Great Song Pirate

Chapter 570 Storming the Satsuma Country

Chapter 570 Storming the Satsuma Country

From the moment Shimadzu Funon learned that Muto's entire army was wiped out, he immediately searched for soldiers everywhere. In a short time, he actually put together 5000 people. It seems that the number is quite a lot. This is already his limit, no more If not, he can only let women join the battle!

But Shimadzu knows the fighting power of these people. Most of these 5000 people are peasant slaves who just dropped their hoes. They don't know what war is at all. If he goes into battle, he might run away with a whimper, and only his thousand private soldiers are left with real fighting power. They were all beaten up, so he naturally didn't dare to go to the coast to resist the skeleton army from landing, so the tactic he adopted was to gather all the soldiers and horses in the city of Chuannei, defend the city, and defeat the opponent? Counting on it, I just want to be able to resist the skeleton army and not enter his Chuannei city.

But arming these mobs also gave him quite a headache. It turns out that the equipment of his private soldiers is not bad, but most of them have now become relics on the seabed. His inventory weapons are not enough to arm so many people at once, so he first used Some weapons were distributed to some young and strong people, and the rest simply started cutting bamboo nearby, cutting bamboo guns, making bamboo bows, bamboo arrows, etc. The shield is used.

They also dug a ditch outside the city, inserted bamboo thorns in it, made deer villages and other things out of wood, and placed them outside the city to delay the attack of the skeleton army. They also reinforced the city wall and prepared a lot of rolling logs and rocks. Made a decisive battle posture.

Before he finished all the work, he heard the news that the Skeleton Army fleet had arrived on the coast south of Chuanchi City. Shimadzu immediately took back everyone from outside the city and closed the city gate tightly, waiting for the Skeleton Army to attack.

Yang Zaixing broke up with Gao Jun this time, and went with Xu Yi, bringing along [-] infantry and [-] cavalry from Xiao Jianfeng. In addition, in the past few days, [-] soldiers who had just finished drills were transported from Tanegashima. The jumping helpers and archers also gathered nearly [-] soldiers and horses. As soon as Xu Yi ordered the fleet to land, he immediately led the troops ashore to clean up the Japanese on the shore.

Xu Yi happily landed with the soldiers and horses, and ordered the fleet to patrol the sea, so as not to be cheated, and then, under the escort of Li Bo and other personal guards, he followed Yang Zaixing's army all the way to Sichuan. away from the city.

On the way, they didn't encounter any blockage at all. It was as if Shimadzu had opened the door to invite them to Chuanuchi Castle. They were enemies of the Fubo Army before, but what is unpredictable is that they have become members of the Fubo Army now, and they have to lead the battle for the Fubo Army. Many of the guys who ran in front of the team felt a little dizzy , but they dare not disobey the orders of the Fubo Army, because they now have the word Fubo all over their faces, and their fate is beyond their control!
They marched all the way without encountering resistance for more than 20 miles, and it only took them a little over an hour to reach the outside of Sichuan City. The kung fu is quite good. A thousand servants ran all the way outside the city of Sichuan, but there was not a single person who was left behind.

But Xu Yi now they are not worried that these guys will slip away!Where are the sitting orders placed, plus the tattoos on their faces, if they dare to slip away, they are purely courting death!

Shimadzu looked at the soldiers and horses approaching with flags and banners unfurling from a distance, and felt that the roots of his hair were a little numb. From his eyes, the opponent's strength reached about 4000 people, which was almost the same as his own. The strength of these mobs is equal, and looking at the opponent's equipment, compared with his own rags, Shimadzu almost wants to die of shame.

The soldiers and horses that the other party arrived at first were comparable to those of his own private soldiers, which was not very good, but at least everyone had swords, guns and shields. His hands and feet became cold from fright. Those people were all wearing strange armors, with swords and guns like a forest, and iron horses rustling. Although they were still far away from the city, they had a murderous look on their faces, which made people shudder.

These soldiers and horses carrying the Fubo army flag and the skeleton flag marched in an orderly manner without any disorder. The sound of their footsteps almost all fell on one point, making a loud rumbling noise. When they arrived, they immediately They started to line up, and after each square was formed, it was as neat as a knife cut, without any noise. Everyone was staring at the top of the city of Chuannei, and what was even more strange was that it was about two miles away from the city on their left. On the high ground, there was also a row of strange vehicles. After the horses were taken off, the faint green pipes were aimed at the Chuannei City, revealing black round holes, but they didn't know what they were for.Hundreds of cavalrymen immediately began to run around the city, and soon blocked the gate on the east side of Chuannei City. It seemed that they planned to block the people of Chuannei City in the city.

After seeing the skeleton army driving out of the city in such a neat and orderly manner, the mob in the city began to commotion. The buttocks can also figure out what will happen to them when they return to their superiors. The morale that was finally mobilized by Shimadzu suddenly plummeted.

Shimadzu saw that the generals on his side were starting to stir up trouble, and then looked at the momentum, and knew something bad, so he hurriedly ordered his family members and generals to try their best to encourage them, and what he said was nothing more than what they are now Well-prepared, there are ditches and deer villages everywhere outside the city. It is impossible for the skeleton army to approach the city wall conveniently. As long as they stick to the city, they will have no problems. Let these people not be afraid, and they must clean up heavily when they start fighting Skeleton army and so on.

When many generals said these words, they felt that they had no confidence, and could only use coercion to restrain these clawed soldiers!
After the brigade stopped, Xu Yi straddled his horse and looked at Chuannei City. This Chuannei City is the largest city he has seen in the country of Wa so far, but it still can't compare with the cities of Song Dynasty, and the city walls are also high. It is about two feet, and the area of ​​the entire city is equivalent to a county seat in the Song Dynasty. The population will not exceed 4 to [-] at most, but it is already considered a big city here. Let's look at the obstacles they set up outside the city. Xu Yi frowned. It seemed that the lord here had been prepared for a long time. It was a bit troublesome to get these things out of the city.

"My lord! Shall we start attacking the city now?" Yang Zaixing rode his horse to Xu Yi's side and asked Xu Yi.

Xu Yi nodded and replied, "Let me ask you, like this city, are you sure you can take it?"

Yang Zaixing turned his head to look at Chuannei City, and replied with a disdainful smile at the corner of his mouth: "My lord, don't worry, this city is just a small town in the eyes of a humble official. If a humble official is not talented, I am absolutely sure to capture this city before dark!"

Xu Yi smiled and said: "That's right! It's good if you have this confidence! Since you said that you will take this city before dark, don't ask me about the rest. You will direct everything. I'm just a bystander, so don't worry about me." Alright! I just wait for dark to move into Shimadzu's house in the city! Hehe!"

Yang Zaixing immediately handed over his hands to accept the order, then pulled the reins of the horse, rode the horse to the front of the army, waved the big gun in his hand, and ordered to the servants: "Today is the first time you go into battle, let me emphasize again, anyone who dares to be afraid Those who fail to fight will be killed without mercy, and those who flee before the battle will be killed without mercy! Now I order you to immediately raise your shields, go forward to clear the deer village, fill in the trenches, and kill anyone who dares to disobey! Go!"

With these servants, Yang Zaixing naturally wouldn't let his brothers from the Fubo Army do these risky physical tasks. If you want these people, let them contribute, otherwise you should have killed them all!
Although the servant army was not very willing, they knew their own value and status, so they had no choice but to accept the order, and under the leadership of each team's captain and Dutou, they began to raise their shields and press towards Chuannei City.

Shimadzu Funon on the top of the city saw that the Fubo army outside the city was approaching the city wall, so he quickly ordered the archers to prepare. He was not confident that the opponent would force the opponent to attack the city in close combat, so his soldiers raised up one after another. The bow and arrow in hand, ready to launch.

Yang Zaixing saw that the servant army was starting to advance, so he turned around and ordered to the crossbowmen in the battle: "Get ready, cover the servant army and clear the roadblocks!" Although the servant army is composed of Japanese, a minimum cover is still needed.

All the soldiers with the crossbows immediately came out, followed the servants and began to push towards the city wall. Soon after they reached the range, they stopped and took down the crossbows going north one after another. Hold on, pull the crossbow strings to hang up, install the crossbow arrows, and get ready to fire.

The range of this kind of crossbow far exceeds that of ordinary bows and arrows. After several attacks on coastal towns, the Fubo army found that the enemy did not have such crossbows. When the two sides shot at each other, they had a great long-distance advantage, so they did not worry at all. Being counterattacked by the opponent here, they can not only suppress the Japanese on the city wall but also force the servants in front, which can be said to kill two birds with one stone.

Yang Zaixing rode his horse again to the front of the artillery position, where the twenty new light Leigong cannons had already been positioned and ready to be loaded.

"Load solid ammunition, bombard the city tower, separate out five cannons, and bombard the ships on the pier in the west of the city, and don't let them escape by boat!" Yang Zaixing had already seen that there was a not-so-large pier facing the river on the west side of Chuannei City. There were a few ships docked there, so the artillerymen were specially asked to take care of them, so that the Shimadzu family in the city would not be scared and escape by boat!
So the artillerymen immediately began to dispatch the artillery after hearing the order, and began to prepare for the launch.

After the servant army approached the city of Chuannei, and they were about to enter the range of the enemy's bow and arrow, they suddenly screamed together, raised their wooden shields and rushed to the deer village in front. They didn't want to be slow at this moment Stay under the bows and arrows for more time, they must dismantle these deer villages as quickly as possible, otherwise, they may die even more!

Just when the servant army started to attack the Luzhai, Shimadzu also yelled at the archers on the top of the city to start shooting arrows to stop the skeleton army trying to dismantle the Luzhai. They still haven't figured out the identity of this army yet. !

With the sound of clappers on the city, the Japanese archers who had already prepared began to shoot at the servants outside the city.

For a while, the sky was full of arrows, and they fell towards the ranks of the servants. Fortunately, the servants still had shields in their hands to resist, so they hurriedly followed the method taught by the Fubo army, put the shields on top of their heads, and combined them together , forming a wooden roof, everyone hid under the shield, and most of the arrows set on the city fell on the shield, making a sound of tuk tuk, so the roof formed by this layer of wooden shield The ground was immediately covered with arrows, but some arrows still shot in through the gap, so they immediately caused damage to the servant army, and some servant soldiers immediately fell to the ground wailing, they did not have the armor of the Fubo army, only A few officials received a leather armor, and their protection was much weaker than that of the regular army of the Fubo Army. Although they were facing the rain of arrows, these servants did not dare to stop and continued to run towards Luzhai. The army, followed by the supervising team, did not want to die and could only continue to charge.

"Launch!" A leader commanded the archers of the Fubo Army, and immediately began to fire the crossbow arrows towards the top of the city. With the sound of the continuous crossbow strings, the crossbow arrows immediately flew to the top of the city. They immediately fought back, and the Japanese archers on the city wall were immediately shot down by the oncoming crossbow arrows. Most of them were shot in the chest and abdomen. Even if they didn't die, they could only fall down and scream called!
"Boom..." There was also a roar at the artillery position at the same time. This time they used a volley, and twenty thunder cannons fired together, smashing the projectiles to the top of the city of Chuannei. Above, the city was bustling right now. When the iron bullet hit the stones or bricks on the top of the city, a large piece of rubble immediately burst up, beating the Japanese on the top of the city until they ran away with their heads in their arms. Fu Nong Shimadzu was also frightened by this round of shelling. He was pinned down by several guards on the spot, and lay on the ground of the city wall, covered in dust.

"Baga! What is this?" Shimadzu spat out the dust in his mouth, and cursed in a terrified and angry tone.

"My lord! This is probably the kind of thunder from the Skeleton Army that the people who came back said! It's really powerful!" A family general turned his head and looked at the big hole that was blown out of the tower behind him and replied with surprise.

"My lord! This place is too dangerous, you'd better go down and supervise the battle!" A loyal general hurriedly pulled Shimadzu Fu Nong up and shouted.

Shimadzu didn't dare to be brave, and quickly ordered some generals on the city to stick to the city wall, saying that they could not let the skeleton army hit the city, and then hurriedly under the protection of several generals, ran down the wall.

Li Bo shook his head abruptly and said, "Damn it, this guy ran away! What a fucking coward! Let's take it slow!" There were a few poisonous snakes beside him, who were lying on the ground and manipulating several sniper crossbows. I saw that Fu Nong Shimadzu in gorgeous armor was about to come directly to capture the thief and capture the king, but Shimadzu got up and ran down the city wall, never to be seen again.

Several Viper members who were in charge of operating the sniper crossbow also yelled regret, Li Bo looked at the top of the city wall, and then greeted them: "Don't be stupid, those guys with armor on the city wall are all officials. Let me shoot them one by one, and I'll see if the rest of the rabble can be used!"

So these subordinates immediately separated to find their own targets and started aiming.

The Japanese generals on the city wall kept kicking up the archers who were huddled under the parapet, and ordered them to continue shooting arrows. At this time, the servants outside the city had already rushed to the side of the deer village, and desperately began to demolish them. These deer strongholds blocking the way cleared the way for the army behind. At this time, the city began to shoot arrows again. Some servants were moving the deer strongholds. They couldn't escape and were shot to the ground immediately.

At this time, several officials from the Shimadzu family and nephews on the city wall suddenly wailed and fell to the ground one after another. Everyone had a heavy arrow nailed to their chest or neck, and the entire arrow feather Almost through the body, these guys who were shot by the arrow were reimbursed on the city wall on the spot, and they were loyal to their master Shimadzu Funon.

As they were killed, the city wall became even more chaotic. Without a unified command, some of these Japanese archers were still shooting arrows to resist, and some were so frightened that they lay down under the parapet, saying nothing. Woke up.

Under the suppression of many machine crossbows and artillery, the counterattack on the city wall was immediately weakened, reducing the casualties of many servants. While carrying those deer villages, the servants were somewhat grateful to these masters in their hearts. At least they did not stand idly by. Waiting for yourself to be shot to death and following them doesn't seem to be a bad thing!So these servants worked even harder.

The wharf of Chuannei City was also hit by shells at this time, and a boat was hit on the spot. This kind of inland watercraft could not be compared with sea boats. The sailors were also frightened and ran away, which meant that even Shimadzu's way of escaping from the river was cut off!
Hearing is believing, seeing is believing. Now the Japanese people in Sichuan City completely understand that the legendary Skeleton Army is powerful, and it is by no means a lie. Although they are on the top of the city and occupy an absolute advantage in this war, they He was still injured by the sharp attack of the skeleton army, but he only caused little loss to the enemy.

Seeing that the counterattack on the top of the city was getting weaker and weaker, the servant army also became interested, broke through the deer village and rushed to the trench in front of the city. Some Japanese used local materials and took out their regular bags. Under the cover of the shield, they started to load the sand and ran towards the trenches with sandbags on their shoulders, saying that they were to fill the trenches. In fact, they didn’t need them to fill all the trenches at all. They only needed to fill in a section of road and pass through. So they concentrated At one point, one after another began to throw sandbags into the ditch filled with bamboo thorns.

But at this moment, behind the excavated earthwork on the opposite side of the trench, a row of Japanese archers suddenly appeared. These people were all people who had ambushed outside the city in advance by Shimadzu. The purpose was to intercept the Fubo army from approaching the trench. Underneath, the servants were immediately shot by the bows and arrows that came from the flat. Some people who had just rushed to the side of the ditch immediately wailed and fell into the ditch. The guts were rotten, the blood splattered everywhere, and the undead kept screaming shrillly under the trench.

Yang Zaixing frowned, he also expected that the opponent might reserve an ambush on the opposite side of the trench, so he rode his horse to the artillery position and shouted: "Come on! Bring some of our precious flower bombs, aim at the opposite side of the trench, How many times are they going to be ruthless!"

So the artillerymen did not hesitate to take out a box of blooming ammunition that had been treasured for a long time, and immediately took out the gunners who distributed them to the various Leigong cannons. After a while, they were busy, and after loading them, they immediately shot towards the opposite side of the trench.

This round of rapid shooting was accurate and ruthless, almost in no particular order, and it landed among the Japanese on the opposite side of the ditch. As a result, most of the very competitive ones exploded one after another, and there was an immediate sound among the Japanese. There was a roar, and the sand and soil from the explosion flew to Lao Gao, which also carried some people's bodies, stumps and other objects, and immediately dispersed the Japanese people on the opposite side of the trench.

As soon as they saw the Satsuma army messing up, these servants immediately got up their courage again, picked up the sandbags and threw them into the trench, and the crossbowmen behind them also approached a little bit forward, crossing their heads in a scattered way, against them. The Satsuma army on the city wall and across the trench suppressed them. They had practiced this method for a long time, and they used it very skillfully. It also opened the eyes of the servants, and they respected the Fubo army in their hearts .

In this way, they kept cooperating, and the servants also exerted their strength to fill the trench with their lives. After paying the lives of more than 200 people, they gradually filled the trench in front of the city gate. There is a way.

After Yang Zaixing saw that the passage had been opened, he ordered the artillery to concentrate their firepower and began to bombard the city towers and gates without hesitation. They didn't prepare ladders and other things, so they couldn't climb the city and compete with the enemy for the city wall. Therefore, they still used the old method, blasting open the city gate, and then led troops into the city from the city gate to completely eliminate the Japanese army.

(In order to celebrate the rest of my life after the catastrophe, I specially updated [-] words today to celebrate! Do you want to give me some pimples and comfort my panicked heart? Haha!)

(End of this chapter)

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