Chapter 554
Shui Mao and Wang Feng stood on their own boats, looking at the extremely large fleet that appeared in front of them. Even for them, this was the first time they had seen such a huge fleet. And out!
But for them, such a huge fleet did not give them any sense of fear at all. At most, they were a little surprised after seeing the number of the opponent!

This time the two came out mainly with Wang Feng, so Wang Feng immediately ordered to the fleet: "The fleet turns right and paddles in front of them, the gunners are ready, first give them a ruthless pass and let them taste it. Pay attention to the ship, don't get entangled with each other without authorization, remember to keep a distance from them!"

In fact, he doesn't need to explain these things, the captains of the ships also know what to do. Although they are full of confidence in the sturdiness of their ships, they are not arrogant enough to think that they can take down the menacing opponents with just a few ships. The hundreds of Japanese boats that came over were all eaten in one fell swoop, and they knew the truth that too many ants could kill an elephant.

The fleet maintained a very uniform formation as a whole, and began to turn the rudder, cutting towards Muto's fleet at a certain angle. The gunners on the ships with artillery in the fleet had already completed preparations for loading. Everyone held their breath. Although they didn't feel scared, when they were really close to such a huge fleet of the other side, everyone was more or less worried. This is also a normal human reaction.

Muto looked at the Skeleton Army fleet on the opposite side, and quickly understood what they meant, so he immediately ordered the right-wing fleet to speed up, move forward some distance, and prepare to intercept the Skeleton Army fleet. I feel some admiration for the courage of the skeleton pirates. When they faced their own fleet, they didn't choose to escape, but still maintained the posture of facing the battle. Just this one point, you can see the ferocity of the pirates on the other side , but he had another thought in his mind. These pirates seemed to be a little overwhelmed. No matter how powerful they were, they still had an absolute disadvantage in numbers, so a sneer appeared at the corner of their mouths.

After sailing relatively for a period of time, the two fleets, which were completely incomparable in number, got closer and closer. When they approached to a distance of about one mile, Wang Feng immediately gave an order: "Command All ships open fire! Give them a hard hit!"

As the Qinglong fired first, the ships equipped with artillery in the Fubo Army fleet that appeared in a column also roared at the same time. At this time, the fleet of thirty ships, like a fire-breathing fire dragon, smashed dozens of iron pellets heavily on the last part of the Muto fleet amidst a roar. For the ships in front, the gunners almost didn't have to aim too much, and they didn't have to worry that the shells they fired would fall into the open space, because the Japanese ships were too dense to hit one, and would always hit the other.

After this round of artillery attack, the ships in front of the Japanese fleet were shot one after another, and the iron bullets made holes one after another in their ships. The sails of some ships were torn out immediately after being shot. The huge hole caused a lot of casualties in the unmanned fleet. Some unlucky guys were shot on the spot and caught the projectiles of the Thunder Cannon with their bodies. The result was immediately turned into bloody stumps and scattered. out.

That is to say, this round of shelling immediately disrupted the formation in front of the Japanese fleet. Basically, it was the first time they had seen such a weapon, so when they saw the flames emitted by this Thunder Cannon , When I heard the huge roar it made, I was completely shocked, so I started to panic, not knowing how to deal with such a blow.

Muto was also inevitably taken aback by this round of shelling. He was one of the few people who had heard of the Thunder Cannon owned by the Skeleton Army. For this mysterious weapon passed on by the traitors of Miyamoto, He also wanted to see its power for a long time, and today he finally got his wish. Looking at the ships of his own who were shot in front, and the flames spewing out from the skeleton army ships, he also Was shocked by this weapon.

"Baga! Is this the kind of thunder gun that Miyamoto and the others are talking about? It's really powerful!" One of Muto's family generals sighed involuntarily.

"Don't worry about this, order the fleet to rush up immediately and get close to them. At such a distance, we will only be beaten! Beat the drums! Quickly beat the drums and let the fleet surround them!" Following the emotion of the family general, Muto also immediately Waking up from the shock, he ordered loudly.

Immediately there was a rush of drumming on his boat, and the drumming soon spread to all the ships of the Japanese. Although the Japanese were caught off guard by this round of attack and their morale was depressed, they After all, their strength is still here, and this round of attack is far from hurting them, so they immediately mustered up their courage again, and the generals of various countries also sent orders to beat the drums, ordering the ships under their jurisdiction to Surround them as soon as possible, stick to the ships of the Skeleton Army and fight again.

While the Japanese were busy, Wang Feng and Shuimao's fleet was not idle either. Their first round of bombardment did not cause much damage to the enemy, at most they only damaged the front ships of the opponent, disrupting them. They were very clear about the formation in front, so the gunners immediately began to load frantically again, and prepared for the second round of shelling in the shortest possible time.

Following Wang Feng's order, there was another rumbling cannon sound, and dozens of projectiles were smashed at the Japanese fleet again.

This time the effect seems to be better. The two Japanese boats running ahead, because of the small size of the boat and the heavy blows on the bow, immediately began to flood the boat. A boat could not withstand such a blow, and even began to Disintegrated, the Japanese soldiers on the ship jumped into the sea like dumplings, for fear that they would be brought in when the ship sank.

But such a blow did not prevent the rest of the Japanese ships from swarming up. A large number of Japanese ships kept their original course and rushed towards Wang Feng and his fleet. After two rounds of shelling, they narrowed the distance many.

"Release the ballista! Let's light a few of their ships first, we can't let them stick to us, the fleet immediately turns around, cuts to their right-wing fleet, kills them and leaves!" Wang Feng saw a large number of enemy ships starting to attack us. After approaching them, he ordered loudly.

At this time, the ballistas of each ship also started to fire. This time, their firepower has been improved by more than one level compared to the shelling just now. After all, the Thunder Cannon is expensive and relatively troublesome to manufacture. Those who can be equipped with the Thunder Cannon Most of the most elite ships, and most of the rest of the ships still use crossbows as the main weapon of battle. What's more, when Xu Yi dispatched troops this time, he also spent a lot of money, and any ship was equipped with ten or eight. Yes, so as soon as the Japanese fleet entered the range of the ballista, they immediately suffered bad luck. Immediately, one or two hundred pieces of smoking kerosene flew out of the thirty Fubo army ships. With a single blow, a single trail of smoke was drawn in the sky, and then quickly fell into the Japanese fleet.

Now the Japanese fleet immediately became lively. Some Japanese ships were hit by iron bullets from thunder guns just now, but they haven't hurt their muscles and bones yet, but the kerosene bombs from the crossbow guns are very difficult for wooden ships like them. Undoubtedly more powerful than the solid projectiles of Lei Gong Pao, although some kerosene bombs fired by ballistas missed the target, a considerable number of kerosene bombs fell on the Japanese ship, and the result was that the fragments flew randomly, and the fire The oil splashed everywhere, and a raging fire immediately burst into flames on some Japanese ships!
Some Japanese soldiers were unlucky and splashed some fire oil on their bodies, so they were immediately burned into turkeys, howling and bumping around.

The Japanese ships that had just approached the Fubo Army finally became a mess under this round of blows.

"Baga! These damned skeleton pirates have installed so many ballistas! Beat the drums to send orders, don't mess up! Go up, go up and fight!" Finally, I have learned how powerful the Skeleton Army is. Although there are many ships and soldiers in their own fleet, they do not have the long-range firepower like the Skeleton Army. All of their ships are only the ships he brought and the part of the Osumi Kingdom. Some ballistas imitating skeleton pirates were installed on the ship, but he had sent the fleet of Osumi Kingdom to the north of Tanegashima, while the ships of his Chikuzen Kingdom were still in the middle of the fleet, unable to fight against the skeleton army at all, so At such a distance, they can only be beaten, but have no ability to fight back. This battle made them a little depressed.

Clouds of thick smoke rose from the sea, all of which came out of the Japanese ships that were ignited after being hit by kerosene bombs. What made them feel terrible was that the kerosene contained in these kerosene bombs was far less than that Ordinary kerosene, once it burns, even the sea water can't be extinguished!Moreover, after this kind of kerosene was burned, it was so powerful that the Japanese people on the Japanese boats ran around crying and crying for their mothers.

After disrupting the ships surrounding the Japanese fleet, Wang Feng immediately commanded the fleet, adjusted its course, turned to crosswind, drew an arc in front of the Japanese fleet, and rubbed against their fleet. In the past, like a sharp knife, it stabbed fiercely into the right wing of the Japanese fleet.

(End of this chapter)

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