Chapter 622

This Xie Bin is called a businessman, but he is actually a member of the Fubo Army. It was the Xie Bin who followed Xu Yi to the north when Xu Yi went to Cizhou to order refined iron. Even when the Jin soldiers invaded south for the first time, because the soldiers and horses had not arrived in Cizhou, the iron and steel in Cizhou was still continuously transported to the Bianhe River, and then transferred to Liuqiu Island through Yangzhou.

It can be said that Xie Bin has silently made considerable contributions to the development of the Fubo Army over the years, and Xie Bin has been familiar with the local area these years. It can be said that he is a person who can eat both black and white. He was placed under Xue Tu's command and became an important source of information for Xue Tu's subordinates stationed in the north.

In addition to transferring steel and collecting information, Xie Bin also secretly recruited some local heroes to form a very secretive team, which he secretly called the Black Tiger Army. The number of people is only about 500. Although not many, they are quite powerful. , because these people are heroes from all sides recruited by Xie Bin, many of them were wanted by the government because they were not used to the local government's excessive taxation, broke the law, and as a result, these people got Xie Bin's asylum and gradually became A force of the Fubo Army in Hebei, usually they are mainly responsible for the safety of the commercial roads!
Due to the large number of rogues in the north, the transportation of iron and steel from Guzhen Town, Cizhou to the Yellow River was not very peaceful. The Black Tiger Army secretly protected these goods, and some of them had to escort tank ships to transport the steel to Yangzhou, and hand it over to Gray there. In addition, Xie Bin had to collect a large number of homeless refugees and transfer them to Liuqiu Island for resettlement. When the Kingdom of Jin launched an army to attack Song Dynasty, Gray simply selected some young and strong refugees from the refugees and joined them. When he came to the Black Tiger Army, he made the Black Tiger Army start a business without money.

They can do whatever they want. In addition to escorting the Pingkou to ensure the safety of their own goods, they also added some work, such as assassinating some corrupt officials who passed through their territory, robbing the property transferred from the north to the south, and attacking and killing the routs. They attacked and plundered some big families who hoarded their goods in private and made a lot of money for the country. For a while, they were quite famous in Xiuwu, Wuzhi, Yuanyang and other places, and their combat effectiveness was quite strong. Even Zongze had heard of their attack. He sent people to look for them many times, trying to incorporate them into the army, but they always come and go without a trace, and it is impossible to find them, and Xie Bin does not intend to attribute his power to the imperial court , so this matter will be done.

When Zongwang led the Jin soldiers to invade the south again this time, he just chose to take the ferry of the Yellow River in Zhengzhou, and the iron affairs in Guzhen, Cizhou, were also invaded by the Jin soldiers. All the iron works of the iron affairs were closed down, and a large number of blacksmiths They fled to the south, but they were stopped by Xie Bin. After promising a generous reward, they were sent to the south of the Yellow River. They were taken care of by the Fubo Army and Li Mutian's family along the way, and sent to Yangzhou. Now Xie Bin knows that these People are Xu Yi's most valued treasure, so he took the opportunity to hire a large number of blacksmiths for the Fubo army.

After Zongwang's army arrived in the Xiuwu area, Xie Bin knew that the Black Tiger Army would never be able to stop Zongwang's army, so he avoided the sharp edge of Zongwang's army, and detoured to the rear of the Jin army. , raided the rear of Zongwang's army at night, burned more than half of the food and fodder of Zongwang's army, and killed many golden soldiers in the chaos. Wanyan Zongwang jumped into a rage and sent elite cavalry everywhere. The black tiger army was hunted down, but the black tiger army quickly fled without a trace after a single attack. Zongwang then looted everywhere on the north bank of the Yellow River in order to solve the problem of food for the army, causing great harm to the people in this area. Huge losses, almost hundreds of miles of bare land after the Jin army passed, a large number of villages were razed to the ground, and the corpses of ordinary people were thrown everywhere.

This incident greatly shocked the people nearby, and many people fled to the mountains to the west. The Black Tiger Army took the opportunity to recruit a group of volunteers, and gained strength again.

Besides, after Yan Zongwang led the army to the Yellow River, he looked at the surging river, but could not cross the river, so he sent soldiers and horses to search all the way along the river, trying to find boats to cross the river, but this time they were obviously not very lucky. On the south bank, the boats on the Yellow River were collected in advance and dragged to the south bank of the river. After Zongwang's army searched for two days, they found a few small broken boats in a river fork. Looking at these small broken boats, Wanyan Zongwang smiled wryly, My own tens of thousands of troops have to rely on these small broken boats to ferry across the river, and they have all crossed the year of the monkey, but they will not be able to reach Bianliang City without crossing the river.

In the end, Zongwang was helpless. Because of their killings on the north bank of the river, the nearby people ran away. It was difficult for them to find a boatman, so Zongwang had to send someone to promise a big reward and call the local boatmen to ferry them. They also sent troops to cut down logs along the river, transported them to the river bank to build rafts on the spot, and tried to cross the river with these things. There must be brave men under heavy rewards. There are really some shameless Song people who came to receive the rewards and were willing to serve the Jin army. Acting as a boatman temporarily solved some problems of Jin Jun.

When they got some boats and platoons, they sent a vanguard army to take these things, and those shameless Song people drove them to the south bank of the Yellow River. But obviously they didn't have the luck of the last time this time. Zhong Shidao is no longer the cowardly Song army of the past.

After Zhong Shidao learned that Zongwang's army had chosen Zhengzhou to cross the Yellow River, he immediately led [-] elite Shengjie troops brought from Qinfeng Road to Zhengzhou. The river bank closely monitored the movement of the Jin army on the other side, and found many boatmen, and carried the Song army on the boat to patrol the river. When they found that the Jin army was trying to cross the river, they immediately sent troops to intercept the Jin army on the river. The result was Obviously, the Song Army has a large number of ferries on the Yellow River, tank boats, fishing boats and other ships, which are many times stronger than the small broken boats and wooden platoons of the Jin Army. After the two sides encountered on the water, the Song Army did not Seeing that they couldn't beat the Jin soldiers on land, but after they got to the water, they were not afraid of the Jin soldiers. Seeing the shabby boats and wooden rafts of the Jin soldiers, their morale was boosted, and they rushed and killed. The two thousand soldiers sent by Wanyan Zongwang The vanguard army was almost wiped out and sank into the Yellow River to feed the bastards. The remaining few were killed and escaped back to the north bank.

In desperation, Zong Wang had no choice but to face the Song Army on the north bank of the Yellow River, forming a confrontation. In Bianliang City, some people heard that the Jin soldiers had arrived at the Yellow River, and some people were afraid again. He wrote to ask Zhao Xu to move to the south, but he was immediately scolded by Zhao Xu who was seriously ill, and immediately dismissed the ministers who encouraged the capital move and demoted them from the capital.

Zhao Xu issued a decree to tell the people in the city of Bianliang, vowing to live and die together in Bianliang City, and never move the capital to the south. Only then did the soldiers and civilians in Bianliang City take a super reassurance, taking the new emperor Zhao Xu and the former Huizong Comparing with the old man, this Zhao Xu can be said to be stronger than Huizong, so Bianliang City set off a frenzy of training troops and preparing for war. As a result, Zhao Xu's behavior also won the praise of many southern soldiers and civilians. Supported, some local officials organized grain, fodder and equipment to be transported to Bianliang City, which greatly strengthened the defense force along the Yellow River. The situation in the Song Dynasty gradually stabilized after Zongwang's army was blocked on the north bank of the Yellow River. Under the treatment of the imperial doctors, his body recovered.

However, the West Route Army of the Jin Army was still unable to attack Taiyuan Prefecture. Under the leadership of the prefect Zhang Xiaochun, the soldiers and civilians in Taiyuan City fought hard for several months, not to mention the heavy casualties. , Even the war horses in the city were killed and eaten, and the extremely hungry soldiers and civilians even put their belts and leather armor into the pot for cooking, which was almost to the point of cannibalism, but Zhang Xiaochun, Wang Ting and other officers and soldiers still refused. Surrendering, Wanyan Zonghan had nothing to do. Their Jin army hadn't gnawed through such a hard city. In the end, Wanyan Zonghan had to order his general Yinshu to continue to lead the army to besiege Taiyuan Mansion. He led the main force to bypass Taiyuan and go south, trying to fight Zongwang's army returned to the city of Bianliang.

After Zhongshizhong heard the news, he immediately contacted Liu Guangshi's army, and Zhe Kecun also led troops from the South Road to intercept Zonghan's army, but Liu Guangshi once again showed his greatness. The Jin army only met each other, then fled in a big defeat, and disappeared after running thousands of miles away.

And Zhe Kecun's soldiers and horses also failed to contact the army of the Zhongshizhong, and the lone army was defeated by the Jin army in depth, so they had to retreat to Fenzhou, unable to fight Zonghan's army again. After Cun and Liu Guangshi's army were defeated, they dared not move forward, so they could only continue to defend the area of ​​Taigu County with Chen Bing.

After Zong Han's army arrived in Taigu County, they finally bumped into the iron plate. Zhong Shizhong led the army to set up an ambush in the Nanguan area. Zong Han's army crashed into the dangerous Nanguan. All of a sudden, arrows rained down, and rolling logs and rocks slammed into the Jin army one after another, because after defeating Liu Guangshi and Zhe Kecun's two Song armies in a row, the Jin army led by Zong Han inevitably underestimated the enemy a little bit, and felt that The Song army was really vulnerable, that's why they rushed in so swaggeringly. Caught off guard, they were beaten badly by the army led by the Zhongshi division. The corpses were thrown all over the valley and fled back.

Only then did Zong Han know that Taigu County was not easy to fight. After reorganizing his troops and horses, he launched a fierce attack on Nanguan again. As a result, Zhong Zhong led the army to rely on the valley and lost several battles in a row, causing Zong Han's army to suffer heavy losses. Yan Zonghan is so depressed!Wanyan Zongwang's East Route Army was so powerful that they even captured the two emperors of the Song Dynasty. As soon as he sent troops, he ran into the difficult bone of Taiyuan Mansion. He had to bypass Taiyuan and just defeated the Song Army. The people and horses bumped into the middle of the seed division, and were blocked in Taigu County, unable to move an inch. Zong Han was so angry that he flew into a rage. He gave up attacking Taigu County and took a detour to Fenzhou. Zhe Kecun led his army to start a fierce battle with Zonghan's army in Fenzhou. As a result, Zhe Kecun died in battle, the army collapsed, and Zonghan's army broke through Passed the Song Army's defense line and headed towards Jinzhou.

Fortunately, Wu Tong, the prefect of Jinzhou, is not a coward. He organized more than ten thousand soldiers in Jinzhou, and he blocked Zong Han's army in Jinzhou again. Jinzhou, Zong Han was so depressed to death.

After gathering a large number of Liu Guangshi's rout soldiers and those who retreated from Fenzhou in the Zhongshi division, they suddenly sent troops out of Taigu County. The soldiers pointed directly at the Jin army outside Taiyuan Prefecture. After leading the troops to fight Zhong Shizhong, the soldiers in Taiyuan City led by Wang Zhi protruded out of the city, and gave him a back and forth attack. Yinshu was defeated by Zhong Shizhong and Wang Zhi, and had to retreat Went to Xinzhou, north of Taiyuan Mansion, and since then the siege of Taiyuan has been announced to be lifted by the Zhongshi.

After Zong Han heard that Yinshu Ke was defeated, he was worried that the Song army would cut off his retreat, so he had to retreat from Jinzhou. When he passed by Taiyuan Mansion, he fought another battle with the Zhongshizhong, although the Zhongshizhong still could not win. Blocked the Jin army, but Zong Han couldn't do anything with Taiyuan City, so he could only retreat to Xinzhou for the time being, rearrange his troops, and try to attack Taiyuan Mansion again!

Since then, the situation in Shanxi has stabilized for the time being. After the news reached Bianliang, Zhao Xu was overjoyed when he heard about it. Each has a big reward, this news is indeed a record that can only be advertised for Song Kangjin!
At this time, the Fubo Army in the Liaodong Peninsula was not easy. After Xu Yi led his army back to Gaizhou City, he immediately began preparations for Gaizhou City. Everyone knew that Jin Guo's counterattack would definitely be a battle. As soon as the army arrived in Gaizhou, Xu Yi handed over the defense of the city to Yang Zaixing. Yang Zaixing was not polite, and immediately ordered the demolition of all the houses outside the city of Gaizhou, and moved the residents outside the city into the city. Some of the Han and Khitan people who moved from Liaoyang Prefecture were also left behind, while the rest continued to move south and were handed over to Yu Fuhai for proper resettlement.

And after they arrived in Gaizhou, good news came from Xiao Jianfeng's second division. Xiao Jianfeng led the troops day and night and rushed to Kaizhou. There were not many defenders of the Kingdom of Jin in Kaizhou. Xiao Jianfeng stormed them and took them down. The situation in Kaizhou was under control, and Kaizhou City was handed over to the newly arrived Kong Qingxi to be stationed.

Originally, according to the plan, after Xiao Jianfeng broke through Kaizhou, he would go to Liaoyang Mansion to support the main force attacking the city, but Xiao Jianfeng received news from Xu Yi that the main force had given up attacking Liaoyang Mansion and returned to the army to garrison Gaizhou. The Second Division began to plunder in the south of Liaoyang Mansion, attacking the Jurchens and Bohai people in this area. The Fubo Army has no deep roots here. If they all rely on the support from the rear, it will definitely be difficult to sustain. Do your job, pick those fat sheep to start, come and kill them all!
Of course, the looting and killing mentioned here does not include ordinary people. It mainly refers to those Jurchens and their hard-core brothers from Bohai.Xu Yi is determined to carry out his ethnic policy to the end. Through these looting, they can not only completely eliminate the influence of the Jurchens in the Liaodong area, but also gain the support of the oppressed Han or Khitan people, so that they can survive for a long time in the future. entrenched here.

Not long after Xu Yi arrived in Gaizhou City, he heard a news that surprised him. Xue Tu sent a messenger to report quickly, saying that the imperial envoy sent by the imperial court had arrived in Dalian Port and wanted to issue an order to Xu Yi. It's a bit ironic, at this juncture, how could Zhao Xu do this to him!What's the purpose?

After asking the messenger, Xu Yi found out that it was Zhao Xu who had heard that he led the army to fight against the Kingdom of Jin. As far as he was concerned, he hadn't thought about it at all. When Huizong was in power, he didn't bother to think about it. Get an official position!
Since ancient times, accompanying a king is like accompanying a tiger, and a scorpion does not sting. When Zhao Xu was the King of Leisure, he had a good relationship with him, but now after making plans like this and the distortion of history, Zhao Xu finally went wrong. The bastard who replaced Zhao Gou by mistake became the emperor of the Great Song Dynasty, but Xu Yi still didn't want to work for Zhao Xu's Great Song Dynasty, not for anything else, just because his current identity was really delicate.

Although Xu Yi has never been king, in essence he has now opened up a large area of ​​his own territory overseas, not to mention Liuqiu Island, and the Ryukyu Islands basically passed by last time, and most of the territory was considered his. The territory under his jurisdiction, as well as the many islands he occupies, are also actually controlled by his Fubo army. Such a large territory is definitely comparable to a small country. He really has no interest in becoming an official in the Song Dynasty.

What's more, once he accepted Zhao Xu's official position, the Fubo Army would become the Song Army in name, not his private army. The official system of the Song Dynasty was always directly appointed by the court, and the big officials in the frontier were never allowed to appoint officials by themselves. If he accepted the enfeoffment of Zhao Xu, the new emperor of the Song Dynasty, where should his subordinates be?
Although he couldn't guarantee that Zhao Xu appointed him an official in order to seize his military power, but he had to guard against this move. Once he became an official of the Song Dynasty, Zhao Xu would send him a deputy or someone in a hurry. What should I do if I install some officials from the Song Dynasty?If you accept it, it is wrong!How can you just sit back and watch other people enjoy the land that so many people under you have worked so hard to lay down?Some people will definitely be dissatisfied!If you don’t accept it, it’s disobedience and disrespect. To put it bluntly, it means lifting the lid of the pot and trying to separate one side. It’s tantamount to rebellion, and it’s tantamount to completely tearing apart Zhao Xu, the emperor of the Song Dynasty. Many things will be difficult in the future. !
What's more, the reason why he sent troops to cut gold was not to seek any reward from the Song Dynasty, but he completely regarded himself as a Song person. Looking at the barbarians of the Jurchens of the Kingdom of Jin abolishing the huge Song Dynasty, and making the prosperous age managed by the emperors of the Song Dynasty become the victims of the Jurchens, at most they want to start from the Jin Dynasty at this time. The country gets some benefits and strengthens itself.

Now that Zhao Xu made such a move, it actually created a problem for him. Instead of following Zhao Xu as an official in the Song Dynasty, it would be better to lead the Fubo Army to do whatever he wants, and he can do whatever he wants!Follow other people's faces and act according to others, how can you feel as happy as being in charge of your own life!

So when he heard that Zhao Xu sent an imperial envoy to appoint him an official, Xu Yi was stumped, should he accept it or not?Xu Yi was a little embarrassed, he didn't want to accept the official that Zhao Xu granted him!But if he didn't accept it, he was afraid that Zhao Xu would not be able to step down, and he would fall out with Da Song now.

After thinking about it for a while, Xu Yi still made up his mind not to accept the official title that Zhao Xu gave him, but he still wanted to accept the gold and silver that was sent, it was money!Don't be in vain!

When Xu Yi was about to send someone to Dalian Port to decline Zhao Xu's kindness, Yiqing also heard the news, and ran out excitedly and asked the messenger, "You said that the emperor of the Song Dynasty wanted to make your lord official? What kind of official did you appoint to the lord?"

The messenger hurriedly replied: "Returning to Madam, I heard that the imperial envoy who came here said that the lord will be appointed as the commander of the Liaodong Horse Infantry Army, and will lead the Liaodong garrison to fight the great cause of gold!"

Yiqing was immediately unhappy when he heard that, pouted his mouth, and immediately muttered: "What? The commander of the horse infantry? That's just a small official of the fifth rank! How can you only give such a title to my lord?" What about the small officials? Now look at the Song Dynasty, so many officials, which one beat Jin Guo so badly? Didn’t they all lose again and again, or they just ran away after hearing the news? It is a high-ranking official of the first and second ranks, but my husband has made such great military exploits, but he was only awarded a fifth-rank official? No! Absolutely not! This is simply underestimating my husband! Go back and tell the imperial envoy to let him Go back and tell my family... Oh! No! It’s to tell the emperor that we don’t accept the official he appointed. If we want to be appointed, at least we must give it to a prince, and at worst we must give it to a grand teacher or a grand lieutenant!" Yi Qingyi was so anxious that he almost slipped the tongue and made Zhao Xu his elder brother!

After Xu Yi listened to Yiqing's words, he barely fell off the chair and fell to the ground. This Yiqing really dared to speak loudly!Opening his mouth, he asked Zhao Xu to seal himself a prince, at least as a grand master?God!This girl really saw a lot of these first-rank officials in Bianliang before!Don't take this prince or Taishi or Taiwei seriously at all!This letter of worship to the king can be like giving lucky money to children, is it just given to someone casually?

Xu Yi glanced at Yiqing, and saw that Yiqing's pretty face was full of surprise, and he was secretly happy. In fact, this girl has not completely forgotten her identity, and she has been named a fifth-rank official , for a princess like her, she is just the wife of a petty official!It's a bit embarrassing to face!So he secretly laughed.

(End of this chapter)

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