Chapter 613 Two Heavens

This matter is a matter that takes a long time to complete. After Xu Yi arranged for Yu Fuhai, he stopped paying attention to this matter. How far he can do it depends on Yu Fuhai's ability, not to mention that he is from Liao. It's more approachable to do these things, let him do it!

What Xu Yi wanted to pay attention to was still military affairs. Three days was not long, but he couldn't give these people more time, because time was running out, and the Liaoyang Mansion's secret work sent back news that Yan Zongqiang had retreated to Liaoyang Mansion. There's been a lot of chaos there.

These guys really completed Xu Yi's order in three days, and formed three divisions. Although the matter was a little rushed, most of these people came from Liuqiu Island, so it was easier to deploy. Communication is also relatively convenient, and the veterans lead the recruits, and the recruits have no complaints, but the specific use depends on the next step.

It is not a good thing to send troops here to send [-] surrendered troops. After Xu Yi discussed with the generals, Li Bo sent two battalions of soldiers and horses to escort these prisoners back to Dalian Port and ship them all to Liuzhou. Go to Qiudao, save them from causing chaos here, Liuqiudao can also have more labor, don't be afraid of where these people will make trouble, and their thoughts will be eliminated!

In addition, after some discussion among the people, Li Bo's third division drew a regiment of troops to guard the city of Fuzhou. The first and third divisions joined forces and immediately attacked Liaoyang Mansion, taking Chenzhou City by the way. Take it down, now with their strength, it should be easy to deal with a small city of Chenzhou, but Xiao Jianfeng immediately led the second division to attack Kaizhou, Xu Yi ordered him to move quickly, after taking Kaizhou, The defense of Kaizhou was handed over to the reinforcements for guarding, and then immediately turned to the direction of Liaoyang Mansion to support the first division to conquer Liaoyang Mansion, thus completely controlling the Liaodong area.

The generals immediately received the order, and after making their own arrangements, they immediately pulled out their strongholds and set up troops. On the same day, they divided into two groups and began to march.

In the Battle of Fuzhou City, after Wanyan Zongqiang withdrew to Liaoyang Mansion with less than [-] remnants of defeated generals, Liaoyang Mansion was in chaos. At that time, the [-] army was so majestic. From their point of view, it was a matter of time to deal with a Fubo army that sneaked into Liaodong. In the past, this Fubo army was wiped out by Wanyanzong's powerful army!

But they never imagined that Wanyan Zongqiang left quickly and came back quickly. In less than ten days, after running back and forth, Liaodong was not captured, and the [-] army was almost lost!After hearing this, many Jin people in Liaoyang Mansion took it as a joke at first, and didn’t believe it at all. But when they saw the remnant soldiers who had thrown away their armor and ran back, they realized that this was not a joke, but a fact, so many Jin people Everyone was terrified, what the hell is this Fubo army doing?Even Jin Jun is not their opponent. Could it be that they all have three heads and six arms?
After Wan Yan Zongqiang returned to Liaoyang Mansion, he immediately fell ill. Since then, when he couldn't get sick, he collapsed very quickly, which even panicked the general of Liaoyang Mansion.

The news was quickly sent to the Huining Mansion in Shangjing, which immediately caused a shock in the entire Jin court. Wu Qimai barely fell off the dragon chair, and immediately summoned the officials of the court, Chinese and military to discuss matters in the main hall.

"Tell me! What is the origin of this Fubo army? Didn't you say that they are just pirates from the Song Dynasty? Why are they so powerful now? You must know that Alu is also a fierce general. He personally commanded an army of [-] to attack A small city of Fuzhou is almost completely wiped out there, why didn’t we know about such a strong army before?” Wu Qimai sat behind the dragon case, blew his beard and stared, slapped the table and smashed the bench Asked the officials below.

Don't say he can't figure it out, most of the civil and military ministers below are like him, most of them can't figure it out, what is the virtue of the Song army, they have already learned it, in their eyes the Song people are really vulnerable, Wanyan Zongwang's East Route Army was only [-] soldiers, so they killed a back and forth in the Song Dynasty, as if they had entered the land of no one, and brought back the two emperors of the Song Dynasty in one fell swoop. It would be unexpected to kill them , there is actually a soldier from the Song Dynasty, who can be so fierce that it almost wiped out their [-] gold army. It's almost like a joke!
At this time, Wanyan Zongwang, who had just returned to Huining Mansion, came out to speak: "Sign up to the Holy Majesty, please calm down! When the last general sent troops to the Song Dynasty, he heard that this Fubo army attacked our Pingzhou City and Jizhou City." When the news came out, people inquired about the matter among Song officials. It seems that we all underestimated this Fubo army!

From Song's population, the general learned that although this Fubo army is a pirate, it is by no means an ordinary pirate. They had risen along the coast of the Song Dynasty a few years ago, and last year, they made a A big event, actually sent troops to An Nanguo in the South China Sea, and An Nanguo sent envoys to Song Dynasty for help. Later, Da Song didn't punish them because the Fubo Army didn't wantonly harm the coastal states of Song Dynasty. Conquering and suppressing, but later I heard that this Fubo army not only defeated An Nanguo to cede land and pay compensation, but also defeated Champa Kingdom by them. In the end, they could only follow An Nanguo's example and cede territory to pay compensation!

The general thinks that if a mere pirate is not powerful, how can they beat two countries into such a mess, which shows that they are definitely not ordinary pirates!So our opponent this time may not be as simple as we thought before!The defeat in the first battle of Fuzhou was precisely because we underestimated the enemy that led to such a disastrous defeat!

There is a good saying in the Han military book, know yourself and the enemy and you will never be imperiled in a hundred battles!We don't know our opponents at all, so it's inevitable that we will end up in this situation!For the current plan, the general thinks that they must not be allowed to continue to cause chaos in Liaodong, otherwise, it will definitely become a confidant of our Dajin Kingdom. We might as well negotiate a peace with Da Song temporarily, concentrate our forces, and wipe out this fubo army After that, let's talk about using troops against the Song Dynasty! "

At this time, another minister came out and said: "My Majesty, I just came back from Koryo. When I was in Koryo, I heard about the Fubo Army. They not only dominated the southern coast of the Song Dynasty, but also They have also controlled many islands in the Bohai Sea, and they even have their forces along the coast of Koryo. They often cause trouble along the coast of Koryo, causing headaches for the Korean people. This time, I heard that some time ago, they even sent troops on a large scale Attacking a Japanese country in the Dongyi Sea, and beating that Dongyi country into a mess, you can see how powerful the Fubo army is! Therefore, the Holy One must not underestimate this thief. If they can suddenly send troops to attack us at this time, It is to contain us, so that we have no time to look south, so this humble minister thinks what the prince (Wanyan Zongwang) said is reasonable, it is better for us to pacify Liaodong first, and then plan to destroy Song!"

At this time, Wanyan Zonggan, the eldest son of Aguda, came out and said: "I don't agree with this statement. Today, the second emperor of the Great Song Dynasty has been captured by us. We have established Zhang Bangchang as the emperor of Chu. The Great Song Dynasty is already in danger, but that Zhang Bangchang failed us. The kindness of the Kingdom of Dajin once again donated the world to Zhao Xu, that yellow-mouthed boy, and made our previous efforts come to naught. Although the Zongwang Army has already captured the Zhending Mansion and Hejian Mansion, the north of the Yellow River has not yet belonged to our Dajin. Han Jun was still dragged in Taiyuan Mansion, and he was about to take Taiyuan Mansion, and Zhao Xu, a yellow-mouthed boy, was not able to gain a firm foothold now, and the Song Dynasty was full of wars. The Bo army gave up such a good opportunity? In my opinion, although this Fubo army is very strong, but no matter what, they are only about tens of thousands of people, and they cannot make any big waves. For today's plan, we can't relax our offensive against the Song Dynasty, at least we have to take the land north of the Yellow River! As for the Fubo Army, there are only tens of thousands of people, and our Dajinxiong has millions of soldiers. Mobilizing troops from Gyeonggi and other places is enough to wipe them out! Please think twice, Your Majesty!"

This Wanyan Zongqian had a soft spot for destroying the Song Dynasty, and strongly advocated not to give up the excellent situation of fighting against the Song Dynasty.

At this time, the palace of the Kingdom of Jin was divided into two factions. Some people agreed with Zongwang's opinion and temporarily gave up using troops against Song Dynasty. They concentrated their forces to deal with the Fubo army first, and there were also people who supported Zong. If they wanted to fight on two fronts, they could not give up attacking Song, take advantage of the weakness of the Great Song, and destroy the Great Song in one fell swoop.

After Wu Qimai heard this, he pondered for a while, and finally made up his mind, and said: "Everyone, don't argue, I will make my own decision on this matter, and what you said is all reasonable, but I think that Song Dynasty is now in a state of weakness. , Zhao Xu's foothold is not stable, we can't give up the attack on the Song Dynasty, Zong Wang captured the second emperor of the Song Dynasty in this war, and he contributed a lot. As for the Fubo army, we should not underestimate it, and we must not allow it to sit in Liaodong. Zonggan immediately mobilized troops from all over Shangjing Road and Beijing Road to go to Liaoyang Mansion on Dongdong Road to completely wipe out the Fubo Army , I just don’t believe it, how could my great gold and iron-armored army be defeated again and again in front of this fubo army! That’s all for today’s discussion, retreat!”

So Wanyan Zongwang had no choice but to accept the order, turn back to Yanshan Mansion, mobilize troops and horses again, and continue to launch the attack on Song Dynasty!And Wanyan Zonggan immediately mobilized a large army on Shangjing Road, requisitioned food, fodder and supplies, and prepared to send troops to Liaoyang Mansion to fight another tough battle with the Fubo army.

However, Emperor Huizong and Emperor Zhao Huan were bought by Wu Qi and named as Duke of Hunde and Marquis of Hunde as an insult, and then they were asked to take off their clothes and go to the mausoleum of Jin Taizu to worship them, so they insulted them both, and then Send the two of them to the Five Kingdoms City for imprisoning, and the rest of the princes will be enrolled in the army and become golden soldiers!If it wasn't for Zhao Xu, then Da Song might really be doomed!

Leaving aside the matter of the Kingdom of Jin, let’s talk about Bianliang, Tokyo. Since Zhao Xu took the throne, he has been working day and night without any chance to breathe. There have been frequent civil upheavals in various places. His status, but the emergency documents flew to Bianliang like a snowflake, making Zhao Xu very annoyed!

The worst news is that Zhong Shidao led the army across the Yellow River and went to Taiyuan Mansion to relieve the danger of Taiyuan. However, the tens of thousands of troops still failed to solve the siege of Taiyuan. When they arrived in the Taikoo area and regrouped, the Dao army of this type of warfare suffered heavy losses. It may be impossible to recover in a short time, but Taiyuan is still surrounded by the Jin army. Although Shidao was defeated, he held on to this place. Once Taiyuan was lost, at least he could stop Wanyan Zonghan's left army from continuing to invade the south. It is a blessing in misfortune!
However, Zhangsuo in Hebei was defeated, Zhending Mansion was occupied by the Jin people, and the Jin general Jin Wushu attacked and killed him everywhere. Recently, he broke through the Hejian Mansion and went to Cangzhou. Since then, Jin Bing has completely controlled all the areas north of Hebei Lianglu, and the situation is still very tense. The Song Army did not increase its combat power because of his accession to the throne, but was still beaten by Jin Bing and fled in all directions.

And the rebel army he had buried in the past led by his confidant Zhang Qing turned into the Song army and began to station in the Dezhou area to strictly prevent the Jin soldiers from entering Jingdong East Road from here. The slightest improvement, only the Zongwang army stood firm in the Xingzhou area, and fought against the Jin soldiers several times in a row, repelling the Jin soldiers' offensive, which was the only bright spot in Hebei's anti-golden campaign!

After the group of royal family members rescued by the Zongwang Army were sent back to Bianliang, Tokyo, Zhao Xu finally heard Yue Fei's name. Apart from being happy, he could only lament Xu Yi's extraordinary ability to know people. At the same time, another tiger general was discovered for the Song Dynasty, so he immediately delivered an order to promote Yue Fei from the lowest general Baoyilang to Xiezhonglang, continue to serve in Zongze's army, and was promoted to the former commander of the army. He entered the ranks of mid-level officers from low-level officers, and has since emerged.

In addition to dealing with the war in Hebei, Zhao Xu had to mobilize troops again and again to wipe out those rebellious soldiers who took the opportunity to rebel. Disbanding the rebellious soldiers and relocating them has played a role to some extent, but the situation has not improved greatly, making him unable to concentrate and mobilize troops to fight against the gold!
There is another thing that annoyed Zhao Xu too. This time the Jin soldiers invaded the south and captured the second Emperor Huizong and many princes, but they did not repeat the historical tragedy. A large number of royal family members were spared because they did not follow Huizong to flee. Most of the rest of the female relatives were also rescued by Yue Fei in the battle of Xingzhou, and they would not have to suffer greater humiliation for the rest of their lives, but now Zhao Xu is most annoyed by these women, surrounded by a group of women all day long He cried every day and asked him to send troops quickly to welcome the second emperor back, but he wanted to, but let's talk about it with this ability!

Now Da Song Tianxia was tossed into a pot of porridge by his father Zhao Ji. He pressed the gourd and picked up the ladle. He was like a firefighter all day long. Jinren, take back the Second Emperor?But how many people know his difficulties?These women only know how to cry every day, but no one can share his worries, Zhao Xu really wants to quit this bird emperor.

Just when Zhao Xu was too busy to find Bei, he finally received a piece of great news, as if seeing a ray of light in the darkness, he immediately summoned the ministers of the court and central government to discuss matters in the hall.

When these ministers rushed to the main hall, no one knew why Zhao Xu was so anxious to find them. Now they are all dizzy from the busy work. Earlier, the gang of courtiers in front of Huizong made a mess of the world, and more Because of the escape incident, the ministers were taken captive by the Jin people. Although they were released now, they were all abandoned by Zhao Xu and left idle. Originally ten people did the work, but now they took over. Now it can be said that two or three people need to do it. After finishing the work, it is still tantamount to starting from scratch, everything has to be straightened out, many people have just been promoted, and are not familiar with the affairs at hand, it is completely tantamount to starting from scratch. This new emperor is obviously different from the previous Huizong. He acts vigorously and decisively. Now is an extraordinary period, and there is no room for them to procrastinate. When they went to the palace, everyone looked tired and yawned. Had a good night's sleep!

Zhao Xu finally had a smile on his face today. After seeing Zhao Xu's expression, the officials didn't know why he was happy, and they all knelt down to worship, waiting for Zhao Xu to say the following.

"My loves are free from courtesy! I invite you here today, and I have good news for you!" Zhao Xu said to the ministers below with a smile on his face!
The ministers in the palace looked at each other. They didn't know where the good news Zhao Xu said came from. They were all question marks on their foreheads. Now the Song Dynasty is in chaos everywhere. The northern wars have failed again and again, and there are chaos everywhere in the country. Where have I heard of it? What good news!

Seeing that the ministers below looked confused, Zhao Xu picked up a piece of paper on the case and waved it with a smile: "How can I lie to you? Do you still remember the peace that was captured in the city of Jizhou in the Kingdom of Jin?" Zhoucheng, the Fubo army that defeated the Jin army?"

All the ministers nodded their heads one after another. The name of this Fubo army is probably not known in the world. Since the Kingdom of Jin started to attack Song, only Da Song was beaten. I have never heard of any Song army. The army defeated the Jin army, but only this Fubo army, which was born as a pirate, outshined the others. It actually went to the territory of the Kingdom of Jin, took down the two cities of Pingzhou and Jizhou, and defeated the Jin army in the city. In addition, it can be said that the incident had a sensational effect on the soldiers who fought against the Jin in the north, and it also greatly improved the confidence and morale of the Song Dynasty to fight against the Jin.
Zhao Xu then smiled and said: "The good news comes from this Fubo Army, dear friends! Who said that there is no one in our Song Dynasty? The Fubo Army is the best example. I just received the news that the Fubo Army Organized tens of thousands of soldiers and horses. A few days ago, they captured the Suzhou Pass in Liaodong of the Kingdom of Jin in one fell swoop, and took Fuzhou City in the East of Liaodong, controlling the southeastern part of Liaodong of the Kingdom of Jin. He personally commanded an army of [-], and went to conquer the Fubo Army in Fuzhou City, but he never expected that they not only failed to wipe out the Fubo Army, but were defeated by the Fubo Army outside Fuzhou City. The army was annihilated, and Wanyan Zongqiang fled back to Liaoyang Mansion alone. Such a great victory really boosted the morale of our soldiers and civilians in the Great Song Dynasty!

Ever since the Kingdom of Jin invaded the territory of the Great Song Dynasty, we have heard very little good news, but today, it is the emperor of the Kingdom of Jin, Wu Qibu, who has a headache!If they can invade our Great Song territory and invade our Great Song territory, then let them taste the defeat and learn how powerful we Song people are!Big heart!It's really exciting! Zhao Xu wished he could jump up and tell the ministers the news.

After hearing the news suddenly, all the officials in the hall fell silent. Many people thought that Zhao Xu had gone crazy due to the bad news these days?Is this news reliable?You must know that the hundreds of thousands of soldiers and horses in the Song Dynasty were like tofu in front of the tens of thousands of troops in the Jin Dynasty.This thing sounds a bit ridiculous!The first reaction of these ministers was not overjoyed, but worried, wondering if Zhao Xu was crazy!
Zhao Xu waited for a long time to applaud, but he saw that the ministers below were all looking at him suspiciously, their eyes were full of worry, but no one came out to congratulate him. After a moment of shock, he finally understood, so he smiled wryly , got up and said: "Don't you love me, don't you believe me? How can I be kidding about such a big event? This matter is absolutely true, and there will be no falsehood. Eighty thousand gold troops were defeated in the city of Zhou, you are not joking, how can I use such a thing as a joke?"

The officials saw that Zhao Xu didn't seem to be talking nonsense, and he didn't seem to be in a daze, so they were skeptical. Li Gang couldn't help but said: "Is what the Holy Majesty said true?"

Zhao Xu wished to find something to beat Li Gang away, so his face darkened and he said, "Do you think I'm crazy? This is absolutely true, there is absolutely no lie!"

After confirming that Zhao Xu is fine and that this matter is definitely not false, there was a sound of exclamation in the hall, and all the officials immediately swept away the exhausted expressions on their faces, and all showed ecstatic expressions. This news is indeed too great. It was shocking, all the time I heard the news of the defeat of the army, but this time I heard that the Fubo army defeated tens of thousands of gold soldiers, and the dull atmosphere in the hall was swept away, and everyone felt their hearts were brightened A lot!
Although many of these ministers were worried and wanted to write a letter to persuade Zhao Xu to negotiate a peace with the Jin people, but they didn't necessarily want to betray the country, they were just cowardly. Feeling happy, it can be said that the sense of decadence was swept away in the hall, and everyone became excited.

(End of this chapter)

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