Great Song Pirate

Chapter 612 Buying People's Hearts

Chapter 612 Buying People's Hearts
The reason why Xu Yi wants to reorganize the current soldiers and horses is something he has considered for a long time. Since the establishment of the Fubo Army, for various reasons, it has basically followed the old rules of pirates and borrowed some of the establishment of the Song Dynasty.

Originally, he wanted to make some changes in this aspect, but not long after the infantry was established, something expensive happened. He has been busy since then, and later when he was in Wa Kingdom, he planned to end it. After that, when he returned to Liuqiu Island, he did this thing, but he didn't expect such a big change in history, everything caught him off guard, and he didn't have time to do this at all.

After arriving in Bohai Sea, he did not expect his strength to develop so fast. From a few thousand infantry, he had grown to tens of thousands of soldiers and horses. The strength of his troops had almost increased several times or even ten times. If the battle continues, his own strength will increase. With such a chaotic organization, it will be difficult for the commander to think of troubles, so he thought on the way here that after the Battle of Fuzhou is over, he will reorganize the troops on hand. The military organization of future generations will replace the current chaotic situation. After all, the military organization of later generations is something that has been refined over thousands of years and has strong operability.

But what he didn't expect was that the Battle of Fuzhou ended much earlier than he expected. Before his reinforcements arrived, Wanyan Zongqiang's Jin army was defeated by Yang Zaixing's army, and they would soon be defeated. One step of action was pushed in front of him.

Before starting the next step, Xu Yi made up his mind to settle this matter first, otherwise, if he continues to fight, God knows what trouble he will encounter.

After listening to Xu Yi's plan of organization, the generals discussed with each other, and after thoroughly figuring it out, they felt that the division of the army was much clearer than before, so no one raised any objections. I felt that there seemed to be a lot more officers all of a sudden.

"It is not necessarily a bad thing to have more officers. After several battles, many soldiers in the army have been trained to be quite experienced, and many capable people have emerged among them. Isn't it tantamount to making them ordinary soldiers? And their combat experience is very important to the new army. For these people who have military exploits and abilities, just promote them and boldly appoint them. For our Fubo army In other words, it also solves the problem of the inexperience of the new army, and you have lost a lot in this battle. You can supplement the new army I brought this time, combine the old and the new, and make these new troops form a battle as soon as possible. Strength is the best strategy, otherwise, your old army will fight less and less, and the new army will not be able to catch up with it, and the future battles will become more and more difficult!" Xu Yi explained to the generals.

After everyone listened, they all nodded and said yes, mixing old and new is a good way to improve the overall combat power, so the generals have no other opinions, not to mention that many of their old subordinates are very capable, so give them an official What's wrong with doing it?It can also improve the morale of these old subordinates!
After deciding on this matter, Xu Yi ordered the army to start reorganization immediately. Now his soldiers and horses in Fuzhou City are close to 3, which is enough to form three infantry divisions, and just enough to form an army. In terms of ability, this The commander of the army was naturally none other than Yang Zaixing, Yang Zaixing did not shirk, and took over the highest military position in the Fubo Army so far, and Gao Jun was appointed as the commander of the [-]st Infantry Division. As the commander of the [-]nd Infantry Division, there was a bit of controversy about the candidate for the commander of the [-]rd Infantry Division. Some people suggested that Lin Xiong be appointed as the commander of the [-]rd Infantry Division.

But Lin Xiong was known for his self-knowledge, and immediately rejected the proposal. His original words were: "I can't be the commander. I'm a rough man. I only know a few big characters, and I haven't read many military books. The most I can do is to be a regiment leader. It’s okay to charge into the formation, hack, hack, and kill. I can’t command and dispatch! I think it’s better to let the lord find another job! I just want to fight as long as there is a battle! No, absolutely not !"

Of course, the qualifications of people like Sun Hai, Wang Zhi, Kong Qingxi, Wang Feng, Diao Bin, etc. are also acceptable, but these people are all commanders of the navy, and now they mainly fight on foot. The navy is basically in a subordinate position, and they can even It was said that it was the logistics support team of the Fubo Army. After thinking about it for themselves, these people felt that they were not good enough, so they shook their heads and dared not take this position.

Xu Yi also knew the strengths of these people, and it was obviously inappropriate for the teacher to ask them to do it. Finally, Xu Yi locked his eyes on Li Bo, so he called Li Bo by name and ordered him to take over the job. The position of commander of the third division.

The reason why Xu Yi asked Li Bo to be the commander of this infantry division was because Li Bo was also from the army after all, and he had experience in leading troops. Moreover, Li Bo also followed Xu Yi because of a new team. This time Xu Yi proposed reorganization on the road, and Li Bo After discussing with Bo, he accepted Xu Yi the most and had the greatest influence. He has been fighting with Xu Yi for a long time, whether it is water warfare or infantry warfare. , had a great influence on the infantry of the Fubo Army, and now even Yang Zaixing has set up a squad of elite soldiers similar to the Viper Squad to do some unconventional things full-time, so Li Bo has a very high prestige in the Fubo Army. No one will have an opinion.

Li Bo didn't expect that Xu Yi would push him to the front stage at once, and he was a little surprised to take over such an important position. He wanted to refuse, but after seeing Xu Yi's wink, Li Bo knew that Xu Yi had made up his mind. So he stopped refusing and accepted the arrangement.

As for Sun Hai and other navy generals, Xu Yi made his own arrangements. Considering that the navy is currently in a situation where there is no battle to fight, Xu Yi ordered Sun Hai to temporarily serve as the commander-in-chief of the navy, with Kong Qingxi and Wang Zhi as his deputy. The rest of the people were temporarily transferred to the infantry, and each of them took over as a regimental commander, and the jumping helpers and archers in the water army were also temporarily transferred to the infantry. These people were in charge, and everyone had no objections. Now they are not afraid to hand over their fleet, as long as they are allowed to fight anyway, Xu Yi has turned all these goods into militants, so I am afraid they will not be allowed to stay in the infantry!

The backbone of Gao Jun's first division was still mainly composed of the first batch of Fubo Army infantry, and some strong new recruits were replenished, and a considerable number of capable and meritorious people were promoted from among this group of veterans, who were transferred to other armies. The mid-level and low-level officers basically maintain their strongest combat power. It can be said that they are the strongest of the three infantry divisions, and all infantry artillery are also split into three parts. Some gunners were strengthened into the infantry, and an artillery regiment and two artillery battalions were established. The first division was assigned an artillery regiment, and the second and third divisions were each temporarily equipped with an artillery battalion, forming three armies that could fight independently. force.

And Xiao Jianfeng's original cavalry battalion, together with the new recruits added this time, was also expanded into three regiments, which were handed over to three skilled fighters and organized into three divisions, so that each division had cavalry. It can be used, but the elephant army that made the canopy was not separated. His [-] Champa soldiers and [-] war elephants were left by Xu Yi's side, used as a surprise army, and called at any time. Yi wanted to take it out and give Jin a big surprise.

After the overall arrangement, everyone knows that the first division is really the trump card division of the Fubo Army, and it is the absolute main force among the main forces of their Fubo Army. , Gao Jun, the first division, will fight the most tough battles in the future, so no one expresses dissatisfaction. Instead, they are vying to serve in the first division. In the end, Lin Xiong was assigned to the first division as the head of the first regiment. Only then did Lin Xiong comfort him.

Under Xu Yi's dispatch, the rest of the people were assigned to the three divisions, and everyone obeyed the arrangement. It is especially important to mention that because in this battle of Fuzhou, that Lu Zhemin was in the battle of the city. , led the army to resist the onslaught of the golden soldiers dozens of times his own, with outstanding military exploits, he was also promoted to the head of the regiment, and became the head of the second regiment in the first division, which was regarded as what everyone expected. No one objected. He was promoted to be a battalion commander of the Artillery Regiment of the First Division, and because Daniu didn't have much military exploits, he was only assigned a company commander to stay in the First Division. Those platoon leaders and squad leaders are almost all veterans from Liuqiu Island. Many of them were born as orphans, and now they have become fierce soldiers. Many veterans have even been promoted to the rank of company commander because of their military achievements. , it can be said that no one dared to say anything to them. After all, they all came from licking blood, and each of them had a murderous spirit, so they couldn't accept it.

In this way, the three divisions will soon be able to form a very strong combat effectiveness. Unsurprisingly, there will be a big difference in the combat effectiveness of the old and new armies. From a deeper level, Xu Yi has also completely solved the problem of the loyalty of the Fubo army. It may not be so easy for anyone who wants to form their own power. After all, these low-level officers are all veterans of the Fubo Army, and they are also Xu Yi's hardcore supporters. Want to oppose?I'm afraid it's not easy!Even if someone wants to make trouble, they have to ask the officers under them whether they agree or not!
Xu Yi gave only three days for the reorganization, and asked Yang Zaixing, the commander of the army, to complete it with three division commanders. He himself became the commander of the hands-off commander, so he can enjoy himself leisurely!
In the past three days, these guys below have been very busy, but Xu Yi is very relaxed. He just brought Hou Cheng and the Zhipeng, escorted the nearly [-] Jin army prisoners of war, cleaned the battlefield, collected and buried the corpses, These prisoners of war have never seen an elephant soldier at all. Seeing such a huge beast being controlled by the Fubo army, they were so frightened that they all fell silent. The last thought of resistance was completely dispelled. order to clean up the corpses of Pao Ze, and after stripping off the relatively complete armor on the corpses, dig a big pit to bury these bare pig corpses, and clean the blood stains on the armor according to the order of the Fubo Army, and dry them in the air. Store them dry and store them in the city treasury of Fuzhou for future use. Xu Yi adheres to the principle of saving, and never let go of what can be used. Even some injured horses, as long as there is no possibility of healing, kill the horse meat and marinate it as food storage. , The horse skin was also peeled off for later use, it was like scraping the ground, and everything that Wanyan Zongqiang brought this time was cleaned up.

After counting, Xu Yi clicked his tongue. In the past three days alone, there were nearly [-] Jinjun corpses gathered and buried. Some of them were shot to death by arrows, and some were bombarded to death in the city. Some were crushed to death under the city wall, and more were killed by spears, knives, and axes when Yang Zaixing led the army to cover up the Jinren's retreat. Among these dead, only the Jurchens with earrings and pigtails There are more than a thousand people, and now some Jurchens are really crying!There were not many Jurchens in the first place, and more than a thousand people were killed in World War I, which was a big blow to them!
In this way, Wanyan Zongqiang came with 1 troops, [-] were killed, and nearly [-] were captured. Including the fleeing golden troops, Wanyan Zongqiang can bring back [-] people at most, which is considered to be in the sky. , It can be regarded as the biggest defeat after the founding of the Jin Kingdom.

Xu Yi couldn't help but be proud of his Fubo Army. You must know that the Jin soldiers invaded the Song Dynasty. The total number of the two armies was about 6, and the total number of the East Army led by Wanyan Zongwang was only 1. They fought all the way to the capital of the Song Dynasty. However, with more than [-] people, he killed tens of thousands of Jin soldiers in one battle. If you add the Jin army that was wiped out in the first battle of the sea and the two battles of Jizhou City and Pingzhou City, I am afraid it will be close to [-]. !Thinking about this number, Xu Yi couldn't help but want to shake his head. I'm afraid that if he did this, it would be difficult for Xu Yi and Fu Bojun to go down in history!At least he should be given the title of a national hero and a famous general, but it is estimated that in later generations, someone will come out and say that he is fighting a civil war, and the national hero cannot be counted. Say some bad things, I really don't know what those things think!

Everyone was busy with reorganization, Xu Yi asked Zhi Zhipeng to command the prisoners to clean the battlefield, but Yiqing, who was accompanying him, couldn't stand it anymore. Since arriving here, Xu Yi immediately organized a siege of the Jin Army's camp, and Yiqing also fulfilled the contract to beat them personally But after dawn, when she went to the battlefield to watch again, her face turned pale, and she immediately turned her head and vomited, which made Xu Yi almost think that she was pregnant again, and then realized that Yiqing was being raped. The mutilated corpses all over the floor were frightening, and the air was filled with the smell of blood and corpses. When had she, a princess in a deep palace, ever seen such a bloody scene!So they let the female guards around Yiqing who were also pale with fright send her back to the big camp. Once Yiqing entered the big tent, she refused to come out no matter what!

Xu Yi had no choice but to comfort her, and advised her to go back to Dalian Port and wait for him. After all, this is a battlefield, and it is not suitable for her to stay here. Although Yiqing is not used to this kind of bloody scene, she is still stubborn and refuses to leave. Being by Xu Yi's side was impossible, so Xu Yi had no choice but to keep her. Although soldiers in later generations were never allowed to bring female relatives with them when they sent troops to fight, but in the current Song Dynasty, there were not so many taboos. With a large group of family members fighting, it is not surprising that he only brought Yiqing with him, but Xu Yi still scoffed at Song Jun's dragging his family to fight. Otherwise, why would he always be punished so miserably by others? is a serious drawback.

Taking time out, Xu Yi discussed with Ma Zhe, Yu Fuhai and other counselors how to control the hearts of the people in the Liaodong Peninsula, and learned about the living conditions of the local people. According to Yu Fuhai, this place used to be a gathering place for Bohai people, Bohai people and Jurchens The Jurchens have the same root and the same origin, so the Jurchens are quite tolerant towards the Bohai people, so most of the Bohai people are very loyal to the Kingdom of Jin. The Jurchens also incorporated the Bohai people who can fight into the army. One of the Jin army that attacked Fuzhou City this time was composed of Bohai people. Their combat effectiveness was not much different from the Jurchen main force, and they were the most difficult to control. In the area of ​​Liaoyang Prefecture, the number of Bohai people in Liaodong is already very small. In addition to the oppression of the Bohai people by the Khitan people in the past, most of the Bohai people fled to Koryo, and most of them were massacred by Koryo. Liao Han people and some Khitan people.

Ten years ago when the Kingdom of Jin attacked Liaodong, many Khitans and Han people were killed here. Most of the residents here still remember it, so this time they attacked Liaodong so smoothly. Otherwise, the local residents alone A large number of their troops will be involved!Now there are quite a few locals who have joined the Fubo Army. It is very beneficial for them to join the Fubo Army to avenge their relatives who were massacred by the Jin people ten years ago.

The more favorable point is that after the Jurchens took control of this area, they oppressed the local Khitans and Han people very seriously. A large number of Khitan nobles were killed, and the Khitans and Han people became their Jurchens slaves. It is very pitiful to have no tiles and no land to stand on. After the Fubo army arrived here, they quickly killed all the local Jurchens, and rescued these local Han and Khitan people. Therefore, the south of Liaodong There are basically no major problems in the region.

After Xu Yi figured out these things, he had an idea in his heart. Those who win the hearts of the people win the world. This sentence is an unbreakable truth. As long as they can win over the hearts of these people, they will not be able to stay here again. There was a problem, so he took out the method of our party to open up the liberated areas in future generations. To put it bluntly, it is to divide the land by the local tyrants, and distribute all the land they occupy to the local people, so that they can become people who own the land from being poor and white. .

After hearing this, Yu Fuhai and Ma Zhe immediately clapped their legs and applauded. This method is really wonderful. As long as the land is distributed to these poor ordinary people, it is impossible for these ordinary people not to be grateful to the Fubo Army, and they got the land they belong to. After their own land, they will never be willing to let the Jin people come back to control this place. They will definitely defend their vested interests to the death, and they will fight against the gold with the Fubo army. As long as they do this, the news will spread immediately After all, the number of Jurchens in the Kingdom of Jin is limited. If the Khitans and Han people in the Kingdom of Jin knew about this, there might be some people looking forward to the Fubo Army to fight over, and things would be much easier in the future, so the two Repeatedly said yes, thinking that Xu Yi's arrangement would definitely have a miraculous effect.

Of course Xu Yi knew that as long as he did this, he would definitely win the support of the common people, so he immediately ordered Yu Fuhai to take the lead in charge of land distribution in the Liaodong area, and asked him to go to Dalian Port to find Xue Tu, and then recruit some people Help, implement this matter as soon as possible, even if it can't be completed immediately, let the people in Liaodong know that as long as the Fubo army occupies the place, the people will have fields and food!The bigger the momentum, the better, so Yu Fuhai immediately took the order and left.

When Yu Fuhai was about to leave, Ma Zhe suddenly thought of a question, and said to Xu Yi: "I want to report to the lord, I suddenly remembered something. Although the lord did this, he bought the hearts of the poor, but for many people from here For the big families, their interests will be touched. In this way, these big families or landlords are afraid of us, and they will definitely follow the Jin people to deal with us. They have money and people. Once they fight against us with the Jurchens If not, it's not easy!"

This sentence reminded Xu Yi. Xu Yi hurriedly called Yu Fuhai to stop. After thinking about it for a while, he felt that the current full implementation of the matter of distributing the land to local tyrants could not be rushed. After careful consideration, he changed this matter. For a moment, the local tyrants don't need to be big for the time being. After all, these people are still good for promoting the development of social productivity, so they can't be beaten!Moreover, it is easy to give the Fubo army a large number of enemies, which is not conducive to their future development.

So Xu Yi changed this matter slightly. As long as they are big families from here, as long as they don't form a group with the Jurchens to resist the Fubo army, and if they have the land title deed as proof, the Fubo army will take nothing for their family property. No crime, it should be theirs or theirs, and the land distributed to the common people is the land that was seized by the Jurchens. In this way, the interests of the local tyrants will not be infringed, and they will be in a group with the Jurchens To deal with yourself, you don’t want to help, but if these people dare to join forces with the Jurchens to fight against their Fubo army, then wherever the Fubo army goes, all their property will be confiscated, and their relatives will be liquidated. Practice even sitting!

In this way, it is tantamount to using another trick, which can effectively deter the local tyrants and evil gentry, and divide their relationship with the Jurchens. After a few people summed it up, they felt that this trick was feasible, so Yu Fuhai left Fu Zhoucheng began to publicize this matter everywhere, and began to allocate land to the local people. This made the people in Liaodong go crazy with joy. It turned out that the Fubo Army's attack would be of great benefit to them!So everyone stretched their necks and waited for the Fubo Army to send people to divide the land for them, and some big families didn't worry about their own suffering, so they stayed obediently, prepared the title deed and other things, and accepted the investigation of the Fubo Army .

(The Jin people's control over the Liaodong area is very strict, so if the pig's feet want to stand firm, they must obtain the support of the local people. It should be a good way to distribute the land to the people!)
(End of this chapter)

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