Chapter 651
Several lieutenants and sailors standing beside Pu Yuhuan all set up awnings and gazed into the distance. When they saw black skull flags rising from the masts of ships in the distance, they said in surprise: "It's from the Fubo Army." Pirate Ship!"

Pu Yuhuan was slightly startled, this place encountered a warship from the Fubo Army, could it be that they had already prepared for it?In that case, given how powerful the Fubo army is in the legend, their trip this time will be a bit bad!

Pu Yuhuan immediately ordered the fleet to start gathering, change into a battle formation, and prepare for the battle, so the Korean fleet immediately sounded the sound of war drums and horns.

The Korean warships also began to gather together.

As the distance between the two sides began to narrow, the Koryo army also saw clearly the number of ships that the Fubo army had ushered in: "General Qi, the Fubo army only has [-] ships to fight!" Someone immediately informed Pu Yuhuan who was worried. .

Only seventeen ships?Pu Yuhuan suddenly felt relieved. If the Fubo Army only sent a dozen ships to meet him, then the Fubo Army must be a little too trusting!Did they think that sending a dozen ships could defeat their own fleet?joke!
"The Fubo army must have just discovered our whereabouts, and it was too late to prepare, so they only sent so few ships to meet us. We should deal with them first, and speed up the invasion of Suzhou Bay!" Pu Yuhuan is not a purebred idiot, and soon figured it out Knowing the reason for this, he gave the order to his opponent.

Sun Hai looked at the Korean fleet that appeared in front of him, feeling a little disdainful in his heart, but at the same time a little helpless. If it were in the past, if all his dozens of ships were fully loaded, even though the Korean fleet looked It seems that the scale is not small, and I have the confidence to defeat them, but...

"I am sending orders to the brothers of the ships, tell them that Thor is with them! I, Sun Hai, am also with them! Don't be afraid! This is the time for us to be loyal to the Fubo Army! After the battle, don't entangle with them, Don't let them rely on melee combat, follow me to attack from the flanks, charge directly, and then immediately break away from them, smash them as much as they can! Once the ship is broken and cannot escape, set fire to the ship and use your own ship Burn the opponent's ship!" Sun Hai ordered to the people around him in a low tone.

The phrase "Being with the God of Thunder" was not uttered by Sun Hai and the others, but a slogan quietly spread by the Fubo Army in recent years. At the beginning, some people half-jokingly said that during the war, the Fubo Army was accompanied by Thunder God, so the Fubo Army was invincible!Later, it gradually spread. During times of war, people always called the slogan Thor is with us, and later it became a common slogan for their self-motivation.

Originally, Xu Yi and their generals laughed at this slogan, but today Sun Hai himself called out this slogan himself.

Soon everyone in the fleet received this order, and they shouted in unison: "Thor is with us!" The fleet drew an arc on the sea, taking advantage of their speed, and seized the upper hand position, and turned the bow, aiming at the Korean fleet that was turning with them.

"What are they going to do?" A lieutenant exclaimed while lying on the railing, pointing at the Fubo Army fleet that was rushing straight towards the Goryeo fleet.

Without him yelling, people like Park Yuhuan could tell that something was wrong with the momentum.

Under normal circumstances, fleets approach each other first and then use long-range weapons such as bows and crossbows to attack. After the army seized the upper hand, they immediately turned around and rushed towards their Koryo fleet like a sharp knife, without any intention of fighting at a long distance. Finally smashed into a ball.

"Let the fleet disperse quickly, don't let them collide! Shoot arrows to block them!" Pu Yuhuan seemed to understand the opponent's plan, and hurriedly ordered.

But at this time, it seemed that the situation was out of his control. The Fubo army's fleet sailed downwind, traveling very fast, and there was no intention of slowing down to avoid it at all.

Where in the world is there such a style of play!The generals of the Goryeo fleet were all taken aback by this crazy move of the Fubo army!
"Fire!" Sun Hai gritted his teeth and looked at the approaching Korean fleet, and suddenly roared.

As a result, several balls of flames spewed out from the Pioneer, several chain bullets roared out of the gun barrel, scattered in the air, and flew towards the densely packed Korean ships in front of the two wings. The Pioneer was originally equipped with a lot of thunder Cannons, but Sun Hai was a little too generous and set an example. Even most of the cannons on the Pioneer, which is now his ship, were unloaded to Li Bo in Gaizhou City. There were only six cannons left on the ship. If the firepower uses solid bullets, it will not cause much damage to the opponent at all, so the gunners all took out chain bullets and filled them into the barrel without asking for instructions.

The chain bullets whirled and flew into the forest-like masts of the Goryeo fleet. During the high-speed flight, as long as they touched any sails or masts, they were like sharp knives, cutting them all. In two paragraphs, when some sails were broken, the sails immediately whimpered and fell down. The unsuspecting soldiers below had no time to dodge, and were hit by the sails on the board.

The mast of a ship seemed to be of poor quality. It was broken from the middle after only being hit by a chain bullet, and it fell down creakingly. The Korean soldiers on board immediately exclaimed.

And when the Pioneer opened fire, as long as there were ballistas on the other ships, they also opened fire one after another, firing out smoking kerosene bombs one after another, straight to the Korean ships in front, as long as they hit them, they would immediately There was a raging flame, and a raging fire was ignited. It is a pity that they have very few ballistas and thunder cannons on board this time. For such a large fleet, such damage is really not enough to hurt Goryeo. The bones of the fleet, not even the fur.

Only then did the Koreans know that the Fubo Army really had some weapons that they didn't know about, and they were immediately taken aback. The fleet that looked neat just now suddenly became a little chaotic.

"Beat the drum to send an order, hold on, they have a limited number of ships, they can't stand us! Shoot the arrows, shoot the arrows and counterattack!" Pu Yuhuan jumped on his boat and shouted.

After the sound of war drums came from Pu Yuhuan's boat, the fleet of the Koryo Army gradually stabilized again.

But Sun Hai didn't give them enough preparations to counterattack. After the first round of blows, the Fubo army fleet headed by Kai Kai immediately slammed into the flank of the Korean fleet.

The Pioneer is the second largest warship in the Fubo Army after the Zongheng. The bow is equipped with an iron plow, and the ship is not generally strong. An unlucky Koryo ship became the first victim in this battle. The moment the ship slammed into it, it turned the rudder sharply. Instead of directly colliding with it, it used the sharp side of the iron plow at its bow to dissect the hull of the Korean ship. A big opening more than two feet wide and two feet long was opened, but the Pioneer passed it unscathed and turned to the next Korean boat.

The dozen or so ships accompanying Sun Hai this time, although their armament and manpower are really poor, they are much stronger than the Korean ships in terms of strength, and several of them are the unique speed of the Fubo Army. The Jiangbei sea ship has a high bow and a strong hull, which is very conducive to collision.

Moreover, most of the other ships were Fuchuan or Guangchuan, and none of them were square boats, which were much larger and stronger than the warships used by the Korean navy.

When they collectively adopted the collision tactics, the power was no less than that of firing, and just now Pu Yuhuan gave a stupid order to disperse the Koryo fleet under his command to avoid the collision of the Fubo army.

However, the flexibility of the Song boats was much higher than that of their Goryeo ships, and the Fubo army seized the upper hand first, and the speed of the boats was much faster than that of the Goryeo ships. Originally, Sun Hai planned to break the boat and rush directly into the enemy's battle formation. Among them, as for whether he could get out, he didn't have high hopes.

But once the Goryeo fleet dispersed, it created a rare opportunity for them. If the Goryeo ships continued to form a dense formation, they would crash into each other, and the consequence would definitely be entangled with each other. They lacked manpower. , jumping into gang battles is tantamount to giving for nothing, and in the end the only choice is to burn the boat and die with the opponent.

But now they got a good chance. Seeing the opponent's fleet disperse, Sun Hai, a veteran in water warfare, immediately saw the opportunity, and immediately ordered the ships of his team to use the flank collision method to hit the enemy with the front of the ship. Ship, only compete with the opponent for boat strength, not for close combat.

So the dozen or so ships of the Fubo Army immediately adopted a tactic similar to that of the Pioneer. When they saw that they were about to collide with an enemy ship, they turned their rudders sharply to avoid direct collision with the bow, but hit the opponent's flank with the side of the bow , and then immediately break away from each other.

This time, the Koryo army looked good, and the ships on the flanks of the fleet made rumbling noises. Their ships were small, and even if they were bumped from the side by the Fubo army, they couldn't bear it. It didn't fall apart on the spot, and the hull structure was also greatly damaged. At least those officers and soldiers on their ship who were ready to jump to fight would be completely impossible to jump to the gang, because after the collision of the ship, the huge impact force Immediately, the officers and soldiers on their ship jumped up one after another and fell to the deck, while the Fubo Army's ship slyly slipped away immediately, without giving them the slightest chance to get up and jump over.

This tactic immediately had a very good effect. In the first round of attacks, more than a dozen ships of the Koryo Army were damaged at the same time. Among them, the ship that was disemboweled by the Pioneer had a big hole in its belly, and the sea water It frantically poured into the hull from the damaged part, and soon began to roll, and it couldn't hold on for a long time, and it turned over!Buckled on the sea!The unlucky Goryeo soldiers on the ship fell into the icy sea water one after another, screaming and struggling to jump towards their friendly ships. In such a season, no one needs to kill them, as long as it doesn't take long, people It will be frozen to death in the sea water, and it will be too late to fish it out a little slower!

In addition to this boat, there were two other boats that were knocked open with huge gaps. The Koreans on board yelled and tried their best to block the gap, but seeing their boats gradually leaning to one side, would they sink? , I guess it depends on their luck!

However, the ships of the Fubo Army, relying on their advantages of rough skin and thick flesh, did not suffer much damage. Only one ship was hit a little harder. There were some cracks on the side of the bow, and the hull began to seep.

Seeing such a situation, Sun Hai's confidence began to return to his body. He didn't expect that this would work, so he immediately sent an order: "Haha! Well done! Turn around quickly and grab the limelight! Turn around and come back, Keep doing it like this! Damn it! We're going to grind these bastards to death! It turns out that doing this is not bad!" Sun Hai finally had a smile on his tense face.

As a result, there was a burst of laughter in the fleet of the Fubo Army. After this round of collision, their personnel losses were not large, but many of the ships were shot like hedgehogs by the bows and arrows of the Koreans. The sails were burnt with holes by the rockets. Fortunately, their sails are now coated with Eucommia glue, so it is not easy to catch fire, so it looks scary, but there is no real harm.

Seeing the Fubo army adopting such a shameless tactic, Pu Yuhuan was so angry that he jumped his feet. Ever since he learned water warfare, he had never seen such a battle. He thought he could eat the opponent in one go, but he didn't expect that he would eat it. It was a big loss, so he shouted and cursed, and immediately ordered the fleet to be divided into two parts, and started to outflank the Fubo Army fleet.

After seeing the Koryo army fleet start to form a pocket formation, Sun Hai immediately understood their plan, and immediately ordered: "Turn the bow, follow my ship to their left flank, attack their left flank, and pass through!"

The two sides began to officially launch a battle of wits and courage at sea...

Finally, after several collisions, they entangled with the Koryo fleet for a long time. In the end, after nearly a dozen ships were sunk and more than 30 ships were damaged, the Koryo army finally took Sun Hai's ship The fleet was glued together, and most of the ships on Sun Hai's side were damaged after repeated collisions, and because of the damage to the sails, their speed began to slow down. What a disparity!

After watching several warships ramming into the Goryeo ship without hesitation, a large number of Goryeo troops jumped to help these ships, and a fire burst into the sky immediately on these ships. Crazy fought with the Koryo soldiers who had jumped to help them, holding them down until they and the other party were burned to death on the boat, and ignited the nearby Koryo ships.

Sun Hai felt a sharp pain in his heart, good brother!These are all good brothers of Fubo Army!With red eyes, he scanned the sea again, and then stared at a Korean ship lying in front of the Pioneer.

"Commander Sun! The brothers on several nearby ships sent flags to come over and try their best to cover the withdrawal of our ships. There is still a chance to rush out now!" A leader of his subordinates ran over and shouted at Sun Hai without waiting for Sun Hai's order again.

"No! I, Sun Hai, will not be a deserter! The Fubo Army has always had only soldiers who died in battle, and no one escaped! Let me ram the Korean dog boat in front and sink it!" Sun Hai's eyes were red. Roar to.

"Commander Sun, you have to calm down! Now only our Pioneer is still capable of fighting. If the Pioneer is also here, who else can hold back the Goryeo fleet? We still have a lot of gunpowder, and Although it is impossible for the shells to repel the Koreans, we can still contain them. If this continues, won't we be sent to death? Little ones are not afraid of death, but such a death is not worth it!" The man under his command said to Sun Hai shouted.

After hearing his words, Sun Hai suddenly came to his senses. What this person said was right. Although he didn't intend to go back alive, he was obviously a little dizzy doing so!

So Sun Hai thumped this subordinate's shoulder, and said: "Thank you! Damn! I'm a little dizzy! Pass down the order and tell those brothers that Sun Hai will never forget them, let's stand out! Drag the Koreans outside to fight!"

As soon as the words fell, the subordinate in front of Sun Hai hadn't had time to agree. Suddenly, his eyes widened a lot, he took a step forward, and fell softly towards Sun Hai. He opened his mouth, but a mouthful of blood came out , Then slowly knelt down on the board of the boat, and fell forward.

Only then did Sun Hai see that a Korean arrow had hit the brother's back, so furious, he cursed and ordered to fight back, and then led the Pioneer to rush outside.

Several ships of the Fubo Army rushed towards the Korean ship trying to encircle the Pioneer like crazy tigers, and then crashed into the Korean ship with a bang, and then the speed of the ship slowed down uncontrollably When they got down, they were surrounded by those Korean ships that swarmed up. Group after group of Korean soldiers boarded their ships, and the shouts of killing immediately resounded through the sea.

Under their cover, the Pioneer finally ran into a Korean ship and rushed out of the siege. Behind it, a flame rose up, and those Fubo army ships that failed to break out of the siege, one after another At the last moment, the kerosene that had been prepared was poured on the ship, and it was set on fire. There was a scream in the sea of ​​fire, and the Korean ships were also affected. The fire hunted on these Korean ships with the sea wind. The Goryeo soldiers who were burned everywhere were desperate and could only escape by jumping into the sea like dumplings. As for whether they would freeze to death in the sea, it was no longer a question for them at the moment. It's better to freeze to death than to be burned alive!

Then there were explosions again, and the last gunpowder or thunderbolt stored on the Fubo Army ship was also ignited, and a violent explosion occurred.

Sun Hai, a man who had never shed tears, looked at the sea of ​​flames behind him, and his eyes were filled with tears. He punched the side of the boat fiercely, and roared: "Korean people! I want you to pay a thousand dollars!" One hundred and one thousand times the price! Lose the lives of my brothers!"

The Fubo army members on the Pioneer also shed tears, but they have no time to cry at the moment. What they have to do is to continue to fight the Koreans. The Pioneer, led by Sun Hai, Sailing at high speed and downwind for a while at sea, widened the distance from the Korean fleet.

Then they furled the sails again, slowed down, and fired at the enemy ships trying to chase them with the few remaining cannons on the side...

"My lord! We are finally here!" Hou Cheng pointed to the direction of the bay in front of the crossbar, and said to Xu Yi.

"Listen! Why is there an explosion? Why is there such a thick smoke in the sky over there?" Xu Yi was not happy at all, but pointed to the sea in the distance and said to Hou Cheng and the others.

The watchman in the bucket above the mast suddenly shouted to the people on board: "There are a large number of ships fighting in the northeast sea. It seems that our ship has encountered a large number of opponents!"

Everyone was stunned, how could there be a large number of ships attacking this place?Don't the Jin people have no water army or warships at all?If not the golden man, then who is it?The feeling of uneasiness in Xu Yi's heart became stronger and stronger, so he immediately sent an order: "Everyone is in position, and the gunners are ready! We will not enter the port, let's go and have a look first!"

"But my lord, we are on the same boat now, will it be too dangerous to go there?" Hou Cheng hurriedly reminded Xu Yi.

"Don't worry about it! Hurry up, there is no other ship on the sea that is our opponent! Turn the rudder quickly! There is nothing to be afraid of!" Xu Yi immediately waved his hand to stop Hou Cheng who was still talking.

So the helmsman of the Crossbar immediately began to turn the rudder, and steered the ship to the sea area where smoke and explosions were coming. Cover, bags of gunpowder packs were taken out, and began to be stuffed into the dark gun bore.

After all, the Zongheng was Xu Yi's ship, and it was filled with Xu Yi's cronies, so it was not under the jurisdiction of Sun Hai, and this time when Xu Yi went south to return to Liuqiu Island, he did not transfer a large number of people on board to the ship. Gao Dapao was transferred to the infantry and became the battalion commander of an artillery battalion. He basically remained at full strength, so his combat effectiveness was not greatly affected, except that he lacked a Shenwei cannon.

The Zongheng raised all its sails, its sharp bow cut through the waves, and the speed of the ship was raised to the highest level. The crosswind sailed towards the sea area where the accident occurred. Gradually, in Xu Yi's telescope, dots of sail shadows appeared, and the There are clusters of wrecked ships that are smoking and burning on the sea, and these ships are desperately chasing a large warship that is constantly spraying flames.

"It's the Pioneer..."

(End of this chapter)

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