Chapter 623
After hearing Yiqing's words, the messenger not only didn't feel that there was anything wrong, but said: "Madam is right! After I heard about it earlier, I also felt that it was too shameful. What a powerful character the lord is! There are so many people in the Great Song Dynasty, but none of them can defeat the Jin soldiers. Only our lord beat the Jin Kingdom to pieces. The emperor of the Great Song Dynasty must be too stingy! Our lord led us to make such great achievements for the Great Song Dynasty. It’s just a fifth-rank official, it’s simply contemptuous! If you want to talk about it, it’s better not to accept it!” Even the messenger spoke indignantly, a little bit forgetting his identity, it can be seen that The Liaodong Horse Infantry Commander that Zhao Xu gave to Xu Yi this time is really not favored by the Fubo Army!

Xu Yi quickly coughed and said: "Presumptuous! You can say this on the territory of our Fubo Army. If it is placed on the territory of the Song Dynasty, be careful that someone will inform you, and let the court punish you for disrespect. !"

Yiqing didn't take it seriously. After the messenger heard it, he realized that he was talking too much, so he quickly bowed his head to admit his mistake. Xu Yi waved the messenger to go down first, and then said to Yiqing: "Qian'er! I know you want the current emperor to go down first." Give me the title of king and homage, but in fact, I have no interest at all. The reason why I led the troops to attack the Kingdom of Jin today was not for any rewards, but purely for us Song people to fight against injustices, but it has nothing to do with this rank Opinions, whether high or low, I don’t want to accept the appointment of the current majesty, so don’t bring up this matter again in the future!”

Yiqing was a little surprised, and hurriedly said: "Why don't you accept my imperial brother's bestowal? You have done so many things for the Song Dynasty, and even risked yourself, leading the army to fight to the death with the Jin soldiers. The imperial brother doesn't care if you are appointed." Nothing, I can’t exaggerate it, but the eyeliner is a bit too low, of course I can’t accept it! Hmph! My seventh brother is so stingy! How can I only give you a small officer who is the commander of the horse infantry army? How about I go and tell him that I am yours now, and see if he dares to give you such a small official!"

Xu Yi smiled wryly, Yiqing still didn't understand what he meant, but he didn't want to explain to Yiqing deeply, so he shook his head and smiled: "Forget it! I won't mention this matter, and you have been away from home for a long time. It is understandable to miss your family. If you want to recognize your relatives, I have no objection, but it is best not to disclose your identity at this time. I will not ask for this official. If you want to meet your emperor brother If so, you might as well go to Bianliang! I will arrange it for you!"

When Xu Yi mentioned this matter of recognizing relatives, it really aroused Yiqing's homesickness. She had been away from Bianliang for several years since she escaped from marriage. I don't know if I can see him again in the future, and now that she is a mother, she is expected to go back and have a look and there will be no more problems, so she agreed to Xu Yi, thinking of Bianliang and his party, to see her family and the emperor's brother , Xu Yi nodded and agreed. After all, this place was about to become a battlefield. He just took this opportunity to send Yiqing away, not wanting her to stay in this dangerous place.

After the decision was made, Xu Yi recruited the messenger and told him to go back to Dalian Port and told the imperial envoy that the battle ahead was tight and the Fubo army was busy preparing for the battle, so it was inconvenient to go back now to receive the order to thank you , and thank you for the kindness of today's holy majesty. In addition, Xu Yi wrote a personal letter to Zhao Xu, stating the reasons why he did not want to be an official. In summary, it was just some high-sounding words. He rose up and recruited troops to fight the Jin people. The reason was that he didn't want to see the Song Dynasty perish at the hands of the Jin Kingdom, and he didn't want to invite rewards for it, and he didn't want to be an official career. , hiding between the mountains and forests, so thanks to the kindness of the Holy Spirit, the reward can be accepted, but this official will not want it!

After the messenger received Xu Yi's letter, he received it and said goodbye. Xu Yi then sent Daniu to escort Yiqing to Dalian Port, and ordered Xue Tu to prepare a manned boat to escort Yiqing back to Bianliang, Tokyo to visit relatives. You must not ask for credit for yourself, let alone her identity, and threaten Zhao Xu to make him an official or a noble. Yiqing agreed with tears. Although she still wanted to be by Xu Yi's side, now she also knew that she Not only can't help Xu Yi here, but it will also make Xu Yi worry. In addition, he is really homesick, so he agreed, and under the escort of Daniel's leader, he left Gaizhou City and headed for Dalian Port go.

After Xu Yi sent Yiqing away, he and Yang Zaixing got busy again, arranging the defense of Gaizhou. They moved all the people within a radius of [-] miles outside the city into the city or resettled them to the south to ensure that they would not be Jin Bing was harmed, and at the same time, Jin Bing's desire to be close to the Zhuang Ding was eliminated, and large-scale construction was carried out inside and outside the city to strengthen the defenses of Gaizhou City. Gaizhou City is a small city, far less strong and tall than Liaoyang Mansion. It is impossible to resist the onslaught of the Golden Army without thorough reinforcement, and the time left for them is really limited. They still used the old method, using trenches to restrict the activities of the Golden Army's cavalry outside the city, and arranged various places outside the city. They also planted gunpowder in earthen jars in many places, and used them as landmines. Xu Yi didn't say anything else. If he just said that he played dirty on the battlefield and now he calls himself the second in the world, I'm afraid no one would dare to call himself the boss. .

Xu Yi has no doubts about whether they can withstand a large number of Jin troops in Gaizhou. If you don't come, you will never let them have good fruits if you come.

In order to strengthen the defense force of Gaizhou, Xue Tu dispatched [-] new troops near Dalian Port and sent them to Gaizhou City. The defense force of Kong Qingxi in Kaizhou City, after a period of training, these new troops dare not say that they have become elites, but at least they all understand the rules of the army.

A small Liaodong Peninsula can now be said to have gathered all the elite forces of the Fubo Army. In addition to the recent recruitment of some new troops from the coast of Jingdong East Road in Jizhou and the local area, the strength of the Fubo Army should not be underestimated. Now, Xu Yi now has at least 2 soldiers and horses in his hands. Among them, the three divisions of Gao Jun, Xiao Jianfeng, and Li Bo are his biggest reliance. Among the other [-] people, there are a group of navy troops, which belong to Commander Sun Hai. Responsible for logistics matters, the rest are some new troops with insufficient attack power, but there is no problem as a defender, and Shui Sheng also returned to the Jingdong East Road area, recruiting a large number of Song people to join the army along the coast, and constantly transporting them to Dalian Port was handed over to Xue Tu, and Xue Tu arranged for the coach to conduct drills, and the overall strength continued to increase.

During the reinforcements to Gaizhou this time, Xu Yi accidentally found an acquaintance, and was very surprised. It turned out that among the new troops who came over, Xu Yi saw a subordinate who should not have been seen, that is, a man from far away in Annan. Zhou Junyu, at the beginning he left Qian Gui in Toulon in Annan, ordered him to guard the port of Toulon and manage the seaport there, and left Jiao Xian and Zhou Junyu to Qian Gui. He never thought that he would see Zhou Junyu here today. So surprised, he quickly brought him into the big tent and asked the reason.

After Zhou Junyu saw Xu Yi, he was also excited, and he stumbled a bit when he spoke. You must know that Zhou Junyu used to be a soldier beside Xu Yi. I had a very deep relationship with Xu Yi, but now I haven't seen Xu Yi for almost a year, and it would be nonsense if I wasn't excited about this meeting.

"The last general will see the lord! I really want to kill the little one!" Zhou Junyu turned his head and bowed.

"Get up and talk! It's been a long time, and now you've got a lot of tan! Didn't you work for Qian Gui in Toulon, Annan? How did you end up here?" Xu Yi helped him up and asked After getting up, Xu Yi was actually very happy to see this old subordinate. He hadn't had time to ask about Qian Gui's situation during this period of time, so he just wanted to know about it.

Zhou Junyu stood up and stood with hands down, and said to Xu Yi: "Sign up, my lord! Some time ago, I was ordered by Governor Qian to send a batch of harvest back to Jilongzhai. I just heard that my lord led an army here to start a war with the Kingdom of Jin." That's right, so I came here with the delivery ship, trying to serve my lord!"

After Xu Yi patted him on the shoulder, he smiled and said, "I naturally welcome you when you come, but you are Qian Gui's deputy, and you ran here without returning without authorization. Isn't it suspected of acting without authorization? Where did you let Qian Gui go?" How to do it?"

"My lord, don't worry, I know the rules. Going back to Jilongzhai here is exactly Governor Qian's order. When we left Toulon, we heard about the war between Song and Jin. Governor Qian felt that my lord would not sit idly by. When he left Toulon, he ordered the humble officer to go back to Toulon once he came back and learned that the lord sent troops to fight with the Jin people. He ordered the young man to go back to the lord and wait for his dispatch. He also said that he missed the lord very much, but because of official business I can’t leave Toulon without permission, I hope the humble officer can replace him and serve the lord!” Zhou Junyu hurriedly replied, resigning without obeying orders is a serious crime in the Fubo Army, and he dared not take the risk to try his hand at it.

Xu Yi thinks about it too. For such a big matter as Jin Guo's defeat of Song Dynasty, even if Annan is far away, he will soon know about it. It is rare that they still miss him and send Zhou Junyu back to help him. In this way, Xu Yi There was no doubt, so he continued to ask: "In that case, you can stay! Sit down and talk, I haven't seen you for so long, tell me about the situation in Toulon!"

So Zhou Junyu sat down and told Xu Yi the situation in Toulon in detail. It turned out that after Xu Yi handed Toulon to Qian Gui, Qian Gui followed Xu Yi's instructions and fought between Annan and Zhanpo. Tai Chi, and firmly controlled the Hoi An River, so that the two countries could only face each other across the river, and both countries were worried that the Fubo Army stationed in Toulon would fall to each other. The combat effectiveness of the Fubo Army had already left a deep impression on them. In any case, he didn't want to incur the revenge of the Fubo army anymore, so Qian Gui's life in Toulon and Dazhanhaikou was quite satisfactory. He Zhanren, the population of Toulon Port has doubled in a short period of time, and after hearing the news, the Li family in Hangzhou immediately sent a large number of people to build a commercial port there, attracting many businessmen from the Song Dynasty to run Toulon is doing business, and the seaport has been continuously expanded by Qiangui, and now it has far exceeded the size of the previous Dazhanhaikou. In less than a year, it has become the most important port in Nanyang, and it is now very prosperous. According to Zhou Junyu's words, if Xu Yi goes to Toulon again now, he probably won't recognize Toulon anymore!

After listening to Zhou Junyu's words, Xu Yi felt more relieved about Qian Gui. This kid has indeed matured now. Toulon Port can be managed like this, even if Xu Yi does it himself, it may not necessarily be better than him. How well do you do it.

After talking with Zhou Junyu for a while, Xu Yi understood the situation in Toulon, and then sent Zhou Junyu to Li Bo and asked Li Bo to make arrangements for him. Zhou Junyu was originally from Li Bo's subordinates, so it was convenient to communicate Some.

Li Bo immediately offered Zhou Junyu the position of battalion commander in the third division, and asked him to do it first. Zhou Junyu didn't ask for anything. After learning about the new army's formation, he readily took up the post. It had been a long time since he had fought, and Zhou Junyu's hands were itchy. Great!

While preparing various defenses with Yang Zaixing and the others, Xu Yi asked Yang Zaixing to mobilize a group of elite personnel to form a training battalion, return to Dalian Port, and take over the training of the new army there full-time. The Army's training of recruits in Danshui Village is far from being able to meet the new needs now. If the recruits are sent back to Danshui Village for training, and then transported here when they are available, the time spent on the light road will make people collapse, and After a long voyage, the combat effectiveness of these people will drop significantly. Even after landing, it will be difficult to recover in a short time. With the old method, it is not easy to quickly adapt to the new establishment after the old troops are replenished.

So Xu Yi ordered Cai Xing, an old inspector who is more intelligent, to take the post of battalion commander of this teaching camp, and asked him to lead the team back to Dalian Port. After the training of recruits, he will be in charge. , have some skills, just suitable for dealing with these recruits who have never been soldiers. These recruits have all kinds of problems, but with Cai Xing, you don’t have to worry about not being able to deal with them. If there is any problem, you can correct it in the recruit camp. If you can't change it, don't think about it in the regular army. The military stick in Cai Xing's hand is not a vegetarian, and it is quite powerful when it hits people!

A few days later, the scouts came back and reported that there was movement in Liaoyang Mansion. Wanyan Zongqian led an army to Liaoyang Mansion, and soon dispatched [-] vanguard troops towards Gaizhou.

Another message was sent back from Liaoyang Mansion that after Wanyan Zongqian arrived in Liaoyang Mansion, he heard that the chief general Ahuli was killed in battle, and after asking about the tactics of the Fubo Army attacking Liaoyang Mansion, he scolded the defenders in the city. Incompetence, Dang even whipped a few lieutenants for a while, and then sent a vanguard army to Gaizhou first. He supervised the adjustment and production of various siege equipment in Liaoyang Mansion, and he would soon send troops Come to Gaizhou.

"It seems that this Wanyan Zonggan is not an idiot. He knows that this time it is not easy to fight us, so he sent [-] vanguard troops to harass us first!" After hearing this, Xu Yi said to Yang Zaixing.

Yang Zaixing nodded and said: "My lord is right. They knew that our army numbered more than [-], but they only sent [-] vanguard troops. They should have harassed us and prevented us from building a large number of fortifications outside the city. , to prepare for the arrival of Zonggan's army to attack the city! And now the fortifications outside our city are far from complete, and a large amount of supplies still need to be unloaded from the fleet and transported into the city. If they are allowed to come here, it will definitely affect us ready!"

Gao Jun smiled and said: "They have a great idea! 1 people are not enough for us to clean up. What can we do? In my opinion, let's just go out and give them a head-on blow. Let's just kill their vanguard first." Let’s clean it up, teach them a lesson, and save them from interfering with us digging trenches outside the city?”

Li Bo also nodded: "Brother Gao's words are very good. Instead of waiting for them to come to the door, we should take the initiative to kill his vanguard army directly and buy more time for the construction of fortifications here!"

Xu Yi thought about it and felt that what they said was also reasonable. Now with the strength of the Fubo army, they may not be defeated by them in a battle with the Jin army outside the city. Moreover, their biggest advantage is the huge number of bows and crossbows in the army. The nemesis of the Golden Cavalry, and they also have some light, fast, and easy-to-operate blast guns in their army, which can suppress the impact of the Golden Cavalry very well. As long as they are not caught off guard by the Jin Army during the march, the Fubo Army is now fighting in the field It's not necessarily that you can't beat the golden soldiers!Since Zonggan was so entrusted with such great support, he only sent [-] vanguard troops here, just to exercise the field combat ability of his own army, and it would be good to use them to practice his hands!
So Xu Yi nodded and said: "I think it's okay! By the way, let's practice field battles again. Maybe we and the Jinren will often have field battles in the future. What do you think about this matter, you, the army commander?"

After Yang Zaixing lowered his head and pondered for a while, he nodded and said: "I think this is feasible. Since the Jin people don't accept the lesson at all, and they are so arrogant, it is obvious that our strength is here, so Wanyan Zonggan only sent [-] vanguards. We Eat him up!"

Hearing that Yang Zaixing also agreed to send troops to meet the vanguard of the Jin army, all the generals became excited and stretched their necks waiting for Yang Zaixing to call the roll.

The most urgent ones are Gao Jun and Li Bo. Both of them hope to send troops to win the first prize. Xu Yi doesn't intervene in this matter. Don't think this is sending troops to fight, but it's not Song Jun. Whoever you point to send troops, maybe I hate you for the rest of my life. The Fubo army is rewarded generously for its victories in a row. The morale is high now. The army has a great desire to fight. He is not happy if you don’t let anyone go. Xu Yi is playing tricks on this matter. Let Yang Zaixing figure it out!

Yang Zaixing summed it up, and said to Xu Yi: "I think it's better to let the third division take part in this matter. In addition, I also want to let the five thousand new troops who have arrived this time also go together, let them see the battlefield and experience it. I don't know what the lord wants?"

Li Bole's two rows of teeth are exposed. The three divisions are not as powerful as the first division, but that doesn't mean he doesn't want to show his brothers. Yang Zaixing ordered him to send troops, which is quite a face for him. Immediately all bared their teeth and laughed.

"Yes! The new army should also go to see what is called a battlefield. The provincial Jin army panicked when they attacked the city. Soldiers without blood will never become fierce soldiers! I agree!" Xu Yi nodded in agreement.

After deciding on this matter, Li Bo immediately went out of the city with his army and headed towards Liaoyang Mansion. Gao Jun often muttered to Yang Zaixing in private about this matter.

"It's not mean! You're really not mean! Such a good thing won't let me go, thanks to our family friends!" Gao Jun didn't dare to murmur to Xu Yi, but he wasn't polite to Yang Zaixing who was together every day, he chased after Yang Zaixing's ass He shook his head.

Yang Zaixing smiled wryly and said, "Don't be dissatisfied. You had enough of the battle in Fuzhou City. It was your main attack again when you fought Liaoyang Mansion. Li Bo didn't say anything, and what he did was just a feint attack on the flanks. Stopping the Jin army on the road, it's still your first division that takes the lead. You can't let your first division take up all the good things, don't you see it? The lord doesn't talk today, let me decide who will send the troops, just want me to be the first, three Master, your first division is the strongest, and your third division is the weakest. My lord originally wanted all the soldiers to get enough experience, but this time the defense of the city is still dominated by your first division, so you can be content! Hurry up and strengthen your city defense Let's go! This time Wanyan Zonggan is here, everyone has enough battles, I will give you a division to rest, if you are still not satisfied, dare to slander me, see if I won't be dragged out to serve you with military sticks! "

Gao Jun immediately raised his hand when he heard this: "Okay! You're right! I'll let it go! That's it! I'll go to strengthen the city defense, but next time you have something good, don't forget that I'll do it right away!"

Li Bo led most of the three divisions and five thousand new troops to leave Gaizhou in a mighty way to meet the vanguard of the Jin Army. Xu Yi did not go out with the army. He is the boss, so there is no need to do everything himself. After pulling away, he couldn't follow along to watch, so this time he let Li Bo do it by himself, but he wandered around the temporary pier outside Gaizhou City.

The wharf is also busy. Many people are unloading the supplies that have just been transferred from Dalian Port. Some sailors are also carrying the crossbows on the ship. , The heavy weapons on these ships are not available for the time being, so they were all transferred to Gaizhou City by Xu Yi. With these things, the firepower of the Fubo Army in Gaizhou City will be upgraded to another level, and the firepower density will also increase greatly. It can greatly make up for the lack of artillery. He is determined to dig a new super mass grave for the Jin Army under the city of Gaizhou. Song withdraws his troops to see how capable they are, and how many people are enough to fill the pit of his Fubo army!
(Scream again, Geda is about to dig a new pit, this book won’t be eunuchs, brothers, don’t be afraid! The new pit needs a lot of characters, if you like to play tricks, sign up quickly!)
(End of this chapter)

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