Great Song Pirate

Chapter 653 Under Kaizhou City

Chapter 653 Under Kaizhou City

Xu Yi knows that any decision he makes is now a matter of life and death for the Fubo army. No matter where he makes mistakes, the Fubo army may fall into a situation of eternal doom. Even if he returns to Liuqiu Island, he wants to recover , I am afraid it will be difficult!Now his financial resources have basically been invested in the Liaodong battlefield. If he fails, he will have to start all over again!

Xu Yi didn't want to see such a result. He had managed to reach such a level with great difficulty. He couldn't bear the consequences of failure. Now is not the time to consider withdrawing troops. He no longer has this opportunity.

Continuing to fight is the only way to choose, but how to fight, you have to fight on both sides. Xu Yi feels that he doesn't have the energy and strength. Needless to say, Jin Guo has to pick up the soft persimmons first and solve the problem of Korea. The country will talk about dealing with the country of Jin.

After retreating from the left and right, Xu Yi only left Xue Tu, Ma Zhe, Cai Xing and others, and began to discuss this matter. After Xu Yi analyzed the current situation, everyone completely gave up the idea of ​​​​withdrawing from Liaodong , Retiring now is tantamount to committing suicide immediately, so everyone can only think about how to persevere.

After discussing for a while, as for how to untie the siege of the prefecture, everyone's opinions were not unified. Asking Yang Zaixing to mobilize the Liaoyang Mansion to send troops there was the first proposal to be rejected. Gaizhou City, where Li Bo was stationed, could not be moved. Fuzhou and here dispatched troops there, but the troops in Fuzhou were already limited, and the deployment of troops there was probably for nothing.

"Let's put this matter aside for now. I will go to Kaizhou in person. Yu Wei's 5000 generals are still there. Cai Xing will send me another [-] recruits. It is enough to gather [-] soldiers! Fuzhou's soldiers and horses should not move as much as possible. , Fuzhou is our second lock in Liaodong, and there must be no difference, our biggest enemy is the Kingdom of Jin!" Xu Yi stopped everyone from arguing and came up with his idea.

"How can this be done? How can the lord put himself in danger? I think the last general should lead his troops to break the siege of the state!" Cai Xing and Sun Hai stood up at the same time and said.

"There is no need to argue. The training of new recruits here is not easy at all. Cai Xing, you must make these new recruits reach a usable level as soon as possible, let alone Sun Hai. You should immediately rearm the Pioneer. We now have to To prevent the Koreans from attacking us by water, the Korean navy is not the Kingdom of Jin, so we have to be careful! Where is Fang Shu?" Xu Yi immediately rejected their two requests and asked about Fang Shu.

"I sent Fang Shu to the coast of Shandong to handle affairs. Shuisheng informed me that there were thousands of rebels in Laizhou who rose up to fight against the Jin people and fought against the Jin people. We got in touch, and these people are willing to submit to our Fubo army, so I asked Fang Shu to bring some boats to pick them up! I guess they should be back tomorrow at the latest!" Xue Tu quickly replied.

"Since the Korean people are not benevolent, then we will be unrighteous! Sun Hai, I will also hand over the Crossbar to you. After Fang Shu comes back, you should immediately merge into one place and gather a fleet. The number should not be too large. Three Ten are enough! But all of them must be big ships! After all the manpower is ready, go and show the Koreans a little bit of power, so that they can really know who is in charge at sea! This time you don’t need to make trouble, just sail directly to Korea Outside of Kaijing, the capital of the country, as long as it is a Korean boat, you will not let go. It is not necessarily that you want to invade Kaijing, just scare them and don’t make them panic! But let the Koreans know that if they continue to If they make trouble for us, then they should consider moving the capital! Kaijing is the meat of our mouths, and we can bite them at any time!" Xu Yi then ordered Sun Haidao.

Sun Hai was feeling depressed about the battle with Goryeo. Xu Yi immediately cheered up after doing this for him. As long as he had [-] warships and all the manpower and guys, he was confident that he would take the Goryeo navy I couldn't find the north by taxi, so I immediately got up and obeyed, and promised not to let the Korean people feel comfortable!

"My lord! This subordinate has another plan, which can make the Koreans have no time to look around!" Ma Zhe, who had been silent all this time, suddenly said.

"Oh? If there is a way, just say it. This is not the time to hide!" Xu Yi glanced at Ma Zhe. This guy has been with him for a long time now. Xu Yi knows that he is not like an ordinary scholar. This guy His brain is very active, it can be said that he has a bad stomach, he can think of any bad tricks, and this time he might come up with another bad idea, probably because of the Koreans!
"Yes, my lord! Although we can't spare too many manpower to deal with Goryeo now, it doesn't mean that other people don't have manpower! Did my lord forget Fujiwara Toshi and Takeuchi Saburo?" Ma Zhe twisted his goatee, with Said with a smirk.

"Oh? Why didn't I remember it! Sigh!" Xu Yi slapped himself on the thigh suddenly after hearing this. Ma Zhe's idea was really bad enough, and he thought of Wa Kingdom!

You must know that Wa and Goryeo are also feuds. They have a history of attacking Goryeo before. If Fujiwara Jun can send troops from Dazaifu to attack the east of Goryeo, then Goryeo will really have a lot of work to do!

"It's a good idea! It's time for Toshi Fujiwara to reciprocate! At the beginning, we sold them a big face of the Fujiwara family and let them continue to control Kyushu Island. Otherwise, their Fujiwara family would have been killed by now." Baihe's old ashes have been cleaned up! But I'm worried that Fujiwara Jun will listen to us and send troops to attack Goryeo immediately!" Xu Yi also began to smile, but he was still a little worried about this matter.

"My lord, don't worry about this matter. After returning from Wa Kingdom, my subordinates have been paying attention to the movement there. Because we retreated in time, Shirakawa didn't find an excuse to send troops to Kyushu Island. Now the Fujiwara family still controls Kyushu Island, but in fact However, it has to be restrained by Takeuchi. Now there is chaos in the northern part of the country, and Shirakawa can't take care of Kyushu Island, and Kyushu Island is now so poor that we have tormented it. Kill them, they want to redefine the sphere of influence, and Takeuchi has to intervene in many things, Fujiwara Toshi dare not speak out now, for fear that if Takeuchi is cleaned up, we will attack them again!
If we now order Fujiwara Jun to send troops to fight Korea, we can promise them first that we will provide them with a batch of armor for their use, and we will not take any money from the looting of Korea, just give them all!It is estimated that he is very willing to meet our request, and Takeuchi is definitely willing. Now that he has tasted the benefits of looting, Fujiwara Jun is now even more willing to let Takeuchi leave Kyushu Island. If these analyzes are good, we only need to give Fujiwara Jun and Takeuchi a A sternly worded letter, I don't think there will be any problems!
Of course, they might know about our current situation, but we just need to tell them that if we fail in Liaodong, then we have to go back to Kyushu Island to take shelter from the wind, and it may scare Fujiwara Jun to death!hey-hey! "

Ma Zhe slowly expressed his opinion with a smirk. It turns out that this guy has been paying attention to the affairs of the Wa Kingdom. No wonder he would propose this idea and let him do the intelligence business. He really found the right person!
After Xu Yi finished listening, his mood immediately improved a lot, so he nodded immediately and agreed: "Isn't it just a matter of a letter? Ma Zhe, you can do it well! Anyway, we can't lose anything! It's just about armor , we are now on the verge of a great battle, where are there any spare armors for them?"

"This is not a problem. During the Battle of Fuzhou and the Battle of Gaizhou, we obtained a large number of Jinren's armor. We don't like these things. Now some of them are hoarded in Dalian Port, and we plan to transfer them back later. I beg the island to be rebuilt, and if it is needed, give it to the Japanese! Even these things, the Japanese people probably would be very rare!" Xue Tu suddenly said to Xu Yi.

Now Xu Yi has nothing to worry about!So he immediately made a final decision and adopted Ma Zhe's idea.

Dalian Port also began to prepare intensively. At this time, news came back from Liaoyang and Gaizhou at the same time, saying that the Jin army had finally arrived.

Zong Han and Zong Pan's so-called 15 troops gathered outside the Liaoyang Mansion, and they set up a posture, and the war was about to break out!And Zongwang personally commanded an army of [-], marching towards Gaizhou, and it is not far from Gaizhou now!

The whole army of 25 was about the same as Xu Yi had expected before, and the situation finally became tense. However, for the soldiers of the Fubo Army who had been worried for a long time, after learning the news, they felt a sense of relaxation. The feeling of hanging the knife above the head is not much better than when it is cut down. Now that the Jin army is here, at least there is no need to guess, the rest is the problem of fighting.

Jin Jun has already given them plenty of time to prepare. If they can't defeat Jin Jun, then everyone feels that it is a bit unreasonable. Looking back at the mountains of various supplies in the city, everyone's hanging hearts are somewhat settled down. .

Groups of surprise attack teams were sent out of the city carrying sniper crossbows and strong crossbows. The two-person team quickly disappeared into the wilderness. They were already familiar with such things. After the war, those guys with high psychological quality were carefully selected, and they were very experienced in using crossbows. Before each battle with the Jinren, the Fubo Army would send a large number of such ambush teams to It has long been a practice for the Jin army to set up an ambush on the marching route.

After Zhou Junyu gave a standard military salute to Li Bo, he said forcefully, "General, don't worry, I'm a professional in this job. I've already done this job in Annan's time. I promise that I won't let Zongwang come here comfortably. Under the city of Gaizhou! Resign from the humble position!"

Li Bo smiled at Zhou Junyu, clasped his fists and said, "You've worked hard this time, be careful all the way, and come back alive, otherwise, Qian Gui will ask me for someone, and I won't be able to answer him!"

Zhou Junyu bared his teeth and smiled, and gave Li Bo another military salute, then turned his head and walked to the front of a detachment composed of a hundred people, shouting: "Everyone is there, turn right! Walk together!"

The hundred-man team immediately turned around and strode towards the gate of Gaizhou City. Everyone was dressed in light armor and carried a pack of leather-bound knapsacks. The shovel is very similar to the engineer shovel of later generations, and some people are equipped with picks, and the attire is very weird.

"Liu Da!" Li Bo shouted loudly, looking at the back of Zhou Junyu who led the team away!

"The little one is here!" Liu Da immediately rushed over from the side.

"Are all the poisonous snakes ready?" Li Bo asked.

"General Qi, the younger ones are all ready!" Liu Da replied loudly.

"Then follow Zhou Junyu and set off. Remember, your mission is to protect them, clear the scouts of the Jin army for them, and cover their withdrawal! Bring me back with the lives of a few commanders or commanders! "Li Bo ordered Liu Da.

Liu Da put his legs together, and replied loudly: "Yes! I guarantee that there will be no mistakes!" Then he turned around and gave an order, and a group of people with different costumes came nearby. With bows and crossbows and sabers, they looked like a group of refugees from Liaodong. These people quickly lined up, exuding a strong murderous aura, which made people see that these people were the kind of bloodthirsty people.

Liu Da didn't shout anything. After explaining their tasks to them, a group of people immediately followed Liu Da and walked out of the city gate, and soon scattered around Zhou Junyu's team.

Diao Bin watched these people leave Gaizhou City enviously, and said to Li Bo: "Brother Li still has a way to come up with such a bad idea. It seems that this guy Zong Wang wants to walk to Gaizhou City easily this time. I'm afraid I'm going to suffer enough!"

"I didn't come up with these ideas. It was my lord's idea to form this poisonous snake in the first place, and ambushing the enemy army on the road is also the method my lord used before! I just took it and used it! But Zong Wang is no better than Zong Wang." Qian and Zong Qiang, Zong Wang is said to be called the Bodhisattva prince by the golden people. This guy is full of tricks. I am afraid that after learning the lesson of the two brothers Zong Qian and Zong Qian this time, he will be more careful when he leaves. Otherwise, I would not have thought of letting Zhou Junyu went out to do this!" Li Bo smiled at Diao Bin.

"Yes! Sometimes I really can't figure out why the lord has so many ideas. It would be great if the lord is here now! I don't know what's going on with Brother Kong!" Diao Bin looked towards the east sky, as if wondering Seeing that the situation in Kaizhou was normal, small snowflakes began to float in the sky at this time.

Li Bo sighed slightly: "The lord is probably coming back soon! With his temperament, the lord will never stay on Liuqiu Island, he will definitely come back as soon as possible to work with us! It's a pity that Jin Jun is also here now No, we can't spare manpower to support Brother Kong! General Yang's manpower is even tighter, and he can't spare manpower. It seems that the only way to untie the siege of the state is to look at Master Xue's side! Damn Koreans, You actually followed our back road with the Jin people, and when we get rid of the Jin people, we will make them look good! Don’t worry about this matter, our priority right now is to defend Gaizhou City, as long as there is nothing wrong here, Liaoyang Mansion will It’s not an isolated city!”

Diao Bin immediately straightened his back and replied: "I understand! We have prepared everything that needs to be prepared, but I want to see what Zong Wang can do to take down our Gaizhou City!"

"Li Qingyuan!" Li Bo suddenly called again.

"The humble job is here!" Li Qingyuan strode up to Li Bo.

"Now we can't help Kaizhou too much. We can only send you to bring some poisonous snakes there. I don't ask you to break the siege of the state, but you have to find a way so that the Koreans can't attack Kaizhou city blatantly! In short Just one request, so they can't stop! Just worry about the back of your butt!" Li Bo instructed Li Qingyuan.

Li Qingyuan immediately agreed: "Don't worry, general, I guarantee that after I get there, the Koreans don't even dare to take a shit to find a place where no one is around!"

After hearing this, Li Bo and Diao Bin laughed loudly. After a while, a team of about a hundred people rode out of Gaizhou City. These people were all equipped with one person and two horses, and the horseshoes raised on the snow. A snowflake.

In the Koryo military camp outside Kaizhou City, An Youjin was sitting on the edge of a charcoal basin, leaning on the fire, but he was so depressed that he was about to die. This time he led the army across the river, intending to take Kaizhou City by surprise. Then immediately marched westward, attacked Fuzhou City, and responded to the Jin army's attack from behind.

The plan was well done, but the changes were too big for him to bear. After the [-] troops came, they quickly surrounded Kaizhou City. In his opinion, the small Kaizhou City only needed their [-] troops to go all out. He could take it easily, but what he never imagined was that those Fubo soldiers in the small city of Kaizhou were so brave that they bumped into the iron plate when they first attacked. Going up, they didn't attack the top of the city at all, so they were beaten back, and nearly a thousand soldiers were damaged. The number of bows and crossbows owned by the opponent far exceeded their expectations, and the opponent's determination to resist was also far beyond their expectations. their expectations.

The original plan was a surprise attack, but now it has become a tough battle. The entire battle plan has been completely disrupted, but this is not the most depressing thing for him. It has been five or six days since he arrived here, but every time The siege of the city was beaten badly by the damn Fubo army in the city. The opponent seemed to have been prepared for a long time. The defense facilities in the city were very complete, and their Koryo army basically did not have any heavy weapons because they were fighting across the river. The siege equipment, even if it is built on the spot, has to go more than ten miles away to cut wood, and it takes a lot of time to go back and forth. In order to reduce losses, the siege had to be suspended.

Only now did he know that both Li Ziqian and himself had really underestimated the strength of the Fubo Army. The Fubo Army in front of Kaizhou City must have been rolled in a pool of blood, otherwise, They will not fight so resolutely and prepare so well for war.

Pity myself for these Korean soldiers and horses. After rushing all the way here, they failed to attack Kaizhou City at once, but they had to stay outside the city to suffer from the cold. This year's winter seems to be much colder than previous years. The temperature is so low that people cannot sleep, because a large number of forests outside Kaizhou City have been cut down and dragged into the city. After the Koryo Army arrived here, even the wood for the village was not allowed to come from a distance one by one. , If you want to make a fire and cook, you have to dig tree roots or send someone to cut firewood in the distance, not to mention that every tent has a brazier to keep warm!Except for the officers' tents that can be lit for warmth, it is impossible for most soldiers' tents to be lit!It was so cold that many soldiers howled like wolves at night. On such a day, the Korean army was a little miserable!

"General! It's snowing outside again. Our soldiers can't take it anymore! Why don't we send more people to chop firewood? I'm afraid this city of Kaizhou won't be captured in a short time. Yes, after a long time, I’m afraid there will be a lot of frostbite for the soldiers!” A general rubbed his hands and walked in from outside the tent, when the curtain was raised, a gust of cold wind came in, and a few snowflakes also took the opportunity to float into the big tent , before falling to the ground, it was melted by the heat inside the big tent, and An Youjin shivered slightly.

"That's right! If that's the case, my subordinates will see that we are ready for a long-term siege! Anyway, we have already dispatched troops, and the Jin people can't say anything about us, and we don't have to work for the Jin country!" Another one is entering with An You. The general who spoke also spoke.

An Youjin was a little helpless, and also a little worried, it's only been a few days!Even these generals in the army have developed such a war-weary mood. Compared with the first two days when they came here, the morale of the army has begun to drop a lot.

"Bullshit! It's enough if our Korean army doesn't send troops. If we send troops, we need to let the Jin people see how powerful we Koreans are. Kaizhou City must be taken down as soon as possible, otherwise, we Koreans will be underestimated by the Jurchens! This has nothing to do with it." What matters is the dignity of our Koryo Kingdom! We are not feeling well, and those Fubo troops in Kaizhou City are even more uncomfortable! Tomorrow morning, I will personally lead the army to attack the city, and I will take Kaizhou City in one fell swoop!" An Youjin stood up and said The generals in the tent said angrily.

Everyone immediately stood up straight, bowed their heads and agreed loudly: "Follow the general's order! Tomorrow we must take down Kaizhou City!"

"The general is not good!" A scout jumped into the big tent, yelling in panic.

"What made you panic so much? Why are you yelling? Could it be that the thieves in Kaizhou City are trying to break through?" An Youjin reprimanded the scout angrily.

The scout froze for a moment, and quickly replied: "Please forgive me, General, it's not that the bandit army in Kaizhou City is going to break through, but that the battalion of soldiers and horses we sent out to transport timber in the morning was suddenly attacked by an enemy army. We were caught off guard and suffered a great loss. The enemy army was very fierce and killed nearly 300 of us! They also set fire to the wood we had just felled!"

"What? Damn it! We surrounded Kaizhou City like an iron barrel, and even a bird couldn't fly out. Where did the enemy army come from to ambush our logging team?" An Youjin immediately became furious.

(I recommend my friend's new book "Top Grade Poor Scholar" again. The writing style of the three idiots is really nothing to say. I don't want you to scold me!)
(End of this chapter)

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