Great Song Pirate

Chapter 673 The Death of Zongwang

Chapter 673 The Death of Zongwang
"Kill!" Daniel roared again.

This time, after the demonstration of the previous row of recruits, this row of recruits was already mentally prepared. After receiving the order, they swung their knives almost at the same time, and chopped the golden soldier in front of them to the ground, but there were still two The recruit was a bit soft, and he didn't kill the golden soldiers in front of him with one knife. As a last resort, he yelled and slashed a few more times with his knife, ending the pain of these two unlucky golden soldiers.

Just like this, teams of golden soldiers prisoners of war were brought out, and rows of recruits stepped forward to kill these golden soldiers like an assembly line. With the influence of more and more corpses, the venue had to be changed place, start again, this kind of massacre almost ended until dark.

Nearly 2000 captives were all beheaded by the recruits of the Fubo Army. Later, because the number of recruits outnumbered the number of prisoners, Daniel simply asked two or three recruits to deal with one prisoner, and asked them to stab together with long guns, so that everyone They all tasted the taste of killing, and after some killings, every recruit was finally stained with the blood of the golden man.

In the end, after finishing these things, Daniel also asked these recruits to chop off the heads of these corpses and build a huge Jingguan to show off the martial arts of the Fubo army. As for the headless corpses, throw them away Here, I was afraid that the plague would be caused by rotting, so the recruits were asked to dig a big pit on the spot, throw them all in, cover the soil and bury them, and then let the recruits return to the city and have a full meal. Whether they can eat or not, everyone A large piece of horse meat was rewarded, so that they must eat it.

This kind of method made the residents of the city terrified. Originally, the Liao people thought that the Jin people were ruthless, but after today, no one would think so again. In their eyes, the Fubo army is worse than the Jin people. They were a hundred times more ruthless, and they killed people without blinking an eye. Therefore, they carried out the requirements of the Fubo Army very readily, and they did what they were asked to do.

Fortunately, they soon discovered that although the Fubo army was fierce, they had strict military discipline and did not disturb the people after they entered the city. According to the requirements of the army, every household sent out a strong man, honestly transported a large amount of grain and fodder stored in the city to the seaside overnight, and loaded it on the boat, and those Song women who were rescued from Jinzhou City were also arrested. They were assembled, shipped to Juhua Island not far from the coast, and temporarily placed there. Although Juhua Island is relatively close to the coast, the Jin people could not control it. As long as it is an island in the Bohai Bay, it has long been Fubo. The territory under the jurisdiction of the army, so after arriving there, the food, fodder and women were considered completely safe.

After Xu Yi led Li Bo and others to capture Jinzhou, they left Fang Youren's second regiment to guard Jinzhou City without any delay. Starting from the south, the soldiers pointed directly at Laizhou City.

At this time, Xu Yi is no longer as cautious as when he first came to Liaodong. After more than half a year of fierce fighting, he now has a number of good soldiers in his hands, and he has repeatedly faced off against Jin Bing. Relying on the advantage of firearms, the army has almost never tasted defeat. On the contrary, the Jinren have been defeated repeatedly. Now Xu Yi is no longer afraid of fighting the Jinbing on land.

Encouraged by the continuous victories of the Fubo Army, the morale is getting higher and higher, and the soldiers are also liberated from the initial cautiousness. Looking at the Jin Bing again, they are no longer nervous. The invincible Jin army is only mediocre, and the Fubo army is no worse than them. This kind of confidence is not blind, but a kind of confidence accumulated over a long period of time.

So after receiving the order to set off, these soldiers of the Fubo Army left Jinzhou City again with high morale after a short rest, and followed Xu Yi to Laizhou.

After two days of rushing, they arrived at the city of Laizhou. Looking up at the dilapidated city of Laizhou, the veterans of the Fubo Army who had once fought here excitedly told the recruits the last time they What they do here makes the recruits envious, but it's a pity that they joined the Fubo Army too late, otherwise, they would probably be able to get a part-time job now, but the difference from the Fubo Army is that The defenders of Laizhou City.

The defenders here are [-] new recruits sent from Dading Mansion. Only when the Fubo Army was fighting in Song State, he was promoted, and he became a general in Laizhou.

Originally, he thought that Laizhou was already an unimportant city. Even if the Fubo army came to attack the Kingdom of Jin again, they would not pay attention to this place. , so Dang even panicked.

Now the prestige of the Fubo Army has long been spread in the Kingdom of Jin, and almost no one in the Kingdom of Jin dares to underestimate the power of the Fubo Army. If they are asked to fight Da Song, they will not even let a fart go. Dianpidian set off with the army, but once they said they were going to deal with the Fubo army, many Jinren shuddered. After all, even a general like Zonggan was captured alive by the Fubo army. How could they be the Fubo army? opponent?
When he heard that the Fubo army had once again raided Jinzhou City and that the soldiers had come to the state again, Timurdu was frightened and frightened. When deploying defenses in Laizhou City, Yitu could stand up for a few days and let the nearby Jin Army come to rescue Laizhou, but when he actually went to deploy defenses, Timurdu found out sadly that he hadn't done anything this winter. Decent things, most of these soldiers in his army are old Liao people who were recruited from Dadingfu area last year. Basically, they have not undergone any decent drills, and their combat effectiveness is very low.

Now after Fubo Army's continuous tossing in Liaodong, after the Kingdom of Jin lost a large number of soldiers and horses, and the elite soldiers and horses are basically assembled in the southeast two lines, many places in the hinterland have begun to be empty of troops. Through the Menganmouke system, many new recruits have been added, but most of the new recruits are old Liao people in the occupied land, but the overall combat effectiveness is declining. In places like Laizhou, if it is not because of the If it is near the sea, it is estimated that even 3000 soldiers and horses cannot be allocated. In some cities in the interior, there are even only a few hundred defenders. Attacking is simply for nothing.

After Laizhou was looted by the Fubo Army last time, almost all the houses in the city were burned down, and the city walls were dilapidated. There were still 3 or [-] residents, but when the Fubo Army withdrew, they were taken away again. One group, and the rest were driven out of the city, so after Timurdu led the troops to Laizhou, he couldn't even find a decent house, so he could only live in tents temporarily, because it was too cold all winter, He was only busy with house repairs, and basically did not repair much of the city, and because of the lack of residents, most of the city was ruled by wild dogs.

They didn't even have time to replace all their city gates with new ones after they were burned by fire last time. They just took some thick planks and pieced them together, and made a few city gates. When the Fubo army came over, they saw In such a situation, Xu Yi himself felt that it was funny to replace the gold man.

So without waiting for Timurdu to prepare for defense, the Fubo army bombarded the past a few times, and then knocked down the north gate. He took a hundred confidantes with him, abandoned the city from the south gate, and fled around the city to the direction of Yanshan Mansion to join Zongwang's army.

And the golden soldiers in the city abandoned their weapons and surrendered immediately after Timurdu fled, without even making any decent resistance, and then handed over the future city to the Fubo army again.

Originally, the generals thought that Xu Yi would carry out another massacre here, but after Xu Yi questioned these golden soldiers, he knew that these people were from the old Liao Dynasty and had done nothing serious, so he let them go. Most of them are Han Chinese. Although they considered themselves orthodox Chinese because of the 200-year rule of the Liao Kingdom, they looked down on the southerners of the Song State in the south, but they had a different view of the Fubo Army. These people are more interesting , although they look down on the southerners, they dare not look down on the Fubo Army who defeated the Kingdom of Jin. Moreover, during this period of time, under the propaganda of the Fubo Army spreading in the Kingdom of Jin, they also heard that the Fubo Army was in the country. What Liaodong did, I felt that what the Fubo army did was much better than their slaves of the Jin people.

So as soon as the Fubo army came to the state, many Jin soldiers chose to surrender and fell to the side of the Fubo army. They knew that after the city was broken, once they returned home, they would probably be forcibly conscripted by the Jin people. , maybe even because of their status as deserters, they were killed by Meng'an Mouke who ruled them, so they didn't go back at all. Anyway, they used to be Liao people, and they were ruled by the Jin people for a short time, and the Jurchens also bullied them a lot People from the old Liao Dynasty didn't want to serve the Jurchen allegiance. Many of them chose to stay and follow the Fubo army.

Xu Yi also agreed to the request of these soldiers to surrender, and incorporated them into Li Bo's command as auxiliary soldiers, specialized in doing some rough work, and delivering some supplies for the Fubo Army. Among them, strong soldiers are selected to be used by the regular army.

After Laizhou was destroyed, Xu Yi still did not stay, and immediately set a fire in Laizhou again, turning Laizhou into a dead city, and then immediately drove out of Laizhou again, heading towards Dading Mansion The direction hurried away.

Everyone was a little puzzled at the reason why Xu Yi did this. After Xu Yi explained it to them, Li Bo and the others immediately understood. The east hits the west, and in the direction of southern Liaoning, the golden people are blooming everywhere, and the golden people are surprised again, so that the golden people can't look at each other from head to tail.

In the view of Ma Zhe and Xu Yi, the conditions of Zhongjing Road, Nanjing Road, and Xijing Road in southern Liaoning are quite different from those in Eastern Liaodong. This area used to be the last territory of the Liao people, and the time when the Jin people captured and ruled here It is very short, and the longest period is only one or two years. It can be said that the rule here is not firm, and the Liao people here are not convinced by the rule of the Jin people. There are still many old Liao people who resist the Jin people. , and the Jin army under the jurisdiction of Zongwang did a lot of inhumane things in Yanshan Prefecture, massacred many old Liao people, and there was quite a lot of anger among the people. Once they can start operations in this area, they will fight a few A beautiful victory may give the old Liao people a shot of stimulant and rekindle their resistance to the rule of the Jin people. Moreover, the old Liao people have no master to be loyal to. Once they rebel, they will eventually be able to rely on Only the Fubo army is likely to fall to the side of the Fubo army, and then the golden man will be busy!
That's why Xu Yi adopted Ma Zhe's suggestion, and started first in the Zhongjing Road area, and then messed up here. Military affairs often ebb and flow. Although Fubo Army's foundation in Liaodong is not deep, but the momentum during this time has been strong. It is very large. As a new force, they have some advantages. In terms of people's hearts, they are more affinity than Jin and Song. Once they develop in this area, they will probably get the support of the local people. At that time, Jin The power of people will be greatly weakened, but the power of the Fubo army can be greatly increased. This time, the troops sent to Jinzhou are also for such a purpose.

The fall of Jinzhou was soon sent to Zongwang's mansion in Yanshan Mansion. Zongwang was taken aback and ordered to investigate again. He said angrily to the generals in the lobby: "Could it be that Zonghan and Zongpan are pigs?" With so many troops, they can’t hold back the small Fubo army. Will the Fubo army be free to attack Jinzhou? What is the Fubo army going to do at this time? What do they want to do? Is Liaodong not enough for them to do? "

The lieutenants below were also taken aback. They all knew the importance of Jinzhou. It was an important transshipment and storage place for their north-south grain and fodder. Losing it now would affect the supply of their southern army. If the army on the southern front loses the food and fodder in this place, there will be a shortage of food and fodder within a month. When there is no food and fodder, the war with the Song Dynasty will be over.

And after they came here during this period, the wars in various places did not allow them to be optimistic. Although the number of the Song army was still as large as before, it was not as vulnerable as before. With the full support of a wealthy country, the situation of the Song army’s shabby equipment due to the break-up of the main army has also been greatly improved. After all, the camels that died of starvation in the Song Dynasty were bigger than the horses. Once they made up their minds to counterattack, When the state machinery is in operation, the amount of energy generated is beyond the imagination of golden men like them!
Moreover, the old generals of the Song Army died and were demoted. Many armies replaced some young generals in the winter. The most famous ones are Yue Fei and Wang Yan of the Zongze Army in Hebei, Han Shizhong, Guan Sheng, Zhang Qing, and Lu Cheng of the Zhang Shuye Army in Shandong. There is also a teacher in Shanxi, Zhang Jun has a very good command of the army under his command. These young generals are beginning to emerge and are gradually becoming the backbone of the army. Under their leadership, the handsome soldiers dare to fight the golden soldiers. Actions started everywhere, and soldiers and horses that had been prepared for a long time began to invade the area controlled by the Jin army, and started a fight with the Jin army.

Although the Jin people seem to be still holding the initiative on the battlefield right now, Zong Wang knows that it won't be long before the Song army, led by these young generals, will be tempered, and the Jin army will suffer more and more casualties by then. It's getting bigger and bigger, and now their Jin people's supplementary generals have been stretched because of the rebellion of the Fubo Army in Liaodong!
On the other side of the Song Dynasty, it was like killing endlessly. They dispersed a group, and after a few days, they were able to recruit another group. The balance of power between the two sides was undergoing subtle changes day by day. How weak is it? The main reason why he was beaten by the Jin people before is that most of the chief generals are cowardly and fearful of death or simply fools bought with money, and the subordinates are composed of some rogue soldiers. It is reasonable that such an army cannot win, but after the purge of the Jin army, most of the soldiers and generals have been taken down, either accused or demoted. The composition of the northern soldiers is no longer like The former Forbidden Army had distinct characteristics of the local army, and its combat effectiveness was becoming stronger and stronger.

In this way, under the ebb and flow, once the Jin army can't solve this battle in a short time, then their previous victories will be copied to the east, and all the things they eat will be vomited back as they are. But at this time, the Fubo army was restless again, and took their Jinzhou City in one fell swoop, which was like kicking Zongwang in the ass again, how could Zongwang not be surprised angry?

Because the broken soldiers who came from Jinzhou were in a panic and didn't know how many Fubo troops had come, so they reported to Zongwang that there were as many as 5 soldiers and horses from the Fubo army attacking Jinzhou. He didn't drag this guy out to chop at all. Although the Fubo Army is powerful, everyone knows the fact that there are not many troops. Moreover, he has synthesized various information before and knows that the Fubo Army will not exceed six or seven in total in Liaodong. There are more than 7 elite soldiers who can fight in battle, and most of them are concentrated in Liaoyang Prefecture, and some are in Gaizhou City. What about Jinzhou City?The news sent back from the rout obviously exaggerated the strength of the Fubo Army, but no one could figure out exactly how many soldiers and horses the Fubo Army had.

Moreover, they can't guess the next move of the Fubo army, so they can only be anxious. Now Zongwang's army is dividing into several places and fighting with the Song army. The number of soldiers and horses left behind in Yanshan Mansion is only 2. The counterattack against Jinzhou was somewhat powerless. After all, Da Song had restrained too many of their troops, making them unable to take care of each other in the end. They could only send scouts to inquire about the movements of the Fubo army, and notified Wanyan Zongfu, who was guarding Dading Mansion, to rectify as soon as possible. Army, go to deal with Fubo army!

Zongwang was out of breath, coughed violently again, spouted a mouthful of donated blood, and almost fainted behind Shuai's case again, he gasped for a long time before he recovered, but before he could recuperate for two days, he smelled it again. Hearing that a broken army of more than a hundred people came back from outside the city, saying that there was an urgent military situation to be reported to Zongwang.

Zongwang braced his sick body and asked someone to call the leader of the team to come and answer. When Timurdu walked into the hall in fear, when he saw Zongwang with a face like gold paper, he quickly bowed his head to the handsome case. Next, he cried and said: "Report to the commander-in-chief! The last general Timur will see the commander-in-chief!"

Zongwang had seen this Timurdu before, and knew that he was the leader of Wanyan Zongfu's family before, so he asked coldly, "Aren't you guarding Laizhou? Why did you come to my place?"

Timur Du cried with his nose full of tears: "Commander! Please send troops to Laizhou as soon as possible! Laizhou was also defeated by Xu Yi's [-] troops from the Fubo Army! Little After fighting hard, only one hundred and ten troops were brought out, and the rest of the defenders were finished!"

Zongwang's eyes darkened, and he leaned back. The news made him vomit blood even more. The guards and medical officer nearby hurried over and gave Zongwang a chance to recover from his semi-consciousness.

"Damn Fubo Army! Damn Xu Yi! He's trying to break my back! Come on! Immediately pass on my general order to order Wushu to abandon Qingzhou, Weizhou, and Laizhou, and shrink his troops to the Dezhou area, focusing on defense Dezhou and Hejian and other places, and let him arrange it, and immediately bring [-] elite soldiers back to Yanshan Mansion!" Zong Wang shouted as soon as he recovered.

The people under him immediately went down to make arrangements according to his instructions. At this time, Zongwang saw Timurdu who was kneeling tremblingly below again, and said angrily, "How can there be such a fool as you in my Dajin Kingdom? I lost it in half a day." He came to Zhoucheng, but ran to me like a rabbit! Come on! Push this guy out and cut him off! He dared to lie about the military situation to the commander. I don’t believe that Xu Yi has the ability to conjure up Thirty thousand elite soldiers!"

Immediately, several burly soldiers rushed out from the hatchback, and pressed Timur to the ground at once. No matter how he pleaded for forgiveness or excuses, they dragged him out. After hearing a scream outside the hall, Not long after, someone brought in a bloody human head on a tray. Timur's grinning head half-opened his eyes, staring blankly at the empty space.

After Zongwang saw Timurdu's head, he became dizzy again. He knew that his body had completely collapsed, and now he no longer had the energy he had when he first sent troops to the Song Dynasty, so he felt sorry for the cronies around him. The subordinates explained: "If the commander-in-chief returns to the west, you must remember to obey Wushu's arrangement, and the army on the South Road must follow Wushu's lead, and must not fight for power and profit at this time!" Unable to stop, he fell down on his back and fell into a coma. No matter how hard the medical officers under him tried, Zong Wang couldn't wake up again. Three days later, he let go and went west to the Holy Land of Ultimate Bliss in Buddhism that he believed in deeply. up!
The pitiful generation of great gold generals, after being repeatedly attacked by the Fubo army, couldn't hold on any longer, and just passed away completely, nearly a year earlier than the original history.

(I really can’t help it, I still can’t stop updating! Keep working!)
(End of this chapter)

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