Chapter 620

Looking at the torches going away, Jin Bing couldn't contain his excitement any longer, and urged the horses under his crotch one after another, trying to catch up with the retreating Fubo army faster, so that they could see the power of Jin Bing's iron hooves.

But when they were about to pass through the camp, the golden soldiers running at the front stumbled one after another. Following the sad hiss of the horses, these golden soldiers also bumped their heads off the horses one after another. The soldiers didn't notice the danger hidden ahead at all, and they still urged their horses to rush over.

As a result, more golden troops were thrown off their horses. At this time, Ahuli in the army realized that there was a problem ahead. When he was about to check, there was a rush of drums and horns from all directions. Huli felt as if his heart was suddenly pinched by a big hand, and the boiling blood seemed to be suddenly poured with a basin of ice water, and suddenly froze.

"Not good! I was fooled! Withdraw to the city!" Ahuli suddenly woke up when he heard the sound of drums and horns, and shouted with all his might.

But it was too late. There was a dense swishing sound in the sky, and then a large number of arrows pierced the night sky and plunged into the golden army. A shower of arrows shot to death under the horse, and the golden army immediately became chaotic. After the horse lost its master and was injured, it was immediately frightened and began to run wildly, and the remaining golden soldiers also realized the problem. , I was terrified, and fell down!They were once again tricked by the Fubo army!

So Jin Bing immediately turned his horse's head in the dark, trying to turn around and rush out of the Fubo Army's camp, but it was too late. On the way they came, there were roads of refusal horses, and the soil suddenly Pulling up a series of tripping ropes, the U-turned golden soldiers were obviously unable to ride their horses and overcome so many obstacles, one after another was tripped and fell to the ground. At this time, the arrows in the sky seemed to be raining down continuously. In the night, the golden soldiers couldn't tell where the arrows came from, let alone block them. Pieces of golden soldiers were cut down by the arrows, and they could no longer stand up from the ground. As long as someone fell off the horse, they would There is no way to escape, because the darkness is full of frightened golden soldiers and war horses, who will immediately trample the person who fell from the horse to death.

In the dark of night, Ahuli could no longer give any command to his subordinate golden soldiers. The locust-like arrows were enough for him to do his job. All the golden soldiers didn't know where to break out, and they wandered around like a group of headless flies They bumped wildly, but soon they were shot down by the oncoming arrows again. At this time, torches were lit in many places around them, and one after another fireballs were thrown into the golden soldiers, and the flames illuminated The Jin army made their figures fully exposed in the night, so the flying arrows became more accurate.

It was only at this time that Ahuli finally understood that he had once again been fooled by the cunning Fubo army. The Fubo army did not retreat at all, but made all kinds of false appearances to deceive him. The net of heaven and earth is waiting for him to enter, but he didn't see through the plot of the Fubo army, so he foolishly brought his elites into the net and broke into the big net set by the Fubo army. Why is this Fubo army like this? What about cunning?He really couldn't figure it out, could it be that the people in the Fubo Army had three heads?

But right now he didn't have time to think about this problem. Ahuli raised his sword and roared for his subordinates to gather around. The flying arrow feathers kept shooting them off their horses, and Ahuli gathered a group of them. Jin Bing then chose a direction and shouted: "Don't be afraid! Fight out with me!"

As soon as the words fell, Ah Huli patted his horse and led the soldiers to rush towards the Fubo army. At this time, the Jin soldiers had no choice but to raise their knives one after another, and followed Ah Huli to charge towards the Fubo army. The golden soldiers were continuously shot down from the horses like peeling cocoons. When they finally approached the front line of the Fubo Army under the leadership of Ahuli, rows of black armored Fubo Army soldiers were revealed in the night.

With red eyes, Ahuli waved the big knife in his hand, and rushed his horse like crazy. At this time, two arrows had been hit on his shoulder, but relying on the protection of his armor, he did not cause any harm. Too much damage, and his ferocity was completely aroused. At this time, he didn't want to escape from Shengtian, he just wanted to rush into the Fubo army, how many damn Fubo troops he could kill, Just kill as many as you want.

With a sneer at the corner of Diao Bin's mouth, he straddled his horse and looked at the group of golden soldiers rushing towards him from the chaotic army, then slowly raised the hard bow in his hand, and put on an extremely sharp arrow , aimed firmly at the golden general rushing forward, and then released his two fingers, the bowstring made a sharp buzzing sound, and the feathered arrow immediately left the string.

Ahuli suddenly felt a gust of cold wind hit his face, and in shock, he immediately turned sideways to avoid the cold arrow, but he still couldn't dodge the cold arrow. Pain, his right arm went numb, the big knife in his hand fell under the horse, his body swayed, then went limp, bent over the horse, and passed out.

Following Diao Bin's arrow, the rest of the archers immediately aimed at the group of golden soldiers and shot fiercely. Before the golden soldiers rushed into the formation of the Fubo army, the group of golden soldiers were basically hunted down.

The lieutenant general guarding the city had been looking at the Fubo army camp from afar after Ahuli left the city, but he felt a sense of uneasiness in his heart. This feeling was very ominous, but he couldn't figure out what went wrong. Suddenly, a cold arrow flew up from the city. Relying on his years of fighting experience, he felt the cold arrow in advance, and formed an instinct in his body, and fell backwards on his back. The cold arrow almost flew past his nose. He walked over and hit the face of one of his subordinates behind him. The blood spattered on the spot, and he fell on his back.

"Not good! It's fraudulent!" The lieutenant yelled immediately, rolled over, got up on his stomach and ordered his subordinates to put away the suspension bridge immediately.

"My lord, General Ahuli is still outside the city, should we close the suspension bridge now?" A subordinate said hesitantly after hearing the order from the lieutenant general.

"Idiot, hurry up and raise the suspension bridge, this is a trick of the Fubo army, if it is too late, it will be too late!" The lieutenant yelled almost hysterically.

At this time, the golden soldier who was lying on the battlements and looking down for the direction of the cold arrow suddenly shouted: "There are people below the city! Hurry up and hoist..." But before he finished speaking, an arrow was nailed to his throat above.

With the help of the lights on the top of the city, at this time more Jinbing found a group of black shadows emerging from the city, rushing towards the suspension bridge, and they were about to board the suspension bridge, so they didn't dare to delay any longer, and pushed the wheel hard , The thick iron chain on the suspension bridge immediately tightened and began to rise slowly.

More golden soldiers panicked and began to shoot arrows down the city. For a while, the arrow feathers flew across the city gate, and several arrows rushed to the front of the black shadow and fell to the ground.

The black shadows under the city were stopped by the arrow rain, and their speed slowed down a bit. At this time, the suspension bridge had already risen, and a black shadow knocked down a rain of arrows with a knife, and cursed: "Damn it! Slow down, don't rush, go back!" So these black shadows stopped immediately, raised the shields in their hands to cover their bodies, and several people risked their lives to snatch the wounded and fallen robes. He got up, put his arms on his shoulders, and quickly retreated into the night under the cover of others.

But what Jin Bing didn't see was that in the darkness, not too far away, there was a group of soldiers and horses gathered, and the leading general was Lin Xiong. At this time, Lin Xiong also saw the rising suspension bridge, The Pu Dao in his hand swung violently, and sighed with infinite frustration: "It's still a little slow! What a pity! The damn Jinren's reaction is really not slow, otherwise Liaoyang Mansion will belong to us tonight!"

A general next to him looked at the chaotic city of Liaoyang, sighed, and said, "It seems that the sky will not help us! Let's retreat!"

Lin Xiong nodded with a look of frustration, and then the soldiers and horses slowly retreated towards the Fubo Army camp.

Looking at the flames in the Fubo army camp, as well as the screams of people and the sad hiss of horses in the night sky, the golden soldiers and generals in the city were silent, everyone at this time, They already understood that Ahuli would not come back!
Surrounded by the Fubo army, the four thousand gold soldiers failed to hold on for too long, and were killed by the Fubo army in the camp. Many golden soldiers saw that there was no hope of escape at the end. None of the generals in charge could be found, so he got off his horse, knelt on the ground and dropped the weapon in his hand, hoping to surrender in exchange for his life.

After the last group of golden soldiers who were still trying to resist were shot and killed, groups of Fubo troops with long guns came in, detained those golden soldiers who had surrendered but were not killed, and held them in the streets all over the ground. Searching for survivors among the corpses, as long as they saw golden soldiers with braids or earrings, they would cut off their heads and gather them together.

Seeing that some of the golden soldiers were still alive, they raised their guns and stabbed them down fiercely. A stream of blood arrows would immediately spurt out, completely ending their suffering. The methods were so vicious that even the captured golden soldiers Trembling, finally a few Fubo soldiers found a Jurchen general in heavy armor among the corpses, and were about to chop off his head, someone said: "Wait a minute, this guy doesn't seem to be dead yet!"

Someone said: "Then let me finish him!" As he said this, he wanted to go forward and stab him to death with a gun.

But someone immediately stopped him and said, "Don't! This guy looks like he should be the leader of Jin Bing, so let's keep him alive! Maybe he can ask something!" The gold general of the arrow will be carried back.

Xu Yi sat in the big tent, and after listening to the reports from Lin Xiong and Li Qingyuan, Xu Yi and all the generals sighed, and Xu Yi said: "It seems that the sky does not take care of us. It’s full of heights! But it’s impossible for everything in the world to go according to our expectations, and the Liaoyang Mansion seems to be exhausted, so let it stay in the hands of the Jinren for a few more days! You two have worked hard, so let’s go back and rest!”

Then Xu Yi ordered the captured golden general to be put on the shelf, and several guards immediately brought in a golden general wrapped in gauze like a rice dumpling from the outside, and let go and threw it on the ground. After the golden general fell to the ground, it hurt He let out a muffled snort, but immediately held back forcibly, and struggled to get up, but due to the serious injury, he finally gave up his efforts, rolled over and sat on the ground, his eyes spewing fire, and he raised his head to stare at the sitting position. Xu Yi who is getting started.

Xu Yi looked this golden general up and down, saw that he had a thick beard and a scar on his face, which made him look even more ferocious, and saw that he was looking at him with fire-breathing eyes, so he sneered and said: "I have admired the name of General Ahuli for a long time, and today we finally meet!"

Ahuli looked at Xu Yi, yelled hard at Xu Yi, and spit out a mouthful of bloody spittle. Immediately, a soldier next to him stepped forward and wanted to kick him, but Xu Yi immediately raised his hand to stop them , ordered them to back down, and then said to Ahuli: "It seems that the general is very dissatisfied with the defeat! Now that you have become a prisoner of our Fubo army, what is there to be dissatisfied with?"

Ahuli looked at Xu Yi, and said bitterly: "I don't accept it! You despicable villains can only cheat, or rely on your fire-breathing things, and have no real ability. If you and us If you fight a battle with dignity, you will never be opponents of our Dajin warriors!"

Xu Yi sneered again and shook his head: "The general's words are different. You are also the leader of the army. You must know that the confrontation between the two armies is not only based on military bravery, but strategy is far more useful than military bravery. If you lose today, you are defeated." , you can no longer show your bravery! The word despicable is useless on the battlefield, not to mention you Jin people are not much better. Song and Jin are allies, but you have just wiped out the Liao Kingdom , and immediately turned against Da Song and sent troops to attack Da Song. Don’t you mean that you are not despicable? Since you have torn your face, don’t say who is despicable. You should understand who wins and loses. Now let me ask you , you were captured by us today, do you have anything else to say?"

After Ahuli was reprimanded by Xu Yi, he thought that he was caught by others now. It was true that he was no one smart. The two countries turned against each other, and he had his own opinion, so he glared at Xu Yi and said, "Song and Jin turned against each other, how can we blame us Dajin? You Song people have no morals and destroyed the alliance without authorization. If you didn't take in Liao The surrendered general of the country killed our envoys again, how could we turn against you? The Song Dynasty has no ability, and even the emperor was captured by us, this is really a big joke!"

Ahuli's words immediately aroused the fury of the generals in the tent, and they all cursed at him. Ahuli didn't scold the generals, but still stared at Xu Yi, as if he wanted to swallow Xu Yi in one gulp generally.

Xu Yi raised his hand to stop the generals from abusing Ahuli. The Song and Jin countries turned against each other. On the whole, it is impossible to say who is right and who is wrong. When any country is strong, it will want to bully its weak neighbors. Great Song Dynasty I didn't live up to it, and exposed my weakness to the Jin people, and in the Song and Jin alliance to destroy the Liao Dynasty, I was so useless. Later, when it came to taking down the Liao army, I made small moves again and again, which made the Jin people furious. It is reasonable to be repaired by Jin Guo. There is no need to entangle with people like Ah Huli on this issue.

"Let's not discuss this issue anymore. Now I just want to know that you have been captured by our Fubo army. Do you have anything else to say?" Xu Yi continued to ask Ahuli.

After sitting on the ground and thinking for a while, Ahuli suddenly asked: "You have been attacking the city continuously for the past two days, and you have suffered heavy casualties. Why don't you retreat? Why are so many soldiers and horses laying an ambush against me tonight? This question I can't figure it out!"

Hearing his question, Xu Yi laughed again and shook his head, "Don't be fooled by the illusion in front of you. How do you know that our siege caused heavy casualties?"

Ahuli was a little confused, and said sharply: "How could this be false? You have laid more than ten thousand dead bodies in the city of Liaoyang Prefecture in the past two days. In terms of your military strength, you should have lost your combat power long ago, but tonight you You can still strangle thousands of my soldiers and horses here, can it be that you have reinforcements again?"

Xu Yi really laughed out loud, shook his head and said, "No! It's true that there are more than [-] corpses, but how do you know that those corpses are the corpses of our Fubo Army soldiers?" The other generals of the Fubo Army They all showed teasing smiles.

After being stunned for a while, Ahuli looked at the smirks on the faces of the generals of the Fubo Army around him, and suddenly figured out the problem, wishing to slap himself a few times. Done!It seems that those corpses are not the corpses of the soldiers of the Fubo Army at all, but the corpses of the golden soldiers who were killed and injured in the battle in the past few days. ...This is too cunning!
Ahuli guessed right. The corpses displayed outside the city of Liaoyang Prefecture are indeed not the corpses of the Fubo Army soldiers, but the corpses of the Jin soldiers who were killed these days. Every time they attack the city, the carts still have to fill the trenches. The carts were filled with the corpses of the golden soldiers who had been changed in their clothes. During the feint attack, they threw the corpses of these golden soldiers in the chaos, and then withdrew. After batches of corpses of the golden soldiers were thrown under the city, they just became paralyzed. In addition to Ahuli, there are also many golden soldiers in the city, making them think that the Fubo army suffered heavy casualties, but in fact, during the two-day siege of the Fubo army, they did not lose many soldiers, and staged a battle. The good show of the big drop was shown to Ahuli, but these corpses really deceived Ahuli and many golden men, making them think that the strength of the Fubo army was greatly damaged. It is expected that after the Fubo army suffered such a heavy loss, They will definitely retreat, only to fall into the trap of the Fubo army, causing them to lose their troops again.

However, things did not develop exactly as expected by the Fubo Army. Originally, Xu Yi and the generals had prepared a more ruthless attack on the golden soldiers of the Liaoyang Mansion. , Li Qingyuan, Liu Da and others who dispatched the poisonous snake unit led a group of dead soldiers to raid the city gate of Liaoyang Mansion that fell from the suspension bridge, trying to seize the city gate of Liaoyang Mansion in one fell swoop. Liaoyang Mansion, but unexpectedly, an archer couldn't help but strike ahead of time because he saw the lieutenant general of the Jin Army on the top of the city, exposing their actions, which led to the failure of the entire assault operation. Already entered the city of Liaoyang Mansion!It can be seen that there is no room for any omissions on the battlefield!
But in any case, the Fubo army had made a retreat plan at the beginning, and the reason why they made such a move again was that Xu Yi still felt unwilling and wanted to try again before leaving to see if he could win by tricks. Liaoyang Mansion, and he succeeded in this plan, but it was not what people wanted, and in the end it fell short, but it was not a complete failure. Ahuli became their captive.

After he figured this out, Ahuli had nothing to miss at the moment. The treachery of the Fubo army was indeed beyond his imagination. He really had nothing to say when he lost to such an opponent.

Xu Yi saw that Ahuli stopped talking and looked like he was being slaughtered, so he asked a lot if Ahuli was willing to surrender, but Ahuli scolded him again, scolding Xu Yi very badly For face, this Ah Huli is a general of the Kingdom of Jin, and he will never surrender like so many boneless bastard officials in the Song Dynasty. That's right, this guy is definitely a tough guy, and he won't surrender himself even if he is killed!

So Xu Yi nodded and said: "I admire the general's loyalty. Since the general only wants to die, then I will satisfy you! Come on! Push Ahuli out of the gate to show the public! But don't insult his corpse!"

For a tough guy, no matter who he is, he will win people's respect. A few soldiers came over, set up Ahuli, dragged him out, and reported back to Xu Yi after a while, saying that Ahuli had been crowned and his head had been hung. Outside the gate, the corpse also put on clothes and placed it under the high pole, waiting for the golden soldiers to come and collect the corpse for him.

After finishing these things, Xu Yi said to the generals: "We should go too! But today I swear, I will come back here!" up.

After daybreak, the Fubo Army swaggered to pack up all their things. After loading the vehicles, they retreated towards the south, while the Jin Army in the city could only watch them leave. No one dared to go out of the city to pursue them. The abandoned camp of the Bo army was covered with heads of golden soldiers, their hair fluttering in the wind, looking miserable, while the golden soldiers in the clothes of the Fubo army below the city exuded a stench.

(If you have any comments on the plot during this period, you may wish to leave a message for Geda. Geda can accept criticism with an open mind! In addition, Geda is considering a new book. If you are interested, you may wish to sign up in the role collection post in the book review area, and you will definitely give it a try. Arrangement! Thank you all for your support of Pimple for such a long time!)

(End of this chapter)

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