Chapter 672

At this time, King Dragon and Tiger already knew that Jinzhou City is over today. If this continues, Jinzhou City will soon fall into the hands of the Fubo Army, but he was also aroused in despair. Even though he knew that he had failed, he was still unwilling to be defeated like this. He still chose to fight and die here, and he didn't want to be a deserter, lest his tribal warriors would be looked down upon in the future.

"Shield! The one with the shield goes up to me, and the rest of the people rush with me, so that these clowns can see how powerful our Jurchen warriors are!" The Dragon and Tiger King, who was about to go mad, held up his bloodied sword The machete roared.

Following his order, some golden soldiers with shields immediately stepped forward and used their shields to protect the other golden soldiers behind them, reducing the damage caused by the opponent's bows and arrows. Immediately, a few door panels were removed from the houses on the side of the street, and they were raised horizontally to redo shields to block arrows. The rest of the golden soldiers were also inspired by the bravery of the Dragon and Tiger King at this moment, so they roared and followed these shield players against each other again. The Fubo army launched an offensive.

After Fang Youren saw that the archers' attacks gradually began to fail, the golden soldiers began to attack again, but stood in front of the formation without any confusion, reached out and grabbed two palm mines from the waist of his own soldiers, and shouted: "Torch!"

A soldier immediately handed him the lighted torch. After Fang Youren ignited the fuse of the palm mine on the torch, he grabbed two palm mines with one hand. His arm suddenly swung out, and the two thunder palms flew into the air with smoke. Some of them passed over the heads of the approaching golden soldiers and smashed into the crowd of golden soldiers behind them, smashing the two unlucky golden soldiers on the spot. His head was bleeding, and seeing a guy's brains were smashed out, the thunder in his palm rolled into the golden soldier.

The smarter soldiers of the Fubo Army saw Fang Youren doing this, so they immediately imitated a palm thunder from his waist, moved it to the side of the nearby comrade holding a torch, lit the fuse, and Throwing these palm mines in the past, more than a dozen palm mines fell into the golden soldiers one after another.

King Longhu was taken aback when he saw the Fubo Army's strange movements and threw stones at them, but the experience he had accumulated on the battlefield for a long time made his whole body tense up, and he yelled inwardly that it's not good. It was not as simple as he imagined, so he pulled the rein immediately, and the horse raised its front hooves, and at this moment, a palm mine exploded in front of his horse.

After a rumbling explosion, the pig iron shrapnel flew away like a sharp razor, and began to cut the human body wantonly among the golden soldiers. The unknown golden soldier was killed and injured on the spot under such a blow A large area was formed, and the array just formed suddenly became scattered like birds and beasts. Even the shield player could not escape the fate of being blown up. A golden soldier just picked up a palm thunder and wanted to see what it was. This palm The thunder exploded in his hand and blew one of the guy's hands into pieces on the spot. The guy didn't know whether it was a good life or a bad one. Although he was hit by a lot of shrapnel, he was not killed on the spot. Holding up the severed arm that no longer has a palm, he jumped up like a god, and let out a scream like a wolf howling. After turning around a few times, he fell to the ground and twitched all over his body. , Seeing that death is not too far away.

But King Dragon and Tiger was lucky. When he realized that something was wrong, he pulled up his horse. It just so happened that his horse blocked the flying shrapnel for him. Unfortunately, his horse's chest, abdomen and neck were cut open by the shrapnel, and the horse's belly was also damaged. It was cut open by a large piece of shrapnel, and its intestines flowed out from the huge wound. After the wounded horse hissed miserably, its hind legs went limp, and it immediately fell sideways on the ground. Although King Dragon and Tiger escaped unharmed, but There was still a piece of shrapnel on the calf, and a hole was torn open. The pain caused the guy to react a little slower, and he didn't jump off the horse in time. He was crushed to the ground by the injured horse, and one leg was smashed by the horse's heavy body. It was so painful that the guy dropped the machete in his hand, and let out a scream that soared to the sky.

"Kill me!" After Fang Youren saw the chaos of the Jin army, he raised the simple knife in his left hand, roared, and took the lead in killing the Jin soldiers. The soldiers around him also roared and followed him Beside him, like a group of mad tigers, with the knives and guns in their hands, they rushed into the golden army like a whirlwind.

King Dragon and Tiger, who was trying to pull out his broken leg from under the horse's belly, watched a pawn of the Fubo Army roaring towards him, beheaded a soldier who was trying to rescue him, and stared at his expressionless eyes. After slashing at himself, and then slashing down indifferently, King Dragon and Tiger felt a slight chill on his neck, and then his eyes began to rotate to see all the surrounding situations. Under the impact of the Fubo army, the panicked men seemed to be He was cut down by the Fubo army like mowing grass. In the end, he felt a sudden shock in his head and saw the bloody ground with his eyes. Then the last thought came to his mind. He was really unwilling because he was not killed. The enemy general was killed, but his head was chopped off by a small soldier. At this time, the pupils began to spread, and the consciousness finally began to dissipate.

Even half a stick of incense was useless, and the hundreds of golden soldiers that the Dragon and Tiger King finally entangled were completely dispersed after he was killed, and they became a group of bereaved dogs and fled along the street. Everyone was watching When King Dragon and Tiger's head was picked up by the Fubo Army's gun point, they completely collapsed. Now resistance has no meaning for them. Even the main general of Jinzhou City has been killed. The rest of them This group of broken soldiers is still playing farts!run!If you can run fast, you may be able to escape with your life. As for Jinzhou City, whoever wants to take it, it’s not their tribe’s land anyway, and these golden soldiers are no longer willing to give their lives for this city. up.

After Fang Youren led the army to behead the Dragon and Tiger King, they never encountered any decent resistance. They swept across the street like a whirlwind, killing golden soldiers all over the street, and one of them reached Jinzhou, which is located in the city. In the official office, after a lot of fighting, the mansion of King Longhu was taken down, clearing the way for the follow-up army.

A large number of Fubo troops followed Fang Youren's troops and poured into all corners of Jinzhou City like a tide. The Jin soldiers who had completely lost their fighting spirit, led by a Jin general, opened the west gate of Jinzhou City, seized the road and entered the city. Go, defeated in the direction of Dading Mansion, only a few hundred people could escape from the city, and the rest of the troops were soon blocked by the cavalry of Li Bo's army at the gate of the city, and a unilateral massacre came. Completely took down Jinzhou City.

When Xu Yi entered the official office of Jinzhou City with blood all over the floor, he happened to see the corpses of women being carried out of the official office, so he asked, "Who killed these women?"

Li Bo turned around and asked, and immediately replied: "It was King Dragon and Tiger's son who killed all the women captured by his family from the Song Dynasty when he saw that he could not keep the city. It was not our people who did it!"

There was a trace of anger on Xu Yi's face, but he didn't speak any more, and strode into the official office. There was a bloody smell everywhere, and there were some sheep smells that are unique to the Jurchens. It is a good official office. He had set up quite a few tents, and had a house to live in, so he wanted to live in a tent. He couldn't help cursing inwardly: "What a bunch of barbarians, they want to fight for the world before they are civilized enough to live in a house!"

Sure enough, as Li Bo promised, Xu Yi sat firmly in the official office of Jinzhou City and had lunch at noon, and the battle in the city was basically over at this time, leaving only a very small number of people. The diehards are still relying on some houses to resist and refuse to surrender, but they can't last long. Often, when two palm mines are thrown in, the golden soldiers inside will be scared to surrender obediently, or they will be attacked by the Fubo army. Go in, kill a clean one.

"Have you counted the results of the battle?" Xu Yi asked Li Bo immediately after seeing him coming in from the outside.

"My lord, the inventory has almost been completed. After Laizhou and Kaizhou were burned by us last time, Jinzhou is now the most important food and grass transshipment place for the Jin people. In order to support the Zongwang Army's Southern Route Army, After the winter here, a lot of grain and fodder have been hoarded. When the army was defeated just now, a general of the Jin Army wanted to set fire to the granary here, but was killed by some Liao people who watched the official granary. The granary, now we got a lot of food! Hehe!

And this time in the city, we also took nearly 1000 good horses, captured more than [-] Jin soldiers, and also found many women captured by Jin soldiers from the Song Dynasty. I wonder how the lord will deal with these things? "

Immediately in Xu Yi's mind, the bloody corpses of those Song women carried out from the government office appeared, a cruel look flashed in his eyes, and he snorted coldly: "Go and ask, our army sent troops this time How many people have never seen blood, have killed the golden soldiers, pulled these prisoners out, let them all try the knife! Except for those golden soldiers who kept the granary from being burned, I killed them all! And Search the Jurchens in Jinzhou City, and kill them all! We have no time to control their food and drink! As for the food and grass, immediately call the people in the city to transfer to the seaside, ship them to Chrysanthemum Island for storage, and wait until later. As for the Song people Let’s ship the girls to Chrysanthemum Island first! Then transfer back to Liuqiu Island and find them a husband’s house!”

Li Bo and other generals were shocked when they heard this. Xu Yi has always been tolerant. Although he occasionally wanted to kill prisoners, it was the first time that a killing order was issued like today. Obviously Xu Yi Now his heart is much hotter than before, so after hesitating for a while, Li Bo came out and said, "My lord, it's unlucky to kill prisoners before the battle, isn't it...?"

"I know what you're going to say! Bullshit kills are ominous. I don't care about those things. When the Jin people killed us Han people, did they care about the ominous killing of prisoners? Look at what they did to us Han people, why can't they kill them? They? You have to know how much Han blood is on each of their hands! Could it be that they killed all the soldiers? To deal with wild beasts, we must use the methods of wild beasts, and there is no room for mercy!

Now we don't have time to take care of those captives, we must use the fastest speed to stabilize Jinzhou City!Also, if the soldiers don't see blood, they can't become qualified soldiers. It's just for them to practice their hands, so that each of them knows what it feels like to kill people. I want to make our soldiers become fierce soldiers who are not afraid of seeing blood as soon as possible. Needless to say, this matter , After finishing this thing, we have to do other things!Do as I say! "Xu Yi immediately interrupted Li Bo, waved his hand and said, there was no room for maneuver in his tone.

Everyone in Li Bo's heart was awe-inspiring, so he nodded quickly to accept the order, and immediately went down to make arrangements.

Groups of golden soldiers were strung together into strings by the Fubo army and taken to an open space outside the city. Groups of recruits selected from the army who had never seen blood before were also taken out of the city. One by one, they were posted all over the city, and the Fubo Army sent loud guys along the street to announce their requirements for the residents of the city.

Numerous residents walked out of their homes in fear, registered and compiled according to the requirements of the Fubo Army, and then continuously pulled out some Jurchens who were exposed from the middle, and dragged them outside the city together. Many northerners (Khitan people and Liao Han people) who did bad things were also tied up and taken out of the city. When dusk was approaching, Jinzhou city was completely controlled by the Fubo army.

Teams of golden soldiers stood tremblingly in the open space, and groups of Jurchens who were newly taken out of the city and Beiren who had done evil deeds were also driven together, looking in horror at the large numbers of fubos lined up on the opposite side The sergeants didn't know how the Fubo Army would deal with them, so they could only anxiously wait for the Fubo Army's verdict on them, expecting to escape to death.

But soon they knew the fate they were about to face next. A ferocious-looking general of the Fubo Army, all in armor, strode between the queues, and with a wave of his hand, a group of 50 golden soldiers were pushed away. When they came out, the Fubo soldiers behind them kicked their legs, and the fifty golden soldiers knelt down on the ground together.

"Arrange in the first row! Take three steps forward!" Daniel shouted to the Fubo soldiers who were neatly lined up on the other side.

The soldiers in the first row immediately strode forward, took three steps, and then stood in front of the fifty golden soldiers, some of them were slightly nervous.

"Pull the knife!" Daniel roared again.

This row of soldiers immediately drew a single sword from their waists as promised, and held it in their hands. Each of them faced a golden soldier prisoner, and both sides stared into each other's eyes. These golden soldiers seemed to sense what the other party was going to do, so They all yelled, in various languages, screaming and begging to spare their lives.

Daniel didn't even look at these terrified Jin Bing prisoners of war. He was Xu Yi's most staunch supporter. He habitually only knew how to execute Xu Yi's orders. As for right or wrong, he didn't care. After Li Bo gave the order to kill the prisoners today, he, the youngest general, was the final executor, so Daniel picked out these recruits who had never killed anyone before and brought them out without hesitation.

After watching the soldiers in the first row stand still, Daniel immediately shouted to the soldiers on the side of the Fubo army: "You rookies, I have heard it, what we want in the Fubo army is those who dare to kill!" Bold soldiers, soldiers who have never killed anyone, are unqualified soldiers. Although you guys are now wearing the uniforms of the Fubo Army, you cannot be regarded as qualified soldiers of the Fubo Army. Now I will give you a chance. Let you become a qualified soldier. Now use the knife in your hand to kill these damn golden soldiers opposite you. If you can't even do this, take off your armor and uniform immediately. Put down the weapons in your hands and get out of here! Our Fubo Army don’t want such idiots! The first row obeys orders! Raise the knife! Kill me!”

This kind of order is very shocking. After all, in front of them are some living people, not a chicken or a sheep. It really takes a lot for them who have never killed people to kill them. With courage, some soldiers were even more nervous than the golden soldiers on the opposite side. Although they numbly raised the knives in their hands, they did not dare to cut them down for a long time, and the golden soldiers on the opposite side were still swaying. Begging for mercy, made their hands sweat a little, soaking the hemp rope wrapped around the handle of the knife.

But there are also some bold recruits. During their training, the instructors told them that in the Fubo Army, only those who obey orders can live longer, and the strict training has made them accustomed to carrying out the order without compromise. The officer ordered, so after hearing Daniel's order, these bold recruits raised their knives without hesitation, swung them down, and slashed fiercely on the neck of the golden soldier in front of them. The blood arrows soared immediately, spraying them all over the face, these people immediately stood at attention after cutting, and put away the knife, feeling a little sick in their hearts, but they still suppressed this disgusting feeling with all their strength. On the contrary, there is a carefree feeling of venting.

Daniel is also ruthless enough. He didn't let these golden soldiers turn their backs on the recruits of the Fubo Army and let the recruits start to kill. Instead, he let them face to face and look at each other's eyes. What he wanted was to let them fight At that time, he would no longer be afraid to look into the opponent's eyes. You must know that when fighting face to face on the battlefield, as long as you have the slightest timidity, you will be killed by your opponent if you don't pay attention. That's why he did it on purpose.

When his order was issued, most of the fifty recruits completed their missions and hacked to death the golden soldier on the opposite side, making the wailing much quieter, but there were still a few timid recruits who were too late They couldn't cut it down, and as a result, the veterans who were responsible for escorting the prisoners in front of them stepped forward, slapped them with a big slap, and slapped them, cursing loudly.

"Coward! You bastard, you can't even kill an enemy who can't resist. What do you want? Cut it off, hurry up!" Anyway, the veteran scolded everything, nose to nose, eyes Staring at these timid recruits, he spit and scolded these recruits.

After these recruits were slapped, they were scolded by these veterans as bloody sprinklers. As long as there is still a little bloody man, he can't stand being scolded like this, being scolded as a man without balls, so he put his heart on the line and went up. Taking a step forward, he slashed down with gritted teeth, and turned over the golden soldier in front of him with one blow.

A recruit was still a little soft, closed his eyes, and slashed down. Instead of hitting the golden soldier's neck, he slashed the knife on the golden soldier's shoulder. The golden soldier screamed in pain. He started yelling, anyway, at this moment, he knew that he was doomed to die, and it would be better to be hacked, but even with this request, he still encountered a poor recruit, and he wanted to make him suffer an extra blow, So the golden soldier became impatient, and cursed: "You bastard! You are such a useless Song pig, you cut off my head quickly, you can't kill me even like this, you are a head Pig! I am your ancestor!..."

Hearing the injured golden soldier in front of him yelling and yelling, the new recruit was also impatient to be scolded, and finally broke out completely, struggling to pull the knife from the golden soldier's shoulder like a wild beast, and crazily moved towards the The golden soldier who yelled at him slashed down, knife after knife without pause, blood splattered everywhere, this golden soldier stopped cursing when he fell for the second time, but he still didn't stop the knife , slashing at the golden soldier crazily, and kept cutting the golden soldier into a pile of rotten meat. He didn't wake up until an old soldier came over and gave him a slap in the face. His face was all donated by the golden man, and there was even a piece of flesh hanging from his shoulder, which looked as bloody as it could be.

There was an immediate commotion in the ranks of the Jin Bing prisoners of war, but they were all tightly tied up and still dressed together, and they had no choice but to resist. Now they finally understand what ruthlessness is. It turns out that the Fubo army is so ruthless. , To actually take these prisoners of war to make the recruits practice and strengthen their courage, so these golden people who saw that they could not escape, all cursed loudly, and some timid ones began to cry loudly.

Daniel didn't care about the feelings of these prisoners. After seeing the first row of recruits complete the task, he waved his hand indifferently, and asked an old soldier to take this row of recruits to the sidelines to watch and cut, and shouted expressionlessly: "The first row Second row up!"

A group of 50 golden soldiers was dragged out again. After being kicked, they fell to their knees on the ground. These golden soldiers had all kinds of expressions. They yelled and cursed, some people had snot and tears running down their face, wept loudly, begging for life, some people bowed their heads and stretched their necks silently, just wishing for a better life, don’t meet a cowardly recruit like just now, let him How many knives did they suffer...

(I really want to rest for a few days! Think about it, since the upload of this book, until now, I have never had any interruptions. It has been almost a whole year! Tired!)
(End of this chapter)

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