Chapter 568

Beware of these ashen-hearted soldiers who have no choice but to accept their fate. Since then, when they have become the servants of the Fubo Army, they have also become their own people. Naturally, there is no need to watch them every day and consume troops. The prisoner-of-war camp was removed from custody and turned into a garrison for the servants on the spot.

Xu Yi ordered Yang Zaixing to select some soldiers from his command to act as the instructors of these servants, teach them the methods of attack and defense commonly used by the Fubo army, and reissue the confiscated Japanese weapons to them, temporarily letting them Receive training in Tanegashima, otherwise they will be a bunch of mobs if they are pulled out now, which will not be of much use.

As for the matter of becoming an army, there are many things involved. Xu Yi was too lazy to take care of these trivial matters, so he threw it to Yang Zaixing, Gao Jun and others. Anyway, they are familiar with this kind of matter, and it is not good to intervene by themselves. The establishment of the servant army is also temporary. Yang Zaixing's infantry was assigned to him and he was in charge. Now here, Yang Zaixing's subordinates more than doubled again!
This is the use of barbarians to control barbarians!Xu Yi thinks so!At least now they have a group of lackeys who can only work for them. If it is time to use them, it will be no problem to be cannon fodder!

After dealing with this matter, Xu Yi finally freed up his hands to really do some big things!
After just a few days of rest, most of the damaged ships have been repaired under the rush of the craftsmen who accompanied the team. The damaged hulls were strengthened and resealed, and they were restored to a usable state. As for the damaged sails, etc. Before the expedition, each ship had a backup in the cabin, so it was quickly repaired. After this battle, the morale of the entire fleet can be said to have reached its peak. Only Li Bo secretly blamed himself and felt that Cui Yan's death and his absence from Xu Yi's side have a lot of responsibility, and he feels quite guilty.

After some discussions with the generals, Xu Yi and the generals quickly made a decision to set up troops immediately and start a large-scale conquest on Xikaidao.
And the first stop they chose was the nearest Osumi country. This time they almost exhausted all their troops, leaving only a small number of patrol ships cruising around Tanegashima. As for the defense of the island, they simply left it to Takeuchi to be in charge. , by the way, to appease this kid and let him get over the addiction of the island owner in advance, so that he has too many ideas and refuses to work for himself. Nearly five thousand servants guard Tanegashima, which is enough, not to mention that West Kaido is basically gone Unable to launch a new offensive against them, Xu Yi doesn't have to worry about the safety of Tanegashima at all.

The huge fleet took a lot of time just to sail, and the Crossbar was in the middle, commanding the most powerful armada of the time to sail to the northwest of Kyushu Island. There was nothing to say along the way. In one day, they arrived at Shibushi Bay in Osumi Country.

When the morning sun cast its light on the sparkling sea of ​​Zhibuzhi Bay, several Japanese soldiers on the top of Zhibuzhi City looked at the sea and began to tremble violently.

"The Skeleton Pirates are here!..." After a Japanese man regained his sanity, the first sentence he said was screaming at the top of his voice.

Following his screams, more Japanese people on the city and the docks below the city turned their gazes to the sea, and everyone's expressions changed immediately, because in their eyes, there appeared an unbelievable force on the sea. A huge fleet is heading towards Shibushi Port, and a glaring skull flag is hoisted on the masts of all the ships.

Shibushi Castle immediately fell into chaos. After the son of Urasheng Kubo heard the news, the teacup in his hand fell to the ground on the spot. Now he believes the rumor that the fleet led by Muto was beaten by the skeleton pirates. A whole army was wiped out. He heard the rumors in the first two days, but he didn't believe the news at all. He even gave the retainer who told the news a big mouth, angrily scolding him for farting. This time Muto He has heard about how many warships they have taken away. The Pusheng family alone dispatched nearly 3000 ships and more than [-] soldiers. This kind of force went to attack a fleet of skeleton pirates and Tanegashima is such a small place, isn't that something that can be easily grasped?
He even envied Muto for having such a good life, and what a majestic thing it would be to be able to set off with such a large fleet!But today, when he heard that there was a fleet of skeleton pirates with a large number that could hardly be counted on the sea outside Shibushi City, he really believed the rumor. It seems that the rumor is true. The fleet is indeed finished!Otherwise, why would there be such a huge fleet of skeleton pirates outside his Zhibuzhi city?Why has Muto sent troops for so many days, but no news has come back?
When Urasheng Kubo's son heard the news, without even the slightest hesitation, he immediately called the soldiers to pack up some soft things, put his wife and children in the car, and immediately went out of the city all the way to his father. It's not that he doesn't want to resist, but that his Shibushi Castle has gone through the last time Takeuchi led troops to Tanegashima to support the Shimadzu family, and they never returned, and their Osumi country transferred troops to join Muto's expedition ship The team transferred another group of ships and soldiers from Shibushi Castle, and now his Shibushi Castle has only two or three hundred soldiers left behind. He is not a fool, even Muto's ships and soldiers were given away by the skeleton pirates It was wiped out in one fell swoop, and he wanted to stop the skeleton army from attacking Zhibuzhi City with this little soldier. That was a foolish dream, so he immediately chose to escape from Zhibuzhi City.Sorry, he can't control it!

With the approach of the Fubo army fleet in Zhibuzhicheng, the residents who gathered here were completely overwhelmed, packed up some soft things, and fled Zhibuzhicheng with Pusheng's son. They had no horses to ride. I can only get closer, flee to a nearby village or hide in the mountains for a while, maybe I will die if I stay!
And those Japanese people on the pier were even more agile. When they saw the identity of the fleet on the sea, they immediately dispersed, not even the boats, and left everything behind. He took his own two legs and ran away, and in just a few breaths, the pier was left in a mess and became an airport.

When Xu Yi and his fleet began to dock, the Fubo army officers and soldiers searched around for a while with wide-eyed eyes, but they didn't even see a person, only a few Japanese dogs wandering around the pier, and they were also terrified. looked at their fleet, not knowing where to go.

"Damn it! This Japanese man's legs and feet are too nimble! He ran away so quickly, and let me put so much energy into waiting for a fight! Boring! Really boring!" Lin Xiong lay on his stomach The unlucky look on the ship's side shook his big head, causing a group of subordinates to burst into laughter.

In this way, without encountering any resistance, they stepped onto the pier of Shibushi Port without any danger, and then lined up leisurely and drove towards Zhibushi Castle. It was a mess, all the things that the Japanese people didn’t want were thrown all over the ground, even a lot of shoes were lost. It seems that in panic, some Japanese people ran away barefoot!The soldiers of the Fubo Army burst into laughter again. The Japanese people are too funny, they run faster than rabbits!They had to be greatly admired.

Just like that, they captured Zhibuzhi City effortlessly. It is more like an occupation than a leisurely stroll. They took Zhibuzhi City in one fell swoop, causing some militants to sigh and complain repeatedly!

There are only some old, weak, sick and disabled people left in the city, looking at the Fubo army entering the city with a look of horror, waiting for their verdict on their fate. Seeing these people, Fubo Bo Jun is really too lazy to talk to them, let them fend for themselves!

When they broke into the Uramo Mansion in Shibushi Castle, the manor here was only a little smaller than the Shimadzu's house in Tanegashima. It was the same luxury, and they also found a large warehouse behind the courtyard. They also piled up a large amount of food and belongings, so they moved here unceremoniously. As long as there were no useful things left, they cleaned up the Pusheng family. As the son of the lord, he is the owner of this place. The city lord controls a large area of ​​land and tenants and serfs, and the wealth collected in a year is by no means a small amount. The amount is simply staggering, which makes Xu Yi overjoyed from the bottom of his heart.

After moving the Pusheng family's mansion, the Fubo army came to another big cleanup in Zhibuzhi City. As long as they were valuable things, they would not leave them. The usable boats discarded by the Japanese on the pier were more than enough to transport these things. The whole moving process took less than a day, and they cleaned up Zhibu Zhicheng, and then threw a big fire, burning Zhibu Zhicheng and Zhibu Zhicheng. All the wharves were set ablaze, including those ships discarded by the Japanese, as long as they didn't like anything, even if they didn't want it, they didn't leave it to the Japanese, and a complete snatch and burn came!
After the Fubo army fleet left Shibuzhi Bay, they did not choose to return to Tanegashima, but went all the way south along the coast. As long as they saw villages along the way, they would go up and clean them up. It really did what Xu Yi said at the beginning As they said, they were like locusts, and everywhere they passed was empty.

Through the attack on Shibushi Castle this time, Xu Yi and the others have fully understood the degree of embarrassment of the Western Kaido countries. After the naval battle against the Muto fleet, at least the sea strength of the Uramo family of the Osumi country has been completely exhausted. After being beaten and maimed by them, now that their fleet has arrived here, it is like entering no man's land, without even the slightest resistance. They have completely controlled the sea dominance along the coast of West Kaido and become the real overlord here!

(End of this chapter)

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