Great Song Pirate

Chapter 704 The Ace of Destruction

Chapter 704 The Ace of Destruction

The two armies once again set up a battle formation outside Jizhou City. This time Xu Yi's army finally did not disappoint Wushu again. big camp.

"Everyone, today we have to fight against the Fubo bandit army. I hope that you and I will be united. This battle is a decisive battle. It is related to the life and death of our South Army in Youyan and other places. There will be no place to die! There will be no trial battle today, and the whole army will be dispatched if we move, and you dare to use your life. After this battle, I will definitely ask for credit for you and ensure that you can be promoted!" Wu Shu stood Under the banner of the commander-in-chief of the Chinese army, he gave orders to the generals gathered beside him.

These golden generals have also been forced to raise their internal fires in the past few days. After seeing the Fubo army coming out to fight today, they all suffocated their strength and planned to fight to the death with the Fubo army. After receiving the order, they all gathered together Immediately bowed and clasped fists, and then rode back to the team, yelling loudly to cheer up their men, encouraging them to go into battle for a while and then fight hard to kill the enemy.

At this time, Xu Yi and Li Bo were also standing under the banner of the Jinghai Kingdom, watching the Golden Army formation from a distance. Xu Yi pointed at the Golden Army formation with a horsewhip and said to the generals: "Courage is also important in a war." Go all out, then decline again, and exhaust three times! Today's Jin army is already a weakened army, and it is not far from exhaustion, and our army has rested for many days, and the morale is at the height of the sky. Today's battle, the lords must lead the brothers to make way Jin Wushu will show us how powerful we are! After this battle, the next stop is Yanshan Mansion! I hope you will perform well!"

The generals responded in a loud voice, and then they also returned to the team and began to prepare.

A murderous aura suddenly rose up outside Jizhou City, making the birds in the sky unable to bear it, and flew away from the sky around this area. Only a few goshawks were still soaring in the sky, and they were the only ones in this clear sky. Overlord, nothing seems to work on them.

After resting for a few days, the Fubo army was very full of energy. This battle is related to whether their descendants can live and work in the Zhongjing Road area, and also related to whether they can get promoted and make a fortune. No one wants to take this opportunity to perform on the battlefield In this battle, their king was watching the actions of each of them from behind, and it was time for them to show their faces.

With the rumbling sound of war drums, the armies of both sides began to move slowly, pushing towards the other side's formation. Teams of cavalry sat on their horses with their chests and stomachs folded, their bodies rising and falling as the horses walked. The sound dragged on for a long time, mixed with the sound of war drums in the sky and reverberated for a long time. Even the few remaining goshawks in the sky couldn't stand the noise, and they flapped their wings and flew into the distance. What did the humans below do? It's beyond their control.

After setting up the formation, the Fubo army stopped advancing again, and the cannons were placed on the gun positions. With the gunner's operation, the muzzles were raised and aimed at the direction of the Jin army.

Rows of high-spirited soldiers, led by their respective officers, stood still and prepared their weapons, forming rows of gun forests, shield walls, and mountains of knives on the slow slope...

Looking at the large formation of the Fubo army that stopped, Wushu had a cruel smile on his mouth. Today he wants to show the Fubo army what a real cavalry is. He has held this trump card in his hand for a long time, and finally It's time to play the cards.

"Order Tiefutu to put on armor and get ready!" Wu Shu ordered to a lieutenant beside him.

The lieutenant immediately received the order, turned around and rushed to the back of the formation. Five hundred extremely sturdy golden soldiers led a pair of thick-limbed war horses and stood in the rear formation. Behind each of them there were two auxiliary soldiers waiting on them. watching them.

"Great Jurchen warriors, today is the time for you to make contributions. The commander-in-chief has ordered you to wait for armor and prepare for battle! Let those bandit troops see what cavalry is!" The lieutenant galloped up to them Afterwards, Lema called to them.

The group of strong men selected from the Jurchen soldiers immediately howled like wolves, and immediately stretched out their arms. The auxiliary soldiers behind them immediately picked up the heavy armor from the ground and put it on for them. Each pair of armor weighs sixty to seventy catties, which is similar to the equipment of the heavy cavalry that Xiao Jianfeng formed in Liaoyang Mansion back then, and it is even heavier. It is simply impossible for them to wear it by themselves. Therefore, each Tiefutu soldier is also specially equipped with two auxiliary soldiers, who are dedicated to serving them in armor, and also serving the healthy horses specially selected for them.

After wearing the armor, these iron Buddhas are all pulling down the mask on the iron helmet, only two eyes are exposed, the whole body is wrapped in the thick iron armor, and even their war horses are wearing heavy armor. Armor, the horse's face was also covered with a layer of iron armor. With the help of those auxiliary soldiers, they got on their horses one after another, and received a big iron gun from the auxiliary soldiers. As a group, connected with chains.

The war horses of the five hundred iron stupas took steps slowly, and every step made the ground tremble slightly, which made people feel unstoppable, making people's hearts tremble wildly, and the golden soldiers standing in front of them rushed towards the ground one after another. Get out of the way, everyone's eyes are shining with fanaticism. It is the greatest honor in their army to be an Iron Buddha. The highest treatment in the world, after going into battle, these people will never take half a step back and never stop dying.

Even if they want to retreat, there is absolutely no possibility of retreating, because the three horses are chained together. Every time they take a step forward, there will be auxiliary soldiers behind them carrying the horses and putting them behind them. It is absolutely impossible to turn around and escape. , So while they are enjoying it, they have also handed over their lives to the Dajin Kingdom. They represent the glory and force of the Dajin Kingdom, and in the eyes of the Jin Army, they will surely win.

When they were used by Wushu, it meant that an endless duel was about to begin, so after seeing the use of the Iron Buddha Tu, the morale of the Jin army immediately increased a lot, and there was a burst of cheers in the army .

After the Tiefutu appeared in front of the two armies, there was a commotion on the side of the Fubo army. If they were facing the ordinary Jin army, they would not be afraid, but when they faced this kind of situation that made them unable to When resisting a terrible monster, as long as it is a human being, it will produce feelings of fear, which is also human nature.

When it was discovered that the Iron Buddha appeared in the formation of the Jin army, two light cavalrymen also appeared in front of the formation of the Jin army. coming!"

Xu Yi immediately raised the binoculars in his hand and looked at the Wushu army. After seeing the monster Tiefutu clearly, Xu Yi sneered and said: "It seems that Jin Wushu has really lost its blood! Even Tiefutu Take them all out! Li Bo, let's not disappoint him!"

Li Bo immediately replied: "My lord, don't worry, the final general has already been prepared, just wait for Jin Wushu to take out his Iron Buddha Tu! Prepare for the trap!"

Following his order, a team of 500 fighters immediately assembled from the ranks and strode out of the formation of the Fubo Army.

Each of these 500 people is wearing light armor. Each person holds a round steel shield with a diameter of nearly three feet in his left arm, and a sharp steel knife in his right hand. This kind of knife has a strange shape. There is an arc, but their blade has an arc inward and opposite direction, it is a bit like a sickle, and the edge of the knife is extremely sharp.

These people are strong and brave men selected from the army, and they are all extremely brave. When they formed an army, they were used to deal with the Iron Buddha. Not only does Zong Han's army have such a Futu, but their national capital, Ningfu, also has one, and the most powerful one is in Zongwang's army, so Xu Yi has long expected that they will definitely face each other when they come here today. The Iron Buddha is a monster unit.

For this reason, before he dispatched troops, he asked Li Bo to train such a team of trappers, which were specially used against Tiefutu. Li Bo also faithfully carried out his orders. Xu Yi was already confident in dealing with such monsters. In history, Tiefutu was by no means an invincible army. Although their armor was heavy, they were not without some weaknesses. At least their horse legs could not be protected by armor, and the Yue family army had successfully dealt with Jin Wushu Iron Futu, so Xu Yi already knew how to deal with this kind of guy.

Originally, he still had more ways to deal with the Iron Buddha, such as dispatching his elephant army to deal with the Iron Buddha, it was like a child's play!But in that way, under the protection of the heavy armor, the Iron Buddha Tu relies on the powerful impact force, and the big iron spear in the knight's hand above will still cause some damage to the war elephant. Now the war elephant is his precious lump, slowly Yi couldn't bear to let his war elephants deal with these guys to take this kind of risk. After all, war elephants are a kind of guy that cannot be replenished at any time. If one dies, one will be lost. Psychological harm, so he rejected the idea of ​​using war elephants to deal with Iron Buddha.

In addition, he can also concentrate artillery fire to bombard the Iron Buddha, but these artillery have limited accuracy after all. If they directly bombard with solid bullets from a long distance, they may not be able to hit the formation of the Iron Buddha. The heavy armor was not powerful enough, so Xu Yi finally chose this stupid method and used people to deal with Tiefutu.

These fighters are a big meal he prepared for Tiefutu, which can be regarded as a tribute to Yue Fei, the hero in his heart. Xu Yi promised all the fighters who were drawn out, as long as they kill Tiefutu , they can be immediately promoted to officers, and they will be rewarded heavily. Even if they die in battle, their families will be well cared for by the Jinghai Kingdom to ensure that they will have no worries after death.

After these fighters came out of the formation, Jin Wushu had already started to urge his Tiefutu to attack and kill the Fubo Army's central army. His tactics were very simple, relying on the almost indestructible power of Tiefutu to attack directly. The Fubo army's central army formed a large formation, disrupting Xu Yi's central army, and then the kidnappers on the two wings attacked again, storming the two wings of the Fubo army, and finally the whole army pressed forward, defeating Xu Yi's army in one fell swoop.

But in this world, there is often a huge gap between the ideal and the reality. When Tie Futu started to accelerate towards the central formation of the Fubo Army with heavy steps, a branch rushed out from the formation of the central formation of the Fubo Army. The sword and shield hand blocked the passage of the Iron Buddha.

The soldiers in the front row of Tiefutu saw the lightly armed sword and shield hands of this Fubo army through the gaps in their visors, and there was a hint of grin on their faces under the visors.

They are dressed in heavy armor, and even if they encounter a line formed by the opponent's spearmen, they can definitely break through their defense line at once. However, the central army of the Fubo Army did not even put out the spear formation today, so they sent out such a team The sword and shield hand wanted to block their way, but the mantis was overestimating his power!

So they began to beat the sitting horses with the handles of iron guns one after another. After suffering from pain in their buttocks, these strong horses ran with all their strength. The five hundred iron pagodas were like a torrent made of steel, heading towards The central army of the Fubo army rushed forward, and the golden soldiers of Tiefutu raised their iron spears one after another. They didn't need to use iron spears to stab the enemy, but relying on the huge inertia of their horses, they were enough to pierce the enemy. , so they all put their spears under their ribs. This action is more like the usage of knight spears in the hands of western heavy cavalry, but the spears are much shorter than knight spears, but they are much stronger than those fragile knight spears. , the shaft of the spear will shatter in one blow!
When they were about to pierce the tip of their long spears into the chests of the Fubo saber shield fighters standing in front of them, these sword shield fighters suddenly covered their bodies with the steel shields in their hands and fell to the ground , The cavalrymen of Tiefutu instantly lost their assassination target, and they were taken aback in their hearts. Immediately afterwards, the horses they sat on uttered mournful wailing, and hit their heads on the solid ground.

Under such a fall, these golden soldiers on horseback were thrown half to death immediately. They were all wearing heavy armor weighing seven to eighty kilograms, and it was difficult to walk after wearing it. Once they fell, it was almost impossible to rely on their own strength to recover Standing up, and the three of them joined together, one horse fell, and the other two horses were dragged to the ground at the same time. When they were lying on the ground, they realized that this time they had met The nemesis is gone!
After covering their bodies with large shields, the fighters of the Fubo Army rolled to the ground one after another, swung their scimitars, and targeted the legs of the horses around them. This time the deformed scimitars in their hands played a role, lying People on the ground are not good at using force, so the power of swinging a knife is not very strong, but the sickle-like scimitar they use is of great help to them, as long as the blade is stretched out in front of the horse's leg, relying on the power of the horse to charge forward If the arm is slightly stretched, the horse's leg will be cut off immediately. It is impossible for a horse without a leg not to fall down. Therefore, the formation of the Tiefutu, which was originally very neat, turned on its back in an instant. , fell in front of the Fubo army's middle army.

Although the fighters in the battle have large shields to defend themselves, they are not safe. After all, the Iron Buddha, including men and horses, weighs more than a thousand catties. They were stepped on and vomited blood on the spot, so even though the five hundred trapped soldiers put the iron pagodas to the ground in an instant, they also suffered a lot of casualties, especially when they lay down on the ground and brought down the iron pagodas, they were unable to dodge in time Under the pressure, some people were crushed under the horses, and the consequences were of course predictable. Many people were crushed to death under the horses like this.

But even so, the 200 infantry soldiers exchanged for the lives of [-] Tiefutu, which is worth the heavens. What's more, not all of the [-] soldiers were killed this time, and they only paid the price of less than [-] people. The five hundred iron Buddhas were all put down in front of the formation, so this time the Fubo army has made a lot of money!

As for the fallen Iron Buddhas, no one cares about them at all. As long as they lie down, even if they don’t die, they will never stand up again. Therefore, no one cares about their lives. They only need to clean them up one by one after the war is over. That's it.

When the Fubo army saw the iron Buddha falling down like dominoes, there was a huge cheer immediately, and everyone showed ecstasy on their faces. In their eyes, the Iron Buddha Such an almost invincible monster was so easily put down by their own people in front of the battle. This kind of scene is really unbelievable.

Corresponding to it is the army of Jin Wushu. Just now they were still watching the Tiefutu charging, and their minds were full of thoughts about the kind of blood and flesh that was about to see the Tiefutu rushing into the middle of the Fubo army. In this scene, the whole group of people are in the collective obsession, and a large number of Jin Jun are still shouting for their Iron Buddha, but suddenly saw that after the Iron Buddha was equipped with the Fubo Army's swords and shields, in an instant They all fell in front of the two armies, and some people didn't even have time to put away their cheers, and continued to yell, as if they started to cheer for the Fubo army in a blink of an eye, which immediately caused the morale of the Jin army to drop. , The collective went dumb.

When Wu Shu saw this scene, he didn't seem to believe his eyes at all. He quickly raised his hand and rubbed his eyes, stared and continued to look. After being dizzy, he almost fell off the horse. Fortunately, there were soldiers beside him to support him, so he sat on the horse again.

"Wow! What an annoyance! Someone beat the drums to send an order, and the whole army will attack! If I don't take revenge today, I swear I won't be a human being!" Wu Zhu's eyes were really red, and he and his second brother worked hard Just came up with such an iron army of 500 people, but it didn't work out at all, so it was completely destroyed in the hands of the Fubo army. Now he has no better way, so out of anger, he had to deal with Xu Yi's army launched a full-scale attack.

After hearing the sound of the war drums, a large number of Jin troops were stunned for a moment, and then they all realized that this was the drumbeat of the general attack, and then they screamed strangely, and rushed towards the formation of Xu Yi's army.

"Order the artillery, aim at the kidnappers of the Jin army, and let me cripple them first!" Before Xu Yi gave an order, Li Bo shouted at the standard bearer.

When the artillery officer saw the semaphore waving by the flag-bearer under the commander-in-chief's flag, he immediately shouted to his artillerymen: "Everyone obey orders, the target kidnapper, let me go!"

Immediately there was a series of roaring sounds from the artillery positions of the Fubo Army, and various artillery shells roared and flew towards the Golden Army cavalry rushing over on both wings. Bullets, stone bullets, porcelain bullets, and shotguns fell down like rain, and they didn't need any accuracy at all, and they shrouded the kidnappers on both wings in the smoke and dust.

A large number of golden troops were shot immediately, turned over and fell under the horses, and even their horses were injured or killed on the spot, and they fell on the way of charging.

This kind of shelling was the first time since the two armies met. Nearly a hundred cannons fired at the same time, and the sound of the cannons resounded in every corner of the battlefield. The bombardment was so frightened on the spot that he stopped listening to the call from the northbound knights, jumped up and down, and threw the cavalry on his back off his horse, and was trampled to death on the spot by the horses coming from behind.

The formation of the kidnapping horses was completely disrupted at once, and the neighing of war horses and the wailing of the golden army were everywhere.

However, more than a hundred cannons fired at the same time. Although the firepower seemed fierce and abnormal, when they were facing a cavalry team of thousands of people charging, the firepower was still a little weak, and the battle situation was far from being enough for these cannons alone. the point of resolution.

A large number of golden cavalry broke through the interception of the artillery fire, and continued to ride their horses madly towards the Fubo army formation. At this time, after the first shot of the Thunder Cannon was fired, the reloading was far from keeping up with the tactical needs. , only the remaining blast cannons continued to bombard the Jin army, which dropped the firepower of the Fubo army by several levels.

There is no way around this situation. After all, today is a large corps fighting, facing tens of thousands of Jin troops. This artillery is not enough at all, so the next thing will depend on other arms.

A bed crossbow was also carried to the front of the formation at this time, and the bare-chested operators strenuously wound up the crossbow strings, and huge arrows were placed on the bed crossbow. , the crossbowman hit the machine spring heavily with a big wooden hammer, and after a deafening bowstring sound, the crossbow bolts on the bed crossbow, the size of a shovel, immediately went offline and swept into the Golden Army cavalry formation , some shovel-like arrows tear everything in front of them into pieces almost without hindrance, even the strong body of a war horse, under the blow of the huge arrow, is torn into two pieces like a piece of paper, Not to mention people, as long as they are hit, even if they are cut off by Lanyao, the corpses of horses and people will fall down again in front of the formation, and some crossbow bolts will still remain huge even after hitting the first person. The powerful force flew across the ranks of the enemy troops, sweeping down more enemy troops like a broom, even if they survived, they were beaten to the point of broken tendons and bones, turned over and fell off the horse, it was difficult to survive.

Such a sharp bed crossbow can be regarded as the pinnacle of the cold weapon era. Once fired in a row, it is like a heavy machine gun sweeping across, cutting down the golden troops running at the front one after another.

(End of this chapter)

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