Great Song Pirate

Chapter 615 Blocking

Chapter 615 Blocking
The rest of the golden soldiers saw that it was a fart, so they immediately turned around one after another, let go of the girls and ran away. The big bull rode his horse and chased after him with a mace in his hand. It was ridiculous that there were a lot of golden soldiers, at least There are more people than Daniu at the moment, but Leng was chased all over the street by a hundred people led by Daniu, and he only hated his parents for giving them two legs.

Daniu led his troops all the way to the east gate. After a fierce battle, he dispersed the golden soldiers at the east gate and opened the east gate, so the soldiers and horses of the third division who had been waiting outside the city immediately rushed like a torrent. It poured into Chenzhou City, and within an hour and a half, Chenzhou City was completely controlled by the Fubo Army. Pity those stragglers who had just retreated from Fuzhou City, and they didn't even survive five days. Either he was beheaded and killed in the city by the Fubo army, or he also became a prisoner of the Fubo army.

Sure enough, as Xu Yi said, the Fubo Army landed in Chenzhou City that night.

As soon as the Fubo army took control of the city, they immediately began to hunt down the Jurchens and Bohai people in the city. These people are rich people in the city, with great families and great careers.Besides, this is the business that Fubo Army is doing, and if you don't grab it, you won't grab it for nothing. Crying and shouting resounded in all corners of Chenzhou City.

Xu Yi frowned after hearing these cries, and immediately called Yang Zaixing, Gao Jun, Li Bo and others over, and said to them: "Listen, I left in a hurry and forgot to give you Let me tell you, this time we are not like before, retreating with one blow, we may have to entrench here for a long time in the future, and those who remember the hearts of the people will win the world. For the ordinary people in the city, you should quickly pass on orders so that the soldiers in the army will not loot Harm, only search and confiscate the Jurchens and Bohai people's mansions, release the list to calm the people, tell them that we only target the Jurchens and Bohai people, not the Khitan and Han people here, as long as they obey our orders, we promise to They have committed no crime! But if they collude with the Jurchens, we will never be polite to them. We can confiscate the homes of those Han Chinese and Khitan people who are officials in the Kingdom of Jin, but ordinary people must not be killed indiscriminately! This It’s not in the Wa country, just leave after looting everything, we will rely on them to do things for us in the future!”

After the generals heard the order, they immediately sent people down to deliver the order. After receiving the order, the officers and soldiers of the Fubo Army in the city immediately stopped looting the homes of ordinary people, and sent back some looted things as ordered. The ordinary people were taken aback for a while, and soon the Fubo Army posted notices everywhere in the city, and sent people to shout along the street, announcing the policies of the Fubo Army. Staying at home anxiously, not daring to breathe out, wanting to see if the Fubo army will do nothing to ordinary people as they said.

Overnight, the Fubo army really only searched the rich families of the Jurchens and Bohai people in the city, and also searched the houses of some Khitan and Han people who were officials in the Kingdom of Jin. Didn't do anything more, this is also due to Xu Yi and the generals under his command. Since the establishment of the Fubo Army, Xu Yi has paid great attention to the word discipline, and there is a permanent inspection team in the army. All soldiers and civilians are prohibited by order. It seems that he doesn't get angry very much at ordinary times, but as long as someone dares to violate the order after the order is given, the inspector team will never be lenient in punishing him, and now there are members of the inspector team in the army. As a member of the Fubo Army, no one knows this One point, as long as the order is given from above, the soldiers below will never easily use their buttocks to try the taste of the army stick!
At this point, some people were a little puzzled at first, but Xu Yi expressed his thoughts to them: "Let's think about it, although Liaodong is not too big, there are at least 10 people. If we want to fight against the Kingdom of Jin here, if we want to gain a foothold but cannot get the support of the people here, how can we stand? Violent solutions are easy, but we will not kill everyone here, since we can’t kill them, It can only be appeased. At any time, the common people stand with the side that treats them well, and the common people are the main body here. Once we have the support of the local common people, we can gain a firm foothold here. Otherwise, the Jinjun First, everyone is against us, then I think we should be beaten back into the sea soon!"

The generals thought about it and found it reasonable, so they strictly ordered their subordinates not to disturb the people without authorization according to Xu Yi's instructions. Therefore, after Chenzhou City was taken by the Fubo Army, the common people basically did not suffer any harm, and even many poor people got Zhou Ji of the Fubo Army gave them some food from the homes of the big Jurchen families, which shocked them. They felt that they had seen many armies coming and going over the years, and they had never seen such an army that cared about the common people, so After the Fubo army cleaned up the Jurchen forces in the city, Chenzhou City soon settled down.

Not only that, Xu Yi also sent people to clean up outside the city, asked the local poor to lead the way, cleaned up the nearby Jurchens, and arranged for people to count the local landless people, and put those Jurchen nobles The land was redistributed to these common people. Of course, this was not something that could be done in a day or two. Xu Yi just sent some people to be responsible for doing these things locally. He would also lead the army to continue northward to attack Liaoyang Mansion!
Daniu made great achievements in this battle. He was the first to break into Chenzhou City, killed the golden general guarding the gate, consolidated the city gate, welcomed the follow-up troops, and captured the Chenzhou defender alive. He was commended by Xu Yi, Yang Zaixing and others, and he was promoted to battalion commander. Other meritorious people will be recorded, and then rewards will be made separately. Rewards and punishments are clearly what the Fubo Army has always insisted on. a principle.

The capture of Gaizhou City in this battle allowed the Fubo Army to get another supplement, and got a large amount of food and grass as well as the Jurchen's cattle, sheep and horses. Unexpectedly, there will be a shortage of food, fodder or firearms in the short term, which has laid a good foundation for their future operations.

After interrogating the Chenzhou guard, Xu Yi found out that when Yan Zongqiang fled back to Liaoyang Mansion, there were only less than [-] remnant soldiers left. In an empty state, a small number of people were drawn to stay in Chenzhou City, and they sent pigeons to Suzhou Port to inform Xue Tu, ordering him to immediately recruit new troops from Suzhou Port to take over Gaizhou City. It was called Chenzhou, and after the Kingdom of Jin, it was renamed Gaizhou! Correct it!), he can’t put too many soldiers and horses here, so it’s better to let those new troops come here to garrison, and it’s better to fight Liaoyang. To attack small cities like Fuzhou or Gaizhou, although they now have nearly [-] elite soldiers, they are still insufficient in terms of strength. For this reason, Xu Yi ordered Xue Tu to dispatch as many troops as possible from the Dalian Port area, and rush over as soon as possible to support His army attacked Liaoyang Mansion.

After arranging these things, the army basically did not stop, and immediately raised troops again and marched towards Liaoyang Mansion.

Liaoyang Mansion is an important town for the Kingdom of Jin, and this is originally Tokyo of the Kingdom of Jin, and it is also the accompanying capital of the Kingdom of Jin. What's more, at this time, Liaoyang Mansion is an important iron smelting town for the two countries, and the weapons and armor of the Jin people Many of them came from here, which is very important to Jin Guo. This is also an important reason why Xu Yi took the risk and sent troops to attack Liaoyang Mansion. A huge hit.

However, it was not an easy task for the Fubo army to attack Liaoyang Mansion. After long-term management by the Liao State, the Liaoyang Mansion itself had a tall and strong city wall, and it had become the most important economic and cultural center in the hinterland of Liaodong. Liaoyang Mansion has been around for a long time, and it has been managed as a strong city. There must be at least 20 residents in the city. It is not easy to conquer Liaoyang Mansion in a short time, but the Fubo Army can only Capture here as soon as possible, otherwise, if you can't attack for a long time, you will be besieged by swarms of golden soldiers.

The terrain outside the city of Liaoyang Mansion is relatively flat, which is very unfavorable for an army dominated by infantry like them, but it is very beneficial for the large-scale cavalry operations of the Jin people. If Liaoyang Mansion cannot be defeated in a short time, The main force of the Fubo army is likely to be lost here.

Both Xu Yi and Yang Zaixing are very clear about the future situation. This battle can be said to be another severe test for the Fubo Army after the Battle of Fuzhou. For this reason, Yang Zaixing and others have repeatedly pleaded with Xu Yi Sitting in Gaizhou City, and leaving the attack on Liaoyang Mansion to them, but after Xu Yi thought about it, he decided to follow them to Liaoyang Mansion. After all, this battle is of great importance. He told Yiqing privately that he was born to be a hard worker. Originally, he could have sat in Dalian Port, but he just likes to take risks with the army. Xu Yi thinks that this change in temperament may be due to years of re-education. Get used to it!

In fact, for every man, the military life of gold and iron horses is not a dream?After coming here and witnessing the growth of the Fubo Army from a small pirate to such an extent, Xu Yi no matter what, he doesn't want to miss this kind of battle that makes men's blood boil!This may be the reason why Xu Yi insisted on going to Liaoyang Mansion with the army!

The generals saw that he couldn't stop persuading him, so they didn't say any more, but the whole army was deeply moved by Xu Yi's personal risky behavior. Although they didn't say it, they were all in their hearts Having made up my mind, I will fight a good fight no matter what, and no matter what I say, I can't let my master have any accidents!
After leaving Gaizhou City, they hurried along the way, and combined with the news from the dark lines sent earlier, they repeatedly discussed the plan to attack Liaoyang Mansion. Although the Fubo Army is in the Liaodong area, they have their own way here. His own intelligence network really owes to Xu Yi's foresight. The reason why he took Yu Fuhai in at the beginning was because he valued Yu Fuhai's identity. Here, in addition to trying every means to obtain various materials from the Kingdom of Jin, he also contacted many relatives and friends from the old clan of the Liao Kingdom in the Kingdom of Jin, and established a secret intelligence network. Otherwise, the Fubo Army would never have captured Liaodong It won't be so smooth, Yu Fuhai's intelligence network has played a very important role, and these people from the old Liao Dynasty were bullied by the Jinren. It can be said that they hate the Jurchen. Hearing the news of the Fubo army's attack After that, many people were encouraged to rise up among the people, attack and kill the Jin people in Liaodong area, and respond to the Fubo army, so that the Fubo army controlled the Liaodong area in a relatively short period of time, and initially gained a firm foothold. It can be said that Yu Fuhai has contributed a lot during this period of time.

Another point is that most of the cavalry of the Fubo Army are Khitans. These people used to be generals of the Liao Kingdom. Some even came from the local area and knew the local conditions very well. There are people, there is no fear of getting lost.

After the Fubo army left Gaizhou City, they went all the way northward, and the speed was not too fast. This is no wonder that the soldiers of the Fubo army did not work hard, but because they directly attacked the Liaoyang mansion in this battle. In order to take down the Liaoyang mansion, they brought a considerable There is a lot of luggage, not to mention the hundreds of artillery pieces of various types, they also have to carry a large amount of ammunition, rockets, swarms, arrows, tents, food and grass, etc. There are hundreds of carts for these things alone. Stretching for more than ten miles, they can't get up as fast as they want. Compared with the golden soldiers who are all cavalry, they do have a great disadvantage in mobility.

Although the Fubo army is equipped with a lot of artillery, which can be said to be the most advanced weapons in the contemporary era, the army's combat methods are also very different from this era. The combat effectiveness is definitely super strong, but at the same time it also brings a serious disadvantage, that is, If the Fubo army wants to exert super combat effectiveness, they must rely on these advanced weapons, and the logistical pressure brought by them will increase exponentially. Once they run out of ammunition, they will return to the category of ordinary troops Xu Yi has a very clear understanding of this point, but he has no way to solve this problem. If he wants to deal with the Jin people here for a long time, the only solution is to build a firearms factory here. One of the reasons why Liaoyang Mansion must be taken down is one of the reasons why he has sent people from Dulong Island Yang Laoxi and Liuqiu Island Jilongzhai to transfer craftsmen to Liaodong by boat. If Liaoyang Mansion cannot be taken down, his This plan cannot be realized.

Gaizhou City is about 200 miles away from Liaoyang Mansion. After Gaizhou, it is the territory of the Jin people again. In order to prevent the Jin army from raiding on the road, Li Bo released the poisonous snake team again. Dozens of teams of Qingqi scouts were also released to conduct reconnaissance thirty miles away from the front of the army. Set up camp so that the soldiers could get a good rest. When they marched to the plains on the third day, their marching speed increased a lot.

But troubles arose immediately. After the defeat of Yan Zongqiang, the Kingdom of Jin also expected that the Fubo Army would not be willing to only occupy the area of ​​Fuzhou City, but would be satisfied with only controlling the southeastern part of Liaodong. It must be the next important target of the Fubo Army. They no longer dare to underestimate the Fubo Army. In the past, they would never think that the Fubo Army dared to raise troops to invade such an important town as Liaoyang Mansion, but now they are surprisingly unanimous He believed that the Fubo army would definitely come, so after Yan Zongqiang fled back to Liaoyang Mansion, he was so angry that he couldn't afford to be sick. One of his subordinates, a fierce general named Ahuli, took over the guarding of Liaoyang Mansion. This person can be regarded as a member of Wanyan Zongqiang's go-getters. Not only was he brave in battle, but he was also resourceful.

After Ahuli took over the job of guarding Liaoyang Mansion, he immediately began to recruit soldiers and horses nearby to strengthen the defense force of Liaoyang Mansion. He also recruited the people in the city on a large scale, and dug deep trenches outside Liaoyang Mansion to lay out various defenses. He also brought water from the Taizi River to fill the moat, supervised the construction of a large number of throwing carts and placed them on the city and outside the city as defensive weapons. In addition, he also ordered the blacksmiths in and around the city to speed up the construction All kinds of weapons, bows, crossbows, armor and equipment from the warehouse were temporarily pieced together by the Golden Army. In a few days, the defensive strength of Liaoyang Mansion has increased a lot. When doing these things, the Golden Army is also very depressed. Since the founding of the country, the Jin people have been attacking other people's cities, and they really didn't do much to defend the city, but today, they want to defend Liaoyang Mansion, defending the Song people who they never looked down on before. This matter made them very unhappy, but it was not a matter of being unhappy, and things had to be done, because Wanyan Zongqiang's painful lesson was in front of them, and they couldn't help but believe that the Fubo army was a terrible army.

After doing these things, Ahuli still felt uneasy, so he sent someone to the Huining Mansion in Shangjing to report the emergency, and asked Jin Taizong Wu Qimai to send reinforcements to support him. In order to slow down the speed of the Fubo army, he even more Order the Meng'an outside the city to organize their cavalry to attack the Fubo army on the road leading to Gaizhou. After listening to the order, these Meng'an did not dare to neglect. Get together and start patrolling on the road leading to Gaizhou.

Soon Ahuli received the news that Gaizhou had been destroyed, and he was quite surprised. Gaizhou City was the size of a city, and there were thousands of soldiers and horses inside. The Fubo army is indeed an army that cannot be measured by conventional measures. He has never seen such a strong combat power before. At the same time, he also knows that the Fubo army will attack Gaizhou City immediately and attack Liaoyang Mansion. , So once again strictly ordered the Meng'an outside the city not to be afraid of fighting, must attack the Fubo army, hold back their footsteps, and let them reach Liaoyang Mansion as late as possible.

So after leaving the mountain road, the Fubo Army started to run into trouble. The scout in front of Kuai Ma reported that they had found a Jin Kingdom cavalry of more than [-] men ahead and were rushing towards them. Yang Zaixing immediately ordered the army to stop. , Set up an formation on the spot, ready to face the Jin army, the army stopped immediately and formed a defensive formation.

Soon they saw the dust flying on the road in the distance, and a Jin cavalry quickly appeared in front of their eyes. These Jin soldiers were very chaotically dressed, and they could tell at a glance that they were not the regular army of the Jin country, but even so , more than 2000 cavalry came together, this scene was also very shocking, but for the soldiers in the Fubo Army who are used to seeing big scenes, their strength is far superior to that of the enemy, so no one feels afraid, Xu Yi smiled and said to Yang Zaixing Said: "Let our new guys deal with this gang of mobs, and let us see how powerful the blast cannon is. This is a sharp weapon against cavalry. We haven't used it yet!"

So soon more than 20 cannons with a shape very different from the Leigong Cannon were pushed to the front of the formation. These artillery vehicles did not build a cannon array like the Leigong Cannon, but directly rammed the tail of the cannon into the soil. The cannons were all equipped with ten gunners, and these gunners quickly loaded the sub-guns of the blast cannon, and put the first sub-gun into the tail of the gun, and all the muzzles were leveled until the golden soldiers attacked direction.

A Puyou led two thousand cavalry under his command and rushed towards the direction of the Fubo army. He was the largest Meng'an in the vicinity. This time he was ordered by Ahuli to attack the Fubo army. He was determined to fight Jiangong, let the clansmen see how powerful he is. For this reason, he mobilized all the strong and strong men under his command, and put together a total of more than [-] people. In his opinion, the cavalry of the Kingdom of Jin is invincible on the plain. Yes, he doesn't have to go into the enemy army, he can drag a large infantry army away just by relying on the speed of his own cavalry. He didn't participate in the Battle of Fuzhou, and of course he doesn't know how powerful the Fubo Army is. , so at this time he is full of confidence and wants to leave a profound lesson for the Fubo army.

Seeing the defensive posture of the Fubo army in formation, Apu pulled out his beloved scimitar from his ribs, stepped on the stirrups with both feet, and shouted to his subordinates: "Show your courage! Let this damn Fubo army see how powerful we are, cut off their heads, and go back to General Ahuli for a reward! Attack their left flank, don't fight with them, take out your bows and arrows, let them see it How did our sharp archers shoot and kill the enemy!"

The soldiers under him let out a groaning sound in unison, and took off their horn bows from their horses one after another, and drew arrows from their quiver, put them on the bowstring, and clamped their legs together On the belly of the horse, he rode the horse to speed up, and ran towards the Fubo Army formation with a howl.

Just when they were about to enter the distance of an arrow, these golden soldiers straightened their bodies immediately and began to draw the bowstring, but at this time, those strange vehicles in front of the Fubo army on the opposite side suddenly sprayed out All the flames...

(End of this chapter)

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