Chapter 614
The news that the Fubo Army defeated the Jin Army outside the city of Fuzhou in Liaodong is gratifying, but after the ecstasy, everyone felt that this matter seemed very embarrassing.

The reason is nothing more than the identity of this Fubo army. So far, although the Fubo army responded immediately when Jin Guo sent troops to attack Song Dynasty, attacked the Jin country along the northern coast, and repeatedly defeated the Jin army, but they It is not the soldiers and horses under the jurisdiction of the Song Dynasty, at best it can only be regarded as a rebel army, and it seems that it has little to do with the Song Dynasty.

After thinking of this, the atmosphere in the hall began to turn weak again, and Zhao Xu also clearly felt the change in the atmosphere, so he asked the ministers below why.

Wu Min went out and replied: "Your Majesty, although the Fubo Army has won the Jin Kingdom, it is gratifying, but they are only a rebel army after all, and they have not escaped their status as pirates. , It was also caused by them, so that the second emperor of the Song Dynasty became dusty and was captured by the Jin people. This crime is a crime that they have died a hundred times and cannot be shirked. , this identity is really embarrassing!
As far as I can see, it would be better to send an edict from the sage to recruit him, obey the dispatch of the court, and order him to take the Jin Kingdom to the capital to welcome back the two emperors. To take the shame of the Song Dynasty, we might as well give it to the Fubo army. As the leader of an official position, his victory can be regarded as an admiration for the army of the Great Song Dynasty! "

Regarding Xu Yi's identity, Zhao Xu also had plans. In his opinion, the reason why Xu Yi did this was because of his utter loyalty. The reason why he refused to be an official was because his father was too absurd and treacherous. Rampant behavior can't make him show his talent and learning. Now that he is on the throne, Xu Yi will be attached to the court as an official sooner or later. He also happens to have a right-hand man, so he nodded and wanted to speak.

But before Zhao Xu could speak, a person immediately stood up, knelt down on the ground and shouted: "My lord! This is absolutely impossible!"

Zhao Xu looked down, and it turned out that Huang Qianshan, the Minister of Rites, objected, so he wondered: "Huang Shilang said that this is absolutely impossible, so why?"

Huang Qianshan pouted his buttocks and said with panic on his face: "It must not be done at this time! Your Majesty must know that although the Fubo army has blatantly captured a corner of the Kingdom of Jin, the situation in the north of our country is still not optimistic. Taiyuan Mansion is still under siege by the Jin army. Among them, the Zhending Mansion, Hejian Mansion, and Cangzhou area have fallen into the hands of the Jin people. Our soldiers and horses are still no match for the Jin army. This great victory, I thought, was just a surprise attack on the Kingdom of Jin, and at best it was just a fluke! Once the Jin people sent heavy troops to encircle them, I am afraid that the Fubo army would have a hard time resisting the army of the Kingdom of Jin, and they were defeated. It is also a matter of time.

Nowadays, the Song and Jin countries are still the enemy is strong and we are weak, and the Fubo Army is just a rebel army, not under the control of the Song Dynasty court, and its sending troops to attack the Dajin Kingdom can only be regarded as their own actions, not instigated by our country. Jin Even if the country is angry, it will not vent its anger on me, Da Song!
But once the Holy Majesty recruits him and becomes a soldier of our dynasty, he will harm the territory of the Jin Kingdom, and the Jin Kingdom will definitely think that he was ordered by the Holy Majesty. After he defeats the Fubo Army, he will definitely turn his anger on our country and retaliate against our country. How can our court resist the army of the Kingdom of Jin?
Also, once the Fubo army is recruited by the Holy One, they will definitely ask for food and salaries from the court. Now our treasury is empty and military funds are tight. How can we afford such a large amount of military funds?
Therefore, from what I can see, the Holy Majesty must not recruit the Fubo Army at this time, otherwise, it will definitely set fire to himself. Not only the Holy Majesty cannot recruit them, but also cannot provide them with any support, lest after their defeat, the Kingdom of Jin will use it again. Because of this matter, I vented my anger on Da Song, please think twice, Your Majesty!

The current plan is also an opportunity for us. We can take advantage of the opportunity that the Fubo army is doing harm to Dajin, so that Dajin can't care about each other, and send people to negotiate peace with the Kingdom of Jin, and agree to some conditions of the Kingdom of Jin. Its retreat will also allow our country to take a breather, quell the civil strife as soon as possible, and make preparations, so that when the Kingdom of Jin turns against us again in the future, it will have the power to fight back! "

Before Huang Qianshan's words fell, Li Gang said angrily: "Nonsense! Huang Shilang, what are you talking about? Although the Fubo army is a bandit, they still know that when the country is in trouble, they rise up to fight against gold. According to your words, so Righteous man, not only do you not think of admiration, but you persuade the Holy One to just sit back and ignore them! What is your intention? If everything is according to what you said, wouldn’t it cool the hearts of righteous men all over the world? Who would join the army to fight against gold? This is what the Song Dynasty lacks now If there are more loyal people like this, how can we be humiliated by the barbarians of the Golden Kingdom in our vast country?
Your Majesty, you must not listen to the words of this villain. From what I see, your Majesty will not only recruit the Fubo Army, but also bestow high-ranking officials and generous salaries as a token of encouragement. Provide them with military supplies, food and fodder, so that they can gain a firm foothold in the hinterland of the Kingdom of Jin. God, shame on you!
And it should also be announced to the world, calling on the righteous men of the Great Song Dynasty to follow the example of the Fubo Army and drive the Tartars together. sit idly by?That will definitely cool the hearts of people with lofty ideals in the world!I implore Your Majesty to think twice! "

Li Gang has an upright temperament, and he hates people's clamor to negotiate peace with Jin Guo, so he scolded Huang Qianshan angrily in court. At first, the officials in the court still listened to Huang Qianshan's words, which made sense, but after Li Gang finished scolding, no one said any more Dare to go along with Huang Qianshan!
Zhao Xu was also pissed off by Huang Qianshan. Although he doesn't like to listen to the second emperor's words now, he still has no hesitation about the matter of fighting against gold. Now that the Fubo army has just won a big victory, this guy actually wants to ignore them , I have to take the opportunity to negotiate peace with the Jinren, and abandon them, this can be said, it is simply a shameless scum!

"Huang Shilang! As a minister of my Great Song Dynasty, how can you say such a thing today? The Fubo army is now fighting for the Great Song Dynasty, risking their lives to attack the Kingdom of Jin in order to contain the Kingdom of Jin's attack on our Great Song Dynasty, but you If you want me to sit back and watch them do nothing, and you want me to take the opportunity to negotiate peace with the Kingdom of Jin, and subdue the Bo army for injustice, you are ashamed to say such a thing. I think you are also born in the books of sages. How can you be so shameless? Kingdom of Jin Occupying the territory of the Song Dynasty, if I negotiate peace with him now, wouldn't it be tantamount to showing weakness to the enemy and bowing down to him? Come on! Drive this person out of the hall for me, and he will never be used forever. I look at you as an official. Don't do it again!" Zhao Xu also pointed at Huang Qianshan and scolded him angrily, and ordered Huang Qianshan to be dismissed from his official position on the spot, demoted to a commoner, and banned from employment forever.

Poor Huang Qianshan, a power minister who used to call the wind and rain in history, now under the emperor Zhao Xu, he can't stand that way anymore. He didn't become a power minister, but got dismissed on the spot, and was kicked out of Tokyo in despair Bianliang, not long after the old guy left Bianliang, he was so angry that he vomited blood and died, and he was also infamous for everything.

With the example of Huang Qianshan, the mood in the court immediately shook again, and few people dared to advocate peace with the Jinren anymore. The matter of rewarding the Fubo Army was settled in this way, but what about giving Xu Yi an official position? On the issue, there was another controversy. Li Gang and other hard-line fighters supported Xu Yi, thinking that someone like him who had defeated the Jin army for several battles and wiped out tens of thousands of Jin soldiers would give him a general to do whatever he said. , but some people think it's inappropriate. In this way, it doesn't make sense for a pirate leader to give a third-rank official directly, and the two sides have a lot of disputes on this issue.

Zhao Xu finally couldn't listen anymore, and felt that it was a bit too much to get Xu Yi a third-rank officer at once. In the end, he personally made a final decision and decreed that Xu Yi be the commander of the Liaodong Horse and Infantry Army, and the leader of the Liaodong Anti-Golden Army. In terms of rank, he is a military officer of the fifth rank, but for the first recruitment, this position is not too small!Although in name he is the commander of the horse and infantry army, but in fact this is also a vacant position. You must know that the soldiers and horses who fought against the gold in Liaodong were originally members of the Fubo Army, and they could not control any other soldiers and horses at all. It was just a nice name. .

In addition, Zhao Xu is still rewarding Xu Yi with a gold silk battle robe, ten thousand taels of silver as a reward, the reward is pretty much the same!In this way, no one will say anything more. At the same time, Zhao Xu also ordered the coastal states on Jingdong East Road to organize grain and fodder and transport them to Liaodong to support the Fubo army in fighting the gold. He is also determined to fight the Jin people. Now, although he doesn't have many generals and elite soldiers at hand, he still spares no effort to support Xu Yi, a friend.

After deciding on this matter, Zhao Xu inspected the main hall, and finally decided to appoint Chengwu Lang Chen Dong as the imperial envoy, and sent him to Liaodong. This Chen Dong was exactly when Bianliang was trapped by the golden soldiers. , a student representative of Taixue, although young, but quite courageous, when Zhao Xu succeeded to the throne, he admired Chen Dong very much, so he gave him a Jinshi background and made him a seventh-rank Chengwu Lang in front of the palace. Listen to it by your side.

Then the news that the Fubo army defeated the [-] Jin army under the city of Fuzhou in Liaodong quickly spread like wildfire, spreading all over the north and south of the river. This news is undoubtedly another shot in the arm for the soldiers and civilians of the Song Dynasty. Because of the frustration of losing to the Jin army, the anti-gold activities in Hebei became more lively.

Xu Yi didn't know that after the news of his army's victory over the Jin Army in Fuzhou City reached Bianliang, Tokyo, so many things would happen. Even Huang Qianshan died of anger in Bianliang because he was demoted to a commoner Outside the city, at this time he was outside Chenzhou City, watching Yang Zaixing commanding the army of the First Division and the Third Division to attack Chenzhou City.

When Chenzhou was in the Liao Kingdom, it was also called Gaizhou. After the Jin people occupied it, it was renamed Chenzhou. Some time ago, Chenzhou was attacked once by Sun Hai led by the navy. That time, due to lack of preparation, Chenzhou was not able to be taken down, but Chenzhou's golden soldiers were also beaten into frightened birds. After that, they were ready to welcome the arrival of the Fubo Army again. , they breathed a sigh of relief, and felt that they could finally sit back and relax, but they didn't realize it. Within a few days, the situation took a big turn. The Bo army, on the contrary, was beaten by the Fubo army and nearly wiped out, and fled back to Liaoyang Mansion.

The guard general of the Kingdom of Jin in Chenzhou City was completely terrified, and he couldn't figure out why Wanyan Zongqiang had so many soldiers and horses that couldn't beat a bunch of pirates, and was almost wiped out by the Fubo Army, but he Can understand, after Yan Zongqiang's defeat, the Chenzhou City he guarded will soon become the next target of the Fubo Army, because who let his Chenzhou City lead to Liaoyang Mansion?As long as the Fubo Army wants to continue to attack Liaoyang Mansion, his Chenzhou City will bear the brunt.

So the Chenzhou defender hurriedly started preparing for the battle again, gathered a group of remnants who had retreated from the Fuzhou City, and finally pieced together more than 5000 soldiers and horses, but with this manpower, he didn't think he could hold it at all. In this city of Chenzhou, Wanyan Zongqiang's [-] troops would give it to the Fubo army for nothing, not to mention his manpower, but he couldn't do it if he abandoned the city and fled, because even if he ran back to Liaoyang Mansion, it would be difficult for him. If he escaped to death, Shangfeng would never tolerate him doing this!He has no choice but to stand by and wait for help!
The Fubo army came a little slower than he thought, but it only took four days to reach the city of Chenzhou. The guard of the Kingdom of Jin lay on the top of the city and looked a little dizzy. He didn't expect the Fubo army to come So many people came, there were more than 2 people in the dark outside the city, and in a short while, the entire Fuzhou City was surrounded.

Everyone in the Fubo Army took a look at the Chenzhou City in front of them. Compared with Fuzhou City, this city is still slightly inferior. The last time Sun Hai led his troops to attack here, he didn't make any real effort, otherwise it would be nothing to take this Chenzhou City The problem is, now that they have so many troops and so many new artillery pieces, it would be a joke if they couldn't hit here.

Therefore, after the Fubo army arrived at the city, they concentrated their artillery at the south gate of Chenzhou City without even setting up a camp, and made preparations to attack the city. According to Xu Yi, they would rest in Fuzhou City at night and use No need to bother to set up camp again, it's too troublesome to pull out camp!
So the veterans of the Fubo Army laughed and began to attack the city. Only some recruits who entered the battle for the first time were somewhat nervous. The artillery exploded violently. Amidst the exclamation of the golden soldiers in the city, after only one round of salvo, the gate of Chenzhou City disappeared, and even the golden soldiers guarding the gate were blasted into pieces. minced meat.

Then these cannons adjusted their muzzles, aimed at the golden soldiers on the city wall, and fired again, but it turned out that it was only three rounds of shelling, and a large area of ​​the battlements on the city wall of Chenzhou was blown away. The soldiers were even more casualties and Chen Ji. Under such fierce artillery fire, the Fubo Army once again pushed the use of artillery in siege to a high point. Unless it is a strong city like Bianliang City or Hangzhou City, the current artillery It is still a bit difficult to chew. For a small city like Chenzhou City, dozens of artillery salvos are quite terrifying. The mode of war has begun to undergo a huge change in the hands of the Fubo Army.

After several rounds of shelling, the soldiers of the first regiment of Gao Jun's first division collectively launched an offensive under Lin Xiong's roar, and the tiger general running in the front was wearing a double-layer battle armor and carrying a gun in his hand. With a huge long-handled mace, he rode his horse towards the ruined city gate of Chenzhou City like flying. Xu Yi looked through the binoculars, feeling somewhat worried, because this tiger general was the one he cared about the most. One of them, this person is Daniel, who also served in the first division, and he led the assault company to strike the forward in this battle. Xu Yi didn't want to see his first time leading troops into battle in his life, and it would be the last time. I can't help but feel a little uneasy, this is people who don't care about themselves, and those who care about themselves will cause chaos!

"My lord, don't worry too much. Daniel is no longer what he used to be. This guy is going crazy now, and even I have to be more careful. Didn't you say that? Do young eagles always have their own time to fly high?" Li The teacher, Bo, obviously hasn't quite adapted to the new role. After arranging his subordinates, he ran to Xu Yi's side. Seeing Xu Yi's expression, he opened his mouth and said to Xu Yi.

"Well! That's not bad! But after all, Daniel and I have been with me for so long, it's a bit impossible to keep me from worrying! Huh? Why did you come to me as a teacher? I said, Li Bo, are you not The captain of my personal guard is now, how can I leave your subordinates and come here? Hurry up to adapt to your role, hurry up! I will send someone to look for you if something happens!" Only then did Xu Yi realize that Li Bo had joined him. Come over, and drive him away immediately.

Li Bo bared his teeth in embarrassment, and then galloped back to his team. After Yang Zaixing and Xu Yi looked at each other, they also shook their heads with a smile.

"It's your fault. Anyway, you are the commander of the army now, and Li Bo is also your subordinate. If you see it and don't speak, how can you lead the troops in the future?" Xu Yi shook his head and even Yang Zaixing taught him a lesson. .

While they were talking, Daniel had already rushed out of the city gate with his subordinates. At this time, the golden soldiers on the city were already at a loss. It was not until the Fubo army approached the city gate that they began to organize Shoot back with arrows.

But it was too late at this time, the soldiers of Daniel's assault company saw the golden soldiers shooting arrows, and at the same time raised the steel shield in their hands above their heads, as if a steel roof had suddenly formed, covering their bodies tightly In fact, following behind Daniel without slowing down, he slammed into the city gate hole, and the archers following behind, under the cover of the sword and shield hand, immediately fired their bows and crossbows, and smashed the city on the top of the city. The few golden soldiers who shot arrows were suppressed on the top of the city!
Daniel broke into Chenzhou City all the way, and bumped into a group of golden soldiers who were trying to block the city gate, so without saying a word, he swung away the fine iron mace, and a Jurchen danced to greet him Big Gun came to fight, but the two of them only met face to face. With the advantage of strength and heavy stick, and his speed was much faster than the golden general, he beat his head to a bloody mess with one stick. He couldn't even see his face clearly, this golden general didn't even scream, he bumped off his horse and became Daniel's first victim today.

Daniu rushed into the city with his subordinates, with him as the leader, he slashed and slashed, and quickly controlled the city gate. Immediately afterwards, Lin Xiong took his simple knife and led more soldiers The horse entered Chenzhou City, and then divided the troops and immediately rushed to the city wall. On the city wall, they met the Jin soldiers hand-to-hand, and fought together.

The Jin soldiers in the city never expected that the Fubo army could enter the city so quickly. Most of their troops were deployed on the city wall. At the freezing point, how can there be courage to fight to the death with the Fubo army? Originally, in terms of their combat power, if they fought against the Fubo army, they might be able to hold off for a while, but once the morale is over, this battle will be over. Can't beat it!

When they saw the Fubo army approaching like wolves and tigers, many golden soldiers turned around and ran away at the same time. As a result, they were killed by Lin Xiong's 1000 people, and Chenzhou City suddenly fell into chaos.

Although the guard of the golden soldiers knew that they could not win this battle, he never expected that the city was broken so quickly. Before he could organize his troops and rush to the south gate, he saw a fierce general Swinging away the mace and rushing in front of him, in panic, he quickly raised his ax to parry, the big bull's mace hit the handle of his ax heavily, making his arms numb from the shock, His chest felt tight, he almost vomited blood from the beating, his breath was bad, and he wanted to run away, but Daniel would not give him this chance, seeing that the mace in his hand was too old, he didn't even bother to use it, so he stretched out his left hand and walked over. Grabbing the golden general's leather belt, he yelled loudly, "Come here!"

The golden general didn't understand, he was dragged off his horse, and Daniu held him and threw him heavily behind him, and shouted at the subordinates behind him: "Tie me up! "

These subordinates are also veterans of the Fubo Army, otherwise they would not be able to serve under Daniu. This can be regarded as Yang Zaixing taking special care of him and letting him choose elite soldiers to form his company. , I followed a super big man, and I caught the golden general alive in a face-to-face meeting, so I rushed to hold the golden general, and wanted to tie him up. The golden general struggled hard, unwilling to be caught like this, But the soldiers under these big bulls are not vegetarians. They turned the handle of the knife and knocked over, knocking the golden general dizzy on the spot. Lima stopped struggling and was honestly tied into a rice dumpling. .

The rest of the golden soldiers saw that even the main general had been arrested, and they were a little dumbfounded on the spot. Several golden soldiers were the guards of the guard, and the main general was arrested. Towards Daniel, seeing these brave golden soldiers, Daniel was not nervous at all. After swinging away the mace in his hand, the knives and guns handed over by those golden soldiers flew away when they touched them. The soldiers were smashed into rotten meat.

(End of this chapter)

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