Chapter 652
"Hurry up! Go over and stop the damned Koreans. There is the Korean fleet ahead, damn it! Why didn't I think of that! Damn Koreans! How dare you take advantage of this moment to steal our way!" Xu Yi looked forward The strange fleet finally identified their identities, couldn't help bursting out foul language, and cursed the Koreans. No wonder he felt restless these days. It turned out that the problem was with the Koreans. Yes, I know what I have been worrying about for so many days.

Most of the people on the Zombie also began to see clearly what had happened ahead. When they heard Xu Yi scolding the Koreans, they finally understood the identity of the fleet, and they couldn't help but cursed in anger.

Under the control of everyone, the Zonghao headed towards the Pioneer at high speed.

After today's fight, Pu Yuhuan almost died of depression. He didn't expect the Fubo army to be as brave and good at fighting as his cousin Pu Yinjian said, and they were so difficult to deal with. A mere dozen or so boats dragged them to death. What made him even more depressed was that he had already seen that the opponent's ships were very short of manpower, so he adopted this tactic that was greatly deviated from the routine.

Originally, he thought that with so many ships and generals of his own, dealing with a dozen ships of the Fubo Army should be a matter of hand, and he also took a fancy to these ships owned by the Fubo Army, and wanted to capture them in a battle, but Unexpectedly, stealing chickens is not enough to lose rice. Not only have they not all been taken down yet, but they have also suffered heavy losses. Not to mention that more than a dozen ships have sunk in battle, and dozens of ships have been damaged to varying degrees. He failed to capture any of the opponent's ships.

Even he had to admire the courage of the generals on the Fubo Army ships. As long as the Fubo Army's ships were dragged and their soldiers jumped over to help them, they would desperately resist and then entangle the Koreans. The warship set fire to the ship and perished with the Goryeo ships. Up to now, let alone captured the ships of the Fubo Army, he has not even captured a wounded person of the Fubo Army.

But up to now, there is still a ship of the Fubo Army dragging them, so that they have no time to attack the wharf of Suzhou Pass. This battle is really aggrieved to the extreme.

"My lord general, there is no way for us to chase like this! Our goal is Suzhou Pass, not the ships of the Fubo Army. I think that they are doing this to delay our time. There must be no warships at Suzhou Pass now. , They must be fighting for the time for the garrison at Suzhou Pass to deploy their defenses. We might as well give up this ship and go directly to Suzhou Pass! Otherwise, we may have to pay a heavy price when they arrange their defenses!" A lieutenant general is a sensible person, and he thinks it is not an option to go on like this.

Pu Yuhuan, who was able to lead the troops out, was not an idiot either. He had actually realized this problem just now, guessed what the other party was thinking, and was now thinking about it. After the deputy general brought it up, he nodded and said, "Say That’s right, I’m thinking the same thing, it’s impossible to give up on him, leaving five boats to continue chasing him, at least to drive him away, and the rest of the boats will turn their rudders to Suzhou Pass, we’ll take it first and then we’ll talk about it!”

The Korean fleet immediately began to turn, leaving five fast boats to continue chasing the Pioneer, and the rest of the ships turned to the direction of Suzhou Bay.

"Commander, the Koreans have seen what we are thinking, and they are going to divide their troops to attack our dock!" A guard said to Sun Hai immediately after seeing the movements of the Korean fleet.

After Sun Hai took a look, he knew that it was meaningless to continue fighting like this today, so he ordered: "Turn the rudder, let's stop them!"

Everyone on board knew the meaning of Sun Hai's order. Sun Hai was going to do everything he could to block the other party, but no one said no. Even though they knew they were going to die now, everyone still faithfully carried out the order.

"Look quickly! Commander Sun, look quickly, it's the Crossbar!" The lookout in the bucket suddenly yelled at Sun Hai and the people below, lying on the bucket.

After hearing this shout, everyone was overjoyed, and immediately looked in the direction of the watchman's finger. Sure enough, on the gloomy sea, they saw a ship with a tall mast from a distance, sailing through the waves towards They drove quickly, and everyone recognized its identity at a glance. At present, only their Fubo Army has a giant ship like the Zongheng, and it is difficult not to recognize it.

"We are saved! Suzhou Guan is saved!" Some people cheered immediately after seeing the crossbar.

"What are you yelling at? I'm afraid things are not as simple as you think. The Crossbar rushed over alone, which means that our fleet has not arrived yet. Hurry up to meet me. They will cooperate with the lord to stop the Koreans!" Sun Hai soon found out. There was a problem because he looked around and saw only one boat, the Crossbar.

When the Pioneer finally connected with the Zongheng, Xu Yi had roughly understood the situation through the semaphore, so he ordered Sun Hai's Pioneer to immediately turn to catch up with him without hesitation, and first deal with the five gnawing Korean ships. .

The Koryo ship also saw the appearance of the Zongheng, and the soldiers of the Koryo navy were frightened by the giant ship that appeared in front of them. This was the first time in their life that they had seen such a majestic giant ship. The Shenzhou that the envoys from the Song Dynasty to the Koryo took was bigger than the ship in front of them, but this ship was much stronger and stronger than the fat Shenzhou, because they could all see that the vertical and horizontal number was a sign A standard giant battleship, not a ship used to transport people or goods, just looking at the huge iron plow at the bow is enough to make people chill.

The five Koryo ships didn't think they were heroes, but they hurriedly turned around and fled to the big fleet when they saw the Crossbar and the Pioneer coming towards them, what a joke!The Pioneer number just now let them see what it means to be fierce, and now there is a bigger one, which makes people live!

Seeing the five ships turning around and fleeing away, Xu Yi ignored them, and immediately turned to the Korean fleet with the Pioneer. He still didn't know how the preparations at Dalian Port were. Like Sun Hai, he The only choice is to stop the Korean fleet.

The Zongheng also didn't learn the guerrilla tactics of the Pioneer. They are a huge ship full of people, and their firepower is now frightening. They have seen and seen what a warship is!
Pu Yuhuan looked at the two warships of the Fubo Army that appeared in front of him, and his saliva almost flowed to his chest. It can be said that the Koreans learned a lot about shipbuilding skills from the Song people, but so far they have not reached the level of the Song Dynasty. Level, if these two boats can be captured by him, what a majestic thing it would be!And he can also know what kind of weapon is capable of exploding and firing various projectiles on the Fubo military ship.

"The fleet disperses, surround them for me, I want to capture these two ships alive!" Pu Yuhuan was a little dizzy, and he had forgotten the tragic scene of the fierce battle at sea just now, and shouted out of control.

So the Korean fleet that had just completed the turn had to turn around again, facing the two ships Zongheng and Pioneering. They did so in Xu Yi's arms. The speed is not inferior to the Koryo ships, which are smaller than their ships, on the contrary, they have advantages, and the two ships are much more natural and flexible than dozens of ships, so they rushed to the flank of the Koryo fleet with ease.

"My lord, all the cannons have been loaded!" The gunner below reported loudly to Xu Yi on the ship's tower.

"Hit me hard!" Xu Yi ordered immediately.

As a result, the Zongheng immediately felt like a volcano had erupted. The gun doors were suddenly opened one by one, and the cannons were ignited one by one, spewing out flames. The rapid shooting made the large hull of the Zongheng start to shake.

Such intensive firing poured all kinds of projectiles into the fleet of the Korean army like a rain of metal bullets. The Koreans were suddenly stunned by such a violent artillery salvo. The cannons are powerful, but after all, the Pioneer has limited firepower and did not cause any serious damage to them, so they thought that the Crossbar was probably about the same, but when the Crossbar opened fire, they realized that they were completely wrong!
The firepower of the Zongheng was not at the same level as that of the Pioneer. After a round of artillery fire, the outermost Korean ships were immediately smashed into pieces, and the corpses of the Korean soldiers lay on top of the dilapidated ships. In one round of shelling, two of these thin-skinned Goryeo ships were destroyed on the spot. A large number of Goryeo soldiers who were not killed would have no choice but to jump into the sea, holding boards floating on the water and crying for help in vain.

Pu Yuhuan, who lived in the middle of the fleet, stared dumbfounded at the scene in front of him, and felt that his brain was not enough, God!How many such weapons are on this ship!Because of being frightened, Park Yuhuan even forgot to continue to order to outflank the Zongheng and Pioneer, and just watched the two ships passing by their flanks, and completed reloading at their tail, and continued to come A quick shot.

This time the Koreans were completely frightened. This was the first time they had suffered such a blow, and they didn't know how to deal with this tactic. The formation of the ship array became chaotic, and some injured ships lost control. One head crashed into the ship array, causing chaos, and it was difficult for the dense ship array not to collide!

It wasn't until he saw that his fleet was in chaos that Pu Yuhuan recovered from the shock. This battle was impossible to fight. He couldn't fight against the opponent's weapon at all. He remembered Park Yinjian's instructions before he left, and finally understood After Park Yinjian's painstaking efforts, Park Yuhuan began to regret leading the troops this time.

If the Fubo army possessed many such weapons, it would be an impossible task for them to continue to attack Suzhou Pass. What should they do?
Xu Yi would not give him enough time to think about it. After a shock, he passed the Korean fleet with the Zongheng and Pioneer, and then immediately turned around and chased after the Korean fleet again. Cutting into their tail formation, these backward ships are all damaged ships in the World War I just now. Like a giant axe, the iron plow smashed the unlucky Koryo ship into pieces, and the Crossbar could use all the firepower on board at this time, and the various cannons on both sides of the ship began to fire together. stand up.

The rear of the entire Koryo fleet was like a boiling pot. The flying projectiles accurately drilled into the hull of the Koryo ship, and a piece of debris was thrown up. The Leigong Cannon fired desperately, and covered the side of the Crossbar, hitting the Goryeo Fleet's rear with howls of misery.

Like a tiger entering a flock of sheep, the Crossbar showed great power and continuously spewed flames, pouring the fury of the Fubo army onto the heads of the Koreans. He didn't even have the courage to fight back.

"I thought the Koreans would be stronger than the Annan people or the Japanese people, but it turned out to be nothing more than that. Keep fighting! It's okay to get close to them, let them see how powerful our newly installed blast cannons are!" Xu Yi looked left and right. And the Korean ships that were in a mess ahead, ordered again.

So Zongheng ordered the Pioneer to cut off the tail of the Goryeo fleet to avoid being taken by the Goryeos, but he continued to approach the Goryeo ships to maximize the firepower on their ships.

Although the range of the blast cannons is shorter, the speed is frighteningly fast. The ten blast cannons on the deck fire continuously at the same time. The firepower is frightening, and what they fire are all shotguns, and the iron sand is like a torrential rain. Swept across the deck of the Koryo ship near the Zongheng, beating the Koryo army to pieces.

The officers of some ships, recovering from their initial shock, saw the crisscross within range of their bows and immediately urged the ship's archers to fire at the crisscross, often just standing under the sides of the ship. Get up, and only have time to launch once, they will be cut down on the board of the ship by the oncoming iron sand cutting rice, and the losses are so heavy that the officers of the Koryo Army cannot bear it.

Although it seems that the Koryo ships surrounded the Zongheng, in fact, the Zongheng had a big explosion in the Korean fleet, and soon the Zongxiang ran over a Korean boat, smashing it into two pieces, and then from One side protruded, forming a parallel state with the Korean fleet.

The Goryeo Fleet, which originally had a unified command, became completely chaotic after Xu Yi's frenzied bombing. The soldiers may not be afraid of death, but if they are beaten by riding like this, no one will not They were scared. After seeing the power of the crossbar, they looked like devils when they looked at the crossbar again. They immediately lost the courage to go up to the crossbar for melee combat. They really had no good way to deal with such an opponent, and they couldn't hit it If you are far away, you can only stare and be beaten, but if you are close, you will also be unable to run away and be washed in blood, so the Korean ships tried to avoid the crossbar, and they were even more crowded together.

"My lord general! It seems that we will not be able to surprise the Suzhou Pass today. If this continues, they will eat us one by one! This battle is really impossible! We should withdraw! While it is getting dark, Let's go back and find other strategies!" A lieutenant begged Pu Yuhuan in panic.

Pu Yuhuan was also frightened by the Crossbar, and only then did he realize the disparity in strength between the two sides. Although he himself was frightened by the large number of ships and generals, his opponent could easily kill many of his ships in a row. If this continues, it is true It's troublesome!Continue to attack Suzhou Pass?That's bullshit!I'm afraid that as soon as my fleet enters the bay, this fierce ship will be blocked outside the bay, and none of my own boats will be able to escape.

Pu Yuhuan was actually just an embroidered pillow, and he didn't really have much guts. He no longer had the kind of ambition he had when he set out, so he shouted with a frightened look: "Quick retreat! Back first! Let's go on like this!" You will suffer a lot!"

As a result, the sound of Mingjin was heard on his ship, and the Korean fleet that received the retreat order began to turn around one after another. They no longer wanted to attack Suzhou Pass. Waters, save your life first!
Like a fire-breathing tyrannosaurus, the Crossbar led the Pioneer to chase after the Koryo Army's fleet, smashing or smashing the single ships one by one. If you look down on this scene , very much like the scene of a lion chasing a herd of wildebeest, driving the Goryeo fleet like a herd of frightened beasts, turning around and fleeing all the way towards Goryeo.

In this way, the Zongheng and Pioneer chased until it was getting dark, and then began to slow down. Xu Yi glared at the Korean fleet like fleeing ducks on the sea, and said bitterly: "Today's time is too short. There are too few ships, otherwise we might not be able to eat these damn Koreans! It’s really cheap for them! Let’s withdraw our troops and go back to Dalian Port!"

So the Zongheng and Pioneer turned around and sailed to the Fubo Army ships that were still burning on the sea, patrolled around there, but did not find a brother who was still alive, and then sadly sailed to Dalian Port.

When he learned that the two terrifying ships of the Fubo Army had stopped chasing, Pu Yuhuan, who was as panicked as a bereaved dog, let out a long sigh of relief, pleading secretly that his life was finally saved!The Fubo Army turned out to be so terrifying!No wonder they were able to beat Jin Guo to such an extent that Koryo had to cooperate with them in sending troops!
Pu Yuhuan suddenly began to resent the Jinren. If it weren't for them, why would the country of Korea have to offend this terrible monster, the Fubo Army?How could I be beaten so embarrassingly by others?At this moment, this guy has completely forgotten how he was when he was actively fighting in front of Li Ziqian, and passed on the depression in his chest to the golden man, and even started to hate Li Ziqian.

Seeing that such a large fleet suffered heavy losses after a day of fierce fighting, Pu Yuhuan had no choice but to order people to launch rockets and light balls to gather his remnants and defeated generals. After counting, Pu Yuhuan narrowly escaped vomiting blood and died on the spot.

After a day of fierce fighting, when he finished counting the remaining ships, he realized that of the more than 100 ships he brought out, there are now less than [-] ships left. The loss is basically more than half, and the rest of the ships and soldiers will all be lost in the How can he explain to Li Ziqian after going back to the sea like this!

He regretted not listening to his cousin at the beginning. Now he knew that his political career was completely over within one day, but knowing that he would be severely punished if he went back, Pu Yuhuan had no choice but to take the fleet back to Kaijing , because he and his soldiers had already been frightened by the ferocity of the Fubo army during this battle, how could they have the courage to turn around and seek revenge from the Fubo army!Defeat is better than death in vain. At any rate, they are considered lucky compared to those robes who were thrown here. At least they saved one life. It was a good one who came in a good mood, but ended up disappointed. Pu Yuhuan locked himself in the cabin Among them, he no longer wants to come out to face the soldiers under his command.

The arrival of Xu Yi lifted the spirits of the soldiers in Dalian Port, and they all soon heard that Xu Yi was in a critical moment. He rushed here, and only then did he completely repel the sneak attack of the Korean navy. I feel that Xu Yi is simply a god, he doesn't come early and doesn't come late, he just came back at the most critical time, it seems like God's will, the previously extremely tense mood immediately relaxed a lot.

Regarding the fact that the Koryo army sent troops to attack, Xu Yi felt extremely angry in his heart. After a long calculation, he missed this matter. Originally, from his memory, Koryo State has always been closer to Song Dynasty. Although it is a bit dirty, it is also It was all done in secret, and they would not stab Da Song in the back at such a time, so they didn't pay much attention to the movement of the Goryeo side. Fortunately, Sun Hai and the others desperately held back the Goryeo navy, otherwise If not, Dalian Port may really change hands. In that case, the Fubo army will be really dangerous!
But now it seems that the Fubo army is really caught in an unprecedented crisis. Originally, a Jin country was enough for them to suffer, but now they have joined a Koryo country. His small Fubo army can resist Can he survive the siege of two countries?If Da Song, an economically powerful country, is still standing behind him, he probably still has a chance, but now that he has broken his face with Zhao Xu, it is obviously unrealistic to pin his hopes on Da Song!

Xu Yi is also stumped by the current problem, but he can't show this worry on his face. If the Koryo army fully intervenes, the Fubo army will suffer from the enemy. The current situation is that the Fubo army has already Falling into a dilemma, it is too late to retreat. With so many people and supplies, mobilizing all the fleets for transshipment may not be completed in a month or two. It is impossible for the Jin Army to give them this time. How to fight?The two fronts are at war at the same time, and Kaizhou City is now besieged by the Koryo army. How to break through the siege?Every problem was placed in front of Xu Yi. Xu Yi had never faced such a situation before.

(End of this chapter)

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