Great Song Pirate

Chapter 654 Kaizhou First Day

Chapter 654

In the woods, a group of people dressed in white cloth wore rattan snowshoes and walked quickly. The last person dragged the pine branches to wipe away the footprints they passed. Soon all traces were gone.

This group of people was selected by Li Qingyuan from the local hunters after he arrived in Liaodong. They are all good hunters, with superb shooting skills, and are very proficient in hunting in the forest in winter. Li Bo is selecting these people After that, they still used the method of training poisonous snakes to conduct intensive training for a period of time, and instilled many new things into these people.

Originally, these people were all prepared for the Jin people, but because the Koreans attacked Kaizhou, Li Bo took part of them and followed Li Qingyuan to the vicinity of Kaizhou, and then quickly spread out, starting to act behind the Koreans.

Today they successfully ambushed a group of Koryo soldiers who were pulling the cut wood and transporting it towards the Koryo military camp. These stupid birds never expected to be ambushed in this place. Many of them didn't even bring weapons. With a sharp saw, he plunged into Li Qingyuan's ambush circle without any preparation.

After Li Qingyuan whistled, these subordinates immediately appeared from behind the tree at the same time, pulled out their hunting bows and fired at them, shooting these guys until they ran away, and then immediately killed more than half of them with one shot, and then quickly Stopped and withdrew into the dense forest.

The rest of the remnants and defeated generals fled back to the Koryo barracks like bereaved dogs, and reported the matter to An Youjin.

An You was so furious that he had no choice but to temporarily put aside his plan to attack the city tomorrow, and sent several troops to the forest to search for the enemy army that suddenly appeared.

"Li Dutou, where are we going now?" A subordinate who was blindfolded asked Li Qingyuan.

Li Qingyuan took off his thick deerskin gloves, rubbed his numb face, looked around, took out a small copper box with light workmanship, opened it, it turned out that it was a compass, after confirming the direction, With a wave of his hand, he said: "Go east, we just made a big ticket, and the Koreans have probably sent a large number of soldiers and horses to search for us at this moment, let's go around and hit their food road! Starve to death Grandchildren! My lord, it's really cold here in winter!"

"Li Dutou, you are from the south, so you are not used to the climate here. The winter in Liaodong is just like this, so just get used to it! But it is true, it seems that today's winter is indeed colder than usual! How about you go first Have a drink!" One of his subordinates smiled and handed over a wine bag that he took out from his pocket.

Li Qingyuan took it and took a big gulp, then wiped his mouth and took a breath, feeling better, another subordinate took out a bag of things, after opening it, it seemed to be animal fat inside, and said to Li Qingyuan: "Wipe some of this , this is the best bear oil, after rubbing it, the skin on the face will not be cracked by frost!"

Li Qingyuan grabbed some of it and wiped it on his face, baring his teeth, he asked, "Why does it smell so bad! How long have you kept this thing? It smells bad!"

"Not long ago, I just hunted it last year. It's a good thing!" The subordinate replied.

"Ugh...forget it, I'd better use the glycerin made by our Fubo army! Your stuff smells too bad!" Li Qingyuan said with a little disgust, took out a small porcelain bottle, and poured out a little glycerin Rub it on your face.

The group of people were all good at walking in the woods, and they quickly passed through the woods. Li Qingyuan immediately raised his hand when there were a few birdsong in front of him, and everyone stopped immediately.

"Brothers in front have discovered the situation, spread out!" Li Qingyuan immediately ordered in a low voice.

The hundred and ten people immediately scattered into the forest, and soon came to the side of a road, leaning over the side of the road, the white cloth cloaks on their bodies covered their bodies, making them one with the snow, making them invisible at all flaw.

A group of carts full of grain creaked and came from a distance. The mules and horses were snorting heavily and dragging the cart vigorously. The Korean soldiers who drove the cart were whipping and struggling to come this way.

The Goryeo soldier who was walking in front was very unhappy. In such a cold day, instead of staying at home, he went to Liaodong to fight against some kind of Fubo army. It's really crazy to rush on the road to deliver food and grass for the army.

Suddenly he seemed to hear a swishing sound, so he looked up, but he could only see an arrow hitting his face clearly in front of him, he opened his mouth to scream, but the arrow hit his mouth impartially, Passing through his throat, sharp arrow clusters shot out from the back of his head. He wanted to shout: "Enemy attack!" but his mouth was blocked.

After a round of arrow rain, the grain and grass convoy of the Goryeo Army was in chaos immediately. They didn't even see where the arrows came from, and the panicked soldiers ran around in the convoy yelling. As a result, he was quickly nailed to death by the second round of arrows on the snow. There was a body of the Koryo army lying on the snow. The blood that flowed out was as gorgeous as flowers blooming in the snow, and it looked extremely coquettish. .

The remaining Koreans finally saw the ambushers in white clothes in the forest, so they quickly hid behind the grain trucks and tried to resist, but these white men did not continue to hunt them, but rushed to kill them. A rocket wrapped in tarpaulin was fired, lit on a torch passed by a person, and shot at the grain trucks one after another. Immediately after the arrows hit the grain trucks, they began to burn blazingly.

Then some porcelain bottles flew out from the forest and fell on the grain truck. After the porcelain bottles shattered, the liquid inside splashed everywhere, and when they touched the sparks, a flame burst into flames. Before the Koreans could react, these white clothes The man turned around and disappeared into the forest, leaving a sea of ​​flames behind him and the Korean soldiers who were burned screaming again and again.

During the day, An Youjin received several bad news. The logging team was attacked, the grain and grass convoy was attacked, and a search team was wiped out. He was furious: "Bastard! How many people? You idiots, can't you catch even one? Keep searching until I find them, and I will skin them alive!..."

In Kaizhou City, Kong Qingxi hung one arm and wore a thick cloak. He walked on the city wall, constantly cheering up the defenders on the city wall. Although they successfully repelled the attack every time, the soldiers in the city lost a lot. More than 500 people have died on the city wall. Even he himself suffered a lot in the battle the day before yesterday. He shot an arrow, but he still endured the pain and persisted until the Koreans were repelled before treating the wound.

The corpses of Goryeo soldiers who were frozen hard were piled up everywhere under the city. Many corpses still had eagle feathers and arrows stuck in them. These corpses were left by the Goryeo Army when they attacked these days. Even if you want to snatch it back, the Koryo army tried to snatch it a few times, but they left more corpses underneath, and then they simply stopped snatching it, and let them fall down under the city. The terrific wolf ran to the city to munch, and such a scene made the morale of the Koreans very low.

Although the defensive battle was tough, in terms of life, the life of the people in the city was much more comfortable than that of the Koryo army. Because of the sufficient preparation in advance, there was no shortage of food and grass in the city, and every soldier could eat hot food. Meals will be rationed a piece of meat every day, so that they can maintain sufficient physical strength, and there is no shortage of wood in the city. These days they have rushed to throw a lot of cars, and the defensive firepower is more sufficient. At least the people in the city will not be affected. Every household has a brazier to heat the inside of the house, and even on the top of the city, a team of bonfires are set up at intervals, so that the Fubo soldiers who are not very cold-resistant can warm themselves at any time. There is also a big pot on the bonfire, and freshly killed beef and mutton are cooked. As long as it is cold and hungry, you can drink hot broth at any time.

In this way, although the soldiers in the city suffered a lot of casualties, their morale was not greatly affected. After fighting for a few days, Kong Qingxi began to relax a little bit as he watched the Koreans attack less and less frequently.

"Don't be too stuffed! Just know how to eat!" Kong Qingxi kicked a subordinate who was gnawing on a sheep bone, and scolded with a smile.

"The mutton bone is stewed to pieces, it's a pity not to chew it clean, why don't Kong Touling have a bite too?" the subordinate answered with a smile while holding the oily mutton bone stick.

The people around burst into laughter, Kong Qingxi was not polite, took a leg of lamb, gnawed a few mouthfuls, handed it to the guards around him, and said: "Don't just remember to eat, you bastards. It’s fine if the Koreans hit the city without seeing it! It’s better to save some food, who knows how long these bastard Koreans will surround themselves!”

"Yes! Save some food. We don't know how long this battle will last. Don't eat too much now, just be hungry later!" Zheng Guang also came up from the horse path at this time, and said.

"You came just in time, have you made all the arrangements?" Kong Qingxi asked when he saw Zheng Guang coming.

"It's all arranged. Now the personnel in the city are properly deployed. One veteran and one auxiliary soldier will be divided into four groups. They will take turns to guard the city, and the rest will rest. Cars, as long as you have the strength to pull the rope, we all want it! The Koreans can’t afford it!” Zheng Guang rubbed his hands, took a bowl of broth and took a sip.

After walking to a deserted place, Kong Qingxi said to Zheng Guang: "I just received a pigeon, saying that the lord has returned to Liaodong, and now he is leading the troops to come here. Let us be ready, and when the lord arrives , Cooperate inside and outside, repel the Koryo army, don't tell the brothers this news, now the morale is fine, save the news! And the grain depots in the city must be watched carefully, don't let the Korean spies take advantage of the loopholes, or else If not, our morale will be hit hard!"

Zheng Guangwen was overjoyed when he heard this, but immediately said, "My lord, how can you come here in person? Now the Suzhou Pass is full of newcomers, and the number is not too large. The Koreans outside the city are all elite soldiers from Korea. Would it be too risky?" a little?"

"Yes! But there is nothing we can do! Now that the Jin army has overwhelmed the border, General Yang and Li Bo in the west can't spare any manpower to rescue us. Old Wang has limited manpower, so he can only send troops from Suzhou Pass. , you know the temper of the lord, you won't just sit back and watch us be surrounded!
You have to make preparations in the next few days, select [-] elite soldiers, and be ready to go out of the city to meet the lord at any time, these people must dare to die!Even if they fight out of the city, they have to inflict heavy damage on the Koreans!
What's more, we must guard against the movement of the Koreans. They have suffered a lot these days. I saw that their camp is rushing to build a large number of siege equipment. I am afraid they will launch a large-scale siege in the next few days. Even if we die If it's gone, we must defend Kaizhou City!Otherwise, once the lord comes over, it will be dangerous! "Kong Qingxi looked towards the southern sky and said.

"I obey the order! I'll prepare right away!" After receiving the order, Zheng Guang went down excitedly and started to prepare.

At this time, Xu Yi was riding on the back of a tall horse, and was leading a team of 8000 people on the mountain road against the north wind.

After leaving Dalian Port, they encountered a snowstorm, and the road was much more difficult than before, especially with a lot of luggage accompanying them, which made their progress slow. This is a part of their Fubo Army. The big disadvantage is that the mobility is still not good, otherwise, they will all be cavalry, and they should be almost to Kaizhou by now.

Fortunately, during this period of time, during the several battles in Liaodong, they obtained a large number of mules and horses, and the army basically realized the transformation of mules and horses. They don't need to rely entirely on manpower to march, at least towing these artillery can save some effort.

Kaizhou is the Dandongfeng city of the later generations, and it is hundreds of miles away from Dalian. After Xu Yi set off on the road, he was very worried about the situation in Kaizhou. He learned from Xue Tu and the others, because Kaizhou was not in the key area for their defense at first. , so Kong Qingxi's defenders there were very few, and most of the soldiers were transferred to the west. At this time, the Korean army suddenly attacked from behind. Kaizhou was not prepared at all. I don't know if Kong Qingxi can support him until his reinforcements arrive. , This is what he is most worried about right now.

If Kaizhou falls before he arrives at Kaizhou City, then he will fall into a very passive situation, and he may be blocked outside Kaizhou City, unable to advance or retreat. It is difficult for soldiers and horses to obtain supplies!Then there will be big troubles!
"Yu Wei!" Xu Yi called out.

An officer dressed like a bear galloped over and replied, "The last general is here!"

"Hurry up, let the brothers travel day and night, speed up, we can't delay the time, we must reach Kaizhou before the city of Kaizhou is broken! This battle is about the life and death of everyone in our army, we must bite Go to Kaizhou City and rest at Yading!" Xu Yi ordered.

Soon Xu Yi's order was conveyed, and the army sped up its pace again. The snow on the road was trampled into mud, and vehicles full of baggage and artillery carts rumbled forward.

Teams of soldiers, panting heavily, strode past, and rushed towards the north...

For two or three days in a row, An Youjin did not launch a new offensive against Kaizhou, but was overwhelmed by this elusive enemy army outside the city. He kept sending troops to search for this enemy army nearby. , but the news that came back made him so depressed that he wanted to hit the wall.

If the number of soldiers and horses sent is large, the enemy army will disappear without a trace. If there are few people sent, it is impossible to come out completely after entering the forest. Moreover, the scouts or heralds they send often disappear inexplicably. The soldiers dare not go out to do business!

For this reason, An Youjin scolded a group of officers under his command who went out to search the camp, but there was nothing he could do about this enemy army. Now he also guessed the opponent's situation, the number of this enemy army must not be large, Moreover, it is an extremely elite force, good at tactics such as harassment, ambush, assassination, etc., in order to hold them back and make them have no time to attack the city. If they continue to toss like this, let alone food and grass will be bad Given the situation, the morale of his own army may completely collapse in a few days.

"Beat the drum to pass the order, and the generals of the army will immediately go to the big tent to listen to the order!" An Youjin made up his mind and immediately ordered to the guards.

After hearing the sound of drums in the big tent of the Chinese army, the officers of each battalion ran out of the tent one after another, rushed to An Youjin's big tent, and quickly stood in order in the tent, waiting for An Youjin to speak.

"Very well, everyone came very quickly. Now I want to tell everyone that the whole army will launch a general attack on Kaizhou early in the morning! It is necessary to win Kaizhou City in one battle! I will personally supervise the battle tomorrow. Those who dare not fight before , Immediately kill without pardon!" An Youjin stood behind the handsome case, and ordered loudly.

"Yes!" There was a resounding voice in the tent, but soon a lieutenant general said: "My lord, there is still an enemy army behind us attacking and harassing us. If our entire army launches an attack, then they will Will it..."

"Okay, don't say it! I know what you want to say. The number of enemy troops attacking us is limited. What they want is to disrupt our plan and hold us back. Let's not bother with them anymore. Let's take down Kaizhou City first! Those people can't make any big waves!
It has just snowed recently, and the snow is not too thick. Once it drags on for a few more days, if there is a heavy snowfall, then we will have to suffer from the cold here!You all go back to the camp now, and immediately mobilize your soldiers to prepare for the siege tomorrow. Tell them, if you don’t want to suffer from the cold here, you can capture Kaizhou City for me. Once the city is broken, I will let them stay in the city. Get enough rest!Let them loot for three days!Everything they robbed belongs to them! "An Youjin interrupted the deputy general loudly, and said to the generals cruelly.

The generals immediately understood what he meant. An Youjin was determined to let them slaughter the city for three days after they broke the city. In other words, all the women's property in the city belonged to them!As a result, the low morale was mobilized a lot at once, and he accepted the order excitedly, and began to prepare to pay the bill.

After dawn, the sound of rumbling war drums sounded again in the Koryo military camp outside Kaizhou City, and the horns for dispatching troops sounded in unison. Teams of Koryo troops drove out of the camp one by one, stepping on the not too thick accumulation on the ground. Snow pressed towards Kaizhou City.

The thrown carts that were driven out were also carried out of the Koryo military camp and erected outside Kaizhou City. A large number of Koryo army auxiliary soldiers carried stones, and a ladder was like a millipede on the shoulders of the Koryo soldiers. He carried it off, slowly climbed out of the barracks, and headed towards Kaizhou City.

This time is different from the past, the Koryo army surrounded Kaizhou City from three sides, making it difficult to tell the main attack direction of the Koryo army, maybe there is no main attack direction, all directions are their main attack targets, any breakthrough, for For Kaizhou City, it was the end of the world.

While the Koryo army was in action, Kong Qingxi rushed to the city wall, observed the movement of the Koryo army with binoculars, and gradually frowned.

"It seems that the Koreans can't stand it anymore! They are trying to get rid of us completely today! Humph! It's a good idea! Let's see if you have the ability!" Kong Qingxi suddenly sneered.

"My general ordered that everyone except the [-] trapped soldiers go to the city to guard the city. The trapped soldiers are used as a reserve team. Pull out all the things we have prepared! Set up three Leigong cannons on each city wall, Thunderbolt, Thunderbolt, and Thunder are also ready! Bulk gunpowder is also ready! Let the Koreans taste what is truly powerful today!" Kong Qingxi then ordered, he saw that the Korean army was about to launch a general offensive today, and he was reluctant to bear it before. Everything you use should be taken out, otherwise, after the city is broken, it will all become the spoils of war for the Koreans!

So Kaizhou City also boiled up, and the people in the city now know that after several defeats, the Koreans will not be polite to the people after they break the city, not to mention that every family has children who joined the ambush. The auxiliary soldiers of the Bo army, no one wanted to see their family members fighting alone, so even some women began to go out of the house to do what they could for the Fubo army.

Teams of resting soldiers drove out of the barracks with bows, crossbows, knives and guns, and climbed to the top of the city through the horse road. Stones and oil tanks were placed in the carts and baskets, and the ropes were stretched by the gunners. A log full of iron nails was carried up to the top of the city and placed on the crenel. The common people carried bricks and stones to the city wall with their shoulders and hands.

For the convenience of access, the archers untied the bundles of arrows and placed them behind the female wall one by one. They were neatly arranged and could be used at any time. The long hooks and poles were placed within reach. To deal with the enemy's ladders, a big ax and a long knife should be placed almost every few crenels to chop down the ladders on the city wall.

All campfires are equipped with large pots, which are either poured with fat or snow, and some iron pots are filled with collected lead or tin, and long-handled iron spoons are supported on the pots. It is not far away and can be used at any time.

(End of this chapter)

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