Chapter 621
The Fubo Army had been attacking the Liaoyang Mansion for a long time, so they had to retreat to Gaizhou. They were never harassed by any Jin people along the way. This battle was their first setback since they arrived in the Kingdom of Jin, but overall the results were higher than the losses. Not small.

Although they did not take down the Liaoyang Mansion, they wiped out the Jurchens in the villages and towns outside the Liaoyang Mansion, dealt a severe blow to the power of the Jin people in this area, and looted a large amount of property, equipment, food and grass, etc. , and because of their propaganda and actual actions, when they decided to withdraw to Gaizhou City, Xu Yi also sent a large number of people to lobby the local people to go with them, and ensured that they would be properly resettled in Gaizhou and ensured that they There are fields to farm, cattle and sheep to graze, and I will never break my promise.

And their guarantee has indeed received very good results. These days, the Fubo army has been attacking and killing the Jurchens outside the city of Liaoyang Prefecture or hunting down the big families of the Bohai people. As long as they are not attacked by the local people, they will only take those The Jurchens or Bohai people attacked and never harassed other common people, and from time to time distributed some undeliverable food and other items that were confiscated from the Jurchens' big households to these poor people, which greatly strengthened The trust of the local Han people or Khitan people in the Fubo Army, plus the fact that many cavalry in the Fubo Army were Khitan, was very convincing, so many local people heard that the Fubo Army was going to withdraw to Gaizhou After that, they were afraid that the army of the Jin Kingdom would come here and take revenge on them, so many people chose to retreat to Gaizhou with the Fubo army!
These ordinary people are a bunch of poor people, and they don't even have land, no tiles on the top, no land to stand on, and their Meng'an and Mouke have been killed. If they stay here, they may be massacred by the Jin soldiers for revenge , leaving may be their wisest choice, so they simply cleaned up and began to flock to Gaizhou City in large numbers. For a while, a piece of red land appeared outside Liaoyang Mansion, and there was not even a single person within a hundred miles. There are only some burned houses, smoking in the wilderness, the ruins and walls look desolate, and Liaoyang Mansion has become like an isolated island, with the corpses of Jin Bing everywhere outside the city.

In addition, Xu Yi also took away all the craftsmen or people in the mines in the nearby villages and towns. These people will be of great use in the future. Whether they like it or not, they must follow the Fubo Army to retreat to Gaizhou City Go, this is also one of the important reasons why he stayed outside the city of Liaoyang Prefecture for another two days, and performed such a big play for the golden people in the city. The acquired property was first evacuated to Gaizhou City, which brought a strong wall to the Liaoyang Mansion.

The Jin army in the city was really scared by the Fubo army. After standing on the city and couldn't see the Fubo army at all, they didn't dare to open the city easily. They went outside to collect the corpses of Paoze. Only then did the Jin army dare to put down the suspension bridge, open the city gate and go out of the city, went outside the city to clean up the mess, took down the head of Ahuli hanging high in front of the Fubo army camp, gathered it together with his body, and placed it in the Fubo army camp. Behind the battalion, thousands of corpses of the golden soldiers who followed Ahuli out of the city were found. These corpses were shot like sieves, but the Fubo army did not waste them. All the arrows were pulled out and taken back, leaving only a pile Headless corpse.

The Jin Army in Liaoyang Mansion was terrified, and checked the corpses of the "Fubo Army" outside the city, only to find that the corpses that had been thrown away outside the city were not at all from the Fubo Army, but all of them were the corpses of the "Fubo Army" Afterwards, I realized that I was completely fooled by the Fubo army, which led to Ahuli's misjudgment, so that he was killed in the first battle!

The deputy general sent people to drive the people out of the city to clean up the battlefield, and at the same time sent a fast horse to send a letter to Huining Mansion, saying that the Fubo army had been repelled by them, but the main general Ahuli was killed in battle. As for the loss, we still have to wait for the commander. Let's talk about it after Wanyan Zong comes over!

Let’s not mention the return of the Fubo Army to Gaizhou City. Let’s talk about the current situation in the Song Dynasty. After Yan Zongwang was ordered to return to Yanshan Mansion, he immediately recruited tens of thousands of troops again. This place is likely to be unstable, so Wanyan Zongwang ordered them to leave Yanshan Mansion and go to farms along Shangjing Road. As a result, these ever-victorious troops were very reluctant to leave Yanshan Mansion and wanted to make trouble. The situation in Yanshan Mansion was quite unstable, so In the end, Wanyan Zongwang was also a ruthless master, coaxing these ever-victorious troops into a mountain depression north of Yanshan Mansion, blocking the valley, and killing all the surrendered troops.

After disposing of Guo Yaoshi's old unit of the Changsheng Army, Wan Yan Zongwang sent his troops southward, and this time he divided his troops into two groups, one led by Jin Wushu who had already captured Cangzhou, and attacked Song's Jingdong East Road and other places from the direction of Dezhou , that is, in the Shandong area, a road leading to Bianliang was opened from the side, and he personally commanded a main force, starting from Zhending Mansion again according to the old road, and once again heading towards the Yellow River, and wanted to stage a river crossing for Zhao Xu. It's a good show that is close to Bianliang.

Jin Wushu's army is also a battle-tested army. After starting from Cangzhou, they attacked Dezhou all the way. So far, the Song army still did not show any resistance. In front of the Jin Wushu army, a large number of Song troops fled after hearing the news. There were also some Song soldiers who chose to abandon their weapons and surrender immediately under the leadership of officials. Only Zhang Qing and Guan Sheng sent by Zhang Shuye, the prefect of Jinan, resisted Jin Wushu's army, but neither of them had Jin Wushu's troops. The opponents of the Wushu army were defeated one after another and retreated to Jinan. On the way, Han Shizhong once again demonstrated the extraordinaryness of his generation of famous generals. He led only [-] elite soldiers to raid the flank of the Jin Wushu army in Pingyuan County, beheading thousands of gold soldiers, and The [-] elite soldiers under his command resisted the siege of Wanjin soldiers, but none of them surrendered. Moreover, after nightfall, under the leadership of Han Shizhong, they successfully broke through and led the troops back into Jinan Prefecture. Quite encouraging.

Han Shizhong was appointed by Zhang Shuye as the former commander of the army, and he began to lead troops to fight against Jinan in the Jinan area. This is also Zhang Shuye's luck. According to historical development, he should have served in Dengzhou when Jin soldiers invaded south. Later, troops were led to King Qin of Bianliang in Tokyo. As a result, when the second emperor of Huiqin was in the dust, he was taken captive to the Kingdom of Jin with the second emperor, and later died of a hunger strike. But now because of the sudden incident, he did not move to Dengzhou, so He failed to go to Bianliang Qinwang, so he stayed in Jinan Mansion as the magistrate, and even Guan Sheng was spared from being assassinated by Liu Yu.

What I want to say here is that this Guan Sheng is the big sword Guan Sheng in the Water Margin, but he has never made a revolution with Song Jiang, but he has worked hard in the battle against Fang La to reach the post of the military commander of Jinan Prefecture. Moreover, this person is really good at wielding big swords, and he has the prestige and prestige of Guan Yunchang back then. Afterwards, after the Jin Wushu army finally attacked Jinan Mansion, they were blocked under the city of Jinan Mansion. Stopped the offensive of the Jin Wushu army.

After Zhang Qing was defeated, he first went to Jinan Mansion, and then was sent by Zhao Xu to Qingzhou to continue to lead his troops to fight against the Jin. After hearing that the Jin Wushu army was dragged to Jinan Mansion, Zhang Qing recruited another group of soldiers. Ma, led the army to advance westward, repeatedly attacking the Jin Bingliang Road. In this way, Jin Wushu's offensive on Jingdong East Road reached Jinan Mansion, and it was no longer possible to move forward. Even so, Zhang Shuye, Guan Sheng, Han Shizhong and others Fighting in Jinan Prefecture was also very difficult. Under the onslaught of the Jin Wushu army, the soldiers and civilians of Jinan Prefecture suffered heavy casualties. As a last resort, Zhang Shuye sent people to Bianliang for help.

But at this time, Zhao Xu couldn't send many troops to Jinan to rescue the siege. The reason was that he, the No. [-] firefighter in Dasong Tianzi, was really dizzy. Faced with many banditry problems, the biggest ones are the rebellion of the Hebei giant Yang Jin, the rebellion of the giant Zhang Wanxian of the East and West Roads in Beijing, the rebellion of Kong Yanzhou, the military envoy of Dongping Prefecture, and the rebellion of the army who crossed the Huaihe River in the south and gathered the defeated troops in the Huangzhou area. There is also a tendency to become big, and Zhong Xiang, a big family in Hunan, also played the banner of equalizing the rich and the poor at this time, and began to raise troops in the Dongting Lake area, and the world is in chaos!

What's even more exasperating is that Xixia, who had just been repelled, once again sent troops to attack the Shanshan area, making it impossible for the Qinfeng Road Shengjie Army to mobilize to meet the Jin soldiers, and could only fight fiercely with the Xixia Army in the Qinfeng Road and Yongxing Road areas.

Now Zhao Xu has too many things to deal with. If he is not in charge of the family, he doesn't know how expensive Chai Mi is. Now he is tossed about by the mess left by his father, and he is full of anger. He has no peace all day long and keeps discussing with the ministers He tried his best to turn the tide in times of crisis, and continued to issue edicts to recruit southern soldiers and horses to encircle and suppress these rebellions in various places.

Doing these things is far from enough. Zhao Xu is well aware of the crux of the problem. It is not only about repression, but also about appeasement of public anger. Therefore, he has repeatedly issued edicts to all regions to strictly deal with those unscrupulous giants or merchants who took the opportunity to drive up prices and annex land. Officials sent envoys to various places to recruit the rebels.

Moreover, Zhao Xu also ordered that those officials and generals who fled without a fight be strictly punished. If they cannot be caught, their family members should be arrested first, and people should be sent to hunt down these officials who fled before the battle, so as to deter officials from all over the north and make them The Jin soldiers had to be resisted along the way, and many people were arrested for this. As long as it was verified that they fled without a fight, they were immediately executed on the spot. A large number of cowardly officials were killed, and even their relatives They were all exiled to Qiongzhou and sent to work as coolies, and Zhao Xu made an order that the defeated troops should gather in nearby counties and counties and not disturb the people. Blame them, let them not implicate their families, it is best to think about the consequences.

These measures have indeed played some role. Under such pressure, the officials in some northern states and counties had to start recruiting village braves to fight against the golden soldiers. In the end, before the army of the Kingdom of Jin, they collapsed one after another. After the defeat in the first battle, those officials immediately wrapped up their clothes and fled as usual.I resisted!But I really can't beat Jin Bing, you can't order me to die!In fact, the effect of doing so is not very good.

What's even more exasperating is that after some officials learned that Zhao Xu ordered the arrest and killing of officials who did not resist, they simply chose to surrender to the Jin army when the Jin army arrived, willing to serve as Jin's slaves, and completely forgot about their own Identity, there were a large number of traitors in the Song Dynasty for a while, and the war situation did not improve at all. The world of the Song Dynasty was still in danger, like a flat boat on the sea in the wind and rain, which may capsize at any time.

After hearing that the Jin Wushu army had led troops into Jingdong East Road, they wanted to send troops to rescue Jinan Prefecture, but they didn't have any troops available, so they could only issue an edict ordering other prefectures and counties near Jinan Prefecture to immediately send troops to Jinan Prefecture for support. Zhang Shuye, Han Shizhong and others. At the same time, Zhao Xu had no one to use, so he had to reactivate Liu Yanqing, who was demoted due to the Battle of Yanshan, and ordered him to lead his troops to Hedong Road again to solve the crisis in Taiyuan. Thirty thousand soldiers and horses on Northwest Road crossed the Yellow River north from Luoyang, Xijing, and headed towards Taiyuanfu on Jingdong Road.

Besides, after Yan Zongwang's army left Zhending Mansion, he played with his deep and roundabout tactics again, driving the army all the way to the direction of Junzhou, even if the states and counties along the way organized soldiers and horses to resist , but in the plains, with no danger to defend, these Song troops were no match for Wanyan Zongwang's army at all. A large number of Song troops either fled or surrendered directly.

Fortunately, there is still a veteran Zongze in Hebei, otherwise, Wanyan Zongwang would have easily reached the bank of the Yellow River again this time!

After Zongze learned of the rebellion of Hebei giant Yang Jin, he staged a live drama of riding away from the enemy camp alone. Inspired by Zongze, Yang Jin led his rebel army to join Zongze's command. When they attacked Xingzhou, Wanyan Zongwang already had an army of [-] because of the surrender of the Song army. Zong Ze ordered Wang Yan, the commander of the middle army, and Yue Fei, the commander of the former army, to send troops to resist Wanyan Zongwang's army. Zong Ze was appointed as the commander of the Left Route Army, led troops to support Wang Yan and Yue Fei's two armies, and started a big battle with Wanyan Zongwang's army in Xingzhou.

If the strength of the two sides is viewed purely in terms of numbers, Zongze's army seems to have a considerable advantage. He gathered routs in the Xingzhou area and recruited volunteers. He claims to have an army of 30, but the real fighting force is Wang Yan's middle army The total number of the former army with Yue Fei was no more than 8000 people, and the rest were mostly a gang of mobs. After facing Zongwang's army, except for Yue Fei and Wang Yan who fought a few victories, the rest of the troops lost consecutive battles and were defeated by Jin. The army was defeated.

Although Yue Fei and Wang Yan still had Zongwang leading troops to fight against Yan Zongwang's central army, at present, Yue Fei is far from being as powerful as the later generations, and to him it can only be regarded as his first appearance. Knowing that ten years into an army, the soldiers and horses put together hastily, even if he has three heads and six arms, can't make these inexperienced civilians become fierce soldiers overnight, so whether it is Wang Yan or Yue Fei, under the continuous battle , The losses of soldiers and horses were also quite heavy. Although they also achieved good results, for Zongwang's army, it was far from hurting the muscles and bones. What's more, it is now the peak state of the Golden Army's soldiers and horses. Whether it is the Jurchens, the Bohai people, the Khitan people or the Han people, they are all fierce soldiers who have fought with the Lord Jin for many years. In addition, the soldiers from the Song army who were wrapped up were used as backs or meat shields. Zongze's army wiped out most of them. Some servants of the Jin soldiers surrendered from the Song Dynasty, but they were still helpless against Zongwang's main force.

After a fierce battle, Zongwang didn't want to be dragged by Zongze in the Xingzhou area, so he appointed Wan Yanchang as the deputy commander, led some Jin soldiers, and most of the soldiers from the Song Dynasty, and fought fiercely with Zongze's army here. After Zongze's army, he himself dispatched a group of reinforcements from Yanshan Mansion and Zhending Mansion, and then personally led an army of [-], bypassed Xingzhou, and pushed towards Junzhou again.

After the news spread to Bianliang, it immediately caused a shock in Zhao Xu's court. The siege of Bianliang a few months ago is still vivid in their minds. The forbidden army in China has improved considerably, but it is still far from being the opponent of the fierce Jin army, and the only thing they can rely on now is the Yellow River Scorpio.

After hearing that Zongwang's army crossed Xingzhou again and approached Xiangzhou and Junzhou on the line of the Yellow River, Zhao Xu immediately appointed Zhong Shidao as the guardian of the Yellow River, and led an army of 14 in the capital to deploy defenses along the Yellow River. The army fled in anticipation, and the whole line collapsed. After Zhong Shidao led his troops to the Yellow River this time, he immediately sent troops to gather up the ships along the Yellow River, and ordered his generals to lead the ships to search along the river. On the south bank of the Yellow River, and on the north bank, not a single boat, not even a sampan, is allowed to be left along the river.

The 14 army was divided into five armies. Zhong Shidao personally appointed the chief general, and deployed them in sections on the river sections from Zhengzhou to Damingfu. Every mile, they built fortifications and closely monitored the movement on the Yellow River. They also selected some soldiers who could swim from the army, and temporarily formed several Yellow River patrol fleets to cruise on the river to prevent the golden soldiers from crossing the river. Under the organization of Zhongshidao, the route along the Yellow River is somewhat reassuring.

But at this time, news came from the west that the Xixia army defeated the Song army on Yongxing Road in Yanzhou, invaded Yanzhou (now Yan'an), and the army was approaching Qingzhou (Qingyang), and the South Army also broke through. The Song army's defense line was breached, Weizhou was threatened, and the battle between the Song Dynasty and Xixia on the western front was also not optimistic.

There was another shock in the ruling and opposition parties, Zhao Xu was about to have a splitting headache, and scolded Li Ganshun, a member of the Xixia National Party. Emperor Tianzuo made an alliance, but later they betrayed the Liao Kingdom because they saw that the Jin Kingdom was strong. He had no choice but to order Liu Yanqing to immediately lead the army to temporarily abandon the aid of Taiyuan Mansion, and turn to Yongxing Road to fight against the Xixia army.

At this time, the world of the Song Dynasty will really become a pot of porridge!Zhao Xu, the new emperor, sounds good to say, but to be honest, Zhao Xu, the emperor, is probably the most difficult life in the world. The hard work of Zhao Xu, a tough person, is a little bit unsupportive. After a day of wind and cold, Zhao Xu finally fell ill on the dragon bed, but even so, Zhao Xu still insisted on going to court every day, listening to the ministers' reports on the situation in various places, thinking about and making orders to deal with various situations. Seeing that Zhao Xu was so diligent, those ministers were also quite moved, and their evaluation of Zhao Xu was much higher.

After Zongwang's army bypassed Zongze's defense of Xingzhou, he led his army to rush all the way, defeated several Song army's interceptions along the way, defeated Cizhou like a broken bamboo, and then continued to march to the city of Xiangzhou. The Zongwang army broke through once when they retreated last time. The Zongwang army carried out a bloody massacre in Xiangzhou. Almost all the soldiers and civilians in the city were killed. In a short period of time, they were far from recovering. There were only less than a thousand defenders in the city. In addition, there were only a few thousand residents. After Zongwang's army arrived outside the city, the defenders and the people in the city knew that they were no match for the Jin army, so they voluntarily gave up Xiangzhou and retreated to Tangyin. , took down Xiangzhou again, took a short rest, and immediately raised troops to attack Tangyin County, but here, he suffered a serious setback. Tangyin County is Yue Fei's hometown, where the people are tough and the people practice martial arts. The wind is much stronger than other places. When the Jin soldiers arrived here, the young and strong in Tangyin County spontaneously formed a rebel army and fought a battle with the Jin soldiers. Although they were defeated in the end, they caused a lot of damage to the Jin soldiers. , It also let Zong Wang understand how powerful the people of the Song Dynasty are. More than 800 volunteers actually resisted his army of more than 2000, and killed nearly [-] Jin soldiers. A man surrendered to the golden soldiers.

After this battle, Wanyan Zongwang felt quite emotional, and ordered his subordinates to collect the corpses of the eight hundred warriors, and buried them properly. Finally, pointing to the grave in front of the generals, he sighed to the generals: "If the soldiers and civilians of the Song Dynasty were so brave, how could they be destroyed by my Dajin? What a pity, what a pity! Are we awakening the Song people?" No one could answer his question.

Although Zong Wang was delayed in Tangyin County for some time because of Tangyin's bravery, he did not blame the people of Tangyin County for the matter, instead he bypassed Tangyin County and led his army to kill In the direction of the Yellow River, because the Junzhou Yellow River floating bridge was set on fire when they retreated last time, Zongwang did not choose to cross the river from Junzhou this time, but planned to cross the Yellow River from the Zhengzhou area to the south, and then went east to Bianliang to lay down In Bianliang City, after capturing this Zhao Xu, Da Song will be wiped out completely!His idea was good, but he didn't expect that before the army reached the Yellow River, he would be attacked by a rebel army from the Song Dynasty, who almost burned all his grain carts. When Zongwang sent troops to chase them in despair, However, they disappeared into the night and disappeared without a trace. They only caught one person. After questioning, they found out that the leader of the army was not an official or an officer of the Song Dynasty, but just a businessman. Xie Bin!

(End of this chapter)

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