Great Song Pirate

Chapter 703 Invincible Rascal

Chapter 703 Invincible Rascal
Ever since Gao Biao was dispatched by Wushu, the Battle of Jizhou has also begun. Due to the terrain, it is not easy to form a large formation outside the city for a duel. After the Fubo Army broke through the Huangya Pass, they quickly captured it. There are a large number of highlands in the west and north of the city, and some mountainous areas are controlled in their hands.

The Wushu army had just arrived in Jizhou, and it was too late to make sufficient preparations, so they fought with the Fubo army.

In terms of numbers alone, the Jin army led by Wushu seems to have a great advantage, but he himself knows that if his army can't deal with the Fubo army within five days, then he can only return to Yanshan Mansion Among them, because his food was not enough to support his long-term entanglement with the Fubo army in Jizhou, so as soon as Xu Yi's army arrived outside the city of Jizhou, he sent two groups of troops to the left and right to pounce. To the Fubo army.

However, because of the terrain, this area is not suitable for the army to deploy. The result of the two onslaughts was that the Fubo army used artillery to blast them back. With the loss of troops, Wushu had to give up the idea of ​​​​solving the Fubo army in the mountains. , gathered the soldiers and horses, and set up a formation outside Jizhou City to welcome Xu Yi's Fubo Army.

And Xu Yi did not disappoint Wu Shu, and soon led his army out of Panshan, and set up a camp by the mountain.

And on this day, Xu Yi finally saw Wanyan Zongbi, a famous general in the history of the Jin Kingdom, and from a distance in the telescope, he saw Wushu in a heavy armor, standing under the handsome flag.

When he saw the Fubo Army's army, which should be called the Jinghai Kingdom, appear in front of his eyes, Wu Shu also took a deep breath. The banners of the Fubo Army were unfurled, and the army was in order. The army marched without any disorder , even he, a veteran in the battlefield, had to nod in admiration.

As the army approached, under the command of the commander-in-chief's flag bearer, the Fubo Army's formation took hold, facing the Wushu's army far away. With an order, the troops immediately spread out and built a position .

With the Chinese army as the center, the Fubo army formed a large circular formation. The cavalry was protecting the two wings. The Chinese army was stationed on the high slope. Army formation.

The infantry and the left and right armies stepped forward, and the spearmen, sword and shield players lined up in front of the formation to form a thick spear formation, and the crossbowmen also stood still in front of the formation.

The entire formation looked very heavy, and there were clear passages between the armies for the armies to maneuver without revealing any flaws. After watching Wushu, I immediately felt a headache.

The battle formation of the Fubo Army is set up seamlessly, no matter which direction they attack from, they cannot break through their formation immediately, and they are covered by a large number of cavalry on both wings, they can attack and retreat or defend, which is very difficult to deal with.

So Wushu had no choice but to send two troops first, and tentatively launched an attack on the Fubo army formation from the left wing. The cavalry was in front and the infantry was behind, rushing towards the left wing formation of the Fubo army.

For today's confrontation between the two armies, Xu Yi didn't command many. When they encountered the Jin army in the past, they would always choose favorable terrain to defend and consume the Jin army's combat power, but today they are in the wild. Xu Yi put down the formation and had a head-on confrontation with the Jin army. Seeing that the Jin army's formation was also layered and very strict, Xu Yi was still a little nervous.

Seeing that the Jin army had already launched, Xu Yi also saw Wushu's tactics, and knew that this was a tentative attack, so he asked Li Bo to direct the battle. As the king, he only played the role of encouraging the soldiers here. It is inconvenient to command soldiers and horses by leapfrogging.

Wu Shu's calculation was very good. He tried to use the cavalry to restrain the left-wing cavalry of the Fubo Army first, and then charged with the infantry, but he underestimated the power of the Fubo Army's cavalry.

After seeing the cavalry of the Golden Army speeding up, Li Bo immediately ordered Li Bin's cavalry to attack. After Li Bin got the order, he immediately raised his gun and let out a long cry. After intercepting the cavalry of the Jin army, the two sides first adopted the method of cavalry and archery at a distance of one arrow. On the galloping horses, the cavalry of both sides drew their horn bows and shot at each other. Thousands of horses are galloping in the battlefield of time, and arrows criss-cross in the air, scattering towards the opponent's array.

This kind of cavalry and shooting was originally a commonly used tactic of the Jin Army. It can be said that they rarely encountered opponents before the battle, but they did not expect that today's Fubo Army cavalry, like them, used this move. The cavalrymen in the front row were hit by arrows one after another and fell off their horses. There was no coincidence in this kind of duel. After a round of shooting, the Jin army lost more than 100 people, while the Fubo army only lost dozens of people. Although some cavalrymen were hit by arrows, the arrows of the Jin army failed to penetrate. They penetrated their armors, but the three-edged armor-piercing arrows in their hands were able to tear apart the armor of the Jin army. In this round of riding and shooting, they took some advantage.

This kind of cavalry confrontation rarely appears in front of the Fubo army. For a while, everyone couldn't help but feel a little excited. Even the horses they sat on began to listen to the sound of thousands of horses galloping, and became a little excited. , started to step on the spot, and let out a sound of neighing.

Soldiers should have the consciousness of dying in battle. After the knights in front of them fall off their horses with arrows, no one will pay attention to their lives and deaths. He would be trampled to death by his brother's war horse immediately, no one could be lucky at all.

After the round of mutual shooting between the two sides ended, seeing that the distance had narrowed a lot, Li Bin handed over the spear to his left hand, stretched out his hand, and pulled out a javelin several feet long from behind, shouting: "Javelin! Throw!"

This is a good show that the Fubo army is good at. When they formed the cavalry, they were equipped with this weapon because they were not good at riding and shooting. Today, it has become their killer move. After Bin pulled out the javelins, many cavalrymen also pulled out the javelins behind them one after another. Following his order, they swung their arms vigorously and threw the javelins towards the Jin army rushing towards the opposite side with the help of horsepower.

Like poisonous snakes, these javelins fell into the ranks of the Golden Army cavalry one after another, and immediately set off a bloody storm. If their armor could prevent the armor-piercing arrows of the Fubo Army, then when facing these javelins, Their armor was like paper.

Immediately under the baptism of this javelin rain, the cavalry forwards of the Golden Army were hit hard again. This time, more than a hundred of the Golden Army's bodies were pierced by the heavy javelins on the spot, and they could no longer sit on the horse and charge. After hitting the ground, they were trampled into a pile of flesh and blood by the horses of their own people who came after them. Even though some people were not shot, their mounts were hit by it, and they still couldn't hold on. The horses immediately stumbled and hit the ground. He fell to the ground and threw the rider on his back heavily. Both sides have accelerated to the limit at this moment. The result of such a fall is known without thinking. Apart from a word of death, there is no other result. .

This strike immediately turned the forward of the Golden Army cavalry on their backs. After the forward fell, some uncontrollable chaos broke out in the formation. The horses are not fools, they will not actively trample on people or horses, they instinctively want to jump Or avoid them by avoiding them. As a result, the Golden Army cavalry began to appear chaotic.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Li Bin swung the big gun in his hand, roared and led his army head-on into the formation of the golden army. There was a sound of shouting and killing on the entire battlefield. Looking from a high place, two torrents immediately They collided together, and at the place where they met, countless blood-colored waves splashed.

At this time, Li Bin used piercing tactics, gathering the most elite cavalry around him, using himself as the sharpest, and after dancing with his big spears, he repeatedly picked the enemy troops in front of him off the horses, and those elite men each They were all like crazy tigers, following behind him, covering his sides, flipping the golden soldiers off their horses one by one, maintaining a high-speed charge, tearing apart the golden cavalry A hole, killed in.

At this time, the Jin army also reacted from the chaos, and those cavalrymen waved their spears, long knives, maces, barbed thorns and other weapons one after another, and moved towards the oncoming soldiers of the Fubo army. He greeted them, and there were screams immediately on the battlefield. The soldiers on both sides were injured, and they fell from the horses like dumplings, and then they were submerged in the ocean of angry horses.

But at this time, the Golden Army cavalry had lost their opportunity. Although they had caused considerable damage to the Fubo Army, their brigade was still killed by Li Bin's army, and there was a sudden chaos. , rode his horses to separate, and started to gather his own soldiers and horses on the battlefield again, but something unexpected happened to Wushu.

The formation of the Fubo Army is much better than his Golden Army. It has always been led by the general of the Fubo Army, and has never been dispersed. After tearing apart its own cavalry formation, it continued to rush towards He caught the infantry following behind the cavalry of the Golden Army, and suddenly threw out a cloud of javelins again in front of the infantry, immediately killing the infantry by surprise, and many people were nailed to death by javelins on the spot. , the Lord General hurriedly summoned the spearmen to stop the cavalry of the Fubo Army from continuing to attack their formation. They were unable to change their formation for a while in chaos, but they were bumped into their formation by the cavalry of the Fubo Army.

After the cavalry of the Fubo Army broke into the infantry formation, relying on the huge impact of the horses, they immediately knocked these golden infantry troops to the ground, and then the cavalry spears stabbed out, flying each of the golden soldiers into the air. Entering the queue, they smashed more golden soldiers to the ground, and immediately the infantry ranks became chaotic.

After these cavalrymen of the Fubo Army stabbed with their spears, some of their spear points were stuck in the enemy's body and could not be pulled out, so they immediately threw away their spears without hesitation, and pulled out their spears from their waists. In such a situation, you don't even need to swing the knife, just put the blade across the horse's neck, relying on the galloping of the horse, it can just cut the enemy's neck.

Immediately, wherever they passed, a mass of human heads flew up, bloody arrows sprayed from the necks of the headless corpses, soaring high, scattered everywhere.

In this way, without waiting for the infantry of the Jin army to stop them, they once again tore the formation of the infantry and pierced through one side.

At this time, the horses of the cavalry were also covered in sweat, and gradually began to get tired. After all, the horses could not last long in such a state of rapid galloping, but they left behind a pile of corpses and a swarm of bees. Golden Army infantry team.

Li Bin laughed wildly and shouted happily, then led his troops back to the main formation.

This blow made the chief general of the Golden Army cavalry very angry. Since when did the cavalry of the Golden Army suffer such uselessness on the battlefield? Only they can use this kind of tactics on other people's heads. How can others use them? So he didn't wait for his cavalry to be completely gathered, he immediately urged his horse and sword and led his cavalry to chase and kill Li Bin's Fubo army cavalry.

Suddenly, a big gap opened in the left wing formation of the Fubo Army. Li Bin and his cavalry, covered in blood, laughed and rode their horses into their own formation from the gap, and passed through the formation. At the back, he began to pull the rein of the horse and regrouped.

And the gap in the large formation closed again immediately after the cavalry of one's side passed through, as if swallowing the cavalry with a big mouth, forming an impenetrable gun forest and shield wall again in front of the formation .

At this time, the cavalry of the Golden Army just followed Li Bin's cavalry and rushed to the front of the Fubo army formation. Following the orders of the generals of the Fubo army, the crossbowmen held up their strong guns from a distance. Crossbow, aimed at the oncoming Golden Army cavalry.

"Shoot!" Following the general's order, these crossbowmen immediately pulled down their guns together, and the arrows from the crossbow immediately flew towards the oncoming Golden Army cavalry. The crossbowman behind gave way to the front.

"Shoot!" Then the crossbowmen in the second row pulled their triggers again, and started the second round of firing at the Jin army...

In this way, three rows of crossbowmen fired arrows in turn, forming an endless rain of arrows in front of the golden army cavalry. After the crossbowmen finished shooting, the archers also passed through their array and started firing more intensively. The Golden Army cavalry shot and killed in front of the formation.

Seeing that rushing forward like this was death, Jin Jun had no choice but to leave a piece of corpses in front of the left wing formation of Fubo Army, and then retreated backward like a tide.

And their infantry was still in chaos for a while, and they couldn't regroup at all, and continued to attack the left wing of the Fubo Army.

The first tentative attack came to an end under the disastrous defeat of the Jin army. Wushu had no choice but to make Ming Jin retreat and recruit the two teams back. From beginning to end, except for He Fubo After the army cavalry fought for a while, their two teams didn't even touch the side of the Fubo army, but lost more than a thousand soldiers.

Li Bin is probably the most excited in this battle. Since he joined the Fubo Army, he has commanded the cavalry to win consecutive battles. In the past, most of his subordinates were Han Chinese. Although his riding skills were still so-so, most of his archery skills were not good Jia, but today he changed the shotgun to the cannon. He gathered five thousand cavalry under his command. Almost all of them were skilled in riding and shooting. It was so cool to take them out to fight. He almost groaned!
After Xu Yi watched Li Bin's show battle, he was overjoyed immediately. As he expected, his cavalry was no longer inferior to the Jin army in terms of quality. It still caused a great deal of damage to the Jin army. The only thing that made him uncomfortable was that this time Li Bin's attack also caused more than 300 casualties. These are all his elites, and he felt distressed to die even if one of them died. .

And after this trial, Wu Shu had to be more careful, seeing that it was noon, he sent an order to withdraw the troops and return to the camp, ending the first day of contact warfare.

And Xu Yi looked at his generals. They also marched for a long time in heavy armor, and they had been standing here for a long time. take a break.

Such a result is really unacceptable to Wushu. Today, before encountering the artillery of the Fubo Army, his own cavalry got a big deal from the opponent's cavalry, which really made him a little frustrated.

But before he could come up with a way to deal with it, after nightfall, the Fubo army resorted to their rogue style of play again. Rockets soared into the sky on the hills near the Jin army, and then pulled out a light and shadow in the air, In the end, they were stuck in the Jin Army's camp, and the Jin Army's horses neighed and people screamed, making a mess.

As a result, the Jin army spent the night in chaos like this. An angry Wushu stood in the big tent and hopped and scolded. The Fubo army occupied the position as a sneak attack on their camp.

After a whole night of tossing around like this, when it quieted down, the sky began to light up, and some of the soldiers sent to search for the Fubo army who fired rockets to harass them also fled back in embarrassment.

As soon as they left the camp, before they touched the hillside, they were ambushed by the Fubo army. These Fubo army appeared and disappeared at night, and they killed them so much that they couldn't care about their heads. Many of the small soldiers had no time to go up the mountain, so they were killed They were all killed, and only a few lucky ones ran back in the dark. This kind of loss alone caused Wushu's army to lose more than a thousand people in one night, but they couldn't even find the enemy's shadow.

This time Wushu really had a headache. It turned out that the rumors after the defeat of Zong Qiang and Zong Gan were not fabricated by the defeated soldiers to shirk their responsibilities, but actually existed. This Fubo army is really disgusting to the extreme !He actually resorted to so many wicked tactics against himself. If this situation is allowed to continue, then the outcome of this battle will be known without even thinking about it. Even if their food is finished, just staying up late is enough to keep them up get down.

So at dawn, Wushu ordered the army out of the camp, divided the troops to capture several nearby hills, and sent people to garrison on these hills, then gathered all the soldiers and horses, and went out to fight again, looking for Xu Yi's army to show off.

But this time, what I didn't expect was that the Fubo army suddenly raised the exemption card, even though the Jin army shouted and scolded outside the camp, they couldn't survive. The angry Wushu leader jumped outside the camp for a day before returning hoarsely After leaving the camp, he and his soldiers were very depressed, but they had nothing to do with the Fubo Army.

It turned out that Xu Yi followed Li Bo's suggestion and used this method to beat the Jin army of Wushu. Now the morale of the Jin army is still relatively high. If they fight against them, although they will not be defeated, they will inevitably have to pay a relatively large amount of money. The cost of casualties is to wait until Wushu loses his mind first, and the opponent's army becomes exhausted, and then seek a confrontation with them, and then the price will be very small to win.

Of course, Xu Yi was kind to his suggestion. He ordered the lieutenant soldiers to rest in the camp for two days with delicious food and drink, and then went to trouble the Jin army. Almost went crazy.

Although the Fubo army lost the high-altitude advantage on the hillside, it does not mean that they have no way to launch a night attack on the Wushu camp. Every night after nightfall, they continue to fire rockets at the Jin army camp from all directions. The rocket soldiers who attacked at night often shot a shot and changed places, making the Jin army sleepless all night. If they came out to look for them, they would have run away and disappeared. Rocket bombs were fired in the battalion, and the Jin army was exhausted, and morale began to drop sharply.

It was only then that Wu Shu realized that something was wrong, and knew that he had been fooled by the Fubo Army again, so he didn't dare to stay in the camp outside the city anymore, and began to transfer a large number of soldiers and horses to Jizhou City, guarding the city, and sent He immediately went to Yanshan Mansion to urge food. From this battle, the food and grass he carried with the army alone was not enough to last until the end of the war.

After discovering what was going on with the Jin Army, Li Bo began to send troops to find trouble with the Jin Army, and constantly provoked them. Jin Jun clenched his fists and couldn't find someone to beat him. He just spent seven or eight days with Jin Jun in a row. He just used up all the food and grass that Wushu accompanied the army. If it wasn't for the Yanshan Mansion to send a batch of food , Wushu lost the battle without fighting.

Facing Fubo Army's rogue-like style of play, Wu Shu also calmed down, and took turns to rest to deal with the Fubo Army's endless harassment, intending to find an opportunity to kill Xu Yi in one fell swoop. The army was about to collapse, but at this time, they received news that Gao Biao had defeated Pingzhou.

After learning that Gao Biao's army was defeated in Pingzhou City and even himself was defeated, Wu Shu really couldn't stay in Jizhou City any longer. The supplies far exceeded his reserves, and the consumption could kill him here in Jizhou City, so he made up his mind to fight the Fubo Army immediately, without any further delay!

(End of this chapter)

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