Chapter 702
After Wu Shu heard this, he panicked. He knew that although Pingzhou was not big, it was very important to them. Once Pingzhou was lost, the Fubo Army would be able to roam freely in the area south of Yanshan Mansion, and he Now the main force is gathering in Jizhou, preparing for a decisive battle with Xu Yi. The rear is extremely empty now. Once the Fubo army is allowed to drive straight in, it is likely to cut off the food road behind them.

He would never allow such a situation to develop, so he immediately asked: "How many soldiers and horses did the Fubo Army attack Pingzhou this time?"

"Commander, the number of enemy troops is no less than [-]. Otherwise, Pingzhou would not be lost so easily!" The scout replied.

"Come here! Tell Gao Biao to come and see you!" Wu Shu ordered immediately after hearing this.

Gao Biao is a native of Bohai. He was born brave and strong. He claims to travel three hundred miles a day. He wears heavy armor but walks on flat ground. When Jin Guoqi reported to conquer Liao, he surrendered to Jin Guo. Going south to attack the Song Dynasty, he made great achievements in battle, and he is a general under the tent of Wushu.

Not long after, Gao Biao was ordered to rush to Wushu's tent. He is currently the commander of Wushu's army, and he is a mobile force on Wushu's hands, just to deal with unexpected troubles.

"Gao Biao! I now order you to lead the troops to Pingzhou immediately, stop the Fubo army coming from the sea there, and drive them back to the sea. This battle is of great importance, and you must give me Take back Pingzhou, there must be no mistakes!" Wu Shu also had great trust in Gao Biao, and he was the first to think of him, so he immediately sent troops to fight against Sun Hai's Fubo army in Pingzhou.

Gao Biao immediately bowed down to accept the order. He had long wanted to have a meeting with the Fubo Army. For a long time, he had been pretentious, thinking how could Jin Guo be bullied to such an extent by the little Fubo Army, and now he finally has Opportunity, but going to Pingzhou to deal with a partial army of the Fubo Army, I felt a little unhappy, but I immediately thought that there are many generals in the army here, even if I have the ability, I may not be able to use it, it is better to go alone It is a pleasure to lead the army to defeat the partial division of the Bo army, so as long as Pingzhou is brought back, his military exploits will naturally be more prominent.

After figuring this out, Gao Biao immediately paid the bill and went back to his camp, ordered all [-] soldiers and horses of the rear army, and immediately left the camp and headed southeast.

This time, Sun Hai followed Xu Yi's instructions and led the navy to launch an offensive against Pingzhou from the sea. This battle was basically not difficult for him. The sea is now their Fubo army's world. After the Jin army invaded Jiaodong, the Jiaodong water army basically either fled south or was captured by the Jin army, and the Jin army was not good at water warfare at all, so there was no water army at all, so in Bohai Bay, No one can pose any threat to their ships, and when Miao Fang was stationed in the Bohai Sea, Pingzhou was once breached by Miao Fang's leading troops. Later, Xu Yi brought reinforcements and fought fiercely with the Jin army. After the Jin army was finally defeated, they set fire to Pingzhou City and retreated to the sea.

After the catastrophe, Pingzhou City basically became an abandoned city, and the people in the city were also taken away by Xu Yi, so there were only a few golden soldiers stationed there.

Although it had been a year, the place was still dilapidated and could not resist the attack of Sun Hai's navy at all. After just two days, Sun Hai led his army into Pingzhou City.

This time Sun Hai led the troops to fight, in fact, it was not as Jin Wushu thought, he wanted to drive straight in the direction of Pingzhou, but only played the role of holding back the Jin army from the side.

So although Sun Hai led an army of [-] this time, most of these soldiers were not strong in combat effectiveness. They were an absolute auxiliary force. It still took two days of fighting to win Pingzhou City after paying a considerable price. Sun Hai was very clear about the situation of his generals.

So after he captured Pingzhou City, he only made a gesture of going westward. In fact, the army was just making a show, and it didn't go far, so it stationed there.

When he heard that the Jin army in Jizhou had divided up to attack him, Sun Hai immediately led his troops and ran back to Pingzhou City. Strictly guard against the defensive posture.

When Gao Biao led his army to Pingzhou City, he saw stumps all over the place, and Fubo Army hid in the city, refusing to fight desperately, which made him look down on Fubo Army even more.

"The children of the Fubo army are really cowards! Seeing grandpa coming, they hide in the city like a turtle grandson and dare not come out. If they have the guts, they will come out and meet you!" Gao Biao sent some soldiers to stand outside the city and scold. War, foul language flying everywhere.

But Sun Hai just refused to fight, and just let a group of guys with loud voices stand on the city and scold Jin Jun, and the two sides launched a scolding war.

Sun Hai is very aware of his own combat power. If the gang of his subordinates meet the elite of the Jin army, even if they have some weapons such as artillery, they will be given for nothing, so they refuse to go out of the city to fight, Gao Biao is so angry Jumping outside the city and cursing.

Seeing that the Fubo army had no intention of going out of the city to fight, Gao Biao had no choice but to send troops to attack the city, and launched an offensive and defensive battle with Sun Hai's navy in Pingzhou City. The two sides fought fiercely for two days. The assembled mob suffered heavy losses, but under the supervision of the officers in the army, Gao Biao was beaten back after several fierce attacks.

Sun Hai was rather depressed. Although he was a partial division, he just wanted to attract the troops of the Jin army. Now they have actually achieved their goal and completed their mission. But if the Jin army bullies them like this, it would be a bit embarrassing. But this time the soldiers he led were not equipped with any artillery for the convenience of advancing and retreating, and this golden army was very fierce. indefinite!
In this case, it is likely to have a considerable impact on the morale of the Fubo army. Sun Hai has been thinking about how to deal with the current situation.

"General Sun! I have a solution for this matter, but it's a little vicious, and it hurts the world!" At this time, one of his counselors gave him an idea.

"Just talk about what you have, the nagging makes me upset!" Sun Hai waved his hand and instructed this subordinate.

"Actually, General Sun doesn't need to worry so much. Didn't the Jin Army want this Pingzhou City? Such a ruined city, the worst thing is to give it to him! There is no one here, no food, no need, here How about fighting them to the death?" the counselor said to Sun Hai.

Sun Haiwen was furious and said: "Nonsense, although our army is not very good, we can't just leave like this? Now the Lord is fighting a decisive battle with the Wushu army in Jizhou. If we leave like this, it's not a mistake. , but where do you want me to put my old face? Even if I leave, I have to wear down this golden army! Kill their prestige! Otherwise, I will not leave Pingzhou City!"

The counselor quickly shook his head and said: "General Sun misunderstood! How dare you think that way! I have a way to wipe out this golden army. General, listen slowly..."

After the counselor finished talking about his method, Sun Hai's face gradually cleared up, he got up and slapped the counselor on the shoulder: "Scholars are scholars after all, you really have a lot of tricks in your mind! This method is bad enough! Just do as you said! If you can eat up the soldiers and horses of the Jin Army, go back and I will personally ask for credit for you in front of the prince!"

The counselor bowed to thank him quickly, and the generals in the city immediately began to work according to Sun Hai's instructions...

Gao Biao led the army to attack for two days, but he didn't take down the broken city in front of him. He screamed angrily. In his eyes, Pingzhou City was not difficult to attack at all. The city walls were dilapidated everywhere, and the city The combat strength of this Fubo army is far from what he has heard before, it is simply a group of mobs!

But it was this gang of mobs who blocked him for two days in Pingzhou City. Several times his soldiers had already attacked the city, but they were finally defeated by the counterattack organized by the Fubo Army in the city. , It really made him feel depressed to death.

At dawn on the third day, Gao Biao personally led the army to launch another fierce attack on Pingzhou City. After fighting for half a day in the morning, the resistance of the Fubo army in the city became weaker and weaker.

"I must take Pingzhou City today, and anyone who dares to disrespect the order will be killed!" Gao Biao personally stood at the west gate of Pingzhou City to supervise the battle, and loudly ordered his subordinates.

After another siege began, this time the Jin army quickly attacked the west wall of Pingzhou City. After they broke through, a large number of Jin soldiers rushed to the city wall. The direction of the army's victory was tilted.

Looking at the fierce battle on the city wall, Gao Biao waved his big gun and immediately hit the army preparation, ready to break into the city at any time, and give the Fubo army in the city a massacre.

After a fierce battle, the besieging Jin army finally took control of the entire west gate and opened the west gate of Pingzhou City from the inside. Gao Biao immediately rode his horse and wielded his guns, and led the army to attack towards the west gate.

A large number of golden troops poured into the west gate like a tide, and at this time, the east gate of Pingzhou City suddenly opened. A group of elite soldiers cleared the way, led a large number of soldiers and horses, and rushed out from the east gate, towards the sea. He ran wildly.

After Gao Biao heard the news, he was overjoyed immediately. In his opinion, there was no suspense in this battle. How could the Fubo army be as powerful as in the legend!Isn't this still defeated by him?
Gao Biao, who was overjoyed, led his troops into Pingzhou City, and the screaming Jin Jun followed him all the way, intending to pass through the city. After taking Pingzhou City, he continued to pursue the soldiers and horses of the Fubo Army.

But when Gao Biao led his troops into the city, he smelled a strong strange smell in the air. Since he rushed into Pingzhou City, he hadn't seen a few defenders of the Fubo Army. Meeting any resistance, they broke into the city.

In such a situation, Gao Biao was a little surprised by the smoothness. Although this Fubo army is not strong in combat power, it is not so weak, is it?

"My lord general! Things seem to be a little wrong today! The Fubo army in the city seems to have been prepared, why can't they even see their shadows?" A lieutenant general also felt something was wrong, so he rode his horse and came Gao Biao's side, said to him.

Gao Biao took a look at the surrounding situation, and found that Pingzhou City was covered in darkness, with ruins and ruins everywhere, and all kinds of firewood and wood were piled up everywhere on the streets, blocking many streets and letting his army After entering the city, they couldn't rush to the east of the city quickly, so they had to divide their troops and go to the east of the city to chase after the soldiers and horses of the Fubo Army. Moreover, the more they walked towards the city, the more familiar but unfamiliar smell filled the air, making them They couldn't remember what it was for a moment, but a strong sense of uneasiness faintly arose in his heart.

This kind of situation is really weird, it seems that there is a kind of conspiracy atmosphere, which makes Gao Biao feel more uneasy the more he walks towards the city.

"The messengers and generals stop entering the city and retreat to chase the enemy around the city! The situation here is not right!" Gao Biao suddenly pulled the reins and ordered his subordinates.

At this time, the generals of the Jin army also began to feel uneasy. The firewood piled up everywhere made them feel very strange, but they couldn't see a shadow of the Fubo army. This situation is really weird up!

After hearing Gao Biao's order, the Jin army stopped one after another, turned around and retreated towards the west gate again, but at this time, there was a loud noise from the west gate, and suddenly a ball of flames rose from the tower of the city gate. The smoke collapsed with a rumbling rumble, completely blocking their way out of the city. Some Jin soldiers near the city gate were shocked by the violent explosion, vomiting blood on the spot, and fell to the ground.

"Come on! I'm in an ambush! Get out of here!" Gao Biao had already realized that something was wrong, so he immediately yelled at the leader and rushed towards the south gate, trying to rush out from the south gate.

"Since you've come in, don't even think about leaving!" Sun Hai, who was wearing full armor, led a group of subordinates and stood on the tower of the south gate, twirling his beard and laughing.

At this time, after a day of fierce fighting, the sky had begun to gradually darken. As the night fell, a large number of golden troops began to huddle together in the city of Pingzhou, which was full of barricades, shouting and trying Find a place and rush out of Pingzhou City.

And those Fubo troops who had withdrawn from the city before, after hearing the roar in the city, immediately stopped under the gathering of the officers, and turned around and returned to Pingzhou City again. The camp outside attacked and killed the past.

At this time, most of the Jin army had rushed into Pingzhou City with Gao Biao. They were divided into several groups and crowded in the narrow streets. Like a swarm of exploded hornets, they were shouting and screaming in all directions in Pingzhou City, and people shouted and neighed so much that they couldn't tell the north from the south.

At this time, Sun Hai said with a sly smile: "The order will go on, it's time to light the fire!"

With the sound of a trombone, countless rockets rose up from all parts of the gradually dark Pingzhou City, and fell towards all parts of the city. As these rockets landed on the firewood that had been piled up, the firewood immediately fell on the ground. There was a flame.

This time Jin Jun knew what they smelled after they entered the city. It turned out that the Fubo Army had already splashed kerosene on the firewood, waiting for them to enter the city!
After the rockets rising from the sky fell, Pingzhou City was suddenly filled with a smoky smell, and fires rose up everywhere in the city, and the flames illuminated the entire Pingzhou City. , The wind fueled the fire, and an unprecedented fire burned in Pingzhou City.

Groups of Fubo troops withdrew from Pingzhou City through the passages that had already been arranged, but the Jin army, who did not know the terrain, could not find the passage at all in the fire, and could only ram into it like headless flies in the fire in vain Running wildly, there was a sound of wailing.

Under the sway of the fire, Gao Biao's bronzed face looked like a dead man. He finally understood why he entered Pingzhou City so smoothly today. It turned out that he had dug a hole long ago, waiting for him to jump, but It seemed a bit too late to understand at this time.

Watching his subordinates wailing and running around in the flames, Gao Biao pulled out his waist knife and tried to stab himself in the neck, knowing that his life would be dragged down, but was rushed forward by several soldiers desperately, snatching him away. He grabbed his waist knife, got off his horse with him, and ran towards the west wall.

The city of Pingzhou was like a melting furnace, exuding high temperature, and thick smoke filled all corners of the city. Many golden soldiers were so smoked that their beards and hair were curled up, loudly coughing violently in the thick smoke, some After inhaling the thick smoke, the person fell headlong to the ground, unable to get up again.

The battle outside the city didn't last long. When a small number of golden soldiers saw that the army was trapped in the city, they knew that things were bad. When they saw a large number of Fubo troops coming, how could these golden soldiers have any interest in resisting!One after another lost their armor and fled Pingzhou camp. As a result, Sun Hai's navy took down Gao Biao's camp almost effortlessly, and then surrounded Pingzhou firmly from outside the city. .

In one day, there was a big change of defense in Pingzhou. Those in the city ran out of the city, and those outside the city got into the city. As a result, everyone outside the city was happy, and those in the city became ants on the hot pot.

Just like this, Sun Hai led his army outside the city to watch the fire in Pingzhou City continue to burn like this, and listened to the screams of those Jin soldiers who were dying in the city, and the voices of these Jin soldiers who were dying screamed for help all the time. It was only in the middle of the night that the sound gradually died down, only to hear that the scalps of people outside the city were a little numb.

During the period, there were also some lucky guys who found a way to escape and escaped from several other city gates. Even under the high temperature, some golden soldiers fled back to the city wall, and they were roasted and smoked from the city wall. He jumped down and fell to his death under the city, and he didn't want to be burned alive by the fire.

These golden troops who escaped from the city by chance had already lost their helmets and armor and were defeated. When they saw the Fubo army blocking the door, they all knelt down and surrendered, begging for mercy. became African.

This plan to burn Pingzhou is really vicious, it is simply an extinct plan, Gao Biao led thousands of people into the city, less than 500 people escaped outside the city, and the rest were all burned alive in Pingzhou City Among them, even Gao Biao himself did not escape from Pingzhou City in the end, and was suffocated to death under the city wall together with those guards who protected him. After the fire burned for a whole day and night, the fire gradually subsided , The burning heat of the city can be felt from a distance, and the air is filled with a disgusting smell of burnt human flesh.

After the fire was gradually extinguished, when Sun Hai led his troops into the city again, even when he himself saw the bodies of the burnt golden soldiers in the city, he couldn't help his stomach churning, caressing the hot ruins He started to vomit, and the bodies of many golden soldiers were deformed and shrunk. The original seven-foot man was only three and a half feet long after the fire, just like a child.

There are also many people who are still struggling to die, with their mouths wide open, as if they are still shouting, and their whole bodies are roasted to dryness. The high temperature of the fire roasted only thirty or forty catties left, and the miserable state made the whole Fubo army terrified.

Looking at the buildings in the city, they have already been burnt to rubble, and not even a complete house exists anymore. The fire in some places even burned the ground to glaze, which shows the high temperature of the fire. , to what extent.

Although Sun Hai won this battle, after seeing such a scene, he still felt displeased. Why is the war so cruel?The question began to linger in his mind.

Seeing that the weather was sweltering and there was another light rain, the corpses in the city that were too late to collect began to swell and stink, so Sun Hai had no choice but to order his soldiers to withdraw from the Pingzhou City, which was not empty, and leave the rest to the Let nature do it!

A Pingzhou city was burned twice in two years, and it became a completely abandoned city, gradually disappearing in history, and among the dilapidated city walls, after the fire extinguished, it became a wild dog. Pingzhou has been known as a ghost city since then, and it is said that as long as it comes to August every year, there will be rumors of ghost towns in this area at night. The cry of many people.

After Sun Hai finished the battle, he took a rest outside Pingzhou City, and then rushed towards the next target again. After the news reached Jizhou City, Wu Shu was so shocked that he almost fell to the ground without having a cerebral hemorrhage on the spot. .

He didn't expect the Fubo army to be so ruthless. At the cost of a city, they burned so many of Gao Biao's gold soldiers alive.

But at this time, he has no time to lament the fate of Gao Biao's army, because at this time, he himself has already been beaten to death by the Fubo army led by Xu Yi and Li Bo. Know what to do!

(End of this chapter)

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