollen eyes, nodded weakly to show that he understood, and instructed his subordinates to go to the front line to work as a soldier, and must Zong Han, Xie Ye, Zong Ying and others block the army of Jinghai Kingdom. If it doesn't work, then he has nothing to do!

When all the preparations were in place, Yang Zaixing commanded three corps and launched the Northern Expedition from several directions. Xiao Jianfeng's Second Corps, mainly cavalry, began to storm the Xieye army in Linhuang Mansion.

Although in terms of numbers, Xiao Jianfeng's Second Corps is far less numerous than Xieye's soldiers, Xiao Jianfeng's men are an elite army of hundreds of warriors, all of whom are selected from the best. However, there are a large number of Khitan and Mongolian knights. These people are absolute elites. From the beginning of the war, the two sides have always held the initiative on the battlefield.

There is no way to fight back against Xieye, and with the firearm support of Xiao Jianfeng's corps, it is often only necessary for the two armies to face each other. After a few battles, Xieye's army began to break up, and finally had to abandon all the areas south of Linhuang Mansion, and retreated the army into the city of Linhuang Mansion, never daring to face Xiao Jianfeng's corps. She is so sharp that she only wants to linger on in Linhuang Mansion.

Although he received urgent calls for help from Dongmian Zonghan many times, Xieye couldn't take care of himself. How could he send troops to support Zonghan's army!

Since the beginning of the battle, both Gao Jun's First Corps and Li Bo's Second Corps directed their troops at Zonghan's Army in Longhua Prefecture, and only ordered Lin Xiong to take part of the garrison in Shenzhou to hold back Zongying's Jin army. Army, concentrated the elite of the two corps, and launched a fierce attack on Zong Han's army entrenched in Longhua Prefecture.

This is also the first time that the Fubo Army has concentrated superior forces on the battlefield since the war between the Fubo Army and the Jin Army. To deal with the Jin Army, the Zong Han Army is not at all an opponent of the Fubo Army in terms of quantity or equipment, so Not to mention the counterattack, Zong Han didn't even have the power to protect himself. As soon as the outer battle started, Zong Han fell into a comprehensive decline, so he quickly asked for help from Xie Ye of Linhuang Mansion.

In the end, they didn't expect that there were so many people in Xie Ye. They were beaten up by Xiao Jianfeng's army. Like him, they had nothing to do. Only then did they know that the situation was over, and they led the army back into the city of Longhua Prefecture, intending to defend the city.

However, he still overestimated the ability of the Jin army to defend the city. Compared with the Jin army, the Fubo army is not an army of the same era in terms of equipment. Under the attack of firearms, all the counterattack methods of the Jin army were declared ineffective, and the density of firepower far exceeded the range that the Jin army could bear.

So when the two corps surrounded Longhua Prefecture, they organized a large number of artillery and rockets to prepare firepower for the city of Longhua Prefecture for several days. Under the bombardment of density, the golden soldiers in the city suffered heavy casualties, and the city wall was riddled with holes.

Such a blow made Zong Han hide in the city and could only look at the sky full of gunfire, sighing helplessly in vain. After being trapped in the city for a few days, the Jin army finally couldn't hold on. After all, there were many girls and real soldiers among them. Seeing that the city is not safe, if they continue to defend, they will have to wait for death. Finally, under the leadership of Zong Han, the whole army opened the east gate of Longhua Prefecture and launched a near-suicidal assault on the Fubo army outside the city. Trying to break out of the encirclement of the Fubo army and flee to Tongzhou to join the Zongying army, and also to preserve some strength for the Kingdom of Jin.

When Yang Zaixing, who was in charge of the decisive battle in Longhua Prefecture, saw Zong Han leading the army out of the city, he couldn't help laughing loudly with his staff. So they had already set up heavy guards on the only way from Longhua Prefecture to Linhuang Mansion and Tongzhou.

As soon as Zonghan opened the east gate and led his army out of the city to break through, the Fubo army immediately mobilized a large number of firepower and began to intercept and attack Zonghan's army.

All of a sudden, the guns outside the east gate of Longhua Prefecture rumbled, and all kinds of artillery swept across Zong Han's Jin army like a whirlwind, as if they were mowing grass, harvesting the lives of the Jin army, and Zong Han had already put his life and death to death with him. Unexpectedly, at this time, it also showed the demeanor of a generation of famous generals in the Kingdom of Jin. He led the army without fear of death and continued to brave the artillery fire, launching a fierce attack on the defense line of the Fubo Army.

"A swarm of bees prepares..."

"The crossbowmen are ready..."

"Archers prepare..."

"Pikemen stand up, raise their guns..."

"Cavalry on horseback..."

In the formation of the Fubo Army, commands from various officers came out, and a corps in charge of the defense on this side started to move in an orderly manner, and firmly surrounded Zong Han's army.

After Zong Han led the army to intercept wave after wave of the Fubo army, he left behind countless bloody corpses of the Jin army. Zong Han himself was also seriously injured, and finally led the remaining soldiers and horses into the ambush. Polish defenses.

The pikemen held up rows of sharp spears in front of them like waves, and a large number of golden soldiers slammed into their guns like another tide, and blood sprayed up all over the sky immediately. , The soldiers of both sides finally launched a more brutal hand-to-hand combat.

Under the impact of the Jin Army, the defense lines of the Fubo Army were broken through one by one at the cost of a large number of lives, but a large number of Jin soldiers also fell forever on the way forward, and gradually began to lose their impact. It was firmly surrounded outside the city.

At this time, the cavalry circled their retreat, and the black-armored knights brandished sharp long knives, rushed into the rear formation of the golden soldiers, and launched a massacre against Zonghan's army like cutting melons and vegetables. Everyone's blood boiled.

Jin Jun himself also knew that as a Jurchen, it was impossible to obtain the tolerance of the Jinghai army, so they had no choice but to fight to the death, so the remaining Jin soldiers fought hard. Some resistance.

After the battle lasted for a whole day, it finally calmed down. The soldiers of Jinghai Kingdom, who came from all directions, stepped on the corpses of countless golden soldiers, and finally gathered together.

Not long after, a soldier pressed a golden general who was covered in blood and came under the commander's flag. When he came to Yang Zaixing who was standing under the commander's flag, he kicked the tied up golden general to the ground.

This thick and bearded Jin Jiang stubbornly stood up again with his face covered in blood, glaring at Yang Zaixing and the others, his mouth was bleeding, and there were several arrow feathers stuck in his armor. The place was already dilapidated, and blood was oozing outside. This person's eyes were full of bloodshot eyes. Although he was staggering, he still insisted on standing up, and he did not lose the tenacity of a general of the Golden Army!

"Kneel down!..." The officer escorting this person wanted to kick the golden general again.

"Wait a minute! Let him go first!" Yang Zaixing admired the toughness of this golden general, so he stopped his subordinates from continuing to insult this golden general.

"General Wanyan, we finally met!" Yang Zaixing said to the golden general.

"Hmph! Are you Yang Zaixing?" General Jin asked angrily.

Yang Zaixing nodded. He was indeed a famous general of the Kingdom of Jin, so he continued to ask: "So it is Marshal Zong Han, I'm sorry! It's my servant! I don't know what else you have to say now?"

(End of this chapter)

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