Great Song Pirate

Chapter 555 Saga's Death

Chapter 555 Saga's Death
The fleet in charge of the right wing is the fleet of Hizen Kingdom, and the leader of the troops is Saga Yoshitsune, the cousin of Saga Daitong, the lord of Hizen Kingdom. Over the years, Hizen Kingdom has been frequently harassed by skeleton pirates, so they treat the Skeleton Army They also hated it deeply. This time, because of the Koryo pirates who appeared inexplicably around the Hizen country, they didn't plan to join the war, but because the Koryo pirates suddenly disappeared, they immediately mobilized ships and troops to rush to the battle. When I arrived in Satsuma, I joined the crusade against the skeleton army.

Saga is the captain of their expedition this time, and was appointed by Muto to be in charge of the right wing of the fleet. Just before the battle, Muto sent an order to him to speed up and intercept the skeleton pirates' fleet to prevent them from leaving from the right side. , Saga faithfully carried out Muto's order, and immediately commanded his ships to start moving forward, forming a wedge shape, trying to intercept the ships of these skeleton pirates rushing towards the right.

Wang Feng looked at the right-wing fleet consisting of dozens of Japanese boats lying in front of their fleet, and he didn't bother to care whose fleet they were. Live in our fleet, they really think too highly of themselves!"

At this time, the vanguard of the Japanese fleet was in a mess. Although they were still chasing their own fleet, because of the obstruction of the chaotic ships in front of them, they had distanced themselves from their own fleet for a while, so Wang Feng Immediately after communicating with Mizumao, the fleet of messengers immediately rushed towards the Japanese army's right-wing fleet that was trying to intercept them.

The scene that happened just now fell into Saga's eyes. He knew the strength of the skeleton army, but this time the fighting power of the skeleton pirates far exceeded his previous knowledge of them. , Only when he saw the skeleton pirate Natong beating the vanguard ships, he immediately turned pale with fright, and he soon saw the huge warships of these skeleton pirates. After launching a burst of fierce attacks, he immediately left the central fleet , rushed towards his right wing, and now he was a little numb!

Take a look at the ships he brought, although there are a lot of them, but compared with those giant ships of the skeleton pirates, he is simply a beggar and a landlord richer, and he is simply a pile of garbage. Just now he wanted to intercept them according to Muto's request For the skeleton pirates, it was because he thought that the central fleet could entangle these skeleton pirate ships, and he only had to be responsible for intercepting individual skeleton army warships trying to break away from the battle group!But now when he saw that the fleet of the skeleton army gave up the duel with the central fleet and chose to attack his right-wing fleet with the whole army, he began to regret his decision. One or two, two or three warships of the Skeleton Army might be okay for a fight, but it would be a dream if these ships wanted to stop all the [-] warships of the Skeleton Army!

Muto stayed far away on his ship in the middle of the fleet, and he also saw the plan of the Skeleton Army fleet. Let the Skeleton Army's fleet leave the battlefield, and even attack his own fleet from the right wing, so he didn't care whether Saga's power could intercept the Skeleton Army's fleet, and immediately ordered someone to send an order to Saga, ordering In any case, he had to stop the Skeleton Army's fleet and give his main fleet time to surround the opponent.

When he heard the sound of drums and horns from Muto's boat, Saga's face turned green, and he thought to himself, you damn Muto, isn't this asking us to die?We now have such an elite navy in the Hizen Kingdom. Let us fight these terrifying skeleton army fleets. Doesn't that mean that we are stretching our necks and being hacked with knives?But at this time, he has no way out. The skeleton army fleet is coming very fast, and his position is just on the way they must pass. At this time, even if he wants to avoid it, it is already too late late.

So Saga could only bite the bullet and pass on the order, ordering his dozens of ships to form a battle formation, aiming at the Skeleton Army's fleet and surrounding them. Apart from fighting to the death, he has no choice but to escape now. It is inevitable that Fujiwara Shun of Dazaifu will condemn him. In that case, it will cause great losses to their Saga family!

Wang Feng led these [-] warships to cut in front of a huge Japanese fleet, leaving behind more than a dozen burning Japanese ships, and broke into Saga's right-wing fleet like a tiger. among.

Although Wang Feng and the others do not want to fight the Japanese in close combat, they are afraid of being entangled and unable to escape, but the current situation is not a good choice for them. After all, Muto is not an idiot. The central fleet formed a pincer shape. If they wanted to break away from the Japanese fleet, they had to immediately turn around and retreat towards the southeast. It was more dangerous to catch up and stick to them, so after weighing the pros and cons with Mizumao, he immediately chose to break through the right wing of the Japanese fleet, kill them and then break away from the Japanese!

Thirty warships accompanied Wang Feng's Azure Dragon in a uniform order. With him as the leader, he quickly adjusted to the front arrow formation, swept over the Japanese ships on the right, and once used the ship's artillery and crossbows to violently fuck them. In one fell swoop, the ships that came out from the right side of the Japanese fleet were hit all over again, and immediately more than a dozen Japanese ships were damaged. They were either knocked out a few holes by the Thunder Cannon, or they were hit by kerosene bombs. The smoke and fire prevented them from adhering to their own fleet immediately, and they just rushed straight into the Saga Division's fleet that was starting to fight.

"Strengthen the boats! Hit and sink them!" Seeing that his fleet had broken away from the Japanese central fleet and entered their right-wing fleet, Wang Feng immediately chose the most favorable strategy for them. It's a collision.

So the thirty warships immediately selected a Japanese ship as their target, and the sailors adjusted their sails, turned the rudder, dispersed immediately, and slammed into these Japanese ships ferociously.

"Shoot the arrows! Shoot them with rockets! Hurry up and shoot the arrows!" Saga looked at the towering skeleton warships rushing over aggressively, and exclaimed, at this moment they finally had a chance to fight back, and they The most powerful weapons at present are just these bows in their hands, and the rocket is the only thing they can threaten the skeleton army warship.

So those Japanese who approached the Fubo Army ships began to put rockets tied with tarpaulins on their bows, and after igniting them, they shot towards the Fubo Army ships like crazy.

The soldiers on the Fubo military ship also started to fight back against them unceremoniously. For a while, the Japanese right-wing fleet was suddenly full of excitement, the roar of the Thunder Cannon, the flames and smoke from the muzzle, and the kerosene bombs fired by the ballista. As well as the side crossbows on the ship and the arrows fired by the archers and jumping helpers, they immediately splashed all over the Sagabe ships, everywhere was full of the breath of death, and there were screams everywhere.

The advantage of the height of the ships came into play at this time. The ships of the Fubo Army were much higher than the Japanese ships, so when the Japanese shot arrows, the Fubo Army members could rely on the guards on the ship's side to carry out the battle. Defense, but when they fired arrows at the Japanese boats, they shot them from top to bottom. The Japanese were not so lucky, they didn’t even have a place to hide, they could only rely on some of their wooden shields to cover their heads Arrow rain, once the two armies are engaged in battle, they will judge each other. These ships armed to the teeth by the Fubo army have become extremely efficient killing machines. Each ship has fully utilized all their advantages. Cannonballs, kerosene bombs, rockets, crossbow bolts and other weapons rained down on Saga's ships.

Now Saga was very happy, he grabbed a shield in one hand, put it on his head to block arrows, and held a Japanese sword in the other hand to call Diao Ling, he was so busy that he was still shouting He is really busy enough to command his own ship to avoid the collision of those skeleton army ships!

With the intrusion of the ships of the Fubo Army, some Japanese ships that could not dodge were hit by them heavily. The result was that there was no suspense. How could those Japanese ships with small and thin skins be the opponents of the fierce ships of the Fubo Army? Some Japanese boats were hit with broken tendons and bones, and the boats capsized and oars, but the ships of the Fubo Army were basically not damaged, at most, some of the bows of the ships were slightly damaged!
After the towering sails have eaten enough sea wind, they provide sufficient power for the warships of the Fubo Army. Although they will also stagnate when they hit the Japanese ships, they can either directly jump from the smaller Japanese ships. The ship crushed them, or knocked them apart on the spot, and the Japanese ships that intercepted them basically did not delay them. In this way, thirty warships rushed into the Japanese fleet like a broken bamboo, as if entering a land of no one. , all kinds of murderous weapons were sprayed out of it, killing Saga's fleet directly and screaming to the sky.

Seeing his fleet being slaughtered like chickens and ducks, Saga was already furious at the moment, pointing the knife in his hand at the oncoming warships flying the skeleton flag, "Baga!" Stop, but there is no way, some Japanese people seem to be smarter, when the Fubo Army's ships passed by their ships, they braved the rain of arrows, holding some cupping cans filled with grease, and smashed at them. The warships of the Fubo Army ignited some big fires on it, which caused some troubles to the Fubo Army. Besides, they had no better means of attack.

Saga opened his mouth and said another bhaga, but before he finished speaking, he felt something flying towards him, so he instinctively raised the wooden shield, trying to block it, but he felt the shield in his hand shake suddenly, and the wooden shield It was pierced through, and a sharp arrow directly penetrated his wooden shield, pierced into his chest unabated, and flew out with his body!

(End of this chapter)

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