Chapter 616
Driven by Apuyou, the golden soldiers rushed towards the Fubo Army formation that was waiting in full force. Their wishful thinking was very loud, and they wanted to pass in front of the Fubo Army and attack the Fubo Army Left-wing formation, use the bows and arrows in their hands to shoot and kill a large number of Fubo soldiers and generals, disrupting the formation of the Fubo army, so as to create a chance for them to attack.

But just when they rushed to the front of the Fubo army, the blast cannons in front of the Fubo army fired without waiting for them to shoot arrows.

A burst of flames spewed out, and the iron sand filled in the gun was immediately splashed out. Although the caliber of the blast gun was not large, but after it was filled with iron sand, the power at close range was not small, and more than [-] blast guns were fired at the same time. , Immediately before the battle, the smoke filled the air.

Apuyou's cavalry hadn't figured out what happened, the soldiers at the front and their mounts seemed to hit an invisible wall, and everyone and the horses sprayed out at the same time. Blood flowers, the unprepared Jin Bing just straightened his body, so he immediately fell backwards, turned over and fell off his horses, and their horses were also injured at the same time, but these horses were running fast. After being severely injured, they rushed out for a while with huge inertia, before falling to the ground one after another.

The sudden change made the Jin soldiers hard to guard against. Seeing the soldiers and horses in front fell down, the people behind them couldn't stop the horses and stepped on them immediately. Pity those Jin soldiers who fell to the ground. Many of the horses behind were tripped by the fallen horses and fell to the ground, throwing the riders on their backs far away. Most of them hit the ground with their heads and were killed on the spot.

Jin Bing's war horses had never heard such a roar, and many of the war horses were startled on the spot and began to scatter and run away. While running and jumping wildly, they threw the Jin soldiers on their backs off the horses, or they were thrown to death, or they were killed. The other horses were trampled to death, and the two thousand golden soldiers immediately became chaotic in front of the Fubo army. The golden soldiers were stunned by this round of shelling. Even the bows and arrows in their hands were thrown to the ground, and everyone had expressions of panic.

A Puyou charged under the central command, and was lucky to escape the first round of shelling, but his mount was also frightened and began to jump wildly. Fortunately, his riding skills were quite good, so he was not thrown off the horse, but At this moment, I was already in a daze. I didn't know what happened in front of me. I just tried my best to control my mount and command my subordinates, which was already an impossible task.

After a round of shelling, because the tail of the gun carriage was fixed on the ground, the cannon bounced and then fell back to the original place. The gunners immediately took the gun from the tail of the gun and filled the second gun into the tail of the gun. In the middle of the fire, there was no fire, so he immediately fired a second time, the speed was astonishingly fast.

Then there was another roar in front of the Fubo army formation, and Tie Yu smashed his head and face into the formation of the golden soldiers again, so another group of golden soldiers were bombarded and killed on the spot, and the golden soldiers were completely messed up. , The formation that looked menacing just now, but looking at it now, it has already become a mess, and they have completely lost their impact.

"The cavalry regiment strikes! Kill them all!" Yang Zaixing immediately sent an order.

The two cavalry regiments of the two divisions immediately rushed out from the two wings of the Fubo Army when they heard the order. At this time, it happened that the third round of artillery was fired, and another group of golden men were blown off their horses like mowing grass. A piece of dead horses and corpses were left behind.

The soldiers of the cavalry regiment roared and rode their horses and galloped out. Their horses were adapted to the roar, and they were not affected by the sound of the artillery. They carried the cavalry on their backs like a whirlwind to the chaos Jin Bing.

Each cavalryman is equipped with a three-edged spear, a fine steel saber at his waist, and each cavalryman has three three-foot-long sharp steel javelins on his back, and a pair of bows and arrows on his horse, which can be said to be absolutely armed. Excellent, even the horses are covered with leather armor. Although they are not as good as the heavy cavalry, as light cavalry, they not only maintain a high degree of maneuverability, but also have a defensive ability that exceeds that of ordinary light cavalry. They are a very elite army. In order to build this cavalry team, Xu Yi spent a lot of thought and money.

After these cavalry approached the Golden Cavalry, each of them first drew a steel javelin from his back, and with the help of his horse, he swung his arms forward and threw it forward. After flying out of the javelin, he quickly drew an arc This kind of javelin is relatively heavy, even if the golden soldier is wearing armor, he can't stop the javelin from piercing, as long as he hits it, he will be pierced to death on the spot Immediately, some javelins missed the golden soldier, but stuck on the mount, and the horse couldn't bear such a guy, so he was thrown to the ground on the spot.

After a round of javelin throwing, the distance between the two sides was already very close. The soldiers of the cavalry regiment immediately took off their spears and crashed into the golden soldiers like a group of hedgehogs. They were also challenged by a large group of horsemen. These golden soldiers claimed to be heroes on horseback, but today they also saw the power of the cavalry of the Fubo Army. The wind was as swift and fierce, and there was no sign of cowardice at all. The spears flew, and the golden soldiers fell one after another. Some people's spears were stuck by the bones of the golden soldiers, and they didn't miss it. Then he pulled out the saber from his waist again, and continued to swing towards the next golden soldier. His movements were so fast that it was dizzying, without any hesitation.

The cavalry of the two regiments stalked the past, and the two thousand panic-stricken golden soldiers were their opponents. Xu Yi looked at the battle ahead with a smile on his lips. It seemed that all the arms he had been operating for a long time had now reached his level. As expected, the two thousand gold soldiers hit the iron plate today!
Apu should be unlucky for co-authoring. If he faced an ordinary opponent, he might become famous today, but he is arrogant and arrogant, thinking that the Fubo Army is nothing to be afraid of, so today he paid a heavy price. Apuyou was extremely ferocious, and after a while of tossing and turning, he finally controlled the frightened horse, reached out to touch the knife, but caught nothing. Throwing it away, he became empty-handed at this time, just in time a Fubo cavalryman killed him in front of him, stabbed him with his spear, Apu was shocked, and let the long spear go sideways, relying on his instinct Responding, he clamped the long gun under his armpit, and grabbed the long gun with his hand. With a horizontal grip on the gun, he knocked down the cavalry of the Fubo army on the opposite side. Bo Jun tried his best, but five long spears came over at the same time. No matter how powerful he was, he couldn't avoid it. He was pierced by these long spears on the spot. After shaking for a while, he rolled his eyes. He knocked his head off the horse.

The Fubo Army cavalryman who was knocked down by him with a gun just now was not seriously injured because he was protected by heavy armor. He grabbed his pigtail by the head, pulled it away from his waist, took two quick steps, grabbed the bridle of his horse and flew back on the horse, brandishing the saber in his hand, and rushed down again with a wild cry.

The nearby golden soldiers were shocked when they saw it. The cavalry of the Fubo Army were too strong, they were almost invincible, so the remaining golden soldiers saw that Meng An was killed, and immediately turned their horses. They turned around and began to flee. The two regiments of cavalry chased and killed them. Under their pursuit, only a few of the two thousand gold soldiers escaped. The rest became the souls of the cavalry of the Fubo Army.

After encountering the harassment of the Jin people, the Fubo army also delayed a lot of time. They did not return to the army until the cavalry pursued to Apuyou's garrison and robbed and killed them. Xu Yi and Yang Zaixing The others also knew that the Jin people were ready. They took a look at the sky and set up camp on the spot. They rewarded the meritorious officials in today's battle, cleaned up the battlefield, gathered more than 800 Jin soldiers' heads, and captured them. Breed hundreds of horses.

In line with the principle of waste utilization, those dead or wounded war horses should not be let go. They were directly skinned and slaughtered. Before dark, the scent of horse meat wafted throughout the camp. Drinking alcohol was not allowed in the Fubo army, but the horse meat was released. Supply, eat as much as you can think of, the soldiers all laughed and said, to be able to eat such a good meal during the journey, I really want to thank the generosity of the Jinren, and cooperating with the Jinren’s attack, it became an improvement for them. up!

Just like this, I walked from Gaizhou to Liaoyang Mansion. I expected to arrive in about four days, but because I was repeatedly intercepted by the golden soldiers, I stopped and stopped, fighting while walking, and defeated several golden troops who came to intercept the Fubo army. Only on the evening of the sixth day did I see the tall city walls of Liaoyang Mansion from a distance.

The Fubo army chose a piece of flat land with the back of the mountain to set up a camp five miles away from the city. Accompanied by Yang Zaixing and others, Xu Yi climbed up and looked towards Liaoyang Mansion. After everyone arrived here, they looked at the defense of Liaoyang Mansion , just took a breath, the defenders here actually sold what they learned in Fuzhou City, and moved here. Not only is the city wall much stronger than Fuzhou City, but the outside of the city is also densely covered with ditches and barriers. , Xu Yi couldn't help sighing: "It seems that Liaoyang Mansion is not easy to fight!"

Seeing that it was getting late, everyone couldn't see what was going on, so they had to return to the camp temporarily, rest for a while, and wait until dawn to talk about it.

Regarding the news of the arrival of the Fubo Army, Ah Huli had already learned that he had been turning around almost continuously in the past few days before he arranged the Liaoyang Mansion into an iron barrel. Looking at the defensive facilities under the city, Ah Huli felt relieved a lot. I want to see how the Fubo Army can break through the Liaoyang Mansion under my feet. Isn't your Fubo Army powerful?I now have [-] to [-] generals in my hands, and I am still defending the city. You only have [-] people. I don't believe that you can attack Liaoyang Mansion when you are basically one-on-one and weak.Confidence began to gather in Ahuli's heart again.

After nightfall, the Fubo army had just set up the camp. Before they could rest, a group of golden soldiers came out of the city to attack the camp before night. As a result, the Fubo army quickly took off with arrows and beat them back. It was just after midnight. After a while, the Jin soldiers attacked the camp again, but they were repulsed again. After being tossed all night, Yang Zaixing and other generals said angrily: "Damn Jin people, you can learn everything from us, even this move. Don't you let us rest if you are not sincere?"

After dawn, Xu Yi yawned and walked out of the tent. Seeing that the faces of the generals were not very good, he knew that everyone had not had a good rest, so he smiled at them and said, "The golden man is doing it in his own way." Treat him as a person! It seems that we really can't underestimate this guard in the city!"

The generals followed Xu Yi to the top of the mountain again, and raised their binoculars to carefully observe the situation of Liaoyang Mansion. The east side of Liaoyang Mansion is hills, and the west side is plain. It was completely surrounded, leaving only a few passages in and out of Liaoyang Mansion, and there were also Luzhai, Juma and other things, which were guarded by heavy soldiers, and a large number of carts were set up in many places outside the city. The soldiers are stationed and the defense is strict, which is by no means worse than the set of defense facilities built by the Fubo Army outside Fuzhou City.

After reading the situation, Xu Yi ordered the army painter to draw a picture of the entire defensive facilities outside the city of Liaoyang Prefecture, and then brought them back to the big camp. He also recruited a few capable people and built a sand table in the big tent. , The situation of the entire defense facilities of Liaoyang Mansion was restored. Everyone surrounded the sand table and looked down, and the entire Liaoyang Mansion was displayed in front of them.

"Damn it! These goddamn golden people actually copied our method and turned this place into an iron bucket. It seems that we can only attack Liaoyang Mansion by force!" After Lin Xiong looked at the defense situation of Liaoyang Mansion, he squeezed Cursed with fists.

Looking at the sand table in front of them, the other generals were also frowning, unable to come up with any good solutions for a while. With the Jin people doing this, their hope of capturing Liaoyang Mansion in a short time is obviously about to be shattered. After so many battles, I have never encountered such a problem.

After looking at it for a long time, Yang Zaixing shook his head and sighed: "The guard in the city doesn't seem to be a reckless man, his purpose is obvious, that is to drag us here and wait for help until their Jin Kingdom army arrives here After that, surround us here and eat them all at once. Our opponent is not easy! Except for the strong attack, there is really no place for us to use here. At present, the guys in our hands can't reach the city of Liaoyang Prefecture. It's not easy to harass them, but we have to be more careful, this guard doesn't seem to want us to live here!"

Xu Yi nodded. The current situation is indeed the case. Because they did not move fast enough, they gave the Liaoyang Mansion Jin Guo guards enough time to prepare, and built a tight line of defense here. There is no hope for a surprise attack on Liaoyang Mansion. Now they either start to attack Liaoyang Mansion immediately and enter the city as soon as possible, otherwise, if they still can't take Liaoyang Mansion when the Jin Kingdom army comes to help, outside this undefended city, the elite main force of the Fubo Army will It was dangerous, Xu Yi almost wanted to withdraw his troops back to Chenzhou City immediately, but immediately dismissed the idea.

It is absolutely impossible to withdraw the troops. The Liaoyang Mansion must be attacked. Only by defeating the Liaoyang Mansion can the Jin people be hurt. Their Fubo army can be regarded as a stab in the stomach of the Jin Kingdom. The territory, the area south of the Liaodong Peninsula is not enough to hurt the Jin people, and after taking the Liaoyang Mansion, there are too many benefits. They can have a strong fortress here, which will become their weight to challenge the Jin people in the future. A base that can continue to go north, retreating now, everything is tantamount to nothing, and withdrawing troops is absolutely impossible.

After Xu Yi dispelled this idea, he said to the generals: "No matter what, since we are here, we can't give up! Liaoyang Mansion seems to be much more difficult to deal with than we thought, but right now Liaoyang Mansion is the emptiest At that time, if we don't attack Liaoyang Mansion now, I'm afraid it will be even more difficult if we want to attack it again in the future. Only by taking advantage of the fact that there are not many defenders in Liaoyang Mansion now, can we take Liaoyang Mansion by force, so that we can stand firmly here. Heels, everyone clear up your mood, don't think about anything else, Liaoyang Mansion must be taken, even if you pay a heavy price, you must take Liaoyang Mansion!"

After hearing Xu Yi's words, the generals immediately puffed up their chests and replied: "My lord, don't worry, since we are here, even if we risk our lives, we will take this place!"

Now that the thinking has been unified, the Liaoyang Mansion must be fought, and things will be easier to handle. The most feared thing in the army is that the chief generals will disagree and hesitate before the battle. If a group of people are half-hearted, the result will be known if the battle is not fought. , now seeing that everyone also expressed their intention to storm the Liaoyang Mansion, everyone began to discuss again.

After the attack plan was drawn up, the Fubo army camp immediately became busy. All the artisans accompanying the army were gathered together and began to rush to manufacture various siege equipment. To deal with the trenches outside the city, trench bridges are the most indispensable Things, and in order to reduce the casualties of the soldiers, the lead car must also be available. In addition, there must be some ladders and other things. If you want to capture Liaoyang Mansion, these things are indispensable.

In addition, in order to avoid being attacked by the golden men, the Fubo army also sent people to dig a trench outside the camp. The provincial golden soldiers come to make trouble every night. They can boil the golden soldiers, but they must not let the golden men come and subdue them The Bo army, while busy with these things, Yang Zaixing began to mobilize troops and set up two barracks in two places on the south and west sides of Liaoyang Mansion, and sent Li Bo's third infantry division to garrison these two barracks. In order to restrain the attention of Jin Bing, the main direction of attack was placed here to the south.

Yang Zaixing also sent Lin Xiong and others to scold and fight outside the Jin people's line of defense in turn, asking the Jin people to come out and fight them decisively. Ahuli knew the power of the Fubo army, so no matter how the Fubo army scolded them, he strictly ordered the soldiers outside the city not to fight. Go to war without authorization, otherwise, it will be done according to the local military law, and the Fubo army scolded no one for two days.

The cavalry was not very useful in this kind of siege, so Yang Zaixing sent the cavalry out to clean up the nearby Jurchens, loot their food and utensils, and put up notices everywhere to tell the local Khitans and Han people that as long as they disagree The Jurchens and Bohai people formed a group to deal with the Fubo army, and they would never harass them. After killing some local Jurchen nobles and big Bohai people, they distributed their property to the Khitan people and others under them. The Han people used this to buy the hearts of the local people, saving them from following these Jurchens to deal with themselves. So they calmed down and stopped sending people to continue to attack the Fubo army, because they found that the Khitans and Han people who were oppressed by them seemed to be a bit strange when they heard the news. So I started to worry about my own life!

However, there are still some blind Jurchen aristocrats who do not know the benefits and disadvantages, and still impose cruel methods on the Khitans and Han people under their control. As a result, one night, a Jurchen family was taken away by a group of Han people under their control After killing them cleanly, these hundreds of Han people defected to the Fubo Army overnight, and dedicated the heads of the Jurchen Mouke family to the Fubo Army, seeking protection and rewards from the Fubo Army. It can be seen that in the Liaodong area, women The oppression of other ethnic groups by real people and Bohai people is very cruel and unpopular. These Han people who killed their masters were immediately rewarded by the Fubo Army, and let them scatter as seeds to lobby more locals. The Han killed the leader of the Jurchens, and rose up with the Fubo army to deal with the Jinren.

After two days of preparation, the Fubo Army defeated the Jin soldiers several times in a row and killed many Jin soldiers. Ahuli saw that if they continued to toss like this, they would not be able to gain much advantage. The defense is very tight, and their sneak attack would only increase casualties, so they gave up this kind of night attack. After all, apart from bows and crossbows, they don't have rockets like the Fubo Army, and they can hit and run from a distance. , can only rely on people to fill in, and now he doesn't have so many troops to fill in, and the Fubo army can finally sleep peacefully.

In the early morning of the third day, the Fubo Army prepared the attacking equipment. After the gate was opened, a large number of Fubo Army rushed out of the camp and rushed towards the first ditch outside the city of Liaoyang Prefecture.

Trench bridges transformed with carts, trench-filling carts filled with sandbags, and head carts covered with thick horsehide and cowhide were pushed out of the shaft gate, followed by more than a hundred people. A artillery vehicle was also pushed out of the camp and set up outside the Jinbing line of defense, followed by teams of Fubo soldiers with helmets and armor lining up behind these vehicles, the entire front of the two armies was full of murderous looks .

The golden soldiers on the other side of the trench also got busy immediately. Under the command of the golden general, the soldiers rushed to the barrier and the throwing carts, picked up the bows and arrows that had been prepared, and the throwing carts were also loaded. The stone fireball, the atmosphere on the Jinbing position outside Liaoyang Prefecture suddenly became tense.

Xu Yi also got on his horse. As the army came outside the camp, this battle was a huge test for them. Success or failure was more crucial to them than any previous battle. Looking at the golden soldiers on the battlefield There were many figures, Xu Yi took a deep breath, nodded slightly, the sound of war drums immediately rang in the Fubo army, and the attacking soldiers of the two regiments stood up and let out a roar: "Kill..."

(End of this chapter)

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