Great Song Pirate

Chapter 569 Locust Tactics

Chapter 569 Locust Tactics
After the initial tentative attack on Osumi Kingdom Zhibuzhi City, Xu Yi became more courageous. After discussing with everyone, everyone agreed that since the Japanese no longer had enough strength to fight against them at sea, they still assembled into such a group. The large-scale fleet raided along the coast of Kyushu Island, which really delayed things a bit.

In the end, Xu Yi simply divided the fleet into two. He and Sun Hai each led a fleet and acted separately, while Yang Zaixing's infantry was also divided into two. Sun Hai's fleet split up and broke up outside Shibushi Bay. Sun Hai went north along the coast of Kyushu Island, attacking the countries of Osumi, Hyuga, Bungo, and Bungzen along the way. There are also Zhou Fang and Nagato two countries in Sanyo Road who also plundered, it is not easy to come here, don't miss them!Then Sun Hai's fleet passed the seaway between Chikuzen Kingdom and Nagato Kingdom and joined Xu Yi's fleet in Ichiki Kingdom and Xu Yi's fleet in Chikuzen Foreign Sea.

And Xu Yi took the rest of the ships to the south, bypassed the country of Osumi and began to clean up Satsuma, Higo, and Hizen countries along the way, and finally took charge of attacking the country of Izaki, where he waited for Sun Hai's fleet to arrive.

Comparing the two parties, Sun Hai's fleet seems to be at greater risk, because he will pass through Nankaido and Sanyodo this time, and there is not much power on the sea side of Dazaifu on the Westkaido to fight against them. However, these two groups did not suffer any losses, so Xu Yi specially allocated some warships in the best condition for him, and handed them over to Sun Hai to lead, making sure that even if his fleet encountered these two ships at sea The team can also be easily dealt with. After Sun Hai thanked them, the two sides broke up and started the super looting operation known as the "skeleton disaster" in the later history of the Japanese.

Now the disasters of the countries on Kyushu Island began to befall, and the two fleets separated and began to sail in opposite directions. As long as they passed through any village, town or city, there would be a big looting, and their respective strengths For these local lords or city lords, it is not enough to resist them at all, and Xu Yi and the others are using tactics that have been tested in Annan. Under the super-era style of play, there is always the same end, either being slaughtered to death, or immediately fleeing in all directions and being defeated!
These private soldiers organized by local city lords are much more unbearable than the army of Annan Kingdom. They are not at the same level in terms of equipment or training. Wa Kingdom is now in the early Warring States period. It is their local aristocrats who have the final say in various places. There is basically no decent centralized army in the entire Wa Kingdom. This is the main reason for the low combat effectiveness of these armies. Peasants or slaves who put down their hoes and picked up knives and guns can imagine their combat effectiveness. In addition, their weapons are so inferior that people feel shabby. The bamboo spears that had just been cut were caught up on the battlefield, not to mention high-end gadgets like bows and crossbows. As for armor, it can only be a special luxury for devil nobles, even if two generals only If you can wear a piece of broken leather armor or armor made of extremely crude bamboo, if you encounter such an army and are still defeated, you don't need Xu Yi to jump into the sea, Yang Zaixing and the others will jump into the sea and drown themselves up!
So as they fought all the way, they didn't encounter any decent resistance, and the Japanese fortification in this era was really not good. Compared with the cities of the Song Dynasty, they were like cottages!It was basically effortless to fight. After a few bombardments, the city gate was blasted open, and then a charge, and the small broken city was finished. Therefore, the Fubo Army relied on the advantages of equipment and the high quality of the soldiers, and the casualties were very high. Small.

It's just that when they attacked Satsuma, they met some of their powerful generals, their sword skills were more powerful, a bit like the style of Japanese people in later generations, and they were very good at using two-handed swords, but when they co-authored, they happened to meet Fubo In the army, Yang Zaixing's subordinates specially selected some people to take the kind of wolf sticks that Xu Yi said. After passing through, these fierce generals were immediately caught blind, unable to use their hands and feet anymore, and were caught without a few jumps. The knives and guns that were stabbed or chopped from all sides were knocked to the ground, and they didn't show half of their skills. Everyone died with their eyes open, with a virtuous demeanor.

However, ordinary Japanese soldiers holding Japanese swords are not at all the opponents of the generals of the Fubo Army holding sabers. How can the sabers made by Lei Tong be comparable to the broken swords of the Japanese? Under the circumstances, the Japanese sword in the hands of these Japanese people was chopped into two pieces, and the Japanese people with the knife were cut into two sections, and the Japanese people cried for their parents and mothers, and complained endlessly.

The two fleets once again followed what Xu Yi said at the beginning, becoming a group of the most terrifying locusts, sweeping across the coast of Kyushu Island, and sometimes even some towns tens of miles inland were the targets of their attacks. The place where they passed was scorched earth, and the valuable things were swept away, and the worthless things were simply burned. Anyway, they did not leave a single thing for the Japanese.

All of a sudden, high-level documents from various countries in Kyushu Island flew to Dazaifu like snowflakes, and presented them in front of Fujiwara Toshi, who had already been numb.

Fujiwara Jun is dizzy!I thought that so many ships and soldiers were mobilized this time, and handed over to Muto to wipe out the skeleton army in one fell swoop, but a few days ago, I waited for a big bad news, saying that all the ships led by Muto have basically been wiped out. The army was annihilated. This news is undoubtedly like a thunderbolt from the blue sky in Dazaifu. Everyone was knocked to the ground on the spot. Toshi Fujiwara almost vomited blood and died on the spot. He couldn't figure it out, how could Muto be defeated?
The news brought back by Oshima said that the Skeleton Army only had thirty or forty boats, with thousands of people, and the people who escaped from Tanegashima also said that the Skeleton Army only had thirty or forty boats. Why did they suddenly appear like this? What about the warships of the multi-skeleton pirates?Even though there are more ships in the Skeleton Army, Muto has brought more than 400 warships this time. It can be said that all the elites that can be dispatched by the lords of the West Kaido have been dispatched. This can also be beaten by others. Overwhelmed, Fujiwara Jun broke his head and couldn't figure out the reason behind it. Could it be that the skeleton pirates have become gods?Will it call the wind and shake the rain?

So he gathered these people who came back and interrogated them separately, and finally got a terrible answer, that is, the combat power of the skeleton pirates is by no means what it used to be, and many of their ships are equipped with that kind of The firearm that Miyamoto called the Thunder Cannon at the beginning, when the ships of his own Yamato country encountered them, he was beaten one-sidedly, but he was powerless to fight back. After learning the news, Toshi Fujiwara fainted, and now he wanted to Reassemble more forces and more ships and soldiers to have another big confrontation with the skeleton army, but before his order was issued, urgent distress documents from the lords of Osumi, Hyuga, Satsuma and other places were sent to him in Dazaifu.

Looking at the urgent distress documents sent by these countries, Toshi Fujiwara's hands began to shake. These skeleton pirates are no longer what they used to be. They only harassed their coastal villages and towns on a small scale. Now they actually landed in large numbers. , Even the cities along the coast were not spared, and they began to attack the city wantonly, and the places they passed were even razed to the ground by them. Is this still something ordinary pirates do?This is simply the war between the two countries!Dazaifu, who hasn't experienced a war for a long time, is in a mess right now.

While Fujiwara Jun was at a loss, the fleet led by Xu Yi had already swept across the southern coast of Satsuma, cleaning up the coastal towns there, and even their shrines became the focus of the Fubo Army's care. The object obtained a lot of valuables from it. They continued to sail westward along the coast and came to a river mouth called Chuannei. The Japanese told them that after landing here and walking [-] miles inland along the river, it was the country of Satsuma. So Xu Yi made a decision on the spot and decided to send troops to the Satsuma government.

The Satsuma Kingdom is also the Satsuma clan of the later Shimadzu family. They led troops from here to invade the Ryukyu Kingdom, so since Xu Yi arrived here, he naturally would not pass by, but decided to go to their government.

The Lord of Satsuma and the Shimadzu family of Tanegashima are from the same family, but their power obviously surpassed the Shimadzu family of Tanegashima, so that they became the lord of Satsuma. When they sent troops to attack Tanegashima this time, they did not miss Contribution, one is that the Shimazu family of Tanegashima is close relatives of them, and the other reason is that their Satsuma country has not suffered from the loss of skeleton pirates, so this time they raised troops, they can be said to spare no effort. It's not too much, but they didn't expect Muto to lead the fleet to be wiped out by the skeleton pirates. After the news was sent back to Satsuma, they panicked.

As the head of the Shimadzu family in Satsuma, Shimadzu Funon immediately realized that his Satsuma country would be retaliated by skeleton pirates, so he immediately began to gather troops from all over the territory and concentrated them in his Sichuan Prefecture. Those towns are no longer something he can take care of. He only hopes that his Sichuan Prefecture can block the skeleton pirates. It is best that they will not mobilize their troops to attack. But after he received the news from the coastal area, Beginning to stop holding this illusion, the strength of the Skeleton Army was far beyond his expectations. Regarding whether they would attack his own Sichuan Prefecture, Shimadzu Funong thought that the other party would not let it go, so he recruited a large number of people in his territory. Many farmers, domestic slaves and others came to Chuanouchi Prefecture to help in the war in order to protect themselves.

(A lot of people used to ask me to write and clean up the Japanese people every day, but when I wrote this, I ran away to watch the pirated version again. I really want to starve to death! Also, I solemnly warn that surfing the Internet is an extremely dangerous thing. My antique computer monitor suddenly exploded, scaring me to the point where I’m still thumping! Fortunately, it was only the original inside that exploded, not the display screen, otherwise, everyone would never have read the second half of this book! Woohoo! Need to celebrate warmly, survive the catastrophe!)
(End of this chapter)

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