Chapter 556
Looking at the rout of the right-wing fleet, the fragments of ships floating on the sea, and the generals struggling in the sea, the veins on Hirobumi Muto's forehead popped.

The Saga Fleet of the Hizen Kingdom hadn't done any meritorious service in this battle, but it had been completely maimed by the Skeleton Pirates' fleet, but they left a piece of broken ships behind, and then turned to the southeast direction and sailed away.

Muto seemed to feel that he had been slapped heavily by someone. With such strong strength, he faced these thirty or so enemy ships. After some fighting, he lost dozens of ships, but even one None of the enemy ships remained, and even the fur didn't really hurt the opponent.

Such a result is obviously unacceptable to him, and also unacceptable to everyone in his fleet. Muto was angry, and all the Japanese were angry, as if their women were raped face to face. This kind of anger made them lose All calm.

"All of them! Chase me! Don't let them run away!" Muto, who was ashen-faced, screamed angrily, pointing to the fleets sailing away with skeleton battle flags. The result was that he Unacceptable, he must completely wipe out these skeleton pirates on this sea.

At this time, there was news that General Saga of the Hizen Kingdom had died in battle. This news was like a blow to Muto. After the ravages, the two countries can almost be said to be close to each other, supporting each other, and the relationship is quite good, but because of his order, that Saga was actually killed on the spot today, and he even felt a little guilty about such a thing.

"I swear I won't be human if I don't kill all these damned skeleton pirates!" Muto slapped his hand heavily on the fence of the ship.

As a result, another thousand-sail race was staged on the sea, and many Japanese boats desperately chased the thirty skeleton warships that were retreating southeast, as if they were a group of mad dogs. During the chase, the Japanese fleet gradually began to disperse again. Due to their different ship types, some of them were faster and some of them were slower. In order to chase the skeleton army fleet ahead, they had to The fast boats were not allowed to run ahead, leaving those slow boats staggering behind. The fleet that was originally huddled together began to be pulled into a long line during this chase. Mixed together, the generals of any country completely lost contact with the fleet he brought, and became a mess.

A small island appeared in the northeast of them, which is Mamao Island to the west of Tanegashima, but at the moment few Japanese are interested in paying attention to that tiny place, all their attention is focused on the fleeing ahead Those skeleton pirates.

Wang Feng and the water cat on the Zhiyuan, which was paralleling his ship, looked at each other and smiled. The tasks Xu Yi entrusted to the two of them have obviously been completely completed, and the rest depends on Xu Yi's main fleet. The show is over, now what they have to do is to continue to drag these Japanese people downwind, let them follow their farts all the way!

After the battle, their fleet could not be said to be unscathed. Some ships were ignited by the fire oil tanks thrown by the Japanese. Although the brothers on board fought hard to put out the fire, the hull was burnt black. A large area, the surface of the ship plate formed a carbon layer, and when fighting with the right-wing fleet of the Japanese army, some people in the fleet were injured by arrows, causing them some casualties. Busyly deal with these wounded, in order to minimize the loss, and the sails of some ships were hit by rockets, and some small holes were burned out. A little bit of damage and some slight water seepage, but overall, compared to the losses of the Japanese, this battle is really nothing to mention, and it is far from the point where they will be hurt.

When the Japanese fleet passed through the sea south of Ma Mao Island and chased Wang Feng and Shuimao's fleet all the way south, there were countless pairs of eyes watching the scene on the other side of Ma Mao Island. Xu Yi even disregarded the dissuasion of Cui Yan and others, and climbed into the mainmast crane himself, carefully observed the scene on the sea with his binoculars, a smile gradually appeared on his face, when he saw After all the Japanese ships passed the southern tip of Mamao Island, and watched their fleet gradually being dragged into a long and scattered line, Xu Yi put away the binoculars, grabbed the rope ladder, quickly slid down the bucket, and returned to the above the deck of the ship.

At this time, all the generals had returned to their own ships, and the entire Fubo Army fleet was filled with a thick murderous aura. As soon as Xu Yi returned to the ship tower, Cui Yan immediately put on the clothes for him. With a cloak, Xu Yi shook his finger and pointed to the Japanese fleet heading southeast, and ordered sternly: "All ships have it! Lift anchor and set sail immediately, it's time for us to go to battle!"

The standard-bearer on the Zongheng waving a small flag quickly conveyed Xu Yi's order to all the ships, and then led by the Zongheng, the sailors on all the warships immediately pushed the winch, and with the creaking sound of the winch, The anchor was slowly lifted from the bottom of the sea, and more sailors were struggling to pull the sail ropes, and huge sails were slowly raised. This scene of thousands of sails rising together made everyone feel a little nervous. A feeling of excitement, the captains of each ship kept giving various instructions to the sailors on the ship, driven by the sails, the ships moved one by one, and slowly left Ma Mao Island, appearing in above the vast ocean.

This is a historic duel, and it is also the first super-large-scale naval battle in the history of the Japanese nation. This battle is the first for the Japanese, but for the Fubo Army, it is also the first time for such a large-scale naval battle. Both sides have used almost all the forces that can be mobilized. For both of them, this battle is not only a test of their fighting spirit, but also a test of their ability to control their respective fleets. So for Xu Yi, although so far, Everything is under their control, but when they are facing a real duel, he, Sun Hai and others also do not feel the slightest ease, because this battle is not only related to the fate of the Japanese Xikaidao Dazaifu, but also to their ambush. The future fate of the Polish army!

A series of ships flying the skull battle flag sailed out of Ma Mao Island and entered the wide waters. Then, with the Crossbar as the center, they formed a large wedge-shaped formation to follow the Japanese fleet, and they also sailed downwind in a mighty way.

The warships selected by Xu Yi this time are all Jiangbei ships, Fuchuan ships, and Guangzhou ships suitable for sea navigation. In addition, there are some lighter sea falcon clippers, and their speeds are relatively among the contemporary ship types. Some of the fastest ship types, and the sandships used for Yang Zaixing's infantry were all left in Chiweimu Port to prevent the speed of the fleet from being affected by the slower sandships, because this is a pure naval battle, and the fight is all about speed and flexibility, and the square boat (sand boat) with a wide body and a fat body is not suitable for this kind of occasion, although it runs smoothly.

As soon as the fleet left the shield of Mamao Island, the sails of all the ships were immediately filled with the sea breeze, and the speed of the entire fleet increased rapidly, and due to the superior ship shape of Jiangbei ships, it also determined that they became The vanguard of the entire fleet, all surrounding the Crossbar, acted as arrows in front of the wedge formation. The sharp bow cut through the waves, and each of them rushed towards the staggering and staggering ship that was slowly following the big ship like sharp arrows. Those clumsy Japanese boats that go.

"Look quickly! Why is there a fleet of ships behind us?" Finally, a Japanese sailor looked behind them inadvertently, and the boss suddenly stared at them, and shouted at some colleagues on the ship.

Following his cry, the Japanese soldiers on the boat he was on turned their heads and turned their attention to the sea behind them. Immediately, the eyeballs of these people also tended to protrude from their sockets. Some people couldn't believe themselves Seeing something, they rubbed their eyes vigorously again. When they were sure that they were not hallucinating, someone pulled their throat and screamed wildly with a trembling voice: "Enemy attack! There are a large number of enemies behind us!" Ship! Enemy attack..."

As the Japanese on their ship ran up and down like grasshoppers, gesticulating and yelling at nearby ships, some Japanese on the last ships of the Japanese fleet also followed the direction of their fingers Looking towards the sea behind him, it turned out that the faces of these people also turned green at the same time.

Because as long as their eyes are not blind, they can clearly see a larger fleet appearing on the sea behind them, chasing them rapidly. What makes them feel heartbroken is that all the ships on board They all flew the black skull flag high.

The size of this fleet is far greater than that of the skeleton pirates who fought against them just now, and the ships in this fleet are taller and mightier than the fleet they are chasing now Some, their sails stretched for several miles behind them, forming a large area, with forest-like masts and cloud-like sails, making them unable to see for a while how many ships there were in the fleet flying the skull flag. This fleet will never come to watch the fun.

As a result, the Japanese soldiers who landed on the last Japanese boat were completely shocked, and some leaders hurriedly ordered the trumpeter on the boat to sound the horn, and sent the news forward.

(End of this chapter)

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