Chapter 671
On the dark sea, the sea breeze is a bit fishy and salty. On the coast near Jinzhou City, a team of more than a dozen Golden Army patrols patrolled along the coast. The night wind in early spring is still bitingly cold, but they dare not be careless During this period of time, the states and counties along the coast of the Bohai Bay have been continuously attacked by the Fubo army from the sea, which made the Jin people in this area panic and stepped up their patrols on the coast. These Jin troops were guarding Jinzhou The dragon and tiger king of the city sent out to inspect.

Whether they like it or not, this errand is not a good one, but they dare not disobey their orders, so they have to walk on the beach as instructed, and keep patrolling the sea, but the moon in the sky does not know where to hide, so that They couldn't see the distant scene on the sea at all, so under the leadership of the leader of the ten men, after checking that there was nothing unusual, they walked towards a wind-shattered rocky cliff, where they could light a bonfire anyway. You can also take a sip of wine by the way to warm up your body that is about to be frozen.

After they circled the rocky cliff, listening to the sound of the waves beating against the beach stones, the captain walking in the front suddenly let out a muffled groan, and then threw himself on the ground, and the subordinates following him , thought that he was tripped by a stone, so they quickly reached out to help him, but when they lifted the ten-man up, and looked at the light of the torch, they were frightened out of their wits, because the ten-man There was a feathered arrow stuck in the long throat, and the sharp cluster of arrows directly pierced his neck, without even giving him a chance to scream, it directly took his life.

These golden soldiers panicked immediately, and when they were waiting to see who had attacked them so accurately, a rain of arrows flew out from behind the surrounding rocks again, and after hearing a scream, the dozen or so golden soldiers , he was hit by an arrow almost at the same time, and fell between the jagged rocks, blood spurted out along the shaft of the arrow, and flowed into the sea sand below.

Liu Da was wearing a warm whale skin, jumped out from behind the stone with a bow, walked over to pick up a torch, and shone a light on the golden soldiers lying on the ground, kicked them, and cursed with a sneer : "Damn, you will meet this gang of bastards here, almost crashing our action, who told you to seek death, no wonder I'm so cruel! Come on, throw them into the sea to feed the fish! Quickly put the sampan Pull it ashore and talk!"

A group of people dressed in the same clothes as him immediately came out silently, pulled up the corpses of these golden soldiers on the ground, dragged them to the seashore, and threw them into the seawater. As the tide ebbed, these corpses were gradually brought into the deep sea, and then These people dragged a few sampans to the coast from behind the rocky cliff, quickly found something, and covered the few sampans, and some sailors quickly hid in the cave under the rocky cliff.

These men in black and fur coats immediately followed Liu Da and disappeared into the night. Soon after, the dotted torches on the coast were extinguished one after another, and then a bright wind lantern was lit on the beach, facing the sea. Shake a few times.

After about two sticks of incense, a dark boat shadow began to appear on the sea in the night, gradually approaching the gentle sandy beach, and after the bows of the boats rubbed against each other, the flat-bottomed sand boats rushed to the beach. After arriving on the beach, gangplanks were set up from the boat. Following an order, groups of soldiers in bright armor quickly disembarked from the boat onto the beach, and quickly lined up in a straight line. Standing upright in the sea breeze.

Some soldiers carried wooden boards and quickly paved a wooden road in front of some large sand ships. The gun carriages were also unloaded from the ships by the soldiers, and quickly put on mules and horses through the road paved with wooden boards. , passed the soft sandy beach, was pulled onto the solid ground, and lined up, all the mules and horses were muzzled, and they could only pant for heat, but could not neigh.

This kind of unloading lasted for more than two hours, and it was not until the middle of the night that all the unloading was completed. The whole process was somewhat chaotic, but it did not cause too much trouble in the end. Ten thousand elite soldiers were nervous and orderly on this beach. The array is complete.

Xu Yi also strode down the beach from a sand boat, glanced at the soldiers who had finished forming in the night, and nodded slightly to Li Bo who was following him, expressing his satisfaction.

In this era, it is not easy to organize a large-scale landing operation, even in the daytime. For this battle, Xu Yi spent a lot of time in Gaizhou and concentrated the soldiers of the third division. After getting up, they carried out several landing exercises in a row, and fully considered many possible troubles. Finally, they chose a calm day, loaded the third division on board, set sail to the sea, and sailed to the coast of Jinzhou, the innermost part of Bohai Bay.

Liu Da walked out of the night quickly, and not long after, Li Qingyuan also ran over from the darkness on the other side. After seeing Xu Yi and Li Bo, he immediately bowed and saluted: "My lord, the five miles away The Jin people inside have been cleaned up by the subordinates, and the subordinates have sent people to Jinzhou to start clearing the golden scouts on the road for the army, the army can start now!"

Xu Yi nodded in satisfaction and said, "Both of you guys have done a good job. You both have to record your first victory in taking down Jinzhou City!"

Liu Da chuckled and said, "It's the little ones' blessing to be able to do things for the lord, and don't forget about those who don't deserve it! Doing this thing is really exciting to death! The little ones like to do this business now!"

Xu Yi laughed and scolded: "You, Liu Da, are still full of gangster spirit. If you don't give credit to you, won't it appear that the king is not clear about rewards and punishments? Well, Li Bo, let's start to act, and we must arrive before dawn." Under Jinzhou City, it is best to attack Jinzhou City in one fell swoop and catch them by surprise!" After Xu Yi got used to it for a period of time, he began to get used to calling himself the king, so calling himself that sounded really cool!In the past, if he was called the king, it would be a bit unjustifiable, but now he is the King of Jinghai personally conferred by the Song Emperor, and his status is much better than that of Pirate Head before!Although Xu Yi doesn't care much about this matter, his subordinates care about this issue very much, so many people have changed their names to call him prince!

Li Bo immediately bowed and replied: "The general obeys orders. This is what we are best at doing. Don't worry, my lord. My humble duty guarantees that my lord will go to Jinzhou City for lunch!"

Following Li Bo's order, the army immediately disappeared into the night one by one. Everyone kept silent and hurried all the way towards Jinzhou City. They didn't even light a single torch, and they all relied on walking in the front. The cavalry lead the way. After all, horses have a certain night vision ability to ensure that the team will not wander in the dark.

A group of men in black quietly dispersed from the front of the army, and they kept clearing away all the living people they encountered along the way, ensuring that no one would discover this huge team of more than [-] people. In the night, only the procession of the team could be heard. With the sound of footsteps, even the horse's hooves were wrapped in thick sackcloth, so they didn't make much noise when they landed.

When the sky in the east began to turn pale, this army finally appeared under the city of Jinzhou on time, but the Jin army in the city hadn't noticed it yet, and the few Jin soldiers on duty on the city head were still fighting against the battlements. After a nap, no one went to observe the darkness outside the city, only a few crows were disturbed, flapped their wings, croaked, and flew into the sky.

When a golden soldier yawned and accidentally glanced at the eastern sky, he muttered: "Damn! It's finally dawn, and I'm going to freeze to death! Brothers, wake up!" It's time to go down, and it's time to whip us again!"

So the other dozing guys shook their heads and stood up straight, stamped their numb feet, and looked around.

Suddenly, a guy took advantage of the weak light in the eastern sky and glanced outside the city. He felt that something was wrong outside the city, so he lay down on the top of the city and looked down hard, but his eyes suddenly widened. Then he yelled wildly in a trembling voice: "Enemy attack..."

"Whoosh..." At the same time he yelled, there was a sound like locusts flying in the air, and the sound of bowstrings filled the night sky.

As soon as the golden soldier lying on the battlements fell to the ground, several eagle feathers were stuck on his chest, and he fell down on his back with blood spraying from his mouth. Before he could react, he was shot into a hedgehog and fell on the top of the city wall, but at the same time it also alarmed the other golden soldiers on the city wall, so the city immediately became chaotic.

In the night, facing the direction of the city gate, a burst of flames burst out suddenly, and then the sound of rolling thunder broke the silence of the dawn, one by one black iron bullets, carrying a heavy force It hit the heavy city gate, causing the gate to fly into debris. After being bombarded by dozens of shells in a row, the seemingly indestructible city gate finally couldn't hold on, and let out a wail. It collapsed suddenly, stirring up a cloud of dust.

The big cow in heavy armor raised the fine iron mace high in his hand, roared and shouted: "Follow me in a group!" Then he rushed towards the city gate at the head of the horse, with two faces on his face. The scar looked extremely hideous in the morning light.

Now after several battles, Daniel has grown into a fierce general of the Fubo Army. He has gone through no less than ten battles, large and small, and rushed to the forefront of the team in every battle. He suffered countless battle wounds on his body. The scar on his face is the medal left behind in a battle with the Jinren. At this time, he is no longer the little capital head he used to be, but has recently been promoted to be the youngest member of the Fubo Army. Commander, it was he who was the vanguard in this battle, leading the army to attack the city in the first wave.

Following the thousand soldiers behind him, after hearing Daniel's order, they also shouted wildly at the same time: "The Fubo army will win!" Then they immediately raised their weapons and followed them towards Jinzhou. The south gate of the city killed the past.

The beginning of the whole battle can almost be said to be a replica of the last Fubo army's surprise attack on Laizhou, which caught Jinzhou's Dragon and Tiger King by surprise. The sound of the cannon outside woke him up from his dream, he got up and nearly fell under the bed, and in a panic, he grabbed a piece of clothing and put it on his body, and roared, "What happened outside?" ! Why did it suddenly thunder? What's the matter?"

A guard panicked and reported outside the door: "My lord, this is a sudden movement from the south gate. I don't know what happened there. It seems that something happened. The sky over there seems to be reflected. famous!"

King Longhu cursed and planned to open the door to go out, but when he got to the door, he realized that he had put the clothes of the woman on the bed on him, so he hurriedly tore them off, found his own clothes, put them on and pulled He walked out of the door and shouted: "Go and check what happened at the south gate, why is it so noisy! Quicker than I can carry the knife on my back, I want to go there myself!"

A group of personal guards followed the King Longhu who had not had time to get his armour out of the mansion in a panic, and headed towards the south gate. They ran into a group of rout soldiers running from the south of the city. King Longhu stopped them with a knife He shouted angrily, "What happened at the South Gate? Why are you in such a panic?"

"My lord! Run quickly! The south gate has been breached by the Fubo army! Many Fubo troops have entered the city, killing anyone they see. The south gate has been controlled, and more Fubo troops are entering the city! Jinzhou City has already I can't hold it any longer!" A ten-man captain tremblingly replied to the Dragon and Tiger King, his calves were trembling.

The King of Dragon and Tiger was dizzy when he heard this, and then he became furious, roaring: "Fart! How is it possible? If there are so many Fubo troops here, are they ghosts? Invade our Jinzhou City? Go back and block them! I don't believe how many people they can come! Fight them out with me!"

King Dragon and Tiger used to be a fierce general under Zong Han's command. He was a leader of the Jurchen tribe. He was known for being fierce and brave. When he came back from Datong Mansion with Zong Han, he was appointed as the Jinzhou defense envoy. He was very upset , during the war in the Song Dynasty, he could lead the tribe's athletes to plunder, but guarding Jinzhou, not only had no battles to fight, but also no place to rob. When Wang led the troops to go south, he even wanted to follow Zongwang to fight in the Song Dynasty. During this time, he was troubled by this matter. He didn't expect that Jinzhou, where he was stationed, would be attacked by the hateful Fubo army, so he was furious. Leading a group of personal soldiers, they slammed into the direction of the south gate where the sound of killing was shaking.

At this time, the south gate of Jinzhou was already full of people, and the Fubo army swarmed in from the broken city gate like a black torrent, and massacred the Jin army stationed in Jinzhou in the city. Under such a sudden blow, the army had already turned around with their heads covered, and they didn't know what to do. In addition, when the generals guarding the south gate started the battle, their heads were smashed by a big bull who led the troops into the city. After the Jin army lost its unified command, it became even more chaotic, so the progress of the Fubo army can be said to be relatively smooth.

But most of the golden soldiers here are the West Route Army brought by Zong Han after all. , But they also began to gather in groups of three or four, fighting with the Fubo army, trying to prevent the Fubo army from continuing to expand the results of the battle.

But this kind of resistance is weak after all, because most of the Jin army who were caught off guard had just woken up from sleep, and many of them did not put on armor. It's okay for a person to stab him once, and blood will be splashed on the spot immediately, and he dies. As a result, the Jin army in the south of the city suffered heavy losses from the beginning of the battle. Controlled by the Bo army, and under the leadership of many Fubo army generals, it gradually spread in the city, started street fighting with the Jin army coming from other directions, and advanced steadily.

When he entered Jinzhou City, Li Bo also had to admire the tenacity of the Jin army. If such a situation were placed on the Song army, the Song army in the city would have already opened several other gates and fled in despair. When the matter was placed on Jin Jun, many Jin Jun saw that they had failed, but still chose to resist, and caused a lot of trouble for Fubo Jun.

The advantage of the Fubo army is mainly in firepower, but after entering the city, their main advantage has not been revealed. Under such an environment, they can only fight with the Jin army with their flesh and blood, and their losses are gradually increasing. increase.

However, Li Bo is not worried about this matter. The real strong army is trained by killing people. Although his third division has added a lot of strong soldiers this time, many people have not really experienced the blood bank. It was tempered, so this battle also happened to train some of these recruits. Fortunately, the middle and low-level officers in all the troops were soldiers who had participated in countless blood stations with Xu Yi before, so under their leadership, the troops did not appear timid. Moreover, they fought very tenaciously when they met the organized Jin army resisting under their example. This is what Li Bo was gratified about.

When the sun cast golden sunlight on Jinzhou City, the Jin army also began to recover from the initial chaos. When some experienced Jin soldiers saw that the situation was out of control, they began to gather the remnants and sneak into the alleys. The recalcitrant resistance in the middle caused some resistance to the progress of the Fubo army.

"Don't fight them head-on in the alley, use the palm of your hand to blast them out!" Some officers who had experience in street fighting immediately thought of a way and told the subordinates around them.

This time Xu Yi led the army to attack Jinzhou City, and it can be said that the preparations were extremely sufficient. Most of the archers in the army were equipped with grenades. Inside, there were two or three people carrying a few sharp weapons like this. Using them in such a terrain, they just showed the power of the grenade, so there were a lot of roars in the alleys, and the tragic death of Jin Bing. The sound of screaming, Jin Bing, who has never suffered such a blow, once encountered this thing in the alley, he didn't know how to lie on the ground to avoid it, and happened to be the target of the flying shrapnel, and was killed and injured on the spot Quite a few, the rest of the golden soldiers ran out of the alley screaming and screaming after being frightened, and were immediately massacred at the alley entrance by the Fubo army guarding the alley entrance like chopping melons and vegetables, so After the grenade was used on the battlefield, the offensive that had just been blocked immediately began to progress smoothly again.

When a group of Fubo army was attacking the city along the main street, a group of golden soldiers rushed in. The two sides immediately started a fight on the street, but one of the golden generals headed by this golden soldier was abnormal. Brave and brave, after swinging the machete in his hand, almost no one could resist this general's move. A company commander who was leading the army to charge only confronted him with three moves, and was hacked and killed on the spot by this guy, making him The Fubo army's offensive was suffocated immediately, and their morale was hit a bit. They were stunned by this golden general who knocked them back, and lost dozens of soldiers. After seeing this golden general, the soldiers immediately cheered and began to gather towards him. Their morale was also improved a lot. Under his organization, the fleeing golden soldiers no longer continued to retreat, but formed a Gathered a team of hundreds of people and began to counterattack the Fubo Army.

The second regiment of the third division was in charge of attacking the center of the city. The commander of the regiment was an officer named Fang Youren, who was also a hero under Li Bo. When he discovered what was happening on the main street, he immediately led the troops to block the main street. Above, the golden army that was counterattacking was stopped head-on, and after letting go of the soldiers and horses of their own who were being driven back, they immediately sealed off the street. He ordered the crossbowman around him to take a step forward, and under the cover of the sword and shield hand, he shot a group of soldiers brought by King Longhu, and then stopped King Longhu's attack .

The Dragon and Tiger King swung his machete, and after knocking away several eagle feather arrows that were aimed at him, he had to stop. This rush of killing made him sweat profusely, but his heart felt cold. When he got up, he didn't believe that there would be so many Fubo troops in his Jinzhou City at the beginning, but after he got here, he found that the number of Fubo troops far exceeded his imagination, and whether the enemy army was Neither the equipment nor the tenacity of the battle were weaker than their Jin army. No wonder the South Gate was captured in such a short period of time, and the development was so rapid that he had no chance to organize the Jin army in the city to resist effectively.

After looking down at the blood stains on his body, King Longhu felt his muscles tremble a little. Although he killed many Fubo soldiers in a row, because he left in a hurry, he didn't wear heavy armor on his body and suffered some minor injuries. At this moment, the wound hurt so badly that he gasped a little, and couldn't help cursing.

(End of this chapter)

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